Right. I had not seen your last post prior to making that one, so let's look at it. There's fault on both sides. Well, three sides really. First we have this typical comment by Batty, after a pretty reasonable, I thought, explanation why I was against networks and was considering another approach.
Originally Posted by The Batlord
(Post 1828680)
Or we could do networks regardless of whether you like them or not cause everyone else likes them. Unless this thread is just about what you like.
So that's kind of inflammatory in itself, though in fairness my reply was unwarranted, even if I was angry because Batty constantly does this. I mean, on what is he basing the fact that "everyone else likes them"? But nevertheless, not cool. I apologise for flying off the handle a little.
Originally Posted by Trollheart
(Post 1828704)
Or you could just **** off.
Better yet: give me a list of networks and cartoons like I asked for. It's not my idea to do networks and it means nothing to me, so sort out lists if you want, otherwise don't expect me to go searchng through page after page of cartoons to find what ****ing network showed them, as if that mattered. Anyway, who is this "everyone else likes them?" Only you and your wife so far....
Then we have you adding to the pot
Originally Posted by Frownland
(Post 1828706)
Regardless of whether or not you decide to go with network (you should stick with them because your reasoning is whack. I'd elaborate but given that I've trolled you in the past, you don't seem to be able to handle any kind of disagreement from me without crying about it being unfair ), you should still compile a list of what we have so far, because I'm certainly not digging through that **** either.
This next one was okay until you started SHOUTING which as I said is rude and uncalled for.
Originally Posted by Frownland
(Post 1828723)
It would be the networks that the shows originated on, not simply where they're shown. American cartoons are commonly directly associated with their networks. Makes a lot more sense to me than just a bunch of runoff lists since they are an actual category, not just leftovers.
And put them in the OP for future reference.
Originally Posted by Frownland
(Post 1828965)
:rolleyes: I have been calm and reasoned. It's only when you accuse me of disagreeing with you because you're you (which is incredibly pretentious and arrogant; tables have turned) I started being a little more blunt. Go read the actual conversation, not the one that you remember. It might be a little different.
I don't call shouting at me being calm and reasoned, tbh. But I'm not blameless either.
I think it'd be the best way to make sure that all the shows get included, yes.
I'm definitely not doing three lists though. That's right out.
We have to agree on a premise before we get to work on it, wouldn't you agree? That's what I'm trying to establish. It's not some personal attack, as much as you insist it is.
It is, if all you're offering is your opinion as being the only one that matters. You haven't even addressed the fact that, even if we did networks too, it would still be what you call leftovers, so what's the point?
Originally Posted by The Batlord
(Post 1828966)
That's just pointlessly inconvenient though.
So what? Life is inconvenient. Where do you expect me to put the list? Top of every post I do? Do me a favour. Just mark it and you can go back to it as you need it. Anyway, once the lists are decided I will, as I already said, put them in the OP. No point in doing so now, as they're still subject to change.
I'd prefer not to be fighting. It pisses me off. But I won't be steamrollered into just accepting your ideas as the only ones. I want to see who else thinks this way, which is really only fair. And I don't want to be given a whole bunch of extra work. I don't hear either of you volunteering to do the lists, do I? It's easy to suggest things when someone else is going to do all the work.
Let's see, as I said, what the consensus is. Not just me, not just you, not just Batty. Everyone. This isn't just my thread, or yours, or his. Let's try to get the views of everyone who cares to comment and see what's preferred, and we can go from there. Fair?