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TheCunningStunt 08-08-2010 09:24 PM

Top 5 funniest films
I know we have a favourite movies thread, but I thought it'd be kind of nice to know people's funniest films. I feel when it comes to favourite films, people have to give films with a bit of substance and films that are thought provoking, there are some comedies that can have both. But I feel like everyone loves a good comedy, but they often get overlooked. It's so hard to make a good comedy, because the script has to be right. Otherwise it's not just a bad movie, it's a bad movie that's not only bad, but it can be desperate for laughs and in some cases offensive. So when I find a genuinely hilarious film I love them.

1) The Big Lebowski - weird, quirky, mistaken identity, idiosyncratic characters, the ashes scene, the fact 'The Dude' doesn't bowl ONE ball, and an interesting plot all make for a very funny film indeed.
2) Borat - The shock factor of this film just made it really special. I couldn't believe what I was seeing, it probably doesn't stand up when you view it more than once, but watching it in the cinema was just unbelievable.
3) Anchorman - One of the most quotable comedies ever? - Oh Ron, there are literally thousands of other men that I should be with instead, but I am 72 percent sure that I love you.
4) Shaun of The Dead - One of the least funny films on the list, but I thought it was great.
5) Happiness - Sick. Some might say offensive and desperate, but I thought it was a tremendously funny film.

Violent & Funky 08-08-2010 11:26 PM

Time out.

"Best Comedies" or "Funniest Comedies"?

TheCunningStunt 08-08-2010 11:28 PM

Well, my idea of a funny comedy isn't offensive mindless trash. So it depends on your perception really. I think a funny comedy has to be good. But that's entirely down to the person making the list.

Bollocks, I missed off Withnail & I. That's far funnier than Shaun of the Dead. FML.

Dr.Seussicide 08-08-2010 11:29 PM

I'm just throwing this in here and saying one of the funniest movies I've ever seen.

Violent & Funky 08-08-2010 11:30 PM


Originally Posted by TheCunningStunt (Post 915611)
Well, my idea of a funny comedy isn't offensive mindless trash. So it depends on your perception really. I think a funny comedy has to be good. But that's entirely down to the person making the list.

Meh, I completely disagree. So, which is it before I make a list?

TheCunningStunt 08-08-2010 11:32 PM


Originally Posted by Violent & Funky (Post 915614)
Meh, I completely disagree. So, which is it before I make a list?

Best and funniest go hand in hand for me, I can't watch something that's complete trash and find it hilarious.

Do a list of genuinely good hilarious films and then another list of utter trashy lulz?

Violent & Funky 08-08-2010 11:35 PM


Originally Posted by TheCunningStunt (Post 915615)
Best and funniest go hand in hand for me, I can't watch something that's complete trash and find it hilarious.

Do a list of genuinely good hilarious films and then another list of utter trashy lulz?


Except now I want to put Anchorman in both, LOL!

debaserr 08-09-2010 12:43 AM


Originally Posted by TheCunningStunt (Post 915525)
I know we have a favourite movies thread, but I thought it'd be kind of nice to know people's funniest films. I feel when it comes to favourite films, people have to give films with a bit of substance and films that are thought provoking, there are some comedies that can have both. But I feel like everyone loves a good comedy, but they often get overlooked. It's so hard to make a good comedy, because the script has to be right. Otherwise it's not just a bad movie, it's a bad movie that's not only bad, but it can be desperate for laughs and in some cases offensive. So when I find a genuinely hilarious film I love them.

1) The Big Lebowski - weird, quirky, mistaken identity, idiosyncratic characters, the ashes scene, the fact 'The Dude' doesn't bowl ONE ball, and an interesting plot all make for a very funny film indeed.
2) Borat - The shock factor of this film just made it really special. I couldn't believe what I was seeing, it probably doesn't stand up when you view it more than once, but watching it in the cinema was just unbelievable.
3) Anchorman - One of the most quotable comedies ever? - Oh Ron, there are literally thousands of other men that I should be with instead, but I am 72 percent sure that I love you.
4) Shaun of The Dead - One of the least funny films on the list, but I thought it was great.
5) Happiness - Sick. Some might say offensive and desperate, but I thought it was a tremendously funny film.

weren't you going on about how you didn't get the big lebowski recently? i take it you gave it another go?

here we are

Originally Posted by TheCunningStunt
Yeah, pretty much my feeling on it when I watched it. Enjoyable.. but nothing spectacular.

