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Unknown Soldier 03-17-2012 05:29 PM

Game of Thrones (Song of Ice and Fire) The Fantasy Thread

Now I've read the first four books and the fifth has just come out in the UK in 2 paperbacks, these books have pretty much fascinated me over the last few months that I've been reading them. I've now just started watching the series and it would be interesting to see how people view the TV series in relation to the books and the fantasy genre in general.

This site has plenty of horror movie threads, but fantasy is not really represented on here, so this is a great place to chat about A Song of Ice and Fire or any other fantasy series out there.

Phantom Limb 03-17-2012 07:52 PM

Oh my god this series is fucking AWESOME. I'm about 100 pages from the end of the 3rd book, but I can already tell that this is gonna be my favorite series of all time.

LoathsomePete 03-17-2012 11:57 PM

Next to Terry Pratchett, Martin is fast becoming my favourite fantasy writer. He has really managed to create a living world that absorbs you into it. I read all five novels in a little over a month, foregoing homework and other responsibilities in order to read just another hundred pages. I actually ended up watching the TV series first, mostly so I could enjoy it for what it was without having to compare it to the source material (something I learned from Alan Moore adaptations). Having a visual aid made picturing the settings a bit easier, but I was really impressed by how well the TV series followed the novel, even going as far as including a lot of original dialog.

After viewing the second trailer for the second season, it appears as though they're going to be including some elements from A Sword of Storms, particularly scenes involving Robb and his transgression against the Freys. As far as I can remember, Robb was only mentioned throughout the whole of A Clash of Kings as he was off fighting the Lannisters in the Riverlands. I also hope that they actually show the Battle of King's Landing, as we didn't get to see Tyrion kick ass in The Battle of the Green Fork in the first season.

James 03-18-2012 09:47 AM

I think the series is great, I have only read the first book so far but I think it's a good interpretation. It always looks beautiful, full of great actors to portray the characters. I am beyond excited for the new series and I plan on reading the other books once exams end.

Unknown Soldier 03-18-2012 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by Phantom Limb (Post 1166344)
Oh my god this series is fucking AWESOME. I'm about 100 pages from the end of the 3rd book, but I can already tell that this is gonna be my favorite series of all time.

The second half of the third book is probably the best imo. The battle between Gregor Clegane and the Red Viper is epic.


Originally Posted by LoathsomePete (Post 1166367)
Next to Terry Pratchett, Martin is fast becoming my favourite fantasy writer. He has really managed to create a living world that absorbs you into it. I read all five novels in a little over a month, foregoing homework and other responsibilities in order to read just another hundred pages. I actually ended up watching the TV series first, mostly so I could enjoy it for what it was without having to compare it to the source material (something I learned from Alan Moore adaptations). Having a visual aid made picturing the settings a bit easier, but I was really impressed by how well the TV series followed the novel, even going as far as including a lot of original dialog.

After viewing the second trailer for the second season, it appears as though they're going to be including some elements from A Sword of Storms, particularly scenes involving Robb and his transgression against the Freys. As far as I can remember, Robb was only mentioned throughout the whole of A Clash of Kings as he was off fighting the Lannisters in the Riverlands. I also hope that they actually show the Battle of King's Landing, as we didn't get to see Tyrion kick ass in The Battle of the Green Fork in the first season.

I've not read anything by Terry Pratchett but plan to correct that asap, like you I read the first 4 books non-stop but plan on having a gap before starting the fifth (which is in two parts here) I've actually just started reading the Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan which has about 13 books!!!

I'm already just over half way watching the first season and loving it, it really helps though knowing the books really well, as the series for obvious reasons can't give the depth and background like the books can.

I'll be interested to see how they do big battle scenes, as TV series often have economic restraints compared to budgets allocated to films in general.


Originally Posted by James (Post 1166419)
I think the series is great, I have only read the first book so far but I think it's a good interpretation. It always looks beautiful, full of great actors to portray the characters. I am beyond excited for the new series and I plan on reading the other books once exams end.

In general I'm impressed with the actors chosen, as whenever reading a book, the reader often visualizes the actors in a certain way. I envy you in that you have most of the books to read as book two is one of the very best and covers so much stuff.

Scarlett O'Hara 03-19-2012 02:00 AM

I have been watching the first series, absolutely brilliant! I definitely want to read the books. How gorgeous is Targaryen.

Unknown Soldier 03-19-2012 02:33 AM


Originally Posted by Vanilla (Post 1166638)
I have been watching the first series, absolutely brilliant! I definitely want to read the books. How gorgeous is Targaryen.

Which one Daenerys or Viserys?

