Have you faced elder dragons ? There is like 8 different kinds of them, the most popular blood dragons are indeed easy, but once their elder brothers and sisters appear ... they're able to damage you for ~350 hp (with no resistance bonuses) with one breath attack fly-by. Once they land though, well, it's the same old.
During the main quest you learn 2 very fun shouts - dragonrend which forces dragons to land and another one that lets you actually summon dragons.
To all that want to focus on the main quest: don't start the "The World-Eater's Eyrie" quest unless you're committed to finishing the game. It's not the end and there is quite a bit still to do after that, but once you do (I don't want to post any spoilers) there won't be a chance to fast travel to some distant town to resupply or do that odd quest. Oh, and I fell this needs to be stressed - after finishing the main quest, you are back in Skyrim, free to roam and do all the other quests. Just without an epic purpose
I completed the game on lvl 46, it took me roughly 76 hours. And by completed I mean of course completed the main quest.
Also, once I crafted myself a full set of light dragon armor, with smithing at 100 and a +40% bonus from items, enchanted it with skill boosts (+30% one handed damage, +30% bow damage, +30% light armor skill and a full variety of 50% resistance boots) and got the dragonslayer katana - it all became waaay too easy.
Finally, I think choosing the khajit was a mistake. Why ? Well, has any one of you managed to get a wife ?? I read up a bit on it online (though there isn't much out there as the game is still new) and it seems every city has a handful of ladies you can marry, once you do they will e.g. run a store, providing you with 100 gold/day passive income, or increase the learning bonus you get when you sleep in your bed - from 10% to 15% faster skill learning if you sleep with your spouse.
As a khajit though, not one wanted me ... which seems kind of odd when you think about how many women out there actually prefer cats to men :D Though in some way it was actually refreshing.