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The Batlord 12-14-2017 08:49 PM


Originally Posted by Qwertyy (Post 1904464)
so basically a month ago you were fun and clearly something in the last 30 days has turned you into a lame pussy

fret not, i'm gonna **** all over you just the same.

What are you talking about? I said a thing and you told me to chill out. You're clearly the ***got. I was hoping you'd come back with something scathing to make me look like a bitch who can't even talk **** anymore, but instead we're in a post-**** talking world of some sort. I mean this could be a thing, but you'd have to be taking the reigns to **** with me, whereas Frownland is on point with this, and you simply can't pick up from where he left off cause you're not good enough.

Ol’ Qwerty Bastard 12-14-2017 08:54 PM

> be batlord
> forget how to take a joke
> be butt hurt
> get called out for being butt hurt
> try to prove you're not butt hurt by getting even more butt hurt

Frownland 12-14-2017 08:59 PM

>be Qlerty
>be bitchy because medicine or something
>make far less zingers

Ol’ Qwerty Bastard 12-14-2017 09:00 PM

bitch i will pound your ass so hard you'll be able to use the audio as a new WISSK song

The Batlord 12-15-2017 03:22 AM


Originally Posted by Qwertyy (Post 1904471)
> be batlord
> forget how to take a joke
> be butt hurt
> get called out for being butt hurt
> try to prove you're not butt hurt by getting even more butt hurt

Bruh, you have the worst instinct for interpreting intent on this site. You always think someone is butthurt, as if you can't even comprehend that nobody gets mad at your trolling cause you suck as a troll.


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 1904501)
nobody even played any league

wait batlord grinded bots hard

he has a game where he lost to intermediate bots though

I was trashed and wanted to dip my toes back in with some easy **** and just went down hard. And that first game was weird. I think that was actually those dudes' first game or some ****. Watching people just walk straight into towers without minions made me feel like other people probably feel when playing with me.

Ol’ Qwerty Bastard 12-15-2017 04:09 AM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1904430)
Man, you are obsessed with not sounding liking like a person just trying to have fun casually.

if this doesn’t sound like drunk crying i dunno what does

i think you’re just back pedaling to try and save some of your pride at this point

Yac 12-15-2017 07:54 AM

I've heard LOL has the most toxic, obnoxious community out there. It seems.. there is some truth in that ;)
At least you're not yet wishing each other cancer, and in case you'd like to - please don't.

Ol’ Qwerty Bastard 12-15-2017 09:03 AM

na i love batty but that just doesn’t forgive his 0/10 feed fests

i’m bad, but that’s like some elite level badness right there. you can’t just naturally be that bad without really putting some effort into sucking.

DwnWthVwls 12-15-2017 09:48 AM


Originally Posted by Yac (Post 1904595)
I've heard LOL has the most toxic, obnoxious community out there. It seems.. there is some truth in that ;)
At least you're not yet wishing each other cancer, and in case you'd like to - please don't.

Overwatch is worse imo.. but yeah, that's what happens when you get millions of anonymous players, who have to work together.. Most people don't give a **** about playing as a team or strategically, because their mentality is "I'm just trying to have fun", which apparently negates all reason and criticism. I get it, I really do, but when youre so selfish that you play a game where multiple people rely on you to work together and youre not willing to be flexible maybe you shouldn't play team games. Selfish, entitled gamers are the majority, unfortunately.

The Batlord 12-15-2017 10:00 AM


Originally Posted by Qwertyy (Post 1904553)
if this doesn’t sound like drunk crying i dunno what does

i think you’re just back pedaling to try and save some of your pride at this point

Yes because I never do that just for fun.

Frownland 12-15-2017 10:18 AM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1904620)
Yes because I never do that just for fun.

You do it for fun and because you're genuinely pissy.

Ol’ Qwerty Bastard 12-15-2017 12:46 PM


Originally Posted by DwnWthVwls (Post 1904616)
Overwatch is worse imo.. but yeah, that's what happens when you get millions of anonymous players, who have to work together.. Most people don't give a **** about playing as a team or strategically, because their mentality is "I'm just trying to have fun", which apparently negates all reason and criticism. I get it, I really do, but when youre so selfish that you play a game where multiple people rely on you to work together and youre not willing to be flexible maybe you shouldn't play team games. Selfish, entitled gamers are the majority, unfortunately.

overwatch is worse in my experience too, i’ve never had people go as far in LoL as they do in Overwatch. the FF option in LoL helps a lot imo too, whereas in Overwatch you’re just stuck in the game and a lot of people will say **** it and throw because of that.

on a side note i’ve dropped ~1000sr in Overwatch over the last month, from mid Platinum down to mid Silver.

DwnWthVwls 12-15-2017 01:00 PM

Honestly, you guys have it easy. All the new matchmaking systems in place are way better than the **** I had to deal with in season 2 when I started. I wish OW had some sort of pick your role prior to joining system, so you wouldn't get stuck with 5 dps every game in the lower ranks..