Guybrush 03-19-2012 02:46 AM


Originally Posted by Unknown Soldier (Post 1166503)
I've not read anything by Terry Pratchett but plan to correct that asap

Oh man, you definetly need to get started on that. I'd recommend starting with these, reading them in the order I list them :

This is the series featuring the Ankh-Morpork City Watch which is my favourite Discworld sub-series. Night Watch is the best DW book he ever did (imo), but it's best if you read the ones before in the list first.

As for the Game of Thrones, I think I'll stick to the TV series. The first season started out a bit dull, I think, much like season 2 of Walking Dead. However, it definetly picked up towards the end and by the time it was finished, I eagerly wanted to see more.

Unknown Soldier 03-19-2012 03:19 AM


Originally Posted by tore (Post 1166641)
Oh man, you definetly need to get started on that. I'd recommend starting with these, reading them in the order I list them :

This is the series featuring the Ankh-Morpork City Watch which is my favourite Discworld sub-series. Night Watch is the best DW book he ever did (imo), but it's best if you read the ones before in the list first.

The first novel you've suggested is the 8th novel, any reason why I should be skipping the previous 7?

Guybrush 03-19-2012 03:32 AM


Originally Posted by Unknown Soldier (Post 1166643)
The first novel you've suggested is the 8th novel, any reason why I should be skipping the previous 7?

Yes, the Discworld series is made up by stand-alone books and books that can be regarded as part of a series inside the Discworld series. In a way, Discworld is a setting and the different books follow different characters. The books I mentioned are the ones that follow the stories about the Ankh-Morpork City Watch.

There are other such "sub-series" as well within the Discworld series, such as the books about the wizard Rincewind (starts with the first book, The Color of Magic), the book about the Ramtop Witches, books about Tiffany Aching, Susan Sto Helit or Moist Von Lipwig.

The events that take place in one such book follow over into the other, but it's generally safe to start with the first book in its own sub-series. For example, there's nothing wrong with starting by reading Going Postal, the first book about Moist von Lipwig, even though it's technically DW book nr. 33.

Unknown Soldier 03-22-2012 03:48 AM

I've now finished watching the first season of Game of Thrones, it was enjoyable but I have to say it doesn't approach the epicness and detail of the books which is understandable, to fit a book into 10 episodes is not easy to achieve. I suppose I was most disappointed in that they didn't try to film any battle scenes, as we just saw the prelude and aftermath of the first major battle of the series.

LoathsomePete 03-22-2012 09:11 AM

That was purely a budgeting issue, which thankfully will not be as much an issue for the next season. The battle at the end of A Clash of Kings will be shown in full detail and that one makes The Battle of the Green Fork and The Battle of the Whispering Woods look like child's play.

Unknown Soldier 03-22-2012 12:42 PM


Originally Posted by LoathsomePete (Post 1167832)
That was purely a budgeting issue, which thankfully will not be as much an issue for the next season. The battle at the end of A Clash of Kings will be shown in full detail and that one makes The Battle of the Green Fork and The Battle of the Whispering Woods look like child's play.

I know most TV series are judged on the viewing figures they get and if the viewing figures are not good enough, there is no season 2!!! So yer I'm sure they will do the "Blackwater" a lot better, I'll be intrigued to see how they do Stannis's fleet burning. Also I'm looking foward to seeing Vargo Hoat and his Brave Companions, surely the foulest bunch in any book!

LoathsomePete 03-22-2012 12:44 PM

The Brave Companions are pretty nasty, but Ramsay Snow, the bastard son of Roose Bolton is truly one of the most foul characters I have ever read.

Unknown Soldier 03-22-2012 01:01 PM


Originally Posted by LoathsomePete (Post 1167910)
The Brave Companions are pretty nasty, but Ramsay Snow, the bastard son of Roose Bolton is truly one of the most foul characters I have ever read.

Lord Bolton's bastard son, I enjoyed him as well. I've not read book 5 yet so I don't if he makes a return in that book. I also liked Theon Greyjoy and still don't know his final outcome (I supose he was tortured and killed by Roose Bolton)

Phantom Limb 03-22-2012 01:35 PM

Just finished book 3. So glad Lysa Arynn got what she deserved. What a bitch.

Unknown Soldier 03-22-2012 01:50 PM


Originally Posted by Phantom Limb (Post 1167932)
Just finished book 3. So glad Lysa Arynn got what she deserved. What a bitch.

I liked her, especially her breasts.

