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Ol’ Qwerty Bastard 07-28-2018 11:48 AM


Originally Posted by DwnWthVwls (Post 1981261)
Why are eSports so volatile? Constant roster changes and ****

i mean, all sports are that way. the biggest difference and the reason why esports is so harsh in particular is meta changes.

baseball players will never have to do anything but hit, throw, and catch the ball.

football players will always have to kick, tackle, and run.

esports is different. league in particular, especially with the new season. someone like doublelift or sneaky who have made a living playing marksmen for 5+ years are now expected to be able to run heimer/vlad/swain at a professional level in this meta.

not an easy transition by any means.

DwnWthVwls 07-28-2018 01:41 PM

DJ Khaled is "performing" at the OWL finals.. it is the biggest meme ever. Much cringe.

Ol’ Qwerty Bastard 08-06-2018 11:39 AM

new champion road map released today

nunu, ezreal, and kayle all getting small minor reworks and a new mage on the way

Key 08-06-2018 11:52 AM


Originally Posted by Ol’ Qwerty Bastard (Post 1981291)
i mean, all sports are that way. the biggest difference and the reason why esports is so harsh in particular is meta changes.

baseball players will never have to do anything but hit, throw, and catch the ball.

football players will always have to kick, tackle, and run.

esports is different. league in particular, especially with the new season. someone like doublelift or sneaky who have made a living playing marksmen for 5+ years are now expected to be able to run heimer/vlad/swain at a professional level in this meta.

not an easy transition by any means.

There's a lot that they have to get used to in a small amount of time. Some people I watch say they literally grind for weeks to get to the point that they can showcase their talents. Csgo is a really good example because that game is tough to get good at. The players that are really good at that are the guys that have thousands of hours on it. chemistry is also important. Being able to tell what your teammates are thinking is certainly an underrated skill in esports.

Ol’ Qwerty Bastard 08-06-2018 11:59 AM

funny you mention the communication thing. great example is TSM in league. theyve been the top team in NA since the beginning and have qualified for world's every year since their formation. this year it's becoming doubtful they'll make it, despite having arguebly the best mid and top laner in the league and one of the best adcs as well.

but you immediately see why they're struggling when you hear their in game comms and everyone is just shouting things without hearing what the others are saying. i think people fail to understand that while in most major sports you have a coach directing you on the field, esports usually have none of that. it's just 5 teammates sitting in direct contact with one another. if you don't have a clear voice in charge it leaves a lot of room for mistakes to be made.

Key 08-06-2018 12:03 PM

^exactly the point I was going for. That's why it's tough for newcomers in the esports league to have that sort of communication because some teams have been with their teammates for a long time. Knowing how they react to certain situations and just in general, communication is key. You've also got to have the knowledge amongst all teammates that things may not go their way, but they gotta just stick with their strategy.

Ol’ Qwerty Bastard 08-06-2018 12:20 PM

if you're interested in the topic i highly recommend checking out this youtube channel

weldon is a professional esports psychologist who has made some great videos that really showcase the mental side of gaming and just how important understanding it is

DwnWthVwls 08-06-2018 12:26 PM

I've been playing HoTS with my brother.. It's pretty fun.

Ol’ Qwerty Bastard 08-06-2018 12:41 PM

i tried it and hated it but probably didnt give it enough time for that to be valid

Key 08-06-2018 07:51 PM


Originally Posted by Ol’ Qwerty Bastard (Post 1984407)
if you're interested in the topic i highly recommend checking out this youtube channel

weldon is a professional esports psychologist who has made some great videos that really showcase the mental side of gaming and just how important understanding it is

Thank you! I will definitely check this out.

DwnWthVwls 08-08-2018 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by Ol’ Qwerty Bastard (Post 1984412)
i tried it and hated it but probably didnt give it enough time for that to be valid

I did too and i still dont have fun playing alone(vs league where i solo queued for hours on end) but i found a few characters i like and im learning the maps and meta now. Its becoming less ****.

Ol’ Qwerty Bastard 08-12-2018 09:32 AM

riot sorta kinda fixed marksmen with the last patch so im back to the bot lane, really feeling the climb so long as i keep swain outta my goddamn lane.

