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TheCunningStunt 08-09-2011 11:58 AM

The Official Breaking Bad Thread -Probable Spoilers Inside-
I thought we could do with a thread for the best thing on TV at the moment. Anyone a fan? This is the place to discuss it.

crash_override 08-10-2011 06:46 AM

Skyler is a whore, which pisses me off.

Other than that, the show is excellent. I'm still behind on season four, need to get on that.

highoctane93 08-10-2011 06:48 AM

has ne 1 watched the new show called wilfred? the one bout the guy in a cheap dog suit that smokes pot? =)

TheCunningStunt 08-10-2011 07:17 AM


Originally Posted by crash_override (Post 1094301)
Skyler is a whore, which pisses me off.

Other than that, the show is excellent. I'm still behind on season four, need to get on that.

Season 4 has been a slow burner, I think. But then again I watched all 3 seasons as and when I pleased as opposed to week by week. So maybe that's a factor. But the first 3 episodes were very slow, building up the tension, it all felt very claustrophobic - most of the scenes are indoors, or in the lab, where as in previous seasons they were out in the open.

Skyler has actually warmed to me a tiny bit, she's still a bitch though.

The shoot out scene with the twins is quite possibly one of my favourite scenes from television, except for the build up, it felt a little cheesy and cartoonish for the most part. But the Hank shoot out scene was brilliant.


Originally Posted by highoctane93 (Post 1094302)
has ne 1 watched the new show called wilfred? the one bout the guy in a cheap dog suit that smokes pot? =)

This isn't the official Wilfred thread. Try here:

chipper 08-10-2011 07:49 AM

this show is on my top 5 favorite shows of all time. i guess when a show teaches you how to cook crystal meth, must mean the show's got some balls.

i also think it's brilliant how they managed to make the drug addicted kid the moral center of the show. and the growth of each character, man. turns the world upside down.

totally dope!

but i don't like watching it until the season is over. so i will hold off for now.

midnight rain 08-10-2011 07:10 PM

Skyler pisses me off too, sometimes I think the writers try to make her into some sort of genius, which makes me even more mad. She's the kind of person who is more then happy to point out someone's mistakes, and then rub them in constantly.

Fourth season has been slow to start, I'm not sure what direction it's headed in yet, aside from the cartel being a big factor.

That scene with Gale singing Major Tom last episode was priceless.

Freebase Dali 08-10-2011 07:20 PM

I feel better about Skyler now that she's actually warming up to the goings on.
But yea, she's still annoying. Just the way her face looks annoys the crap out of me. Like she got stung by a big ass bee and is surprised.

Sparky 08-10-2011 09:01 PM

I watched up half-way through the 2nd season.

I just can't get into it, the main character has no likeable traits and it all seems too silly. I've been spoiled by HBO recently. I've seen clips from the new season and it seems pretty intense, i just don't want to grind through all those episodes to get there.

No interesting secondary characters either, his son and wife are just tedious to watch, though the dynamic of having his sister-in-law husband as a DEA agent is interesting and will probably lead to a cool climax.

Still, I feel the show is pretty overrated.

midnight rain 08-14-2011 10:55 PM

Anyone else find it strange that Jesse went straight back to Mike after escaping the shotgun-wielding guys? You'd figure Jesse would think Mike had set him up to get whacked, after all just at the beginning of the episode Jesse suspected that's exactly what Mike was driving him out to do.

Other than that, it was a solid episode all around. Walt's tipping off to Hank (which in the process put the Heisenberg investigation back into motion, putting him at risk) shows how big an ego he now has.

crash_override 08-15-2011 01:08 AM

How many episodes deep is season 4 now? I DL'ed the first 2 but haven't watched them yet.

midnight rain 08-16-2011 08:35 AM


Originally Posted by crash_override (Post 1095663)
How many episodes deep is season 4 now? I DL'ed the first 2 but haven't watched them yet.

5 episodes so far I think, 13 in total for this season

midnight rain 08-21-2011 09:05 PM

Can these please please just kill off Skyler already? She has no redeeming, likable qualities.

Contrary to the writer's intention, their constant bickering is NOT a source of entertainment. It's actually the one downside of this otherwise superb show.

**** Skyler. I may have to start utilizing the mute button.

Electrophonic Tonic 08-21-2011 10:28 PM

I think everything is going along swimmingly. Yeah, Skyler is a bitch and things may be a little boring right now. But what makes Breaking Bad so great is the twists and surprises that happen, while still being completely believable.