The Monkey 03-23-2012 05:40 AM

So what do you think about the theory that Jon Snow is not in fact Ned's bastard son, but the son of Prince Rhaegar Targayen and Ned's sister, Lyanna Stark. It's very popular among fans. As we all know, Rhaegar kidnapped Lyanna, which was the reason Robert started his rebellion in the first place, and her last words to Ned was "Promise me, Ned", which might be referring to keeping her son, Jon, safe.

It's also worth mentioning that three of the Kingsguard were with Lyanna when Ned and Howland Reed came to rescue her at the Tower of Joy. That they would be there instead of protecting Aerys II or Rhaegar can only be explained if the heir apparent (Jon Snow) was present with Lyanna.

The reason Ned lied about Jon was to keep him safe from Robert, who might have killed him if he found out, due to him being a potential threat to his claim of the throne.

This would also make Jon what is referenced in the title, as his is the Song of Ice (Stark) and Fire (Targayen).

Unknown Soldier 03-23-2012 06:14 AM


Originally Posted by The Monkey (Post 1168313)
So what do you think about the theory that Jon Snow is not in fact Ned's bastard son, but the son of Prince Rhaegar Targayen and Ned's sister, Lyanna Stark. It's very popular among fans. As we all know, Rhaegar kidnapped Lyanna, which was the reason Robert started his rebellion in the first place, and her last words to Ned was "Promise me, Ned", which might be referring to keeping her son, Jon, safe.

It's also worth mentioning that three of the Kingsguard were with Lyanna when Ned and Howland Reed came to rescue her at the Tower of Joy. That they would be there instead of protecting Aerys II or Rhaegar can only be explained if the heir apparent (Jon Snow) was present with Lyanna.

The reason Ned lied about Jon was to keep him safe from Robert, who might have killed him if he found out, due to him being a potential threat to his claim of the throne.

This would also make Jon what is referenced in the title, as his is the Song of Ice (Stark) and Fire (Targayen).

This is really interesting stuff and wasn't aware of any of it. The only issue here though, is that in the TV series Jon Stark doesn't remotely look like a Targayen (not sure without looking back about his description in the first book what his description should be) I mention this, because of the issues with Cersei's children and their physical appearances. Also with Ned Stark having died, he was probably the only one who could give any truth to this theory, unless any remaining Kingsguard's had any knowledge.

The Monkey 03-23-2012 06:42 AM


Originally Posted by Unknown Soldier (Post 1168324)
This is really interesting stuff and wasn't aware of any of it. The only issue here though, is that in the TV series Jon Stark doesn't remotely look like a Targayen (not sure without looking back about his description in the first book what his description should be) I mention this, because of the issues with Cersei's children and their physical appearances. Also with Ned Stark having died, he was probably the only one who could give any truth to this theory, unless any remaining Kingsguard's had any knowledge.

Howland Reed was also present at the Battle of the Tower of Joy and he still lives, and besides, it can easily be revealed through magic dreams or prophesies if Martins wanna go down that road.

Unknown Soldier 03-23-2012 07:18 AM


Originally Posted by The Monkey (Post 1168328)
Howland Reed was also present at the Battle of the Tower of Joy and he still lives, and besides, it can easily be revealed through magic dreams or prophesies if Martins wanna go down that road.

I haven't read book 5, I know the name Howland Reed but as far as I remember, his actual character hasn't been in any of the books so far.

LoathsomePete 03-24-2012 11:24 AM


Originally Posted by Unknown Soldier (Post 1168339)
I haven't read book 5, I know the name Howland Reed but as far as I remember, his actual character hasn't been in any of the books so far.

No, which is quite unfortunate because his character could explain a couple of things, such as the true story behind Jon Snow. I do kind of feel sorry for him though, he must be pretty upset at the thought that Meera and Jojen are dead somewhere in Winterfell.

LoathsomePete 04-01-2012 05:44 PM

Just found out I have HBOeast so I can watch the show at 6 pm rather than having to wait til 9 pm.

LoathsomePete 04-01-2012 08:07 PM

Just finished watching the season premiere and I like where the show is headed and how they're going about dealing with budgetary issues. It's kind of hard to say, but I really hope they capture the real sense of a country at war with Arya's journey through the riverlands. As to the changes made, I think they kind of make sense, at least with Theon Greyjoy being the one to give Robb the idea of sending him back to his father. I do fear people who have not read the books may frustrated in an episode or two if some of the major characters that get introduced aren't further fleshed out, like Davos. I did like how they elaborated on the scenes of the Gold Cloaks going after Robert Baratheon's bastards, especially how they found out where Gendry was going because I don't think it was explained in the book.

