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Scarlett O'Hara 11-05-2012 11:09 PM

What's All The Fuss About ______ Movie/Book/Game?
I'll start:

The Shining

So everyone seems to love this movie, but I think it's long and average. What's the big deal? Is the book better? What do you think about the story?

FRED HALE SR. 11-06-2012 10:46 AM


Originally Posted by Vanilla (Post 1247938)
I'll start:

The Shining

So everyone seems to love this movie, but I think it's long and average. What's the big deal? Is the book better? What do you think about the story?

I tend to look at the movie as a buildup to better things. Its a slow maturation of a guy on the edge of insanity. I like the choice of scenery, the creepy feel of the Hotel. It also relys on one of the greatest actors of that era to carry it and I think Nicholson does a very great job at it. I also liked the vulnerability of Shelley Duvall whom I thought also played the part very well. I've always been a huge fan of Kubrick also and I think he really tends to drive character development into your head like a nail.

I really enjoyed the book also King can really weave a tale and make it harrowing. I would implore you to read the book it moves along at a greater pace then Kubricks film and I think King really gets at the heart of the demise of his sanity. Definitely give it a go I think you would find it an enjoyable ride.


I honestly put this movie on thinking this gonna be great. Gosling has been phenomenal in a couple movies I really enjoyed. I found it to be a plot that seemingly goes nowhere. I didn't feel compelled to care about the characters in any sense. What did you find compelling about the movie? Explain to me why it deserves such praise. What did I miss personally from this movie to make me go back and retrace my steps and discover what is so interesting about it?

Good idea for a thread Vanilla.

LoathsomePete 11-06-2012 11:06 AM

I have to agree with Vanilla on The Shining, I've just never been able to get into that movie. I find the wife so unbelievably annoying that I actually root for Jack Nicholson to axe her and the kid was really nothing to write home about either. Having read the book I'd say the book is arguably better, but it's not my favorite King novel. There was a late '90's/ early '00's TV movie that was a much more truthful adaptation of the book, but overall The Shining is just a property that I cannot get into, but to be nice to it, it did inspire one of the best Simpsons Halloween parodies so it's not all in vain.

In regards to Drive, I think where the appraisal comes from is the fact that it is avery different movie than what the title leads you to believe. I think a lot of people went into it thinking it would be some Fast & the Furious knockoff and then was surprised when it was actually a kind of art house action movie. It's very nicely juxtaposed where you have lots of character development and story progression, and then you have someone getting their faced caved in in an elevator. Most action movies are so chaotically filmed and edited that they have no real standout moments because it's just so action packed, it's hard to focus on anything or even remember anything. I think it also helped that while it was a story focused movie, it did have scenes of graphic violence bestowed upon people we don't like for what is ultimately a just reason (in the movieverse anyways) and people respond to that pretty nicely.

Anyways given that I'm not above pissing on people's parades, what the hell is the big deal about the Halo games?

someonecompletelyrandom 11-06-2012 11:29 AM

They stand out simply because they're fun to play. Every single game in the series, perhaps excluding ODST, has had solid single player gameplay and endless replay value from the multiplayer games. It's not like they're anything amazing in terms of story or graphics, but they're more or less the go-to sci-fi shooters for co-op and online matchmaking because they handle really well and provide a nice, balanced experience.

Can someone inform me as to why The Big Bang Theory is so damn popular? I get 98% of the "geek" references the show makes, but other than saying "Hey, these things exist!" they make no attempt at being clever or funny with them.

FRED HALE SR. 11-06-2012 11:34 AM


Originally Posted by Conan (Post 1248103)
They stand out simply because they're fun to play. Every single game in the series, perhaps excluding ODST, has had solid single player gameplay and endless replay value from the multiplayer games. It's not like they're anything amazing in terms of story or graphics, but they're more or less the go-to sci-fi shooters for co-op and online matchmaking because they handle really well and provide a nice, balanced experience.

Can someone inform me as to why The Big Bang Theory is so damn popular? I get 98% of the "geek" references the show makes, but other than saying "Hey, these things exist!" they make no attempt at being clever or funny with them.

