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Old 02-14-2014, 03:18 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Default The Gaming Industry

Im a hardcore gamer ive been one ever since my NES days and i still luv videogames but i have noticed the videogame industry has changed dramatically from Duck hunt to Call of duty no one could have ever predicted the gaming industry would come this far and that's what this thread is all about you sharing your thoughts on the videogame industry as a whole, the franchises, the characters, all that good stuff

i personally want to talk about how the level of difficulty of games has become way too merciful and how everything is over explained over and over and in some games you can't skip the explanation so if you die you have to listen to it all over again

See, games didn't used to be like that back in the nintendo days games didn't explain sh*t and to top it off the games were hard as hell BUT~

Within their limitation is their ingenuity game designers found a way to explain everything to you not through words but rather by instinct this vid should explain what i mean

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Old 02-20-2014, 04:08 PM   #2 (permalink)
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Wow I'm kind of surprised of there hasn't been more responses to this...

The video game industry is HUGE nowadays. My best friend is studying to be a game designer (code), and a few months ago he got an internship working for Microsoft, and the internship is fully covered and approved by the college. I'm studying right now to be a writer with the hopes that I can be a game writer one day and work for Capcom (if you couldn't tell by my avatar), though I'm not Japanese so that probably won't happen.

I still remember the days when I used to go to Blockbuster (a (now-bankrupt) video store, and video stores themselves are now an archaic business as well!) to rent video games. Now you don't even need a physical medium to play the games, you can just download them!
Originally Posted by Black Francis View Post
i personally want to talk about how the level of difficulty of games has become way too merciful and how everything is over explained over and over and in some games you can't skip the explanation so if you die you have to listen to it all over again

See, games didn't used to be like that back in the nintendo days games didn't explain sh*t and to top it off the games were hard as hell BUT~

Within their limitation is their ingenuity game designers found a way to explain everything to you not through words but rather by instinct this vid should explain what i mean
As far as the difficulty of video games...well I was born in 1993 and I've never even held an NES controller in my hands before, so I can't really comment on the difficulty of NES games. I've never beaten Super Mario 64 for the Nintendo 64, and I don't think I've ever played a game since then that's more difficult. I don't understand how anybody could have the time and patience to complete that game.
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Old 02-20-2014, 04:27 PM   #3 (permalink)
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I hope you succeed in becoming a writer for Capcom you never know man it could happen

haha yea between Netflix and direct downloads they bankrupted Blockbuster but i remember going to Blockbuster and even stealing a couple of games and movies from them

But Mario 64?

That game is not that hard i admit at times it could get very difficult but it's a Mario game they aren't that hard..

What was the console that got you into videogaming?
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Old 03-17-2014, 08:15 PM   #4 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Black Francis View Post
What was the console that got you into videogaming?
Wow, I JUST realized I never responded to you. That was a dick move and I apologize.

It was not a console that got me into gaming, it was this bad boy:

With a 4GB hard drive and two, yes, TWO floppy disk drives, this thing was a machine. It also weighed 40 lbs., and I'm being serious about the weight.

I played a lot of Dark Forces on it

Spoiler for DARK FORCES:

Rebel Assault


and of course, the greatest computer game ever made, Spectre VR

Spoiler for SPECTRE VR:
There's no point in me showing you pictures of this game, because...well, if you haven't heard of it, look it up for yourself. You'll see why pictures don't do it justice.

Rebel Assault and Spectre VR required this contraption:
It's probably because of the joystick that I found consoles much more attractive than the computer, i.e., the analog sticks.
I have this exact same joystick currently on a shelf in my room gathering dust. I used to have another one, but it not-so-surprisingly broke sometime ago.

Holy ****! Spectre VR is available for the iPhone!?! I'm so buying that right now!
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Old 02-20-2014, 09:52 PM   #5 (permalink)
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I enjoy gaming as well, especially Nintendo gaming. Or let's put it that way, I used to in the last year. I got too busy lately.
Nowadays, I'm a bit disappointed in the gaming industry, since there aren't many games for more serious players or fans of franchises.
Nintendo sadly only releases re-makes of old games or just releases casual games. That's why the latest consoles, 3DS and Wii U sold like totally not.
I don't get why the president doesn't acknowledge that fact. I will stick with MK7, AC, MTO, HM and MH and Pokémon for the 3DS. Not going to buy a Wii U without any games.
I get called hardcore casual gamer usually. I like RPGs though, like RO.