Unknown Soldier 04-02-2012 06:15 AM


Originally Posted by LoathsomePete (Post 1172595)
Just finished watching the season premiere and I like where the show is headed and how they're going about dealing with budgetary issues. It's kind of hard to say, but I really hope they capture the real sense of a country at war with Arya's journey through the riverlands. As to the changes made, I think they kind of make sense, at least with Theon Greyjoy being the one to give Robb the idea of sending him back to his father. I do fear people who have not read the books may frustrated in an episode or two if some of the major characters that get introduced aren't further fleshed out, like Davos. I did like how they elaborated on the scenes of the Gold Cloaks going after Robert Baratheon's bastards, especially how they found out where Gendry was going because I don't think it was explained in the book.

When most novelizations come to the screen, they quite often leave out certain characters if they feel they can't flesh them out enough to make them worthwhile, I feel Davos would be a perfect example of that.

Unknown Soldier 04-02-2012 06:17 AM

Whilst I remember, what do people think of Robert Jordan's Wheel in Time series, I'm currently about halfway through the first book?

Scarlett O'Hara 04-02-2012 05:22 PM

I just downloaded it. It's such crap that it doesn't air until 6 months later for us. Although I think our equivalent to cable might play it.

James 04-03-2012 01:46 AM

What did you all think of the season premiere the other night? I thought it was awesome, counting the days until the next one...

Sansa Stark 04-03-2012 03:39 PM

Arya is such a ****ing bad ass

James 04-03-2012 03:48 PM

Arya is my favourite character! Arya or Tyrion, they lift it from awesome to mega awesome.

Sansa Stark 04-03-2012 04:23 PM

Oh I loveee Tyrion too! I love the Stark boys a lot, especially Jon Snow (idc if he is a bastard, he's a Stark to me). I love their whole fam, except for Sansa.

Unknown Soldier 04-03-2012 04:38 PM

It seems that Tyrion is universally the most popular character amongst readers of the series with that wit of his. The character though that I think is the best is actually Jaime Lannister, that won't be apparent on the first two books or first two series where he is basically just a callous and smug villain, but the way his character develops from book three onwards is amazing, all credit goes to George Martin here in completely transforming him.

James 04-03-2012 05:18 PM

I like Jaime at the moment too, I like Cersai and Littlefinger as well. Despite being villains, they're not the type of villain you hate, it's very much grey and grey morality. Joffrey takes the "I hate him and hope he dies" role more....

Episode Two is available!
Apparently they're putting up all of the season on HBO Go so they should all be available to torrent soon! *girlish scream*

Phantom Limb 04-03-2012 09:53 PM


Originally Posted by Paloma (Post 1173323)
Oh I loveee Tyrion too! I love the Stark boys a lot, especially Jon Snow (idc if he is a bastard, he's a Stark to me). I love their whole fam, except for Sansa.

Why don't you like Sansa?

Sansa Stark 04-07-2012 01:07 PM


Originally Posted by James (Post 1173364)
I like Jaime at the moment too, I like Cersai and Littlefinger as well. Despite being villains, they're not the type of villain you hate, it's very much grey and grey morality. Joffrey takes the "I hate him and hope he dies" role more....

Episode Two is available!
Apparently they're putting up all of the season on HBO Go so they should all be available to torrent soon! *girlish scream*

I have HBO at home here, so I'll have to figure out how to get it


Originally Posted by Phantom Limb (Post 1173726)
Why don't you like Sansa?

She's a pussy. Her sister is such a bad ass. "LIAR LIAR LIAR LIAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

LoathsomePete 04-07-2012 01:13 PM


Originally Posted by Phantom Limb (Post 1173726)
Why don't you like Sansa?

Everyone I know who's read the books says the always wanted to skip over the Sansa chapters. She's just not that interesting of a character, at least not until the 4th book where she starts to gain some intrigue. However compared to Arya she's a bowl of cold porridge, I can't wait to see how much more badass Arya gets now that she's
Spoiler for spoiler:
been accepted into the Guild of the Faceless Men

Sansa Stark 04-07-2012 01:36 PM

I had to read that, although I don't know what it is. ****ing hell I love Arya. When I have a daughter, I hope she's like Arya.

James 04-07-2012 02:21 PM

I think Sansa improves as it goes on. I dislike her mother a lot though.

LoathsomePete 04-07-2012 02:38 PM

She gets better once she gets out of King's Landing, and she really only had a few chapters in A Feast For Crows and nothing in A Dance with Dragons so it's kind of hard to say what her personality will be like. She definitely started to shed her innocent and naive personality which is a good start.

Sansa Stark 04-07-2012 02:52 PM

Oh Ned. I'm crying.

I can't....!!!!!!! **** Joffrey!!!!!!!!

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