DwnWthVwls 08-12-2018 06:25 PM

I'm on the OW climb to plat. Hit 2230 this season and climbing, but the weekends ALWAYS **** me. I drop without fail from trolls, kids, and stubborn *******s. Currently hovering around 2175, gave up for today.

Play HoTS :D Valla is like a mini Vayne with her auto attack build, I melt **** at max level.

Ol’ Qwerty Bastard 08-12-2018 06:41 PM

havent had much of an urge to play overwatch at all lately. might give HotS another try sometime but not until league's meta pisses me off enough to force me to go to elsewhere. still determined to hit silver so i can at least be average levels of bad.

DwnWthVwls 08-12-2018 06:41 PM

On a more related note, can we take some time to appreciate this games aesthetics. I think the art created outside of the game is amazing. Probably my favorite universe of any game I've ever played... Nice mix of fantasy, steampunk, and tech.

The Batlord 08-12-2018 06:52 PM

Alright **** ya'll for talking about HotS when that means Heart of the Swarm to me.

Ol’ Qwerty Bastard 08-13-2018 09:31 AM


Originally Posted by DwnWthVwls (Post 1986398)
On a more related note, can we take some time to appreciate this games aesthetics. I think the art created outside of the game is amazing. Probably my favorite universe of any game I've ever played... Nice mix of fantasy, steampunk, and tech.


and to further that here's the trailer for the small nunu update/rework

love it

looks like theyre keeping his core intact while making him hopefully slightly more viable as a non troll pick

Ol’ Qwerty Bastard 08-13-2018 12:37 PM

totally agree but for a moment (at least in my time playing) he was effectively trolling

it was like hey im gonna be totally useless this game but so is the other jungler cause ill camp his blue buff and ult him everytime he tries to farm

im cool with it as long as my teammates isnt using him to run it down

Ol’ Qwerty Bastard 08-13-2018 01:09 PM

yea but silver everything is garbage we cant base a champions effectiveness off of that

link bc im on mobile

Ol’ Qwerty Bastard 08-13-2018 03:05 PM

actually nothing more broken than an inting yas

DwnWthVwls 08-13-2018 03:35 PM

Oh, I like his new look. I suck with him.

I actually played a game last night as Teemo. Nice to see the kids are still more toxic than OW. It feels slow after playing HoTS, like my attack moves and my quickcasts had a weird pause.

Ol’ Qwerty Bastard 08-14-2018 05:17 AM

damn elph and i were unstoppable yesterday then vader joins and ints our winstreak away instantly

still props to the guy, he might whiff 50% of his q's as lee sin but you better bet he's going in if he hits it

Ol’ Qwerty Bastard 08-14-2018 01:38 PM

ehhh idk any champ is good when fed, her issue is people dont know how to deal with her mobility so she just zips around teams and destroys the squishies. would still way rather deal with her than someone like mundo any day of the week.

Ol’ Qwerty Bastard 08-14-2018 02:08 PM

what i really mean is she's not broken enough to stop me from perma banning swain for the rest of my life

Ol’ Qwerty Bastard 08-14-2018 04:43 PM

my jhin so clean i can jungle with it

DwnWthVwls 08-15-2018 07:03 PM

Ol’ Qwerty Bastard 08-17-2018 01:59 PM

alright like 3 wins away from b1, mmr at silver 5. it's time boys. i'll accept being lower than elph at the end of my first season but best believe i will come out of my next season as mb's #1 summoner.

Ol’ Qwerty Bastard 09-26-2018 07:13 PM


Originally Posted by Ol’ Qwerty Bastard (Post 1988238)
alright like 3 wins away from b1, mmr at silver 5. it's time boys. i'll accept being lower than elph at the end of my first season but best believe i will come out of my next season as mb's #1 summoner.

i know elph's a pussy and doesn't play anymore but im s4 so ive officially caught him within my first season


Ol’ Qwerty Bastard 09-26-2018 07:41 PM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 2000399)
you know I'd still 1v1 you

did you catch that streamer lcs match

hell yea i did

my canadian boy ship putting in that work

the whole tyler1 riot relationship has been the biggest plot twist of 2018 but i love it

oh and world's start monday

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