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Key 06-01-2018 12:02 PM

Fallout 76
So, we all know by now that Bethesda is teasing another Fallout game titled Fallout 76. We don't know much aside from a teaser trailer and some rumors. What are you guys expecting? I don't know if we'll get a full single player RPG again but I feel like Bethesda are really good about misleading their fan base, in a good way.

Either way. This is good news.

Exo 06-01-2018 01:20 PM

Heard a lot of rumors that it's going to be a Battle Royal style game to cash in on the hoopla that Fortnite has started. I don't buy too much into it though.

Still...John Denver? Interesting.

Key 06-01-2018 02:15 PM

I'm not putting too much time into the rumors because if I've learned anything from Bethesda, it's that I'm usually wrong with assumptions. I'll be excited to see what they do. Apparently it's sort of a "rebuilding from the apocalypse" type deal. I'll be curious to see how they implement that. Excited that their panel is on a Sunday for E3.

Ol’ Qwerty Bastard 06-01-2018 02:26 PM

it’s confirmed to be a multiplayer survival game by one of the devs. would link his twitter but i’m on mobile atm. he said it won’t be comparable to Elder Scrolls Online but doesnt want the fanbase getting excited for another single player experience because they will be disappointed.

The Batlord 06-01-2018 02:30 PM

Can we have less Bethesda and more Obsidian?

Key 06-01-2018 02:31 PM


Originally Posted by Ol’ Qwerty Bastard (Post 1956972)
it’s confirmed to be a multiplayer survival game by one of the devs. would link his twitter but i’m on mobile atm. he said it won’t be comparable to Elder Scrolls Online but doesnt want the fanbase getting excited for another single player experience because they will be disappointed.

Well I hope it's still good.


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1956979)
Can we have less Bethesda and more Obsidian?

Oh god yes. New Vegas 2 anyone?

The Batlord 06-01-2018 02:45 PM

**** that, I wanna see what China's like.

Ol’ Qwerty Bastard 06-01-2018 02:48 PM

fallout 4 made me want another elder scrolls single player title more than anything else

i mean dont get me wrong it didnt ruin fallout and i still think this game will have potential but i wanna sword fight some ****.

The Batlord 06-01-2018 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by Ol’ Qwerty Bastard (Post 1956997)
fallout 4 made me want another elder scrolls single player title more than anything else

i mean dont get me wrong it didnt ruin fallout and i still think this game will have potential but i wanna sword fight some ****.

I'd be down for a reinvention of the combat system tbh. I'm a stealth sniper just about every time so it doesn't really bother me but the melee combat could do with some actual subtlety. Only time I ever go melee when I have the choice is when I'm sneaking up on a mother****er in Skyrim with twin daggers.

Akai 06-01-2018 05:09 PM


Originally Posted by Kiiii (Post 1956980)
New Vegas 2 anyone?

Yes please.

Goofle 06-01-2018 06:54 PM

Just excitement.

Key 06-01-2018 07:37 PM


Originally Posted by Akai (Post 1957068)
Yes please.

Mr. House will see you now.

Key 06-01-2018 07:53 PM


Originally Posted by Ol’ Qwerty Bastard (Post 1956997)
fallout 4 made me want another elder scrolls single player title more than anything else

i mean dont get me wrong it didnt ruin fallout and i still think this game will have potential but i wanna sword fight some ****.

Funny enough, I went full melee on my Fallout 4 playthrough. It made the Far Harbor DLC really fun if you found a secret weapon deep inside a cave. It just slices through enemies.

Thelonious Monkey 06-01-2018 08:08 PM

Man can they just release fallout new vegas for the ps4 already. I wanna replay it again for the millionth time, cba buying a ps3. I wouldn't mind a fallout 3 remaster as well. **** fallout 4.

Key 06-01-2018 08:42 PM


Originally Posted by Thelonious Monkey (Post 1957150)
Man can they just release fallout new vegas for the ps4 already. I wanna replay it again for the millionth time, cba buying a ps3. I wouldn't mind a fallout 3 remaster as well. **** fallout 4.

It's funny. I actually recently talked myself out of wanting a Fallout 3 remaster. I feel like the original has everything that makes it great. I think the only thing they should improve is actually playing the game. If you don't mod it you pretty much cannot play it on PC. But at the same time, the game has its own charm due to its age and I feel like a remaster would ruin that. Part of the enjoyment is walking for hours in a dark world filled with old school open world graphics.

