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The Virgin 03-21-2011 01:16 AM

Bullied Kid Got Suspended for Fighting Back
This kid (on the right) has said to have been bullied all his highschool life. And boy did he snapped, bigtime! Unexpectedly, the school suspended him for fighting back. Some schools are getting more hillarious these days.

Deadspin, Sports News without Access, Favor, or Discretion

Kirby 03-21-2011 01:39 AM

This is nothing new.

I got suspended for defending myself in 6th or 7th grade (I was 12 or 13, and the kid that I fought back against was 16) and I got suspended for a week.

He hit me first because he said my leg brushed up against him, and I socked him in the mouth. And I got suspended.

The Virgin 03-21-2011 01:46 AM

i never experienced bullying. discrimination, yes. but to the point of physical assault like the one on the video, never.

Scarlett O'Hara 03-21-2011 02:02 AM

I got bullied quite a bit. I got called whitebait, ugly, too pale, to skinny, slut, whatever else. I punched two guys in the face for abusing me they never saw it coming, one of which never bothered me again.

Buzzov*en 03-21-2011 02:52 AM

I got suspended a few times for fighting back. I didn't get suspended when I stepped in to stick up for a friend's cousin.

Here is an interview with Casey Heynes (the big kid who stuck up for himself and was suspended.)

The Virgin 03-21-2011 03:00 AM


Originally Posted by Buzzov*en (Post 1021505)
I got suspended a few times for fighting back. I didn't get suspended when I stepped in to stick up for a friend's cousin.

Here is an interview with Casey Heynes (the big kid who stuck up for himself and was suspended.)

oh my, can i get the link to this? i can't view it here in the office.

Buzzov*en 03-21-2011 03:03 AM


Originally Posted by The Virgin (Post 1021509)
oh my, can i get the link to this? i can't view it here in the office.

Yea here is the youtube link if that is what you were asking for.

The Virgin 03-21-2011 03:07 AM

thank you Buzz...mwah!!!!

crash_override 03-21-2011 05:04 AM

I fought a lot when I was his age. Schools are so paranoid about fallout from situations like this that they like to punish anyone and anyone involved to make an example. Fact is, if they looked at it on a case by case basis, they might actually be able to see that this kid had no other choice. But that would involve them actually doing their job and sticking up for one of their students, I don't see that happening, ever.

The Virgin 03-21-2011 05:17 AM

let's not lose hope.

Ska Lagos Jew Sun Ra 03-21-2011 08:18 AM

Beautiful video.

khfreek 03-21-2011 08:25 AM


Originally Posted by crash_override (Post 1021543)
I fought a lot when I was his age. Schools are so paranoid about fallout from situations like this that they like to punish anyone and anyone involved to make an example. Fact is, if they looked at it on a case by case basis, they might actually be able to see that this kid had no other choice. But that would involve them actually doing their job and sticking up for one of their students, I don't see that happening, ever.

great post

s_k 03-21-2011 08:30 AM

The fat kid is so right about what he did.
Go kid! You did great. :).
I never fought back and I'm proud of it somehow.
I now see all these bullies fail in their lives even harder than I do.
And I smile a very mean smile :D.

Mojo 03-21-2011 09:29 AM


Originally Posted by crash_override (Post 1021543)
I fought a lot when I was his age. Schools are so paranoid about fallout from situations like this that they like to punish anyone and anyone involved to make an example. Fact is, if they looked at it on a case by case basis, they might actually be able to see that this kid had no other choice. But that would involve them actually doing their job and sticking up for one of their students, I don't see that happening, ever.

I think you're right. Punish everyone involved regardless. Whether one kid was defending himself against an aggressor or not, it doesn't really seem to matter. If anything, I would say that teachwers often get it wrong when discplining kids in these kinds of situations.

When I was in school and about 16 years old, there was one handicapped guy who had also attended my primary school and one guy a year or two below me who used to score points with his friends by bullying him or shoving him around, and obviously he would never defend himself. I saw him doing it one day and shoved him against a wall, infront of all of his friends, and had a quiet word with him and personally never saw him do it again.

However, whos really gonna end up in more trouble if a teacher sees me do that? We would either both get the same punishment or, more likely, I'd get done for that just for doing something that I didnt see them doing, which was trying to help this kid out.

Dirty 03-21-2011 10:43 AM

Being a daily lurker of Deadspin for the past 3 years and also a weekly lurker of the internet village of losers called /b/, obviously I have seen this video no less than 3 trillion times already so no need to click the link for me. That was pretty awesome though, I'm glad that dude finally snapped and did something about it. That little punk is seriously lucky his legs didn't snap in half or get a serious concussion. Casey is a boss, period.

