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YorkeDaddy 08-22-2018 02:53 PM

That’s funny that you say it’s nothing like games from the 90’s when to me it specifically IS, because the games that the Arkham series reminds me of most are Super Metroid and Castlevania: Symphony of the Night...both 90’s masterpieces. The Arkham series rewards exploration and curiosity, and creativity in the way you handle battles and stealth sections. And it has a beautiful focus on atmosphere and tone, while also giving you a dearth of optional content if you want or a clear path to the story goals if that’s what you’d rather do. “Shallow” and “unfocused design” as descriptors are just flat out wrong on so many levels to me, as the combat is incredibly deep (try those higher difficulty combat challenges, I dare you), and each design decision is so well fleshed out and explored in so many different facets and contexts throughout the game that I just find it downright baffling that someone could feel that way.

It almost feels hypocritical that you look for interesting designs or focused gameplay yet you heap praise on the most barebones, copy+paste, stick-with-the-status-quo franchise in gaming history aka Dynasty Warriors. I mean dear god. Arkham Asylum is one of the most innovative titles of the 21st century. How could one desire “interesting” games and then love something like Dynasty Warriors or ****ing arcade shoot ‘em ups. At least be consistent with what you like.

The Batlord 08-22-2018 03:04 PM

I think you're looking for the opposite of "dearth".

YorkeDaddy 08-22-2018 03:05 PM


Originally Posted by 66Sexy (Post 1989675)
I think you're looking for the opposite of "dearth".

I think youre looking for dis dick

The Batlord 08-22-2018 06:50 PM

The combat in Arkham games is fantastic. It properly gives the feeling of being a badass Batman.

Key 08-22-2018 07:35 PM

Yeah y'all that don't like the combat are probably just bad at it.

YorkeDaddy 08-22-2018 07:46 PM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 1989686)
the combat in Arkham sucks

the good parts were against enemies with guns, where it was a stealth game

I much prefer a God of War style combat system for beat em ups

Arkham combat is literally just God of War’s but with a higher skill ceiling and more emphasis on timed button presses rather than button mashing

Key 08-22-2018 07:47 PM


Originally Posted by YorkeDaddy (Post 1989700)
Arkham combat is literally just God of War’s but with a higher skill ceiling and more emphasis on timed button presses rather than button mashing

Not only that. But you feel the impact each time. At least in my experience. Feels good to get those perfect combos and take out 5 or 6 enemies at once.

The Batlord 08-22-2018 08:30 PM

My favorite is setting explosive gel traps and then leading a group of thugs into the killzone. Never gets old.

Key 08-22-2018 08:37 PM


Originally Posted by 66Sexy (Post 1989713)
My favorite is setting explosive gel traps and then leading a group of thugs into the killzone. Never gets old.

I've done that a few times. I really need to finish Asylum so I can get into City though I've been craving Fallout lately so I'm attempting to finish up Fallout 4. Getting hyped for Fallout 76.

The Batlord 08-22-2018 08:43 PM

I just paused Asylum right before the first Scarecrow platforming segment. I think I'm gonna go smoke a bowl and then get back to it.

Key 08-22-2018 08:44 PM

The Scarecrow segments are ****ing amazing. I was blown away the first time I went through one.

Key 08-22-2018 11:36 PM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 1989728)
they're not similar, GoW has combos

Arkham is "literally" like playing a QTE and was super easy up until, again, you ran into enemies with guns

Weird. You mean games have enemies that make the game difficult? What an odd concept.

MicShazam 08-22-2018 11:43 PM

Arkham: QTE Asylum

Pretty much.
But like a QTE that's generated based on enemy positions.
Not my cup of tea.

YorkeDaddy 08-23-2018 04:42 AM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 1989728)
they're not similar, GoW has combos

Arkham is "literally" like playing a QTE and was super easy up until, again, you ran into enemies with guns

Did you even play the game? The entire combat system is based around a combo counter that goes up and increases the damage of your attacks the longer the combo is kept, and at certain points during a combo you can use finishers that have to be bought with XP

Key 08-23-2018 08:54 AM


Originally Posted by YorkeDaddy (Post 1989747)
Did you even play the game? The entire combat system is based around a combo counter that goes up and increases the damage of your attacks the longer the combo is kept, and at certain points during a combo you can use finishers that have to be bought with XP


I'm gonna assume no on this one.

YorkeDaddy 08-23-2018 09:21 AM


Originally Posted by Kiiii (Post 1989767)

I'm gonna assume no on this one.

For real. The true fun is when you get good at it and you can start mixing in dodges and quickfire gadgets while keeping your combo alive. It feels SO badass to punch a couple guys, batarang a dude from afar, quickdrop an explosive gel to bop some fools, counter the guy behind you and shoot a freeze shot at the guy near him...God of War’s combat is BABY stuff compared to what you can do in Arkham, and even are forced to do at higher difficulties where any slipup means half your health bar is gone

Key 08-23-2018 09:32 AM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 1989771)
****ing fan boys jesus christ

Arkham relies on auto-combos and a parry mechanic, the finishers were not even essential nor are they combos

I've played asylum and I can guarantee that if you let go of the control, the combos stop. So no, they aren't auto combos.

Key 08-23-2018 09:35 AM

Auto combo is a odd term so I'm just responding to it. Idk what that even means

Key 08-23-2018 09:38 AM


Originally Posted by YorkeDaddy (Post 1989770)
For real. The true fun is when you get good at it and you can start mixing in dodges and quickfire gadgets while keeping your combo alive. It feels SO badass to punch a couple guys, batarang a dude from afar, quickdrop an explosive gel to bop some fools, counter the guy behind you and shoot a freeze shot at the guy near him...God of War’s combat is BABY stuff compared to what you can do in Arkham, and even are forced to do at higher difficulties where any slipup means half your health bar is gone

That's what I'm saying as well. I've never felt more impact in a combat system until I played games with it. It's so much fun to take on groups of enemies at once. It feels way more realistic than most combat systems.