The Big Lebowski is a top 5 Coen's film, but certainly not their best. I'm yet to see Raising Arizona but I've had it on DVD for a while now, I need to get round to watching it.

but i would like to suggest: Dr. Strangelove and Office Space.

RVCA 08-09-2010 12:52 AM

Anchorman is fucking terrible, Ferrell is fucking terrible

Dr.Seussicide 08-09-2010 01:02 AM


Originally Posted by RVCA (Post 915649)
Anchorman is fucking terrible, Ferrell is fucking terrible

Thank you! Fuck. Well except for Step Brothers and maybe SNL. But the guy makes shit movies.

Violent & Funky 08-09-2010 01:34 AM


Originally Posted by RVCA (Post 915649)
Anchorman is fucking terrible, Ferrell is fucking terrible

It's not terrible, it just doesn't match your tastes... :)

TheCunningStunt 08-09-2010 01:44 AM


Originally Posted by trace87 (Post 915642)
weren't you going on about how you didn't get the big lebowski recently? i take it you gave it another go?

I said I didn't get it on my first viewing, it was one that resonated with me AFTER. I've loved it for a long time, but when I watched it ages ago I was like :confused:

Then it just hit me. It's hilarious.


Originally Posted by trace87 (Post 91564)
but i would like to suggest: Dr. Strangelove and Office Space.

I found it more entertaining than hilarious, but meh.. w/e. You can count it I guess.

RVCA 08-09-2010 01:51 AM


Originally Posted by Violent & Funky (Post 915674)
It's not terrible, it just doesn't match your tastes... :)

Lol. I swear, the only part that made me laugh was when Jack Black punted his dog off the bridge

TheCunningStunt 08-09-2010 04:59 AM


Originally Posted by RVCA (Post 915689)
Lol. I swear, the only part that made me laugh was when Jack Black punted his dog off the bridge

I think Will Farrel for the most part is an unfunny c*nt, but damn Anchorman was hilarious.

downwardspiral 08-09-2010 05:02 AM

soz h8ers but Freddy Got Fingered creases me.

TheCunningStunt 08-09-2010 06:37 PM

New list, cos the other one isn't right:

1) The Big Lebowski
2) Clerks
3) Borat
4) Withnail & I
5) Happiness

rammetal7 08-09-2010 07:15 PM
Randal Graves: Which did you like better? "Jedi" or "The Empire Strikes Back"?
Dante Hicks: "Empire".
Randal Graves: Blasphemy.
Dante Hicks: "Empire" had the better ending. I mean, Luke gets his hand cut off, finds out Vader's his father, Han gets frozen and taken away by Boba Fett. It ends on such a down note. I mean, that's what life is, a series of down endings. All "Jedi" had was a bunch of Muppets.

debaserr 08-09-2010 08:17 PM


Originally Posted by rammetal7 (Post 916205)
Randal Graves: Which did you like better? "Jedi" or "The Empire Strikes Back"?
Dante Hicks: "Empire".
Randal Graves: Blasphemy.
Dante Hicks: "Empire" had the better ending. I mean, Luke gets his hand cut off, finds out Vader's his father, Han gets frozen and taken away by Boba Fett. It ends on such a down note. I mean, that's what life is, a series of down endings. All "Jedi" had was a bunch of Muppets.

you may have just convinced me not to see this.

Laces Out Dan! 08-09-2010 08:38 PM

I have too difficult of a time narrowing down to 5. But Dumb and Dumber takes number one easilly.

Dr.Seussicide 08-09-2010 08:43 PM


Originally Posted by trace87 (Post 916225)
you may have just convinced me not to see this.

