Trollheart |
09-29-2012 01:05 PM |
I didn't think it would be necessary to explain this, but as two of you seem to be arguing about what I meant (and it was only an off-the-cuff joke anyway, and not a great one at that) this is it.
I'm old. 50 next year. My avatar is a lot older. So I pretended to be like him, thinking a) talkies would never catch on then b) waking up and finding there are such things as 3D, HD, IMAX and so on. So not only have talkies caught on, they've become immensely popular, giving rise to such things as 3D and so on. I, as the old man, have been left behind, and am too dumb to realise that the things I declare will never catch on, did, a long time ago.
Hope that clarifies it. Nothing else was meant.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to tune in to the Beatles' off-key caterwauling on the wireless....