I've never touched an x-box. I do however think the graphics of Halo look outstanding, especially the new game i've seen commercials for. It looks to be very fun gameplay also, but I just can't see paying for an xbox to play one game that is stand alone.

Someone is gonna have to help me on Big Bang Theory also, i've never found it funny in the slightest. I get that geek kitsch humor is laugh out loud to some, but this show bores me to tears. I also can't get past Sheldon his voice annoys the **** outta me.

Frownland 11-06-2012 11:36 AM

I have a sort of similar question: who doesn't like Arrested Development? I know that it got cancelled because of low ratings/viewer level, but I've only heard people say good things about it and agree with these things myself. Was it in the wrong place at the wrong time or are there people who legitimately don't like it?

FRED HALE SR. 11-06-2012 11:39 AM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1248108)
I have a sort of similar question: who doesn't like Arrested Development? I know that it got cancelled because of low ratings/viewer level, but I've only heard people say good things about it and agree with these things myself. Was it in the wrong place at the wrong time or are there people who legitimately don't like it?

Personally I think it was a fantastic show and well written. I have talked with people that found it to be too complex a comedy. I don't exactly agree with that, but I have friends who didn't find the humor in it, so I guess its warranted in a sense.

jackhammer 11-07-2012 06:27 PM

I agree about The Shining too which may surprise some people but the film's greatest strength - emotional detachment, isolation etc is the very thing that put's me off the film plus Shelley Duvall just annoys the hell out of me. Even Stephen King didn't like this version so it's vindication!

As for Drive I can totally understand why some may not like it but the cause and effect of the violence in the film is brilliantly realised and it's like a breath of fresh air amidst all the usual banality that is offered up in terms of action.
Why oh why. The script is B movie fodder dressed up in major studio backing. It's directed and acted well but everything is so telegraphed that if you watched this with B movie actors on a late night cable channel you would dismiss it as a six pack beer movie and nothing else.

Scarlett O'Hara 11-07-2012 09:22 PM


Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 1248700)
I agree about The Shining too which may surprise some people but the film's greatest strength - emotional detachment, isolation etc is the very thing that put's me off the film plus Shelley Duvall just annoys the hell out of me. Even Stephen King didn't like this version so it's vindication!

As for Drive I can totally understand why some may not like it but the cause and effect of the violence in the film is brilliantly realised and it's like a breath of fresh air amidst all the usual banality that is offered up in terms of action.
Why oh why. The script is B movie fodder dressed up in major studio backing. It's directed and acted well but everything is so telegraphed that if you watched this with B movie actors on a late night cable channel you would dismiss it as a six pack beer movie and nothing else.

I just found it long and drawn out with a pretty obvious storyline.

someonecompletelyrandom 11-07-2012 10:52 PM

The draw is taking a serious, talented actor like Neeson and plopping him in an action revenge film. He gives the hero a real emotional draw in the beginning, making him quite a likable guy. From the scene where his daughter is kidnapped onward, he is punching throats like nobody's business, while almost stoically continuing his search for his daughter. Not to mention he makes one of the most bad ass threats ever and completely delivers. He's practically unstoppable in that film and it's cool to see him rampage through France.

The sequel was pretty shit, however.

FRED HALE SR. 11-08-2012 09:44 AM


Originally Posted by Conan (Post 1248793)
The draw is taking a serious, talented actor like Neeson and plopping him in an action revenge film. He gives the hero a real emotional draw in the beginning, making him quite a likable guy. From the scene where his daughter is kidnapped onward, he is punching throats like nobody's business, while almost stoically continuing his search for his daughter. Not to mention he makes one of the most bad ass threats ever and completely delivers. He's practically unstoppable in that film and it's cool to see him rampage through France.

The sequel was pretty shit, however.

Did I miss something? Who was talking about Taken? Great movie though. Thats a shame I wanted to see the sequel.

One that I can't quite get around is LOST IN TRANSLATION. Bill Murray is about as awesome as they come. Scarlet Johansson is a bombshell. This movie was tedious and slow moving. It seemingly had no plot either, but people seem to think this movie is a revelation. I just can't comprehend what made this movie so popular. Obviously there must be some hidden meaning or plot line I missed. I'd watch it again if there was even one redeeming quality in it besides the actors.

someonecompletelyrandom 11-08-2012 10:38 AM


Originally Posted by FRED HALE SR. (Post 1248872)
Did I miss something? Who was talking about Taken? Great movie though. Thats a shame I wanted to see the sequel.

