Ol’ Qwerty Bastard |
11-21-2017 01:13 PM |
Originally Posted by DwnWthVwls
(Post 1897019)
Couple generic criticisms:
-terrible warding (this is so important); also being aware of enemy ward placement. For example one game i asked multiple times where bot lane wards were so i could come lane gank when they were over extending but i never got an answer.
-macro overall was awful with dragons and tower rotations
-tunnel vision engages (its okay to get 1 kill and back out. Over committing threw multiple winning games)
-on a similar note hard engaging with improper team comps (we pretty much a poke/kite team comp every game and we consistently ran face first into them)
warding was for sure an issue. it's kinda weird to me that nobody was using their wards considering i'm a total noob and i still always make sure to ward bushes/key spots whenever theyre available. as far as team comp goes, i'm willing to try a top lane tank if you guys have any recs for one. we were definitely running to squishy with gnar, teemo, adc, lulu and whoever else comp. i think you guys have your champs that you can carry and because i'm not at that level it would make sense for me to be the one who changes champs accordingly i'm guessing.
and trading was easily our biggest issue, we would lose 3 just to kill 1 multiple times until the point that someone on their team was just so fed that it took all 5 of us to get them.
also im not playing jg in a party with 4 ranked players far above me. it does no good for anyone as my map awareness isn't good enough yet and i'm not a level where i can handle counter jg and baiting at buffs. i want to be there, but it's aways a way. i'm far more comfortable taking top on my own.