Now...would I play a remaster? Uh hell yeah. Fallout 3 is still in my top 3 favorite games of all time.

The Batlord 06-01-2018 08:55 PM


Originally Posted by Kiiii (Post 1957168)
It's funny. I actually recently talked myself out of wanting a Fallout 3 remaster. I feel like the original has everything that makes it great. I think the only thing they should improve is actually playing the game. If you don't mod it you pretty much cannot play it on PC. But at the same time, the game has its own charm due to its age and I feel like a remaster would ruin that. Part of the enjoyment is walking for hours in a dark world filled with old school open world graphics.

Now...would I play a remaster? Uh hell yeah. Fallout 3 is still in my top 3 favorite games of all time.

To anyone foolish enough to prefer 3 to NV.

Goofle 06-01-2018 08:58 PM

4 is the only Fallout worth playing anyway you psychos.

Akai 06-02-2018 07:26 AM


Originally Posted by Goofle (Post 1957181)
4 is the only Fallout worth playing anyway you psychos.

Haha, good joke m8.

Akai 06-02-2018 07:31 AM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1957180)
To anyone foolish enough to prefer 3 to NV

I personally prefer 3s main story purely because of how lackluster the end of NV is.

People may also prefer NV but saying 3 is 'garbage' is halarious.

Ol’ Qwerty Bastard 06-02-2018 07:47 AM


Originally Posted by Thelonious Monkey (Post 1957150)
Man can they just release fallout new vegas for the ps4 already. I wanna replay it again for the millionth time, cba buying a ps3. I wouldn't mind a fallout 3 remaster as well. **** fallout 4.

what? it is. it's actually on playstation now, their game streaming program that costs like $9 a month but comes with a free 7 day trial.

i tried the trial recently and it was cool. a lot of older games that i havent played in forever + the entire bioshock series, fallout 3 and new vegas, red dead redemption, and way more.

Ol’ Qwerty Bastard 06-02-2018 07:48 AM


Originally Posted by Akai (Post 1957263)
I personally prefer 3s main story purely because of how lackluster the end of NV is.

People may also prefer NV but saying 3 is 'garbage' is halarious.

oh and also this ^^^

new vegas is a great game, 3 was just a better all around experience for me (and a few others as well it seems.) i'm not sure how someone can find a big enough difference between the two for one to be a great game and the other garbage... but aw well.

Thelonious Monkey 06-02-2018 07:53 AM

Yeah playstation now is a load of trash for me. You probably have better internet than me, I seem to have terrible network issues and it runs slowly when it works, Id rather pay for an actual remaster or buy a PS3 than stream it. My internet couldn't even run the first Sonic The Hedgehog game smoothly so I can't imagine an open world rpg being much use. You're one of the lucky few.

Akai 06-02-2018 08:08 AM


Don't you mean your hardware?

Key 06-02-2018 08:27 AM


Originally Posted by Akai (Post 1957263)
I personally prefer 3s main story purely because of how lackluster the end of NV is.

People may also prefer NV but saying 3 is 'garbage' is halarious.

Agreed 100%. Fallout 3 manages to capture that depression feeling. Yknow? Walking alone in a post apocalyptic DC is seriously one of the most beautiful and depressing parts of any game I've played. Add that with all the little secrets here and there, you've certainly got a fantastic game. Let's also not forget the DLC's.

Yac 06-04-2018 05:02 AM

F3 had a very fun world to explore. It also had some of the most memorable quests, like blowing up Megaton.
The main story was.. let's say, lacking. But the world, exploration - that was awesome.
NV had an amazing story and freedom, and the world was also great. It was a better game of the 2. It also fixed a lot of the technical issues in 3, added some great mechanics. But both were very fun, though if I had to choose I'd say NV was better. Even if only because of Fisto :P
And then there is fallout 4, hated by many and not without reason. It's a very mediocre rpg, if it can even be called a rpg .. but it's a great open world shooter, if you're into it. And again, while the main story is cr4p, there are significantly better stories in the game.

