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debaserr 08-11-2010 03:04 PM

sodacake sounds like an anti-hipster hipster.

Violent & Funky 08-11-2010 03:09 PM

He did get offended by a .jpeg after essentially calling me stupid in the "latest movie" thread...

Sodacake 08-11-2010 03:10 PM


Originally Posted by Violent & Funky (Post 917170)
Knocked Up is great, and you sound like an old man complaining about Apatow. I don't want to call him a genius, but he has produced some great movies...

My favourite Apatow-produced films are Anchorman, Superbad and Pineapple Express. Now only are they my favourite of his films, but they're 3 personal favourites that I never get tired of watching. I just don't think the rest of his films are that funny.

Sodacake 08-11-2010 03:11 PM


Originally Posted by Violent & Funky (Post 917181)
He did get offended by a .jpeg after essentially calling me stupid in the "latest movie" thread...

I wasn't offended.

Violent & Funky 08-11-2010 03:13 PM


Originally Posted by Sodacake (Post 917184)
My favourite Apatow-produced films are Anchorman, Superbad and Pineapple Express. Now only are they my favourite of his films, but they're 3 personal favourites that I never get tired of watching. I just don't think the rest of his films are that funny.

But you don't like Knocked Up or 40-Year-Old Virgin? I didn't know that was possible...

edit: Step Brothers is hilarious too.

Laces Out Dan! 08-11-2010 09:47 PM


Originally Posted by Violent & Funky (Post 916651)
Top Five "Funniest" Comedies

5) Billy Madison
My homage to the Adam Sandler movies I loved when I was a little kid. Happy Gilmore might be a "better" movie, but there is no doubt in my mind that Billy Madison is the funniest. It is packed with great immature jokes you love as a 12 year-old kid.
Favorite scene: dodgeball game
4) Zoolander
My Ben Stiller representative, although to be honest I find him to be one of the least humorous of the big-name comedians (he finishes just ahead of Jim Carey). Zoolander is great though, and it's got that strong supporting cast I think every successful LOL comedy needs.
Favorite scene: coal mine
3) Step Brothers
This is like the comedy you realize has no plot and it doesn't matter. The whole point of the movie is to let Ferrell and Reilly act like 40 year-old babies and I'm fine with that because it's hilarious. The true R-rated Ferrell movie, I doubt he'll ever come close again.
Favorite scene: trying to sell the house
2) Super Troopers
I didn't see this one until a couple of years ago but it quickly made a mark. Beer Fest is good but this is the best thing this comedy troupe has produced. It's filled with one-liners and classic scenes.
Favorite scene: 10 meows
1) Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy
My all-time favorite comedy, or film for that matter. Me and my friends easily watched it 20 times the first summer we had the DVD. It doesn't matter how many times I see it, I'll laugh at nearly every scene. So many good one-liners to quote!
Favorite scene: gang fight!

Im down with your list...good to see some Billy Madison on there.

Im gonna make a list of however many I feel like right now..

Fubar - Cant believe theres no mention so far...not sure if many people here are even familiar with the movie.

Forgetting Sarah Marshall - Love Paul Rudd and Brand in this one.

Billy Madison - Absolute beauty movie...quotable forever.

Dumb and Dumber - Probably my favourite comedy of all time because there is literally not one slow part in the entire movie for me...constant comedy.

Half Baked - Im a castodian dick.

Hot Rod - Didnt expect much from this one at all, but its a gem for sure.

Im probably missin a bunch...i'll edit when I can think of em.

EDIT: Super Troopers ( Missed that one pretty quick ) - Got you good you rookie fucker.

RVCA 08-12-2010 12:10 AM

I really, really don't understand the infatuation with Anchorman. But Zoolander was pretty great.

Violent & Funky 08-12-2010 12:55 AM


Originally Posted by RVCA (Post 917430)
I really, really don't understand the infatuation with Anchorman. But Zoolander was pretty great.

Humor is one of those things that is purely based on taste, but I'm surprised anybody can watch Anchorman and not see how funny it is...

glastonelle 08-12-2010 02:18 AM

Top 5 for me are:

1) Hot Fuzz

Hilarious all way through. The melo-drama, how he actually had a legitimate excuse for all the crimes, crusty jugglers... This film basically had me in tears.

