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The Gaming Industry
Im a hardcore gamer ive been one ever since my NES days and i still luv videogames but i have noticed the videogame industry has changed dramatically from Duck hunt to Call of duty no one could have ever predicted the gaming industry would come this far and that's what this thread is all about you sharing your thoughts on the videogame industry as a whole, the franchises, the characters, all that good stuff :)
i personally want to talk about how the level of difficulty of games has become way too merciful and how everything is over explained over and over and in some games you can't skip the explanation so if you die you have to listen to it all over again See, games didn't used to be like that back in the nintendo days games didn't explain sh*t and to top it off the games were hard as hell BUT~ Within their limitation is their ingenuity game designers found a way to explain everything to you not through words but rather by instinct this vid should explain what i mean |
Wow I'm kind of surprised of there hasn't been more responses to this...
The video game industry is HUGE nowadays. My best friend is studying to be a game designer (code), and a few months ago he got an internship working for Microsoft, and the internship is fully covered and approved by the college. I'm studying right now to be a writer with the hopes that I can be a game writer one day and work for Capcom (if you couldn't tell by my avatar), though I'm not Japanese so that probably won't happen. I still remember the days when I used to go to Blockbuster (a (now-bankrupt) video store, and video stores themselves are now an archaic business as well!) to rent video games. Now you don't even need a physical medium to play the games, you can just download them! Quote:
I hope you succeed in becoming a writer for Capcom you never know man it could happen :) haha yea between Netflix and direct downloads they bankrupted Blockbuster but i remember going to Blockbuster and even stealing a couple of games and movies from them :p: But Mario 64? That game is not that hard i admit at times it could get very difficult but it's a Mario game they aren't that hard.. What was the console that got you into videogaming? |
I enjoy gaming as well, especially Nintendo gaming. Or let's put it that way, I used to in the last year. I got too busy lately.
Nowadays, I'm a bit disappointed in the gaming industry, since there aren't many games for more serious players or fans of franchises. Nintendo sadly only releases re-makes of old games or just releases casual games. That's why the latest consoles, 3DS and Wii U sold like totally not. I don't get why the president doesn't acknowledge that fact. I will stick with MK7, AC, MTO, HM and MH and Pokémon for the 3DS. Not going to buy a Wii U without any games. I get called hardcore casual gamer usually. :p: I like RPGs though, like RO. I got myself a Gameboy Color, to re-play some Mario games. On my Wii I'd like to try out some Game Cube games, any recommendations? Happy gaming! :D |
Well i don't own a Wii but i do get your point Nintendo is known for milking the sh*t out of their franchises and lately all their games seem to be mindless party games with a motion control gimmick which doesn't exactly appeal to hardcore gamers it's more like for casual gamers Well i didn't exactly own a Game cube a friend lent it to me with a couple of games including 2 Rpgs Baten kaitos (Which i recommend) and Final Fantasy Crystal chronicles (Not the greatest FF game but it's very unique for a FF game) |
Oh yes, I exactly know what you mean. I'm sure they will change their strategy soon.
Not like it'd bring so much money, they have made about 30% less money in 2013. Well, I've played FF as well on the Nintendo Consoles. I loved the A2 version for the DS system. Thanks for the recommendation though, I'll see if I can get that game. :D By the way, is there any game you are going to buy in the next time? I feel like there's nothing really that's worth the money. I've heard about FF but I'm not sure if I want that... |
You think so? i would agree the Wii isn't selling as much as it's competitors but i think it's gradually establishing itself as an alternative to the Ps and the Xbox it's going for that casual gamers childlike market of simple cute games
You mean the new FF online game where you have to pay a monthly subscription just to play the damn game? no thank you besides the FF games have gone downhill since FF10 in my opinion although i hear this new one is pretty good. To be honest i stopped following the FF franchise after FF12 cause i discovered the Persona games and the Shin megami tensei series which to me are way better than the FF games I would like to get Dark souls i had Demon's soul and it was great |
Ah no, I think they won't reach the families so much anymore. Afterall, Nintendo costs pretty much in comparison to those iphone games.