I have absolutely no problem with the show the way it is, and I look forward to seeing how this seasons sets us up for the final 16 episodes.

Electrophonic Tonic 08-28-2011 10:20 PM

That was a great episode. SOOOO much set up for the final 6 episodes.

midnight rain 08-28-2011 11:41 PM


Originally Posted by Electrophonic Tonic (Post 1099177)
That was a great episode. SOOOO much set up for the final 6 episodes.

Yeah the first 6 were slow as molasses, ****'s finally heating up!

And you know Gus is in trouble. With the Cartel, the DEA, and Walt and Jess on his tail he better be watching his back!

GravitySlips 09-02-2011 04:58 PM

Love this show. The ending to the last episode was amazing.

I'm hoping for some more of Saul Goodman in the remainder of this season, too! He's been used sparingly thus far... understandable given the direction the show has taken, though.

GravitySlips 09-02-2011 05:02 PM


Originally Posted by TheCunningStunt (Post 1094309)
Season 4 has been a slow burner, I think. But then again I watched all 3 seasons as and when I pleased as opposed to week by week. So maybe that's a factor.

I think this is true for me, I also watched the first three seasons at my own will. There were some slow-burning episodes in previous seasons as well, notably the episode where Walt's trying to kill the fly in the lab - a strange episode although I did enjoy it. It was good to be able to immediately move on to the next episode after that one, though... the wait can be frustrating!

midnight rain 09-02-2011 08:17 PM


Originally Posted by GravitySlips (Post 1100450)
I think this is true for me, I also watched the first three seasons at my own will. There were some slow-burning episodes in previous seasons as well, notably the episode where Walt's trying to kill the fly in the lab - a strange episode although I did enjoy it. It was good to be able to immediately move on to the next episode after that one, though... the wait can be frustrating!

I believe that episode was a character study and did a pretty good job of it. Kind of reminds me of the Sopranos "Pine Barrens" though not quite as good as that one

Electrophonic Tonic 09-18-2011 09:39 PM

Best. Show. Ever.

midnight rain 09-19-2011 09:11 AM


Originally Posted by Electrophonic Tonic (Post 1104307)
Best. Show. Ever.

What a thought provoking comment. Gives me so much to work with and comment on. :p:

Also, Gus is a true G.

Freebase Dali 09-19-2011 02:40 PM

Best scenes from last night's episode:

- The "shut-yo-face-stupid-mexican-chemist-i-da-boss" Jessie scene
The facial expressions on Gus and what's-his-name's face shows that they're really seeing something in Jessie and will probably keep him around, as he thinks on his toes with excellent effect. As with the digging scene in a previous episode, Jessie, once he begins feeling like he's a part of something, does better and better and gets further off the meth binge. His arc seems to be on an upturn, and after his previous demise, it's nice to see him doing well and seeing his confidence return, and his employers having confidence in him as well, even though some of this helpful rage is obviously stemming from his still unresolved issues with killing the apprentice chemist.

- The epic Gus > the Cartel scene.
I love the way this scene single-handedly transforms Gus from somewhat of a villain, into a hero and gets you rooting for his team. The fact that they fought to keep Jessie, who we all surely see as a good guy in the context of the show, pretty much unites them at this point. And Jessie returns the favor for Gus and the henchman, putting him in even higher status in terms of the group.

I get the feeling that in coming episodes/seasons, this is going to put Jessie and Walt at odds, especially with their falling out, and Jessie being pretty much accepted by the very people who Walt fears will destroy him, making the next rivalry between the two main characters that used to be united, and playing with the alliances the audiences have formed so far.

Should be interesting!

Electrophonic Tonic 09-19-2011 04:36 PM


Originally Posted by Tuna (Post 1104452)
What a thought provoking comment. Gives me so much to work with and comment on. :p:

Also, Gus is a true G.

Haha I like to express my feeling to the nth degree.

But, that last scene... holy Shiitake! That was stone cold, even by Breaking Bad standards. (Speaking of which, one of my friends is going to watch the whole series to be caught up by the time of the finale. He texted me saying how crazy the bathtub scene in episode 2 is. All I could tell him was just wait... :laughing:)

But where do Jesse's loyalties lie? Yeah sure he saved Gus and Mike, and he Ali-ed Walt. But if Mike and Gus are gone, does that mean Jesse will defer to Walt, or will he fight a power struggle with him?

I also feel like Saul is going to be a major player in the near future.

