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just won a promo game off of me getting a trist quadra kill after we had been playing with an open inhib for ~15 mins
so hype |
yeah no way he gets played as a support tho, people gonna be running that **** jg non stop
but yeah his kit is so ****in' cool man, and that ult puts slam dunk darius to shame. |
it's like a thresh hook meets a singed fling |
Anyhow, the spotlight just popped on my youtube feed and I checked it out.. this guy looks pretty great. |
great enough to say... i dunno... come back and play the game again so you can carry me to gold?
I can carry you back to Bronze.. I've kind of hit a gaming wall atm, not playing anything. Reading, hiking, and sleep have my attention atm.
saw nightblue play a pyke jg game today and it was pretty nuts
20 mins in he was one hitting dudes from half health cause his ult was executing anyone under 650 health |
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kAmo...ature=youtu.be bronze in a nut shell also note how my lulu support follows thresh the whole way down just to turn around once she gets bot lol |
Seems like we need more top lane Teemos in the Qwerty meta.
I reinstalled to buy the Beemo skin. I might be on tonight or some time this week. Also, that new ADC chick from the void, looks pretty dope. |
kai’sa is rad, her burst is nuts.
btw on my latest ranked grind i’ve only been playing Darius and Garen, so Teemo is permabanned by me :D |
enjoy it while you can, rip crit items tomorrow.
apparently the new keystone and item is broken on vayne though so that’ll be cool. the keystone makes your first 3 autos in combat scale in atk speed so i think it’ll be really viable on darius for quick bleed stacks |
new patch is live
now bounty, first blood, and turret gold are geared towards favoring the person who got it, rather than the whole team. you can also see how much gold somebody is worth when hovering their name in the scoreboard |
i think the adc item rework is going to hold off the dmg spike for a fair bit but holy **** are they going to spike hard when they do. i.e granting 2x crit means that you can go from 50 to 100% crit in 1 item.
like wise someone like trynd can hit 70% crit with just I.E as a full rage bar gives him 35% crit chance not sure how/if it stacks with yasuo’s passive but if so goddamn |
i guarentee season 5 was actually balls and you queers just like it cause we’re so far removed. if i hear one more ****er talk about how it’s been all down hill since season 3 i swear to god.
i’ll be on my norm grind too. wanna see how trynd plays + spamming garen and darius is just so much fun, probably not the most effective climbers but they’re so fun and tilt people so easily. trin force garen build is the real deal, one Q half healths any non-tank. |
lol naut and mao top makes me wanna vomit, i hate tank top metas.
i think the game is just too 1 dimensional in that it’s all about global ults and 5 man dives. first to take baron and run it down mid wins. give strong laners the ability to abuse scaling champs way harder and make champs with global ults way less viable early game. galio and gp for ex are just as strong as anyone else pre 6, plus they provide lane pressure with their r threat. this is pretty much only relevant in high elo and pro play but it’s still an issue. |
naturally the reaction to that will be carry or split pushing top laners though. all of a sudden maokai isn’t so valuable when he can’t challenge the split push of Trynd or late game Nasus.
similarly assasins become way less viable when things like stopwatch and GA exist and you’re playing against a team running naut top, sej jungle, ali support, and swain mid. reality is no meta will ever reflect positively on all roles and champs. i think they’ve done a semi good job of fixing top lane issues and are making a concious effort to fix bot lane. some changes make me laugh tho, nerfing rakan’s heal by 4 and graves ult cooldown by 10 seconds. better slow down boys don’t wanna change too much |
it’s like oh hey let me abuse early game mid game yeah hold up let me spike late game oh baby keep on scaling dudes |
pro play split pushers would be fiora, camille, jax. and fiora and camille are just getting boring at this point. gp vs camille fiora vs sion camille vs gnar every single game in last NA split outside of Huni playing random **** like Lucian and Yas. |
in all seriousness i just want a shake up. i think those champs have run their course. top lane should be a slobberknocker in my opinion. two champs with a lot of health just beating the hell out of each other with constant trades since they’re so far removed from the rest of the team. make top lane macho again |
most the people who talk about the glory days are exactly like hashinshin
q’s onto teemo under tower and then screams about how broken he is when he dies. “jungle is camping top gg” “broken game nothing i can do” “hardstuck playing with all these monkeys” i remember him flaming a maokai for building all armor items when going against his jax lol season one would’ve been a lot of fun just because of how little knowledge there was and things like probuilds, op.gg, mobafire etc didn’t really exist. |
omg elph mid lulu is back in the meta
according to op.gg meta tiers (Champions - League of Legends - League of Legends) she has a 4.42 playrate and 52.16% winrate at mid. |
All these constant patches and changes to the meta are kind of tedious tbh. One of things I like about playing StarCraft... watching StarCraft is that there have been like two or three patches in twenty years, so there isn't this illusion of progress that just seems to be attempts by Riot to shake up the meta for the sake of shaking it up and keeping people interested.
StarCraft strategy is largely static at this point with most changes being small and which don't change the actual meta. Many units don't get used or only get used in specific matchups and situations, but the game itself never stops being the game it always was just because some patch tweaked something that completely destabilized gameplay and had to be quickly fixed after presumably a week straight of the designers not being allowed to sleep or eat. That's the kind of **** that killed StarCraft 2. |
i like variety. i dont want the same 5 champs to be always be picked or banned. the game would get repetitive and boring very quickly. i give riot props for being able to keep the game as fresh as it is.
Yeah I'm not saying it's a bad game or anything cause it's definitely not, but the constant updates feel less like fixing anything and more like an underhanded way to keep everything in constant flux to keep up interest in a way that's fundamentally trying to trick the playerbase into thinking that the patches are anything but bull****.
there is a lot of pressure on riot now with the franchising of the NA LCS and the popularity of the Korean and Chinese leagues. they've changed their entire balancing schedule around it to avoid things like the juggernaut patch at worlds happening again. it will be interesting if it sees them tone down their reworks a bit but idk, it wont be perfect either way.
TBH I'm just bitter that nobody cares about Broodwar but the LoL updates are still incessant enough to be pointless.
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