2) Superbad
I think I can quote every line from this one, aswell as my nearly-perfected intro dance. The cops :love:

3) Zoolander
Just a generally pointless and awesome movie. Everybody should see it at least once.

4) Dumb and Dumber
I dont think I need to explain this.

5) Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back
May have been the company or the atmosphere, but at the time that I saw this, I was convinced there was nothing funnier.

Piss Me Off 08-12-2010 07:00 AM

1. Big Lebowski
Not a traditional comedy as such, still the funniest film i've seen though.
2. Pineapple Express
I must have seen this about 20 times. Best stoner flick.
3. Snatch
It's a tough one between this and Lock Stock but this just nicks it.
4. South Park Movie
It would be worng not to have this in here.
5. Hot Fuzz
Just beats SOTD, Pegg at his best.

rammetal7 08-14-2010 01:29 AM


Originally Posted by glastonelle (Post 917460)
5) Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back
May have been the company or the atmosphere, but at the time that I saw this, I was convinced there was nothing funnier.

brunoclaus 08-16-2010 06:39 AM

I know its difficult. I had to leave Brian out of life thiiiiis almost knocking off the Blues Brothers, and believe it or not, Grumpy Old MEN1 and 2 Walter Matthau and Jack Lemon is yet.

emby 10-14-2010 12:44 AM

Death At A Funeral (orginal British movie)

bugsy2301 10-14-2010 05:43 PM

Not putting these in order, just in order of what springs to mind.
1) Airplane! - just loaded to the brim with silly, but clever, gags. Particularly love the Ethel Murman cameo.
2) The Big Lebowski - just...everything great about the Coens.
3) In Bruges - probably ticks every genre, really - but its quotability is probably only rivalled by...
4) Anchorman - don't need to explain.
5) Mean Girls - It's just something I grew up with. Equally quotable.

Alfred 10-14-2010 05:57 PM

Hot Fuzz
Pineapple Express
Tropic Thunder
The Hangover

no order really, i've just laughed really really hard at these movies

Dirty 10-18-2010 11:20 PM


Originally Posted by Robert_Arctor (Post 943195)
Hot Fuzz
Pineapple Express
Tropic Thunder
The Hangover

no order really, i've just laughed really really hard at these movies

I was stoned out of my mind for Pineapple express and still didnt think it was funny. I sensed they were trying too hard.. I hated Hot Fuzz, but then again I hate anything with british humor so..

Dumb and Dumber is the best comedy ever in my opinion. It's hard to pull off that kind of comedy and Jim Carrey and Daniels just do it so well. I think the writing is awesome for it too, the plot is actually pretty deep for a comedy. All the Naked Guns are hilarious to me. It's just so ridiculous but the plot is so serious. Of more recent movies I really liked superbad and The hangover.

IamTimmeh 10-19-2010 12:14 AM

I'm disturbed by the lack of Dumb and Dumber in this thread.

Dirty 10-19-2010 12:17 AM


Originally Posted by IamTimmeh (Post 945050)
I'm disturbed by the lack of Dumb and Dumber in this thread.

I hear that. Maybe its not everyones humor? I dont know, i think its a classic comedy. So many memorable lines from that movie. Jim Carrey's best movie in my opinion.

reminds me of more funny movies.. Liar, Liar for one.

I dont know how I forgot one of the best movies ever... HAPPY GILMORE. Back when I actually liked Adam Sandler.

Karrie 10-19-2010 02:42 PM

The Shining is one of the funniest films i've seen.

bugsy2301 10-19-2010 03:18 PM

meh, couldn't stand Dumber and Dumber. The best of Jim Carrey I would say are The Cable Guy, The Mask, Bruce Almighty, Liar Liar... not a fan of Ace Ventura either. Ignoring his dramatic stuff, of course.

ThePhanastasio 10-19-2010 06:01 PM

1.) The Big Lebowski
2.) Anchorman
3.) Brain Donors
4.) Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas
5.) Monty Python and the Holy Grail

Honorable mentions I really wanted to include:

Murder By Death
In Bruges
Young Frankenstein
The Producers (Original, with Wilder and Mostel)
Foul Play

Violent & Funky 10-19-2010 10:12 PM


Originally Posted by bugsy2301 (Post 945329)
meh, couldn't stand Dumber and Dumber. The best of Jim Carrey I would say are The Cable Guy, The Mask, Bruce Almighty, Liar Liar... not a fan of Ace Ventura either. Ignoring his dramatic stuff, of course.

