F3 had a very fun world to explore. It also had some of the most memorable quests, like blowing up Megaton.
The main story was.. let's say, lacking. But the world, exploration - that was awesome.
NV had an amazing story and freedom, and the world was also great. It was a better game of the 2. It also fixed a lot of the technical issues in 3, added some great mechanics. But both were very fun, though if I had to choose I'd say NV was better. Even if only because of Fisto :P
And then there is fallout 4, hated by many and not without reason. It's a very mediocre rpg, if it can even be called a rpg .. but it's a great open world shooter, if you're into it. And again, while the main story is cr4p, there are significantly better stories in the game.
Anyway, regarding 76, here's a colection of rumors from reddit:
Still an RPG Voiced protagonist will be optional
Even more dialogue options
Skill system overhaul
"Rebuilding" will be heavily emphasized, more settlements
Main quest will be fruitful, side quests will have more meaning following Fallout 4 feedback Shortly after the Great War, meaning Police Officers, Military, and other "day job" veterans will still be around
Main story will be vault-focused "An example of a major player in the story is an Irish ghoul who acts as one of the game's 5 companions"
He married Stanislaus Braun's daughter
Major Antagonist (potential ally) details Former US Army Captain, compared to Hannibal.
"More lovecraftian god worshipping inbred rednecks similar to point lookout" (Alright?)
No supermutants Significant lore changes
So ignoring the fact this is supposed to be a mmo game.. one thing I find really fun is that finally there will be a reason for the characters to have different accents :D Because they are actually from all over the world. Unlike Cait or those Bobrov brothers - all somehow had an accent from a different part of the world, from before the war .. and realistically, only you and maybe some ghouls could have an accent other than what the locals speak.