Think of the choice Walt has to make: let Hank find out the deal, and be found out. Or, save Gus from Hank, knowing Gus wants him dead.

And... Skyler, I.M.B.F.O.B.T.

Three more episodes..... so awesome and so sad.

Freebase Dali 09-19-2011 07:24 PM

^ I have a feeling Jesse won't just fall back under Walt's control so easily. I think it had all been adding up, ever since Walt convinced him shoot Gale B, for which he now suffers traumatically.
If Gus and Mike leave the picture for whatever reason, Walt is going to have to make a pretty sincere effort at convincing Jesse to become his ally again. I mean, Walt always used Jesse as a means to ensure his own safety first, and I think Jesse is going to start getting the sense that Gus prioritizes him more...
Even if that turns out to be false, I think Jesse is going to at least be the one fooled by the gesture of friendship from Gus. Walt obviously isn't, and he's serving as a source of tension, putting Jesse in the middle of a struggle between Gus, "the boss", and Walt, "Heisenberg".

At the very least, I think that's going to be a major element in future shows, at least up until the finale.

Who knows what's going to happen with Hank, though. He was close before and failed, but now... I somehow don't think it will be the same outcome.

midnight rain 09-25-2011 09:03 PM

Wow! That was a crazy episode!

So is Ted Beneke dead? That scene was a bit out of left field. The guys who came to take care of it were hilarious though.

Electrophonic Tonic 09-25-2011 09:33 PM

Holy perpendicular lava f*ck balls of justice, Batman.

lucifer_sam 09-26-2011 05:22 PM


Originally Posted by Tuna (Post 1106542)
Wow! That was a crazy episode!

So is Ted Beneke dead? That scene was a bit out of left field. The guys who came to take care of it were hilarious though.

No, he saw through the threats because the one guy slipped up a bit. They never actually showed it in the episode, but I think they were implying at the very end that Skyler was successfully blackmailed by Beneke (which is why she didn't have the money left).

I'm getting kinda pissed at the writers, because there's this prevailing hint that Skyler is supposed to be the calm, well-reasoned center to Walt's chaotic life, but for what it's worth she's still getting outmaneuvered by incompetent bumbles like Beneke.

Now I'm starting to wonder....was all this business Gus has done with the cartel just a foil for base revenge? Until now, it didn't make sense for him to kill the hombre cook early in season five.

midnight rain 09-28-2011 09:45 AM


Originally Posted by lucifer_sam (Post 1106757)
No, he saw through the threats because the one guy slipped up a bit. They never actually showed it in the episode, but I think they were implying at the very end that Skyler was successfully blackmailed by Beneke (which is why she didn't have the money left).

I'm getting kinda pissed at the writers, because there's this prevailing hint that Skyler is supposed to be the calm, well-reasoned center to Walt's chaotic life, but for what it's worth she's still getting outmaneuvered by incompetent bumbles like Beneke.

Now I'm starting to wonder....was all this business Gus has done with the cartel just a foil for base revenge? Until now, it didn't make sense for him to kill the hombre cook early in season five.

Yeah but I'm talking about how he tripped over the carpet and hit his head.

Because near the end Saul sounded all apologetic to Walt cause he thought Walt was coming to him all angry about the Ted Beneke situation, as if Ted had died. I think the writers left it ambiguous on purpose...

Electrophonic Tonic 10-01-2011 10:40 PM

Ok, prediction time!

Spoiler for Prediction!!!?!?!:
I think that Jesse will get back with Walt before the season is over, maybe even by the end of this episode. Mike will die, and since he and Jesse have grown closer, Jesse will not take it well. Jesse will blame Gus' for Mike's death. Not that Jesse will be with Walt again, but I think they team up to take out the Chicken Man

midnight rain 10-02-2011 10:25 AM


Originally Posted by Electrophonic Tonic (Post 1108254)
Ok, prediction time!

Spoiler for Prediction!!!?!?!:
I think that Jesse will get back with Walt before the season is over, maybe even by the end of this episode. Mike will die, and since he and Jesse have grown closer, Jesse will not take it well. Jesse will blame Gus' for Mike's death. Not that Jesse will be with Walt again, but I think they team up to take out the Chicken Man

You're not saying that...

Spoiler for :
you think Gus will be dead before season 5 are you?

lucifer_sam 10-02-2011 10:56 AM


Originally Posted by Tuna (Post 1107256)
Yeah but I'm talking about how he tripped over the carpet and hit his head.