I got myself a Gameboy Color, to re-play some Mario games.
On my Wii I'd like to try out some Game Cube games, any recommendations?

Happy gaming!
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Old 02-21-2014, 08:54 AM   #6 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Silenzio View Post
I will stick with MK7, AC, MTO, HM and MH and Pokémon for the 3DS. Not going to buy a Wii U without any games.
I get called hardcore casual gamer usually. I like RPGs though, like RO.
You lost me with all those acronyms. I wad following you up til Animal Crossing but what the hell are the other games?

Also get Bravely Default if you like RPGS. Project X Zone is another good one but is more tactical style rpg. Get the new Zelda game that came out for 3DS.

Also to the OP, the old retro games were broken and unnecessarily hard. There are currently some hard games like Ninja Gaiden and Dark Souls like you mentioned. Most games also have those insane difficulty levels. I never play them though. I stick to normal so I can enjoy the story and beat the game. I don't care about having that challenge but the option to up the ante is there for you masochists.
Fame, fortune, power, titties. People say these are the most crucial things in life, but you can have a pocket full o' gold and it doesn't mean sh*t if you don't have someone to share that gold with. Seems simple. Yet it's an important lesson to learn. Even lone wolves run in packs sometimes.

Originally Posted by RoxyRollah View Post
IMO I don't know jack-**** though so don't listen to me.
Originally Posted by Franco Pepe Kalle View Post
The problem is that most police officers in America are psychopaths.
Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
You're a terrible dictionary.
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Old 02-21-2014, 07:08 AM   #7 (permalink)
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Well i don't own a Wii but i do get your point Nintendo is known for milking the sh*t out of their franchises and lately all their games seem to be mindless party games with a motion control gimmick which doesn't exactly appeal to hardcore gamers it's more like for casual gamers

Well i didn't exactly own a Game cube a friend lent it to me with a couple of games including 2 Rpgs Baten kaitos (Which i recommend) and Final Fantasy Crystal chronicles (Not the greatest FF game but it's very unique for a FF game)
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Old 02-21-2014, 07:22 AM   #8 (permalink)
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Oh yes, I exactly know what you mean. I'm sure they will change their strategy soon.
Not like it'd bring so much money, they have made about 30% less money in 2013.

Well, I've played FF as well on the Nintendo Consoles. I loved the A2 version for the DS system.
Thanks for the recommendation though, I'll see if I can get that game.

By the way, is there any game you are going to buy in the next time?
I feel like there's nothing really that's worth the money. I've heard about FF but I'm not sure if I want that...
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Old 02-21-2014, 07:51 AM   #9 (permalink)
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You think so? i would agree the Wii isn't selling as much as it's competitors but i think it's gradually establishing itself as an alternative to the Ps and the Xbox it's going for that casual gamers childlike market of simple cute games

You mean the new FF online game where you have to pay a monthly subscription just to play the damn game? no thank you besides the FF games have gone downhill since FF10 in my opinion although i hear this new one is pretty good.

To be honest i stopped following the FF franchise after FF12 cause i discovered the Persona games and the Shin megami tensei series which to me are way better than the FF games

I would like to get Dark souls i had Demon's soul and it was great
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Old 02-21-2014, 08:07 AM   #10 (permalink)
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Ah no, I think they won't reach the families so much anymore. Afterall, Nintendo costs pretty much in comparison to those iphone games.
So technically it'd be smart of Nintendo to be an alternative but they shouldn't be focusing on children or casual gamers only.
For example, I haven't bought the Wii U since there is no franchise title I really like.

Yeah, I meant that new FF. I wasn't too sure what people think of it, since I haven't played all games I don't know if it's worth the money.
I agree with you, monthly subscription are not so great... but well. Not like the Xbox One is any better.

Dark Souls, haven't heard of it, but I'll try to get some info.
I'm not so experienced in that genre. Is it all about PvP or can you play the plot together?
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