It will be your loss though.

TheCunningStunt 08-09-2010 08:43 PM


Originally Posted by Laces Out Dan! (Post 916240)
I have too difficult of a time narrowing down to 5. But Dumb and Dumber takes number one easilly.

Let's put a shrimp on the barbieeeeeeeeeee!

Do a top 10 if you want. ;)

bob. 08-10-2010 12:00 AM

5. The Jerk (1979)
first and foremost....i think Steve Matin was one of the greatest comedic geniuses ever....this entire movie is full of just dry quirky humor that you just don;'t really see anymore....and a dog named Shithead
4. Visitor Q (2001)
i'm one of those *******s who laughed through this entire movie....wrong wrong wrong but ohhhh so will never look at necrophilia the same way
3. Zoolander (2001)
i tried soooo hard to hate this movie and thankfully failed....everything about this movie is funny....and i hope they do as well with the sequel.....
2. Dr Strangelove or: How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Bomb (1964)
this movie never gets old.....mainly due to Peter Sellers as the ex-nazi madman Dr Strangelove...and George C the water obsessed general....i can quote this movie for days
1. The Kids In The Hall: Brain Candy (1996)
by far non stop laughter from one of the greatest sketch comedy teams

Bulldog 08-10-2010 03:06 AM

My five...

1. Naked Gun
To be honest, any one of the trilogy could qualify for this. Amazingly funny film, right from start to finish.

2. Airplane!
A seemingly never-ending barrage of snappy one-liners, smart visual and physical humour etc. Has some of the best running gags ever too. This just never gets old.

3. Withnail & I
Certainly the most quintessentially English comedy I've seen. So full of quotables it's unreal.

4. The Life Of Brian
Need I say anymore?

5. Dumb and Dumber
There's not much between these films for me to be honest, and this could easily have taken the top spot, if only for that scene with the owls alone.

loveissucide 08-10-2010 08:06 AM

1.Withnail And I
2.The Big Lebowski
3.Annie Hall
4.Evil Dead II

loveissucide 08-10-2010 08:08 AM


Originally Posted by trace87 (Post 916225)
you may have just convinced me not to see this.

Someone was never a bored adolescent nerd. Familiarity with that sort of conversation is what makes Clerks funny.

Sodacake 08-10-2010 10:00 AM

Blazing Saddles

debaserr 08-10-2010 10:30 AM


Originally Posted by loveissucide (Post 916448)
Someone was never a bored adolescent nerd. Familiarity with that sort of conversation is what makes Clerks funny.

i was, and it is familiar. just not funny. if that is a preview of what the movie is like, i will pass.

FaSho 08-10-2010 10:42 AM

Talladega Nights
Hot Rod
The Big Lebowski

Those are just the first ones I think of when I hear "funny movies", it would be impossible to actually pick a top 5.

Violent & Funky 08-10-2010 03:55 PM

Top Five "Funniest" Comedies

5) Billy Madison
My homage to the Adam Sandler movies I loved when I was a little kid. Happy Gilmore might be a "better" movie, but there is no doubt in my mind that Billy Madison is the funniest. It is packed with great immature jokes you love as a 12 year-old kid.
Favorite scene: dodgeball game
4) Zoolander
My Ben Stiller representative, although to be honest I find him to be one of the least humorous of the big-name comedians (he finishes just ahead of Jim Carey). Zoolander is great though, and it's got that strong supporting cast I think every successful LOL comedy needs.
Favorite scene: coal mine
3) Step Brothers
This is like the comedy you realize has no plot and it doesn't matter. The whole point of the movie is to let Ferrell and Reilly act like 40 year-old babies and I'm fine with that because it's hilarious. The true R-rated Ferrell movie, I doubt he'll ever come close again.
Favorite scene: trying to sell the house
2) Super Troopers
I didn't see this one until a couple of years ago but it quickly made a mark. Beer Fest is good but this is the best thing this comedy troupe has produced. It's filled with one-liners and classic scenes.
Favorite scene: 10 meows
1) Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy
My all-time favorite comedy, or film for that matter. Me and my friends easily watched it 20 times the first summer we had the DVD. It doesn't matter how many times I see it, I'll laugh at nearly every scene. So many good one-liners to quote!
Favorite scene: gang fight!

