Originally Posted by Vanilla
I would love to have Alienware. PC gaming to me seems like it's dying. The consoles seem to be way more popular. I personally am a PC gamer but would definitely be interested in getting either PS or XBOX eventually.
You really don't need to get an Alienware PC in order to play good PC games. Sh
it you can build a comparable gaming PC for either the same cost as an Xbox One, or for a little less, and really there's only maybe 2-3 games that coming out within the next year that can really tout the whole "next gen grafix!!!!" remark.
As far as PC gamers being snobs, eh... yeah I guess that does kind of ring true for some groups, but it's not like there isn't reason to be. The rise in popularity of console gaming has not been kind to PC gaming, with sh
it port after sh
it port, the removal of option settings on things like Field of View sliders (incredibly important for FPS games on PC). I don't think it gives fans an excuse to be d
icks to each other online, but just look around any forum and you'll see most people don't need much in the way of excuses to be a d
ick to someone else on the Internet.