Anyway, regarding 76, here's a colection of rumors from reddit:


Still an RPG Voiced protagonist will be optional
Even more dialogue options
Skill system overhaul
"Rebuilding" will be heavily emphasized, more settlements
Main quest will be fruitful, side quests will have more meaning following Fallout 4 feedback Shortly after the Great War, meaning Police Officers, Military, and other "day job" veterans will still be around
Main story will be vault-focused "An example of a major player in the story is an Irish ghoul who acts as one of the game's 5 companions"
He married Stanislaus Braun's daughter
Major Antagonist (potential ally) details Former US Army Captain, compared to Hannibal.
"More lovecraftian god worshipping inbred rednecks similar to point lookout" (Alright?)
No supermutants Significant lore changes
So ignoring the fact this is supposed to be a mmo game.. one thing I find really fun is that finally there will be a reason for the characters to have different accents :D Because they are actually from all over the world. Unlike Cait or those Bobrov brothers - all somehow had an accent from a different part of the world, from before the war .. and realistically, only you and maybe some ghouls could have an accent other than what the locals speak.

Exo 06-04-2018 07:58 AM


Originally Posted by Kiiii (Post 1957143)
Funny enough, I went full melee on my Fallout 4 playthrough. It made the Far Harbor DLC really fun if you found a secret weapon deep inside a cave. It just slices through enemies.

Ahhh yes, Kremvh's Tooth. Best weapon in the game imo. Also, was't it me who convinced you to play?

Key 06-04-2018 08:20 AM


Originally Posted by Exo (Post 1958039)
Ahhh yes, Kremvh's Tooth. Best weapon in the game imo. Also, was't it me who convinced you to play?

Yep! That weapon basically make it impossible to die. And yes it was. You are forever in my debt.

Exo 06-04-2018 08:21 AM


Originally Posted by Kiiii (Post 1958043)
Yep! That weapon basically make it impossible to die. And yes it was. You are forever in my debt.

I'll remember this.

The Batlord 06-04-2018 01:40 PM


Originally Posted by Yac (Post 1958006)
F3 had a very fun world to explore. It also had some of the most memorable quests, like blowing up Megaton.

That video I posted doesn't really reflect my feelings, but it does bring up some very relevant points. I loved blowing up Megaton and then massacring the ghouls, but it is a dumb as **** storyline. Be a mass murderer or don't be a mass murderer isn't exactly nuanced decision making. It's only saved because it's easy to automatically unhook your brain when the quest is so ridiculous and it's your first step into the Fallout universe.


The main story was.. let's say, lacking. But the world, exploration - that was awesome.
NV had an amazing story and freedom, and the world was also great. It was a better game of the 2. It also fixed a lot of the technical issues in 3, added some great mechanics. But both were very fun, though if I had to choose I'd say NV was better. Even if only because of Fisto :P
By the time I did all the side quests I was done with FO3 cause now the world was almost completely empty of content besides wandering around DC some more, and the content didn't even last more than a week or something. I've still never done everything in NV and come back to it semi-regularly for long periods, making going back to FO3 kind of a meh proposition.


And then there is fallout 4, hated by many and not without reason. It's a very mediocre rpg, if it can even be called a rpg .. but it's a great open world shooter, if you're into it. And again, while the main story is cr4p, there are significantly better stories in the game.
I didn't get very far in 4 and the world didn't have nearly the personality or sense of wonder of 3 or NV, but if they'd never existed it would be a revelation. The addition of crafting might be trend hopping but god damn it I love crafting in just about any game I've played that included it. I just can't get enough of building **** and then taking a step back and admiring my handiwork.

Likewise romance options are also stupid, but are another thing that never gets old for me. I'm a cheesy mother****er and was always thoroughly bummed that FO games never had it. Even Skyrim's marriage system wasn't all that satisfying, even if Aela is my main bitch who makes solo exploring feel lonely and incomplete.

And a talking main character with a personality is a welcome change from the blank avatar of previous games. I get why a lot of people like a character they don't feel is projecting their own persona onto their RPG experience, but I'd rather have a character I can become invested in. And a 50's housewife with a dead husband and a kidnapped baby immediately caught my attention.

Yac 06-05-2018 01:23 AM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1958221)

I didn't get very far in 4 and the world didn't have nearly the personality or sense of wonder of 3 or NV, but if they'd never existed it would be a revelation. The addition of crafting might be trend hopping but god damn it I love crafting in just about any game I've played that included it. I just can't get enough of building **** and then taking a step back and admiring my handiwork.

Likewise romance options are also stupid, but are another thing that never gets old for me. I'm a cheesy mother****er and was always thoroughly bummed that FO games never had it. Even Skyrim's marriage system wasn't all that satisfying, even if Aela is my main bitch who makes solo exploring feel lonely and incomplete.