Top Five "Best" Comedies

5) Borat
I kept this movie on the list because of how I felt the first time I watched it. I think I've seen it three times since and have not found it nearly as good, but that first time was magical (puntastic!). It combines improv humor, razor-sharp political humor, and farty South Park-style jokes.
Favorite scene: talking about the homeland
4) Office Space
This is probably the least humorous, or at least LOL funny, among all the comedies I've listed. But, it does have lasting power, making it the anti-Borat; it seems like I watch it every couple of months on Comedy Central and I enjoy it every time. I might not LOL a lot, but it sure is enjoyable.
Favorite scene: meeting with "The Bobs"
3) Blazing Saddles
Blazing Saddles is my old-school submission. My family owns this thing on VHS because my mom loves Mel Brooks. I have only seen a couple of his movies and this one is by far the funniest. Not just that, but it was a film that caused a little controversy and has been very influential in the comedy genre.
Favorite scene: inside the church with the Johnsons
2) South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut
It is easily the funniest of the movies listed under "Best", but I think it deserves its credit for being really sharp as well. It's got musical numbers, it is very political, and just about everything hits the mark. I think it is Matt and Trey's masterpiece.
Favorite scene: dying giraffe sound
1) Knocked Up
It is the best thing Apatow, Rogen, and their cronies have done. A few of their other productions might be funnier, but this movie combines some big laughs with just a really touching story. There is plenty of character development, especially with Paul Rudd, who always fantastic in a supporting role.
Favorite scene: there are five different kinds of chairs in this room!

I'm thinking about giving British humor a shot since I know Jackhammer is gonna be disgruntled with my list. What's the *one* British comedy I should watch?

Dr.Seussicide 08-10-2010 04:32 PM


Originally Posted by FaSho (Post 916505)
Talladega Nights
Hot Rod
The Big Lebowski

Those are just the first ones I think of when I hear "funny movies", it would be impossible to actually pick a top 5.

Thank you mentioning Superbad, definitely one of my favourite comedies.

Sodacake 08-10-2010 04:40 PM

Knocked Up really isn't that good and to be honest I'm getting a little tired of the whole Apatow thing.

jackhammer 08-10-2010 04:59 PM

I have narrowed my list down to a 'mere' twelve films, so still not near to posting a list!

debaserr 08-10-2010 06:21 PM


Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 916677)
I have narrowed my list down to a 'mere' twelve films, so still not near to posting a list!

more is better! maybe those extras will be a film i love.

Violent & Funky 08-10-2010 08:05 PM


Originally Posted by Sodacake (Post 916667)
Knocked Up really isn't that good and to be honest I'm getting a little tired of the whole Apatow thing.

bannister 08-10-2010 09:03 PM

1. Soapdish
2. This is Spinal Tap
3. Monty Python and the Holy Grail
4. Office Space
5. The Hangover

This is a personal list, obviously. I think there's about 5 other people on the Earth who have actually seen Soapdish (and liked it).

rammetal7 08-10-2010 09:13 PM


Originally Posted by trace87 (Post 916501)
i was, and it is familiar. just not funny. if that is a preview of what the movie is like, i will pass.

Will then try this 2nd preview:

Sodacake 08-11-2010 12:42 PM


Originally Posted by Violent & Funky (Post 916790)

What's your problem?

TheCunningStunt 08-11-2010 02:16 PM

Funniest films? NOT Office Space.

Violent & Funky 08-11-2010 03:00 PM


Originally Posted by TheCunningStunt (Post 917129)
Funniest films? NOT Office Space.

Who did that?

Violent & Funky 08-11-2010 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by Sodacake (Post 917068)
What's your problem?

Knocked Up is great, and you sound like an old man complaining about Apatow. I don't want to call him a genius, but he has produced some great movies...

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