DwnWthVwls |
02-23-2018 10:48 AM |
Originally Posted by Ol’ Qwerty Bastard
(Post 1928839)
part of the reason why i stopped playing jg is because i will literally try to flash steal any objective possible and always end up missing it and just dying
i remember one specific instance where i was playing sej where i e’d into baron to steal and missed it, got away with like 100~ hp, only to dive into drag pit not even a full minute later and die.
one of these days ill time it right tho and it’ll look super cool
Pentas aside, stealing dragon, baron, and buffs with a non jungler is one of the most satisfying experiences in the game. Seriously, loved warding enemy blue and ulting it from midlane on Lux.
I sucked at the 50/50 smite wars as well.. Never put in enough effort to learn/check the damage scaling on smite(or skills in general) as I leveled and was always like "okay that looks about smiteable. GO!"
Sometimes I'm just wayyy to lazy to play optimally.. playing League properly is tedious af, I'd rather have fun and lose.