MicShazam 08-23-2018 09:44 AM

It's literally the least fun combat system I can think of without resorting to mentioning broken combat systems. Not really a fan of the Devil May Cry or Ninja Gaiden games as such, but the combat in those games was still loads more fun to me.

And if anyone had played a proper amount of Dynasty Warriors, they'd know it's more about trying to be the right time at the right place than being good at fighting. And in most of those games, if you're fighting the nameless grunts at all, you're doing it wrong.
Try playing Samurai Warriors 2 on normal difficulty with a lvl 1 character and you'll see what I mean. Pointing out that DW has a simple combat system is to miss the point of DW.

MicShazam 08-23-2018 09:51 AM

Batman basically choses his own moves to some extent. If I remember anything about playing those games at all, that is a fact. If I'm wrong, then I must have hallucinated playing those games.

Key 08-23-2018 09:54 AM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 1989780)
it's a common term, google before responding

for as much time as you spend playing video games...

autocombos are executed through mashing one button vs. manual combos which require a series of different buttons pressed in sequence

traditional 3rd person brawlers like GoW have you using 10-12 different manual combos which gives you a lot more manual control of your character in combat

I'd Google but trolling is way more fun. I sort of stopped caring about the conversation when you used silly reasoning to bsck up your claims.

YorkeDaddy 08-23-2018 09:57 AM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 1989772)
I beat asylum and never ever did I break a sweat fighting thugs armed with anything but guns

I imagine if I played the mode without the parry indicator itd be balls hard, but that'd be tedious, the combat is tedious

So you played on easy mode?

I can beat God of War without ever pressing anything other than square. You will get demolished in Arkham if you’re not at the very least countering

Key 08-23-2018 09:59 AM


Originally Posted by YorkeDaddy (Post 1989786)
So you played on easy mode?

I can beat God of War without ever pressing anything other than square. You will get demolished in Arkham if you’re not at the very least countering

Countering in Shadow of War is amazingly useful all the time.

Key 08-23-2018 10:02 AM

Elph should do a let's play of Arkham do he can prove that he's far superior at gaming than all of us.

Key 08-23-2018 10:04 AM

The use of fan boy is also funny to me. Of course were fanboys. We love the game. That's not an insult.

MicShazam 08-23-2018 10:05 AM

Basic bitch combat. Elph's got no time for that.

Frownland 08-23-2018 10:06 AM

Time to merge?

Key 08-23-2018 10:06 AM

I'm not the one bitching lol

MicShazam 08-23-2018 10:07 AM


Originally Posted by Kiiii (Post 1989790)
The use of fan boy is also funny to me. Of course were fanboys. We love the game. That's not an insult.

Yes it is. A fanboy is not just someone who loves a game. It's someone who can't keep his head straight when someone badmouths it. It's a severely negatively loaded term.

Key 08-23-2018 10:07 AM


Originally Posted by MicShazam (Post 1989797)
Yes it is. A fanboy is not just someone who loves a game. It's someone who can't keep his head straight when someone badmouths it. It's a severely negatively loaded term.


MicShazam 08-23-2018 10:08 AM


Originally Posted by Kiiii (Post 1989798)


Key 08-23-2018 10:10 AM


Originally Posted by MicShazam (Post 1989799)

Yes I know it is. I just think it's a silly term to use. Elph is full of em. There are far more gaming related insults that are much worse. Fanboy is just a cop out.

MicShazam 08-23-2018 10:11 AM

oh man, we need an "unpopular opinions about video games" thread. I've got a thousand grievances to unload.

Key 08-23-2018 10:12 AM

Anyway I'll just move on. I still wanna see an elph let's play.

Key 08-23-2018 10:13 AM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 1989803)
PS I started a Fallout New Vegas playthrough after many years, now with all the DLC I haven't played before

picked Hardcore mode (cuz I'm hardcore) and built a female character with purposely ****ty stats so that it plays like a horror game

Good luck on Dead Money.

Key 08-23-2018 10:18 AM


Originally Posted by MicShazam (Post 1989802)
oh man, we need an "unpopular opinions about video games" thread. I've got a thousand grievances to unload.

The more video game threads the better.

The Batlord 08-23-2018 10:19 AM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 1989794)
the original GoW trilogy was hard as **** especially on anything above normal

I'd be goddamned impressed to see someone beat it with one button, the man is just being ridiculous

there's no trump everything parry button in those games

Have you actually tried winning a fight with just the counter button? It doesn't work. You just fight almost endlessly because counter on its own doesn't do much damage. The actual basic attacks are yeah basically a QTE, but the point isn't playing a fighting game or even Devil May Cry game, it's positioning and tactics. The Arkham games aren't fighting games, they're Batman simulators; if you had to be able to pull off complex fighting game combos just to make Batman look and feel like Batman then it would be frustrating rather than empowering. This is why the combat is as much stealth, weapons, maneuvering, how you start a fight, etc as it is actual fighting. The game has to make you feel like Batman was also balancing the skill ceiling for doing so, otherwise the only people who'd get to feel like Bats would be lameass Git Gud bros.

Key 08-23-2018 10:25 AM

And Bat comes in for the kill.

Frownland 08-23-2018 10:25 AM


Originally Posted by Kiiii (Post 1989806)
The more video game threads the better.


This is what you're looking for:

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