Originally Posted by Black Francis
i personally want to talk about how the level of difficulty of games has become way too merciful and how everything is over explained over and over and in some games you can't skip the explanation so if you die you have to listen to it all over again
See, games didn't used to be like that back in the nintendo days games didn't explain sh*t and to top it off the games were hard as hell BUT~
i dident live to see the third and 4th generations. Heck i barely saw the 5th since i came at the very end of it. But my first two consoles were the SNES and the PS1 and to some degree i agree. Some games dont need turorials while others IMO do. Any one can pick up a fighting game but not everyone automatically knows the combos. But games that fall under the platform genre are so easy to pick up and play a 3yr old could do it.
Now as far as difficulty? all i have to say is nintendo went from contra to the white tanoki suit