Jackhammer asked what the fuss about it was. And yeah, the sequel gets into generic action film territory and hits a load of cliches.

FRED HALE SR. 11-08-2012 10:44 AM


Originally Posted by Conan (Post 1248898)
Jackhammer asked what the fuss about it was. And yeah, the sequel gets into generic action film territory and hits a load of cliches.

I missed that completely, I gotta slow down on the ganja. I'm sorry to hear that, Taken was very well done. I was looking forward to the sequel. I'll just have to make it a rental now. Neeson certainly isn't your everyday action movie guy, but he pulls it off well in Taken. Going into it with no expectations, it blew me away. I will say it had some slow moments when he first gets to France.

Plankton 11-08-2012 11:37 AM


Originally Posted by FRED HALE SR. (Post 1248872)
One that I can't quite get around is LOST IN TRANSLATION. Bill Murray is about as awesome as they come. Scarlet Johansson is a bombshell. This movie was tedious and slow moving. It seemingly had no plot either, but people seem to think this movie is a revelation. I just can't comprehend what made this movie so popular. Obviously there must be some hidden meaning or plot line I missed. I'd watch it again if there was even one redeeming quality in it besides the actors.

It's more of a "Feeling" movie. Kind of a bitter sweet feeling. I'm one of those people that like it.

The Twilight series.

My daughter read all three (3?) books and gushed about them when she was in high school. I watched all three movies, and didn't really "get" what all the hype was about. Now that my daughter is going on 19, she's got the attitude of "Why did I like that stupid crap?". I'm thinking she's coming around. This is coming from a girl who liked Brit Spears and Jeff Beck equally when she was about 8.

FRED HALE SR. 11-08-2012 11:58 AM


Originally Posted by Plankton (Post 1248935)
It's more of a "Feeling" movie. Kind of a bitter sweet feeling. I'm one of those people that like it.

The Twilight series.

My daughter read all three (3?) books and gushed about them when she was in high school. I watched all three movies, and didn't really "get" what all the hype was about. Now that my daughter is going on 19, she's got the attitude of "Why did I like that stupid crap?". I'm thinking she's coming around. This is coming from a girl who liked Brit Spears and Jeff Beck equally when she was about 8.

UGH Twilight is extremely repulsive on every level. Granted I only watched the first installment, but short of Kristen Stewart giving me a blowjob to watch the second too, it just ain't gonna happen. I like Britney Spears at 41, Hit me baby one more time is about as outstanding as it gets.

Plankton 11-08-2012 12:12 PM


Originally Posted by FRED HALE SR. (Post 1248946)
UGH Twilight is extremely repulsive on every level. Granted I only watched the first installment, but short of Kristen Stewart giving me a blowjob to watch the second too, it just ain't gonna happen. I like Britney Spears at 41, Hit me baby one more time is about as outstanding as it gets.

I'm a Katie Perry man myself.

FRED HALE SR. 11-08-2012 12:16 PM


Originally Posted by Plankton (Post 1248954)
I'm a Katie Perry man myself.

I can't get around the Gym Class Heroes guy she was dating. I know K-Fed, I know. :laughing:

Alfred 11-08-2012 01:02 PM


Originally Posted by FRED HALE SR. (Post 1248081)

I honestly put this movie on thinking this gonna be great. Gosling has been phenomenal in a couple movies I really enjoyed. I found it to be a plot that seemingly goes nowhere. I didn't feel compelled to care about the characters in any sense. What did you find compelling about the movie? Explain to me why it deserves such praise. What did I miss personally from this movie to make me go back and retrace my steps and discover what is so interesting about it?

Good idea for a thread Vanilla.

It's just an extremely tastefully made film that strikes a perfect balance of low-key and over-the-top. The story and characters are all fairly simple, with the exception being the mysterious and unpredictable Driver, but the movie is made with so much style that it's irresistable. Everything from the catchy soundtrack to the shocking, sudden gore to the adrenaline-pumping car chases make it a joy to watch. It also has the benefit of being so comparable to other movies (Taxi Driver and Blue Velvet immediately come to mind).