So technically it'd be smart of Nintendo to be an alternative but they shouldn't be focusing on children or casual gamers only. For example, I haven't bought the Wii U since there is no franchise title I really like. Yeah, I meant that new FF. I wasn't too sure what people think of it, since I haven't played all games I don't know if it's worth the money. I agree with you, monthly subscription are not so great... but well. Not like the Xbox One is any better. Dark Souls, haven't heard of it, but I'll try to get some info. I'm not so experienced in that genre. Is it all about PvP or can you play the plot together? |
i heard the online FF game is actually worth the money they keep adding updates and whatnot but then again im playing GTA online which does this for free Dark souls you mean? im not sure if they added a PvP aspect to it i had Demon's soul which was the 1st game and it was great! it takes a bit to get used to because the game doesn't explain much most of it you learn by exploring there is no constant tutorial holding you by the hand like a baby on the contrary the game is known for being pretty tough but worth it have you ever played Shadow of the colussus? |
Also get Bravely Default if you like RPGS. Project X Zone is another good one but is more tactical style rpg. Get the new Zelda game that came out for 3DS. Also to the OP, the old retro games were broken and unnecessarily hard. There are currently some hard games like Ninja Gaiden and Dark Souls like you mentioned. Most games also have those insane difficulty levels. I never play them though. I stick to normal so I can enjoy the story and beat the game. I don't care about having that challenge but the option to up the ante is there for you masochists. |
@Black Francis Thanks for the info about that FF.
Dark Souls sounds interesting, I enjoy the adventure in games, yes. Tutorials aren't this necessary after the first 3 minutes :p: If I can get that game, I'll check it out for sure. In 3 Months I'll have enough time probably to get into a totally new game. @djchameleon MK7 = Mario Kart 7, AC = Animal Crossing (New Leaf) MTO = Mario Tennis Open, HM = Harvest Moon (just the Tale of Two Towns, sadly) and MH = Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate (still need to get into it) and Pokémon Y. Oh and I forgot to mention KiU = Kid Icarus Uprising. Yeah, Bravely Default... got that recommended. I'll try to get used copy. I heard it's similar to Rune Factory. I loved that game, so I may like Bravely Default. Zelda - my sister loves it. She'll be playing it instead of me. ;3 About the difficulty levels... I usually try to play games on normal level first as well. Especially if I don't know the franchise. Then again, I try to improve and well - sometimes I just stop there. Happend with KiU. I need to play it more again, that's for sure. |
Another thing that used to piss me off about old games and their unnecessary difficulty was the fact that you would have to start over all the way from the beginning. Until they started using codes that you had to write down with random letters/numbers. Also screw NES games that you just get to a certain level and they immediately tune up the difficulty.
How many times did you die on that stupid bike level in Battletoads!? Or the stupid swimming level in the first TMNT game. They ruined the turtles for me for awhile with that game. Don't even get me started on Ghost N Goblins. Screw those retro games and the people that idolize them with their rose colored shades. It was a horrible time. Mega Man was another horrible game that I don't think I ever beat. |
I do agree with you in a lot of cases though. Still, I'm planning on buying a NES system soon. I never threw out this old 36" Sony CRT TV that I've had forever and the combination will be an awesome link to the horrible past. |
The only old games I like are on MS-DOS
DOOM (easy) Wolfenstein 3D (literally just point and shoot) TES Arena (hard because theres monsters everywhere) TES Daggerfall (medium) |
Nobody ever passed Battletoads, that bike level was too hard! The ninja turtles undersea bomb stage it's also pretty iconic for being hard but that one you could actually pass Like you ive met alot of ppl that think retro games are too hard, they even call them broken games (and it's true some of them were) but the majority of retro games aren't broken they just don't baby you and make it super easy and i like that, i like a challenge. Ppl are so used to easy games nowadays they call Dark souls too hard! And IT IS hard but you can totally pass it with a little effort and once you do, it's more rewarding than passing an easy game BUT NOOO~ gamers nowadays want things too easy and complain Dark souls it's too hard. >_> |
Something I can say that I'm happy to see in modern gaming, points-based leveling systems are becoming more popular and more prevalent. As someone who didn't have many other nerd friends in high school, I'm glad to have other people to talk about the **** with nowadays. I mean **** with with Diablo 3 you just know half these people are gonna wanna play the rest of the series so they can pretend they did all along.