I wish I had some courageous anti-bullying story but I don't. I was like the cool jock guy so I never got picked on. Actually the only kids I really remember bullying others were these short scrawny kids who got off on picking on the few kids smaller and scrawnier than them. It was like losers with no future picking on the only people that were possibly bigger losers with less of a future. I think it's weird how the kid in the video is picking on someone like 4 years older and 100 pounds heavier lol.

Also, solid post crashoverride. School and teachers are as much to blame as about anybody for bullying and stuff. After all, it's happening in the school. But as always, they have no idea what they are doing in terms of suspensions or punishments. Man now I'm just thinking of my old vice principal. I hated that guy. He was a former college football player so he was huge and massive and though he owned the planet. And was just so douchey and even had the greasy slicked back hair.

Burning Down 03-21-2011 11:09 AM


Originally Posted by crash_override (Post 1021543)
I fought a lot when I was his age. Schools are so paranoid about fallout from situations like this that they like to punish anyone and anyone involved to make an example. Fact is, if they looked at it on a case by case basis, they might actually be able to see that this kid had no other choice. But that would involve them actually doing their job and sticking up for one of their students, I don't see that happening, ever.

Exactly. A lot of schools see themselves as a sort of business and that there can't be any hints of favouritism, which is how defending a student, no matter what the situation, would be seen.

Here, there's a problem with guns and other weapons in high schools (mostly schools that are located in poorer or more gang-ridden neighbourhoods), and there are zero-tolerance policies at those schools towards bringing weapons onto school property, but the schools themselves are doing jack-shit to enforce those rules. Instead, they punish everyone who MIGHT have come into contact with a weapon at school.

I'm from a more well-off neighbourhood in Toronto so I never had to deal with weapons in high school, but I did have problems with fighting a few times and was punished for it, rightly so. I don't blame this kid for standing up for himself. He did the right thing.

crukster 03-21-2011 06:30 PM

Back at school I got put in isolation for beating up a kid that threw a bottle at me, he was on crutches but..meh he was one of those nobs that didnt actually need crutches. He got suspended or isolated as well, I know he got worse punsihment than me though. I think they thought it was racially motivated against me lol.

This is crazy though, I saw that video. Well done to the fat kid, it was ****in awesome what he did man. He shouldn't get in trouble for it, he's sticking up for himself. That's life - you've gotta fight your own battles. And here they are punishing that and encouraging the whole "grit your teeth and take it" approach. That's lame.

Alfred 03-21-2011 06:43 PM

I got picked on a bit for my first year or two at my grade school mainly by a select couple of kids, but I experience it rarely, if at all in high school.

djchameleon 03-21-2011 07:29 PM

I befriended most of the bullies in my school so that I could use them as protection. When some new bully moved to our school during the year and tried to pull some **** with me I would just get my bully friends to handle it.

Of course, in turn for this "protection" I let them cheat off my tests.

EvilChuck 03-21-2011 07:39 PM

I got teased in secondary school for the first year or so, from about the ages of 11 to 13ish. Then it just seemed to stop, maybe to do with me being one of the first to have a growth spurt and towering over almost everyone in my year. By the time they caught up with me, they'd moved on.

s_k 03-21-2011 07:54 PM

I was bullied from my fifth to my... fifteenth or something.
After that I got called stuff on the street occasionally.
This stopped when I grew a beard about 6 years ago. Not kidding.

The Virgin 03-21-2011 10:58 PM

i wonder why American schools are very prone to bullying?

Thom Yorke 03-22-2011 12:46 AM

This is awesome. You can just tell what a little punk that Ritchard Gale kid is from that new interview that just came out. Wouldn't usually speak of a 12 year old like that, but the kid's an absolute punk. Good on Casey.

billyjerome 03-22-2011 12:57 AM


Originally Posted by Thom Yorke (Post 1022088)
This is awesome. You can just tell what a little punk that Ritchard Gale kid is from that new interview that just came out. Wouldn't usually speak of a 12 year old like that, but the kid's an absolute punk. Good on Casey.

HAHAHAHA!!!! The still from the video is the kids seemed at first that HE was the bully...HAH!!!!!!!

crash_override 03-22-2011 01:07 AM


Originally Posted by Thom Yorke (Post 1022088)
This is awesome. You can just tell what a little punk that Ritchard Gale kid is from that new interview that just came out. Wouldn't usually speak of a 12 year old like that, but the kid's an absolute punk. Good on Casey.

So much for assuming this kid learned his lesson, bad approach to try and save face. No one buys him as the victim, in fact I think it's safe to say this video just makes this kid look worse. Just admit you were wrong and tell the world you learned a lesson from it, at least then they might believe the kid.

On a side note, WTF is up with the Australian media? Is this the only story they have to work with down there? They are milking this thing like it's the last news story of the decade.