Scarlett O'Hara 11-10-2012 12:04 AM


Originally Posted by FRED HALE SR. (Post 1248081)
I tend to look at the movie as a buildup to better things. Its a slow maturation of a guy on the edge of insanity. I like the choice of scenery, the creepy feel of the Hotel. It also relys on one of the greatest actors of that era to carry it and I think Nicholson does a very great job at it. I also liked the vulnerability of Shelley Duvall whom I thought also played the part very well. I've always been a huge fan of Kubrick also and I think he really tends to drive character development into your head like a nail.

I really enjoyed the book also King can really weave a tale and make it harrowing. I would implore you to read the book it moves along at a greater pace then Kubricks film and I think King really gets at the heart of the demise of his sanity. Definitely give it a go I think you would find it an enjoyable ride.


I honestly put this movie on thinking this gonna be great. Gosling has been phenomenal in a couple movies I really enjoyed. I found it to be a plot that seemingly goes nowhere. I didn't feel compelled to care about the characters in any sense. What did you find compelling about the movie? Explain to me why it deserves such praise. What did I miss personally from this movie to make me go back and retrace my steps and discover what is so interesting about it?

Good idea for a thread Vanilla.

Well I will definitely get the book to read as you've suggested because I might find that I enjoy it more. And thanks I just felt a strong urge to debate hehe.

Girls, what the feck is so tear inducing about the Notebook? I found it cheesy, non moving and unrelatable.

I must be the only girl that couldn't get into it!

The Batlord 11-10-2012 09:14 AM


Originally Posted by FRED HALE SR. (Post 1248872)
One that I can't quite get around is LOST IN TRANSLATION. Bill Murray is about as awesome as they come. Scarlet Johansson is a bombshell. This movie was tedious and slow moving. It seemingly had no plot either, but people seem to think this movie is a revelation. I just can't comprehend what made this movie so popular. Obviously there must be some hidden meaning or plot line I missed. I'd watch it again if there was even one redeeming quality in it besides the actors.

I love, love, love that movie. It does a great job of using the isolation one must feel in a foreign country where one doesn't speak the language to illustrate the isolation you feel when you feel like life is crushing you down. And Murray and Johansson's friendship/chaste affair is just sweet and adorable. I never thought that an old man and a twenty something having a (non)relationship would ever not be creepy, but there you go. It doesn't make you laugh in the way that a normal comedy does, it just uses humor to disarm you and make the drama less heavy.

Plankton 11-12-2012 09:08 AM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1249521)
I love, love, love that movie. It does a great job of using the isolation one must feel in a foreign country where one doesn't speak the language to illustrate the isolation you feel when you feel like life is crushing you down. And Murray and Johansson's friendship/chaste affair is just sweet and adorable. I never thought that an old man and a twenty something having a (non)relationship would ever not be creepy, but there you go. It doesn't make you laugh in the way that a normal comedy does, it just uses humor to disarm you and make the drama less heavy.

Very well put Batty.

Burning Down 11-12-2012 09:49 AM


Originally Posted by Vanilla (Post 1249474)
Well I will definitely get the book to read as you've suggested because I might find that I enjoy it more. And thanks I just felt a strong urge to debate hehe.

Girls, what the feck is so tear inducing about the Notebook? I found it cheesy, non moving and unrelatable.

I must be the only girl that couldn't get into it!

I hated The Notebook, and I agree with you completely. The fact that so many girls gushed over the ****ing COVER of the DVD case (the photo of them kissing in the rain) is stupid. I kissed my boyfriend in the rain once and it was hardly romantic and it certainly didn't change my life, lol

The Batlord 11-13-2012 09:35 AM


Originally Posted by Burning Down (Post 1250070)
I kissed my boyfriend in the rain once and it was hardly romantic and it certainly didn't change my life, lol

But I'll bet it made you wet. :pimp:

Scarlett O'Hara 11-15-2012 10:40 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1250320)
But I'll bet it made you wet. :pimp:


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