I approve of these lies, as long as I have other people to play with. Edit: Let us not forget all the excellent soundtracks of yesteryear, as this is a music site... |
That game truly is magical. Also, DooM is how I discovered Slayer. No joke. |
I think Rpg games are becoming obsolete, especially old school Rpgs where you have to grind to level up so nowadays other games are adapting and simplifying the lvl up system and using it to add a little Rpg element to their game For me, it's like they are taking the best features of the Rpg and discarding the rest, you don't have to grind much to lvl up you just follow the story and you level up, i reached Lvl 50 in Mass effect without feeling i did any grinding, however in Fallout i did have to grind a bit just to get to lvl 30 |
We are seeing more and more interest in the mathematics, strategic side of RPG's though. Whereas before many games would auto-assign points for players, today it seems that more and more are giving players that control. I'm not saying it didn't happen before, that's for damn sure, but let me put it this way.... I have chick friends who know that you're supposed to beef up intelligence if you're a wizard. They did not know that five years ago. |
@Carpe Mortem
Haha yea i hear what you mean. :p: Im all for it as well, i like every game where you can Lvl up but i kinda think old school Rpgs are becoming obsolete in consoles, even Rpg console games now are focusing on making the games more like a movie than a game and i don't like that, Epic graphics don't impress me especially considering every next gen game looks equally amazing so instead i rather play a game with good gameplay rather than epic graphics Personally, one of the last Rpgs that i played on a console that had an old school rpg vibe to it was Persona 4 for the Ps2, Atlus is f*ckin amazing at making old school rpgs with a new twist and i think the old school rpg formula can still be used in creative ways, i mean look at the new SP game 'The stick of truth' that game is doing well and it's old school rpg as f*ck. Being mostly an rpg gamer i feel my demographic is being forgotten for the FPS and RTS demographic, all the rpgs seem to be going to handheld systems and consoles don't get them |
I like the online play of the last few yrs. I get little joy vs a c omputer and prefer the competition of playin others
some ppl are entertaining when they use a mic but others are just whiny and annoying. |
I am an Rpg gamer i just haven't played some Jrpgs cause i don't have alot of money, and like u mentioned it's mostly Jrpgs keeping the old school formula alive, you mentioned the 'Tales of' games and that's a good exmpl of how not many games have crossover like that and that's why they have a solid fan base because there are not many games like that in the US market. And sadly thats my market, i don't live in japan so all i see is FPS games everywhere overshadowing the few good rpgs the console has, in handheld systems there is alot of successful rpgs they never bother to bring to consoles, why? I like handheld games but i prefer the console experience over it. |
Have you thought about getting a Gamefly subscription? Then you can rent all the good rpgs that are on consoles to your heart's content.
I recently got Animal Crossing in the mail but it's so not my thing. I thought I would be into it since I like Harvest Moon but idk. I'm sending it back for my next game in the q. RPGs are always worth the money because of how many hours you have to put into playing it but because of that you can also see why they aren't as rampant as FPS games. The amount of hours it takes to complete RPG games imagine the development time that it takes. |
I recently downloaded a Ds emulator for my Cellphone and the Rpg category is full with alot of games (Most of them being pokemon) and the Ps1 and Ps2 had a great librabry of Rpgs as well, but the Ps3 had less rpg games and the Xbox and Wii also don't seem to have alot of rpgs anymore, and that's kinda why i say old school rpgs are becoming a bit obsolete (mainly in consoles) because they don't seem to have much of a market anymore.
I think that with old consoles each genre had a more balanced library,the market wasn't flooded with FPS games and Franchises milking the **** out of their sequels, you had more alternatives than that but nowadays the alternative to the big budget console games are small indie games focusing on fun gameplay rather than epic graphics. Btw, if you any decent Rpgs for the Ds plz recommend me a few. |
Although if the game is good enough i would probably seek out the prequels, do you highly recommend it? |
the story is beautiful, the characters are all individually sweet, and the whole world they live in is pretty awesome |
But man i f*ckin hate i have to play it on a handheld system, and even worse on my cellphone it's not the same experience as playing on a console. |
You can check out this link though from Gamestop. They have 191 rpgs. Nintendo DS RPG Games - RPGs for Nintendo DS | GameStop Also the first Golden Sun was back on GameBoy Advance. I remember playing that but I haven't touched any of the sequels though. It was a pretty great game. |
Omg, do you think if i had a computer i would be stuck playing it on my ****ty cellphone!? :mad: I don't have a computer bro, i wish. @DJ Thanks for the link but it's a bit overwhelming. I don't have a personal reference for most of those games and i don't really have time to try them all out but it helps alot each game on the list as a quick summary of what the game is about so thanx man. ^^ (ive been downloading the roms without knowing what the game is all about lol) |
When did it get so out of style to own a computer? |
My mobile phone i barely use it's only recently ive been using it to play emulators, but posting with my phone is a goddamn nightmare! the keypad is uncomfortable and the autocorrect f*cks everything up! ive tried taking out the autocorrect thing but it just replaces with another autocorrect thing and even with that there is still a bunch of typos that get by so the whole thing is useless.. |
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