@Q, yup. I dropped from gold to now bronze/silver, and I don't really play carries, so im struggling to climb back up. I had 2 really bad losing streaks during Thanksgiving break cause all the little ****ers home from school. Some of the new Holiday skins are awesome. I'm pretty much spending the rest of this season learning some new champs and hopefully not get ****ed too hard in placement next season due to my low elo this one.

DwnWthVwls 12-15-2017 02:05 PM

yeah.. **** those days.

Also, **** the people who take ur champ 2nd round and suck hard after you ****ing killed it first round.

Ol’ Qwerty Bastard 12-15-2017 02:25 PM


Originally Posted by DwnWthVwls (Post 1904685)
Honestly, you guys have it easy. All the new matchmaking systems in place are way better than the **** I had to deal with in season 2 when I started. I wish OW had some sort of pick your role prior to joining system, so you wouldn't get stuck with 5 dps every game in the lower ranks..

@Q, yup. I dropped from gold to now bronze/silver, and I don't really play carries, so im struggling to climb back up. I had 2 really bad losing streaks during Thanksgiving break cause all the little ****ers home from school. Some of the new Holiday skins are awesome. I'm pretty much spending the rest of this season learning some new champs and hopefully not get ****ed too hard in placement next season due to my low elo this one.

they are supposedly adding role queuing. one dps, one tank, one sup and the rest flex.

i dropped in SR around the same time, and i have the same issue. i typically role fill for whatever the team needs, usually using tanks/supp about 80% of the time. what irks me is i've fallen to the point that i feel like i'm playing people so far below my skill level it just becomes frustrating. i know that blaming bad teammates for a loss is really poor excuse making because technically they should be in the same SR range as your opponents, but holy **** i can only take so many 5 dps or poor widowmaker/hanzo/genji team comps.

The Batlord 12-16-2017 03:00 AM

I got a penta the other day. It was against bots so it doesn't really count but it was still cool.

DwnWthVwls 12-16-2017 05:55 AM

If you wanna practice on bots you should do it 1v5.. It's actually pretty fun.

Ol’ Qwerty Bastard 12-18-2017 06:54 PM

kinda cool

Ol’ Qwerty Bastard 12-18-2017 08:00 PM

i've been killed the most by ashe... seems weird, expected teemo or garen or some dumb **** like that.

The Batlord 12-18-2017 08:05 PM


Originally Posted by Qwertyy (Post 1905941)
i've been killed the most by ashe... seems weird, expected teemo or garen or some dumb **** like that.

****ing Lux. God I hate that bitch.

Ol’ Qwerty Bastard 12-18-2017 08:07 PM

yeah lux is a ****in' pain in the ass when played well. she's a lot of fun though honestly. combo her q,e, and ult and you can destroy a whole team so swiftly.

Yac 12-19-2017 05:08 AM

Just want to add, without maybe derailing the thread, that the community 100% depends on the game. The only online game I'm playing at the moment, World of Warships, has an average age of gamers around 34-35 - and it shows. Very few folks raging in chat, an effective system for punishing teamkillers and .... well, in my 2150 or so games, I only got to be called names and wished cancer upon twice. And that's not a lot ;)

DwnWthVwls 12-19-2017 05:41 AM

Even more so the genre. I really enjoy hardcore, full loot, open world PvP MMOs, but holy **** does it cater to the greatest of ****bois (just go read the albion online reddit). The mmorpg community was so much more enjoyable when it was still a niche market circa UO/Everquest. Opening the floodgates to easily accessible online gaming did wonders for the market but with that came the inability to socially exile toxic gamers.

The Batlord 12-19-2017 10:42 AM


Originally Posted by DwnWthVwls (Post 1905981)
Even more so the genre. I really enjoy hardcore, full loot, open world PvP MMOs, but holy **** does it cater to the greatest of ****bois (just go read the albion online reddit). The mmorpg community was so much more enjoyable when it was still a niche market circa UO/Everquest. Opening the floodgates to easily accessible online gaming did wonders for the market but with that came the inability to socially exile toxic gamers.

Sort of like when they have free Sundays over at my local zoo and all the parents who don't give a **** bring their kids who don't give a **** and they yell at the animals to make them move. It's kind of nice to add some level of barrier to weed out the people who just want to kill a bit of time.

Yac 12-20-2017 05:21 AM


Originally Posted by DwnWthVwls (Post 1905981)
Even more so the genre. I really enjoy hardcore, full loot, open world PvP MMOs, but holy **** does it cater to the greatest of ****bois (just go read the albion online reddit). The mmorpg community was so much more enjoyable when it was still a niche market circa UO/Everquest. Opening the floodgates to easily accessible online gaming did wonders for the market but with that came the inability to socially exile toxic gamers.