And a talking main character with a personality is a welcome change from the blank avatar of previous games. I get why a lot of people like a character they don't feel is projecting their own persona onto their RPG experience, but I'd rather have a character I can become invested in. And a 50's housewife with a dead husband and a kidnapped baby immediately caught my attention.

I have like 540 or so hours on steam in Fallout 4 ;) I think by now I went everywhere and saw it all.
Give it another try, but this time mod the game. Mod it like a mother****er, and when you think you're done, slap it with some more mods.
The way I play it is I seek out mods that add content but don't break balance. There is no fun in installing a mod that will give you a unique, cool looking super weapon that will make every combat trivial.. but a mod that adds 30-50 new calibers, several guns, and hands them over to the raiders as well ? That's something else.
Also get sim settlements and start enjoying base building! With the mod, I've set up complete (meaning, with food, occupation, homes, water and security for 20 people) settlements in 10 minutes, and it adds an incentive to come back to these settlements, to see how they're changing and what surprising buildings will appear, eventually, where you just assigned a plot of land for construction.

Back on topic though:
An incomplete mural in LA, to promote the game during E3 - which is this weekend! We'll get to see a bigger trailer and hopefully hear some things we want to hear, on Sunday.

Justthefacts 06-05-2018 01:51 AM

Fallout 3 > Fallout 4 > NV

The Batlord 06-05-2018 03:09 AM


Originally Posted by Justthefacts (Post 1958556)
Fallout 3 > Fallout 4 > NV

You drunk again?

Yac 06-05-2018 04:49 AM


Originally Posted by Justthefacts (Post 1958556)
Fallout 3 > Fallout 4 > NV

What is this heresy.

Ol’ Qwerty Bastard 06-05-2018 06:43 AM


Originally Posted by Justthefacts (Post 1958556)
Fallout 3 > Fallout 4 > NV

widowmaker mains be like

MicShazam 06-05-2018 06:50 AM

What do you people feel about the Fallout games before Fallout 3? My only hands-on experience with the sires have been the beginning of Fallout 1 and 2. I might have played a few minutes of Fallout Tactics. I also remember completing Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel on Playstation 2, even though it's obviously ****. I guess I didn't have anything better to do at the time.

The Fallout game I feel the most like I ought to get back to and give a second chance is Fallout "1".

Yac 06-05-2018 07:08 AM

I think I completed 1 and 2 like a dozen times each. They were something new and as far as concepts like unique ideas, morality, consequences - these games were something really new.
I was in high school when it came out. I've had a copy installed on every PC I owned since then, including the one I'm using now.
Fallout tactics was .. mediocre. It had some great concepts, the campaign was very fun at times, some of the characters you could recruit were awesome .. but it had a very slow start and was tedious in many "mechanical" ways. UI etc - it didn't work that well..
I played that pseudo fallout on ps2 but never finished it, I remember it had some great concept art but that's about all the good I can say about it.

MicShazam 06-05-2018 07:15 AM

Yeah I don't remember that PS2 game being very good at all. I was desperate at the time, for any means of killing time, so I just kept grinding away until the credits rolled. Tried to go back to it some years later and found it off-puttingly tedious and lame.

The first Fallout game is one of those that I feel like I should play (it being a classic and a seemingly smart game and all). It seems like a well made and interesting game. I did't use guides back in the day (I'm stubborn about that), so I just remember getting stuck an hour into the game every time I tried to play it.

Yac 06-05-2018 07:21 AM

Well, I say go for it, especially since you can get both on for penines (like, both for 5$ or sth, I can't be bothered with the exchange rate).

Both games are connected through the world, not the characters - so you can safely start with 2 as well. In fact, even though the differences between both regarding engine, graphics UI and all of that are minor, Fallout 2 has aged a lot better than Fallout 1 imo.

MicShazam 06-05-2018 07:32 AM is awesome. I have a lot of old games from that site. I mostly bought things from the site back when it was only older tiltes though. These days they have all sorts of new indie stuff on the front page.

I might buy a Fallout bundle one of these days. The only question is if I can make myself sit down and focus on playing an old game like that.

Yac 06-05-2018 07:40 AM

Well, I can't answer for you, obviously.
Fallouts imo, even though old, are perfectly playable. Sure the graphics is outdated and the UI is clunky, but it's not that big an issue imo. There are old games that have aged so badly, they're almost unplayable. Absolutely unintuitive UI, crap fonts, story included on a booklet, so you have no idea what's going on etc - you'll face no game breaking issues here.

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