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Yeah, it was a little more important with Morde because I would basically flash delete enemy ADC and then use their ghost to 6v4 the remaining enemy team.. Idk if he even plays like that anymore since rework.
im retarded and unable to read
i think i saw malz because i know dwv plays him and assumed maybe the ult thing had something to do with pre rework malz but anyway
This is why youre bronze.
info has been released on the new champ that i would post if i wasnt on mobile
pretty sure in high elo she’s a perma ban by top laners because of polymorph
ive never had to deal with playing against a really good lulu at my elo but goddamn i was playing with one who mustve been a smurf the other day cuz 12 mins in i was 6/1/3 on varus while playing like ****. |
i dont think it matters tbh lulu can destroy tanks regardless, protects her carry to the point they cant be killed and just ults them if need be.
i think low elo you see a lot of thresh and blitz cuz people are too dumb to farm behind minions whereas higher elo lulu is great because of her team fight value. as an adc i prefer playing with a good engage support like alistar or someone who is super defensive like braum but i imagine playing with a good lulu would be the best you can get |
yeah seems a lil bit weird
i think it'll probably shake things up a bit in mid lane at least though |
Been thinking about getting into LoL, is there much of a learning curve?
That'd be an understatement.. but tbh, low floor high ceiling. You can easily have fun and not know ****, just ask Q. :D
Easy to learn hard to master.. eg Chess
dont do it
it's addicting as **** and because it's been around for awhile with such a hardcore fan base actually getting good at the game is an incredibly long process. you're better off playing other games.. in all seriousness it's easily my fav multiplayer game atm and has been pretty much elph first got me into. just need to be patient and ready to learn. i highly advice spending some time researching the game first and then continuing to check stuff out while playing, because there's so much micro and macro play that it's impossible to keep track of everything you should and shouldn't be doing. |
You'll have Elph and Q to play with at least.. and sometimes drunk Batlord. I played a couple games with them, good times.
I'll play against some bots to start with then. |
I always felt like duoing in that game even with = skilled people just made me lose more. Seemed like we got placed against better duo's most of the time. Also, I'm not really a playmaker, I just consistently didn't feed and farmed a lot when I was climbing (not really the playstyle youre looking for when you get paired vs equal skilled players working together). Might be better if you did it consistently or had like a bot duo or jung +mid/top, but it never seemed to work out that way for me. Solo queue is my jam. |
there were a couple of times where duoing went well, especially if elph was playing TF or i was playing Shen as their ults work really well with good communication. tbh tho i just find it’s good to test myself against better opponents and while elph might still be a silver noob it’s good to get some sort of feedback on plays.
i hope the new mage items dont hurt my ap varus midlane
i kinda liked him as an adc but when i tried ap mid it was like gg game over you cant farm under turret if you want but two W stacks and a Q and you’re still dead |
Just played my first game that I can remember, enjoyed it
Like the pacing and smooth controls (seems smoother than DOTA2) Loads of champions to use, runs well etc |
i still get a lot of my builds from op.gg and then just kinda play with em as the game goes on, tweaking as i feel necessary. but as far as choosing on my own straight from get? idk i can with top lane cuz i played it for quite awhile but im not familiar enough anywhere else |
more of a 3 lich bane guy myself but i can rep it
tfw you and your teammates int your asses off only to win one team fight and in turn pick up the W
it was like 45 to 20 kills gg ez in the chat boys |
Close every game ASAP. |
sometimes it's just so bad that while it isnt intentional it feels like it has to be |
nah i love when we have time to take all 3 inhibs but my team would rather spam ping baron
i really like those bronze baron calls where both teams have everyone alive, no vision, and your jg (probably the guy pinging it) just backed to buy a long sword.
Obviously the call is to use the 4v5 as bait for the teleport play on the nonexistent totem nearby.
part of the reason why i stopped playing jg is because i will literally try to flash steal any objective possible and always end up missing it and just dying
i remember one specific instance where i was playing sej where i e’d into baron to steal and missed it, got away with like 100~ hp, only to dive into drag pit not even a full minute later and die. one of these days ill time it right tho and it’ll look super cool |
outside of ww cuz he’s kinda broken atm J4 would be my go-to jungler to learn if i was serious about the role
best tanky utility jg aside from sej but unlike sej he isn’t totally useless if your team sucks skarner being meta is pretty cool too tho cuz his ult is ****ing crazy. only played him a few times but ulting the adc and carrying them under your own tower is just too ****in’ good. btw akali has been added to the rework list, so we’re now looking at. - Irelia - Aatrox - Akali i’ll definitely consider picking irelia up again after the rework just to see what is done with her. i like her current kit a lot but she’s just kinda lost in the game atm. also she has the most useless ult in the game. |
I decided to try out Katarina after some research, love her skills.
Nice ranged and melee contrast like when I played Garen. Death Lotus is fun af for doing burst damage on a group of mobs. Combining Prep & Shunpo is also awesome for getting in and out without taking hits. Using those with Voracity is pretty handy for a chance of a buff if someone runs away and BB is handy for being able to still do something when I'm retreating. I really liked Zed also but I prefer Katrianas skills. |
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