Oh yes, fully agree.
I tried many MMOs over the years, mostly the free ones .. and only after I spent like 25$ on Elder Scrolls Online, I realized this initial paywall is crucial in keeping these psychotic people away. In something like Lineage 2 or Silk Road (long ago), the amount of player killing, trolling, begging, people running around with hitler in their avatars etc - it was unbearable. In Eso.. I spent like 250 hours in total playing it and I ONLY met helpful people. No one tried to scam me ;)
I remember I once tried playing UO, had no idea what I was doing, figured I'd have to level up so I tried attacking some .. deer, I think, with a stick... some players came, told me "Please sir, don't attack the animals", and when I responded with "What am I supposed to do to level up then ? Can you help?" they took me to the center of the nearest town. We met their friends there and they spend 2 hours giving me items - items that did nothing, but had different colors. They made me wear them, change on request.. I felt like some weird, fetish sex slave :D Eventually I told them to **** off and went on to continue assaulting deer with my stick, for which I was banned :D
If that aint toxic behavior, I don't know what is!

The Batlord 12-20-2017 11:20 AM


Originally Posted by Yac (Post 1906384)
Oh yes, fully agree.
I tried many MMOs over the years, mostly the free ones .. and only after I spent like 25$ on Elder Scrolls Online, I realized this initial paywall is crucial in keeping these psychotic people away. In something like Lineage 2 or Silk Road (long ago), the amount of player killing, trolling, begging, people running around with hitler in their avatars etc - it was unbearable. In Eso.. I spent like 250 hours in total playing it and I ONLY met helpful people. No one tried to scam me ;)
I remember I once tried playing UO, had no idea what I was doing, figured I'd have to level up so I tried attacking some .. deer, I think, with a stick... some players came, told me "Please sir, don't attack the animals", and when I responded with "What am I supposed to do to level up then ? Can you help?" they took me to the center of the nearest town. We met their friends there and they spend 2 hours giving me items - items that did nothing, but had different colors. They made me wear them, change on request.. I felt like some weird, fetish sex slave :D Eventually I told them to **** off and went on to continue assaulting deer with my stick, for which I was banned :D
If that aint toxic behavior, I don't know what is!

That's awful.

Yac 12-21-2017 02:25 AM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1906464)
That's awful.

I know, right ?:D
Still, in civilized communities, it's something that's frowned upon, is it not? ;)

Ol’ Qwerty Bastard 12-21-2017 09:40 AM

it's been like a week since i've played, the withdraw is real. my new laptop is on the way tho so i'm ready to tear **** up when it gets in.

DwnWthVwls 12-21-2017 03:20 PM

I want all the 1v1s.

Ol’ Qwerty Bastard 12-22-2017 08:39 AM

gettin’ those carries ready for me

good to hear

Ol’ Qwerty Bastard 12-26-2017 11:42 AM

goddamn the difference between Overwatch console and PC is day and night, so smooth.

DwnWthVwls 12-26-2017 03:16 PM

Get a real computer.. I'm running Ultra 144hz monitor/100+fps :D

I tried playing Christmas day.. big mistake. I managed to climb back to 1800 from the pit of hell aka 1289, and it was the worst day ever. Everyone was a ****ing miserable ****head.. I played about 5-6 games, flame wars every game. I just mute/report every time now, to prevent tilting.

Ol’ Qwerty Bastard 12-26-2017 03:19 PM

what’s your UN? i’ll add you. i’m still on that level 25 grind atm but i cant wait to get into comp.

Ol’ Qwerty Bastard 12-26-2017 05:03 PM

the thread that i didnt mean to post in originally but posted in anyway so therefore will continue to be used to discuss OW until elph’s bitch ass gets the game and realizes how much fun it is and how well it’ll fit his tastes because of his experience with MOBAs thus leading to 3 overwatch players on the forum and the creation of an Overwatch thread where all further discussion on the game will take place

Ol’ Qwerty Bastard 12-26-2017 06:37 PM

it’s on sale for $25 right now so

yeah take that bitch

Ol’ Qwerty Bastard 12-26-2017 06:43 PM


The Batlord 12-26-2017 06:55 PM

Let's play 3vcomputer on starcraft and get merked by the computer like bitches.

DwnWthVwls 12-26-2017 06:57 PM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 1908658)
it does not look fun to me tbqh

i mean it has a cowboy guy

but still

would rather play Starcraft than an fps

I suck at aiming.. I play like 2 champs that actually require aiming and they are a support and a grenade lobber guy. The character choices feel more like a MOBA than an FPS.

@Q - DwnWthVwls#11155

The Batlord 12-26-2017 07:20 PM

Or let's play SC2 and take forever to load games.

DwnWthVwls 12-31-2017 08:16 AM

Learning Reaper and Genji during the off season.. I suck :(

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