The Virgin 03-22-2011 02:14 AM


Originally Posted by crash_override (Post 1022094)
Just admit you were wrong and tell the world you learned a lesson from it

if only all people in this world is capable of doing that, we'll have minimal problems in every society.

djchameleon 03-22-2011 02:47 AM


Originally Posted by The Virgin (Post 1022069)
i wonder why American schools are very prone to bullying?

I wasn't aware that bullying was just an American thing. Brand new information

Scarlett O'Hara 03-22-2011 03:00 AM

I'm pretty sure he meant prone as in a reoccurring environment for bullying to take place. New Zealand's pretty bad for bullying too.

djchameleon 03-22-2011 03:03 AM


Originally Posted by Vanilla (Post 1022103)
I'm pretty sure he meant prone as in a reoccurring environment for bullying to take place. New Zealand's pretty bad for bullying too.

still doesn't make sense. Bullying occurs no matter where you live.

The Virgin 03-22-2011 04:16 AM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1022104)
still doesn't make sense. Bullying occurs no matter where you live.

i beg to differ. Philippine schools (at least in my province) does not have any single occurence of bullying. perhaps because parents here are the ones who personally bring their children to and from school. from grade 1 to grade 6.

djchameleon 03-22-2011 05:48 AM


Originally Posted by The Virgin (Post 1022137)
i beg to differ. Philippine schools (at least in my province) does not have any single occurrence of bullying. perhaps because parents here are the ones who personally bring their children to and from school. from grade 1 to grade 6.

see you limited yourself by saying in your province.

even if all of the Philippines doesn't have ANY bullying happening..which I highly doubt.

The Philippines doesn't represent the rest of the world. Not sure why you singled out America like it's the only country where bullying exists.

The Virgin 03-22-2011 06:19 AM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1022176)
see you limited yourself by saying in your province.

even if all of the Philippines doesn't have ANY bullying happening..which I highly doubt.

The Philippines doesn't represent the rest of the world. Not sure why you singled out America like it's the only country where bullying exists.

cause it's the country that started showing/promoting violence on tv like crime shows, wrestling/fighting/boxing, jokes/pranks that requires a person to endure pain, etc.

but i don't blame america for violence around the world, though. for some parts only.

s_k 03-22-2011 09:04 AM

Hey, the more you stay here, the more you start liking the americans.
Altough I must admit that I have become a fan of NZ/AU people too since I've been here. They're so friendly!

crukster 03-22-2011 09:17 AM


Originally Posted by The Virgin (Post 1022137)
i beg to differ. Philippine schools (at least in my province) does not have any single occurence of bullying. perhaps because parents here are the ones who personally bring their children to and from school. from grade 1 to grade 6.

I bet you any money that it still happens but it just isn't reported as much. Happens wherever there's people, all walks of life, all age groups. That's why you can't discourage kids at a young age from learning to sort out their own problems imo. If someone hits you, hit em back twice as hard - otherwise you'll get a beatdown, that's life.

Sansa Stark 03-22-2011 10:40 AM

Good for him.
Kids used to repeatedly try to bully me when I was younger (even up to middle school) but 99% of the time I would beat the shit out of them, and always get suspended. I think my middle school didn't care all that much about punishing either party, I remember once when friends of mine were being taunted, I snapped and tossed the asshole over the bleacher railing. Not much happened after that, or when I stabbed one kid in the thigh with a pen, and the other in the face with a sharpie (yes, a sharpie, brand new ones can draw blood). Or when I beat the shit out of some kid with my padlock and chain because he constantly harassed me in every class together, they just took away my necklace. It's probably still there. Through high school nobody really bothered me because everyone thought I could do voodoo or some weird shit.

What's sad about this tho was this kid was becoming suicidal cause of all the bullying. A girl I went to school with who was bullied the same as I was, ended up killing herself because of it and all the snot nosed little shits put into their graduating speeches how they were so affected by her death. Twats.

Sansa Stark 03-22-2011 11:30 AM

Lol why are you so pressed that you consistently have to try to cut me down?
Get a life bro

Dirty 03-22-2011 11:59 AM


Originally Posted by Plum (Post 1022383)
Lol why are you so pressed that you consistently have to try to cut me down?
Get a life bro


s_k 03-22-2011 02:32 PM


This little douche is totally lying out of his ass
Thank you. Just what I thought.

crukster 03-22-2011 02:39 PM

I wanna punch in him in his goofy teeth

Buzzov*en 03-22-2011 03:09 PM


Originally Posted by The Virgin (Post 1022137)
i beg to differ. Philippine schools (at least in my province) does not have any single occurence of bullying. perhaps because parents here are the ones who personally bring their children to and from school. from grade 1 to grade 6.

I don't believe for a second there is no bullying in schools there.

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