Because near the end Saul sounded all apologetic to Walt cause he thought Walt was coming to him all angry about the Ted Beneke situation, as if Ted had died. I think the writers left it ambiguous on purpose...


I re-watched it and remembered that I forgot about that scene earlier. The whole "Gus is going to kill Walt's family as soon as Jesse lets him" sort of eclipsed it.

Electrophonic Tonic 10-02-2011 05:56 PM

Si, Tuna. Si.

And considering the size of Vince Gillian's stones...

Spoiler for ...:
The cast will be much thinner, beyond the Chicken Man, by the end of next week's episode.

midnight rain 10-05-2011 10:31 AM


Originally Posted by Electrophonic Tonic (Post 1108476)
Si, Tuna. Si.

And considering the size of Vince Gillian's stones...

Spoiler for ...:
The cast will be much thinner, beyond the Chicken Man, by the end of next week's episode.

I don't know, I can't see a 5th season without him. He's the main source of conflict at the moment, not sure how he could be replaced for the final season.

And BB has actually had surprisingly little (if any) main character deaths thus far, nothing like a show like The Wire or anything. We'll see if that changes in the final season, where no one's safe.

Electrophonic Tonic 10-09-2011 10:02 PM

Well, it's not a much thinner cast. But there are infinite story lines for the final season.

midnight rain 10-10-2011 09:26 AM


Originally Posted by Electrophonic Tonic (Post 1109907)
Well, it's not a much thinner cast. But there are infinite story lines for the final season.

Good call broski!

Not sure I like that you were right though, I can't imagine a whole 16 episode season without him :(

Some of the scenes with Hank were hilarious.

"...and there is no way you're going to the DEA office!"


"Glad you could join us today Hank!"


Looks like the writer's aimed to go full circle in making what was originally the good guy of the series to root for, the final bad guy in the last series. Guess we'll be rooting for Jesse to take down Walt and his madness next season!

midnight rain 10-11-2011 01:36 AM

Two posts since the finale. I expected better from the MB community! Where's all the BB fans?

Freebase Dali 10-11-2011 12:36 PM

I'm sad the season is over.
Last episode was awesome though.

Now I'm wondering what they're going to do about cooking.

Electrophonic Tonic 10-11-2011 03:12 PM


Originally Posted by Freebase Dali (Post 1110309)
I'm sad the season is over.
Last episode was awesome though.

Now I'm wondering what they're going to do about cooking.

There is still a full lab in Mexico...

midnight rain 10-11-2011 03:53 PM


Originally Posted by Freebase Dali (Post 1110309)
I'm sad the season is over.
Last episode was awesome though.

Now I'm wondering what they're going to do about cooking.

Yeah... cooking, cancer, the writers seemed to have almost completely abandoned the first season's main concept.

Electrophonic Tonic 10-11-2011 09:43 PM


Originally Posted by Tuna (Post 1110332)
Yeah... cooking, cancer, the writers seemed to have almost completely abandoned the first season's main concept.

This is from an interview with Vince Gilligan from AV Club:


AVC: Are there things from earlier seasons that you’re still waiting or hoping to pay off?

VG: Yeah, definitely. The most coy way I can answer that is that there are several things that I think are still outstanding. I guess one of them that goes without saying is the dramatic engine that started this whole series, which is Walt’s cancer diagnosis. That’s certainly something we have not forgotten about, and that is something we will touch base on in one form or another as we draw to a conclusion in our last 16 episodes. But there are other things as well. Definitely we spend a lot of time looking to the past, and looking to previous episodes in an effort to tell a satisfying story by not leaving many, or any, hopefully, loose ends hanging out.

crash_override 10-16-2011 11:55 PM

Just finished watching season 4. Wow. I can't believe how much this show has changed since it's inception, I suppose that's the point, but it's not necessarily a bad thing. We've watched W.W. progress through several stages and it's been fun. From the posts above, I guess it looks like there be at least one more season, which is good, I think it's necessary to wrap some stuff up. I think Hank deserves at least some validation by at least finding out who Heisenberg really is. I'd also like to see Jesse progress a little more, I mean, we've basically seen Walt transformed, but Jesse hasn't really changed all that much, despite all they've been through together.

So Wakt poisoned the little Mexican boy at the end? That's a pretty wild revelation. Although we've seen Walt do some extreme stuff in the past in order to keep Jesse in his pocket. I don't know, they have to do SOMETHING, it just doesn't feel over, it can't be over.

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