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good luck. i had a reaper main phase before he got the healing buff and while i liked him a lot he just didn't offer the same upside that I felt I got with my preferred Soldier/Pharah/Tracer
if you have the patience to learn Genji i think it's probably well worth it, I can't do it. i haven't even touched him on PC, but goddamn was he a struggle on console. i heard Ana might be getting buffed which has me really excited as she is hands down my favourite support. logged a ton of comp hours on her before the Lucio and Mercy reworks changed the support meta. i still haven't really found a main on PC. been playing a lot of Winston and D.VA, a bit of Orissa and Solider, and occasionally even some Torb. i think solo queue just has me flex pick more than anything else. |
tfw your brother is casual and bombs ur SR... buy me an account too Qwerty.
can’t trust anyone these days, not even family. rip. |
boost it in a downwards direction, sure.
i’m so close to silver i could cry |
Whoops, wrong thread.
tyler is back
350k + viewers since starting that has to be a twitch record? |
o m g
from here on out im an ilaoi main, idgaf. i noticed she’s moved way up the meta so i thought “well she was always tentacle ****s me so why not give it a go?” so. goddamn. fun. the wave clear with her q is insane and her e and w are both so annoying for your opponent. it’s like trolling but simultaneously using a champ that will absolutely **** your **** up. only went 3/3/1 in my first game with her but i had over double the cs of the jax i was laning against, won lane without losing a single tower, and had 2nd most dmg on my team. |
na you just wait
vids incoming in a few seconds here do not gank illaoi for your own sake friends |
comin off 11/2/3 the vids in fast forward cuz i was getting annoyed at the video editing software i was using and just wanted to be done like jfc its a 15 second clip idc |
she's been pretty effective in wood 5 |
i find her mechanics are pretty simple to learn too
i use resolve and dom on her for runes so her ult can win 2 or 3 vs 1s because of the health it restores a lot of team fights where i'm dying and taking 2 or 3 with me on the way out |
lol i was watchin while i was playing tn
"yasuo is ez" proceeds to do under 10k dmg as yas and hits ult 0 times. i can relate to the feel of bottling ez champs. but anyway i think it's tyler coming back that really restored my interest in league. i had kinda just got tired of it because it was all i was playing for the longest time but now i'm back to enjoying it as much as i ever had. with s8 starting next week im ready as ever for bronze 5. |
also on a somewhat related note im really bummed out about gnar's place atm
i think he's still a decent pick because his kit seems to always allow him to stay at least somewhat relevant, but with riot constantly making these huge shifts to the new runes with the updates, it's kinda left him in this weird no man's land where everyone around him is gaining and becoming more and more viable while he's just staying the same. |
typically, yeah. ive also tried experimenting with his build a lot and looking for the difference between rushing cleaver vs rushing frozen mallet. some things work better than others but i think using him effectively atm is mostly down to how much skill the user has to compensate with. when im laning against a teemo, darius, nasus, jayce, etc.. it feels like i’m at an immediate disadvantage which i’m not good or confident enough to overcome.
k seriously tho illaoi should be illegal some of this **** is downright disgusting
i am a god mind the stupid watermark thing that i couldnt get rid of cuz im too poor to use actual video editing software klepto illaoi is next cause i hear shes pretty ****in' nuts with all that extra cdr |
Q couldnt hack it in pc overwatch so now hes playing the easy version of mobas. :D
with my work schedule atm i dont really have time to play more than one game a day, and i tend to go through periods where i just want to play one game. for the past month and a bit it was overwatch, now all of a sudden its league again :D |
i played a couple of jayce games last night and goddamn does the dude do some dmg. with the weapon swapping he has too much of a learning curve for me to learn while im focusing illaoi. he’s a lot of fun tho.
i needed to swap off of illaoi cuz i was tilting really bad, my last game of the night i just shut my computer off as it was ending. |
Play 3s!
the passive for his e with the hammer is ****ing stupid good. 6 mana restored per hit. bring 3 pots to lane with you and youre good to stay until the team fights start. |
tyler is doing a 45 hour stream for the new season
daaaaaamn im not gettin any sleep |
really wanted to take the day off today just cuz day 1 of a new season should be a holiday
im hella addicted, im starting to feel relativey comfortable with a handful of different champs now which brings my enjoyment of the game up a lot.
last few nights ive been playing a lot of nasus. nothing better than two hitting squishies after you’ve got your Q stacked up to 800 dmg. one specific game i pushed my lane all the way to inhib before any other turrets went down on the map. |
i played two ranked games today, the first one saw my client crash and needed to be reinstalled so i took an L for leaving and the 2nd game i went 1/6 and fed my ass off
switched things up and played a norm just for fun and got an S- game with Nasus with a quad why cant ranked be that ez :( i think i just to play enough ranked that my mmr falls down to where it is for norms i guess |
im hype ive been a neutral viewer up to this point but with two canadians on their starting 5 now i might be going full C9 fan boy |
Nice elph. Perhaps a highgold-lowplat season is looking your way?
im 3-5 atm in mine with one loss being a disconnect. op.gg says my mmr looks like another bronze 1 placement. i just cant find a groove in ranked. yesterday i tore up a silver 3 trundle in lane and then got fisted by a bronze 3 yasuo. wave management is my biggest issue atm, need to work on my back timing, freezing, etc.
TSM should be really solid again this year as well |
NA is an embarassment. I might try to watch again but im scurred.
Na > eu
Even the regional competition got very blah for me. Rosters are constantly changing because of drama and the synergy among team members is often lacking. The NA games are generally scrappy as hell, poorly executed, and giant throwfests.
It can still be fun to watch. They really have done a great job of creating an even that feels like you're watching a sport. I'm just a bitter old hater. |
damn, bjerg getting flamed super hard on twitter and reddit for the TSM loss last night. he definitely wasn’t at his best but the whole team looked pretty lackluster imo. he’ll bounce back.
best tweet: Bjeg: Weak start from us, too many mistakes early on. Already planning my revenge on TL for later in the split. GGWP! reply: “@Bjergsen dw, you really showed those minions who’s boss” damn |
yeah i kinda get what you mean, there seems to be a big separation now between ranked play and actual pro play. an adc going up 3/0/1 is a huge at end game in the pros when 30 mins in there's only been 10 kills all game. it's like more just waiting for the other team to have a misstep in their positioning than it is one player out playing the other.
my zed is the ****in bomb
ok not really but like once you get ahead with him it's so fun to turn getting chased down by your lane opponent and their jg into an ez double kill |
i made a second account awhile ago bc i wanted to try more mids and adc without getting flamed super hard for doing poorly
he's one of a lot of champs that i slept on bc i wasnt good enough to use them. not that im good enough now, but i'm just smart enough to take the 5 minute to read a quick breakdown. |
swain rework incoming
get those perma bans ready elph |
also pls everyone read thishttps://www.reddit.com/r/leagueofleg...JO&sh=c7a2eace
not rly a smurf more like BRONZE 2!!!! qwertyy made a 2nd account bc every time he tries to play a different champ on his main he gets flamed by his teammates
rocking that 71% win rate on zed atm too |
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