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O derp.. didn't read that right.
It'll be interesting to see how Ekko impacts tomorrow's games and especially the NA games. I imagine he'll be banned quite often especially because in the two games he actually did get played in EU today he was very effective
Bjergsen 7-1 on Ekko in a losing effort
Fffffff |
Lots of Ekko again. Poor Bjerger...
I'm highly bored by the NA games and sloppy play atm. Dig #1 and not even impressive game play. I really hope Phreak was right and it's just teams working out kinks with meta/roster changes. |
Yeah it's disgusting. Dig should be nowhere near #1. If they went to worlds they would get ROFLstomped and not win a single game
what site are you catching these on?
Thurs/Fri - EU LCS (Schedule: http://na.lolesports.com/eu-lcs/2015/summer/overview) Sat/Sun - NA LCS (Schedule: http://na.lolesports.com/na-lcs/2015/summer/overview) |
TSM still lookin shady Mr. Fanboi :P Least they pulled out the win I guess. Hopefully tomorrows game is a little cleaner. I'd really like to see Santorin get on some more early game junglers, even though it's risky.
Really disappointed in C9s performance this season.. 2-5 as of today. Idk what's going on with them but I hope they don't lose more members. I always appreciated the lack of drama within the team. |
So do you guys have "mains"? I'm a Maokai, Gangplank, Zilean type of guy.
I'm an ADC player and my favorites are Graves and Lucian. |
Mid pref.. Malz/Lux. I play a **** ton of Teemo since s2 even though he's trash. Mained top for a bit when Wukong and Shyvana were a thing, I don't really like melee champs though. Also, love Leona. First champ I mained was WW.
None of the champs I enjoy playing are meta or have been in a long time. |
new match coming up. Just got home from work.
Champion Reveal: Tahm Kench, the River King | League of Legends
The River King http://news.cdn.leagueoflegends.com/...omic_thumb.png Looks Awesome. W is OP, and gonna be really interesting addition to bottom lane. Curious to see where else he will be played and how his damage will be. Great addition to the roaming support meta. |
Just another great champion design from Riot. It'll be interesting to see how they start to manage complexity creep as the game keeps going on. A simple champ isn't really makeable anymore
Every game I've been in with him has been one-sided. Either he screws up hard or, in 10% of the games, he's underestimated, doesn't feed, and his team rolls on to victory. |
Yeah Bard was kind of designed for pros rather than solo queue. He's a pretty highly contested support pick in pro play because of his ability to excel when the entire team is on the same page.
I think they do a great job of making champs fun to play even if you're bad.
They have really stepped up their game by giving pros champs with really high skill ceilings while keeping the skill floors reasonable for the average bronze/silver players. Azir, Bard, Ekko, and now the River King.. Things have come along way since the days of Annie, Nunu, Yi, etc. (easy to learn hard to master). I hope they continue to release both kinds of champs. |
Yeah when Azir came out and everyone thought he was garbage I was like..."just wait until the pros master him"
And whaddya know, now he's a top tier mid pick in all regions |
1. "Dude, the support is supposed to follow the ADC around and make sure he gets fed" 2. "Kills let you get towers, so yes, kills are important" 3. "That's not a support champ, you're a ****ing troll" 4. "Split pushing is always the answer." Anytime I hear people complaining (Like with Azir) I know he's probably good. Bard's the only one I've backed because he didn't have an offensive role (is he a tank, is he a mage?) He strikes me as a utility like Nami is. Just not nearly as dangerous. |
So that's why I watch more than I play nowadays. It's just more fun for me to see things executed at the highest level. Bard is a very interesting champ and I still think there's untapped potential. His ult when placed well (which is WAAAAAAAY easier said than done) can be the highest impact teamfight skill in League of Legends. Like seriously there's nothing that can swing a game like that. Plus Magical Journey has so many fascinating uses, it's just a ton of fun to see high level players using Bard and all of the hilarious trickery he's capable of. |
At least you made it to Gold. I'm in Bronze and it really is a matter of taking the most OP champs because you need to carry against the troll-tide.
Last night I had a Rek'Sei who'd just stay in his lane until the 30 min mark, then roam the jungle and attack objectives alone. It's things like that, no matter what anyone says, that basically hold the other 4 players back. He was our tank, and his head was up his ass. You can only really carry as the ADC, the top lane, or maybe an AD jungle. If you're mid, tank jungle, or support, you're ****ed. |
I think certain mids can carry well at low elos as long as you know how to abuse the bads that never ward or look at the mini map. I mean just pick LeBlanc, roam, and get double kills and you'll snowball the game in no time.
I duo'd with my buddy with me on ADC and him on support and we got to gold pretty quickly. We spammed Graves-Blitzcrank and pretty much dominated bot every game, all I had to do was passive farm (I had top CS in nearly every game) until he landed a pull and then I'd blow my combo on their ass for a kill. Rinse, repeat, then roam after taking tower and snowball. Having a decent duo partner that's willing to work with you and not flame teammates really makes solo queue a lot easier to deal with |
Honestly dude just get good with any champ and play it as often as you can.. You can easily get gold with a good understanding of the game and skill on one champ. I went 9-1 in my qualifying matches on TEEMO(midlane) in season 3. Not because I crushed lane, because I counter roamed, setup shrooms for dragon fights and enemy jungle vision, and helped with objectives. Your team doesn't have to be good if you can set up good vision for yourself and make them aware of what the enemy is doing you can make scrubs useful. Tracking blue/red buff timers, dragon timers, knowing how to control the minions to push in or freeze lane, etc.
OR, get super mechanically skilled on a snowbally roam champ like Katarina and just wreck low elo players. |
Sorry to make an example out of you but your post has been reported. Quote:
I deleted the post. It wasn't that bad, but this thread has a set of rules and I'll respect that. Too bad others wont.
That wasn't offtopic but okay. We can agree to disagree.
It was. The moderating team gave permission for a set of rules to govern this thread for the people who actually enjoy posting in it. They don't want people coming in and calling them stupid for liking a game and saying another is superior. Go discuss that in your own thread about Dota 2 if you want, but it was made CLEAR that you can't do it here. Seriously, go make a thread about Dota 2. |
It was a joke but you're having a mental breakdown I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you so violently upset. I'll leave the thread now. |
Also it's good to see some strong moderating from Exo. Not that you need any confirmation from me, but keep up the good work! |
Shyvana got some top lane love today(even though they lost).. I hope she is back in the meta.
Watching the LPL currently. EDG took Maokai so I'm supporting them this round.
Yeh dude LPL is really the series to watch if you want to see solid game play.. Plus, Monte is a boss if you want to learn league of legends.
Did EDG win? I just went to check it out but it was over. |
+1 for Monte being awesome even though he's the former coach of my least favorite League organization by far
Why the CLG hate? Idk much about the organization as a whole but EU CLG circa s2 was awesome.
They're my favorite team's rival, they're a dysfunctional mess, they have Doublelift who is a complete joke of a person...but yeah if Dlift weren't there they would probably be far more likable as a franchise
TSM has Locodoco coaching.. Silly fanboi :(
I agree about Doublelift though. He's talented but he needs to get knocked down a couple blocks. I'm sure a lot of the drama revolves around his piss poor attitude. I'm glad to see the team not being so focused around him anymore. |
Pretty good TSM-CLG match today, with the superior franchise coming out on top 8)
C9 :( There is a serious chance they may not be in the next split, Idk wtf is going on. Was Hai's shotcalling really that key to their success? Incarnation isn't so bad that they should be getting wrecked like this.
Mean while, TDK full roster. Looking forward to watching them next weekend. |
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