Dumb and Dumber is soo much better than all of those Carey movies. And the thing is he really doesn't seem as "typical Carey" in Dumb and Dumber when compared to something like The Mask...

Laces Out Dan! 10-19-2010 10:56 PM

Ive said it before...I also believe Dumb and Dumber is the funniest movie of all time. Just never seen anything so consistantly funny from start to finish.

Dirty 10-19-2010 11:31 PM


Originally Posted by bugsy2301 (Post 945329)
meh, couldn't stand Dumber and Dumber. The best of Jim Carrey I would say are The Cable Guy, The Mask, Bruce Almighty, Liar Liar... not a fan of Ace Ventura either. Ignoring his dramatic stuff, of course.

Other than Liar Liar I thought all those movies sucked. Granted, I loved Ace Ventura and The Mask when i was a kid though. Cable Guy sucked all around. It didn't help I think Matthew Broderick is a ****ty actor.

Violent & Funky 10-20-2010 12:21 AM


Originally Posted by Karrie (Post 945310)
The Shining is one of the funniest films i've seen.

+81 10-20-2010 01:30 AM


Originally Posted by Robert_Arctor (Post 943195)
Hot Fuzz
Pineapple Express
Tropic Thunder
The Hangover

no order really, i've just laughed really really hard at these movies

If Hot Fuzz is anything like Shaun of the Dead (same guys right?) I don't know if I'd be able to get on board with it. I think comedies might be the film genre with the most polarizing opinions out there though.

Off the top of my head I'd go with something like

Hot Rod
Army of Darkness (tops in horror and comedy)
Wayne's World
MST3K The Movie (how could I not include it)
The Hangover

Janszoon 10-20-2010 08:57 AM


Originally Posted by +81 (Post 945565)
I think comedies might be the film genre with the most polarizing opinions out there though.

I think you're right. With every other kind of movie there's always the possibility that if you learn a little more about the context you might develop an appreciation for it. With comedies you basically either find it funny or you don't, learning more about it or having why it's funny explained to you isn't suddenly going to make you laugh when you watch it.

downwardspiral 10-20-2010 09:14 AM

In no particular order:

Scary Movie (yes, after the second they got EXTREMELY monotonous, but the first one especially is really really funny)
I Love You, Man
Pineapple Express
Borat (faux pas, soz)

Karrie 10-20-2010 01:51 PM

Hot Fuzz was actually pretty funny.
Superbad wasn't funny all the time, at some points it was just sad beyond laughter.

The original Producers is also funny, and if we're including musicals Avenue Q earns a mention.

storymilo 10-20-2010 05:50 PM


Originally Posted by Violent & Funky (Post 945544)

Dude, I had this all set up, ready to post.... and then I saw this. sad sad panda

Violent & Funky 10-21-2010 01:18 AM


Originally Posted by storymilo (Post 945849)
Dude, I had this all set up, ready to post.... and then I saw this. sad sad panda

I assume this is what the quoted poster was going for with their comment? *shrugs*

vktr 09-15-2012 06:40 PM

Nobody mentioned Noises Off (1992) with Michael Caine, so I will :-)

Noises Off... (1992) - IMDb

A rare movie that I watched multiple times. Hilarious!

Wicked Weasel 09-22-2012 01:39 AM

1) Airplane

2) Dr. Strangelove

3) Caddyshack

4) Blazing Saddles

5) History of the World Part 1

Psy-Fi 09-22-2012 05:52 AM

In no particular order...

The Blues Brothers

Animal House

The Big Lebowski

Repo Man

And Now for Something Completely Different

Wicked Weasel 09-22-2012 01:40 PM


Originally Posted by Psy-Fi (Post 1233562)
The Blues Brothers

That could have easily made my list as well. Classic. Never tire of watching it.

Psychedub Dude 02-28-2013 10:28 PM

5. Step Brothers
4. Shaun of The Dead
3. Dogma
2. The Big Lebowski
1. Hot Fuzz

Paul Smeenus 03-01-2013 12:54 AM






Black Francis 03-01-2013 01:56 AM

5) Scary movie 3

4) Taladega nights

3) Clerks 2

2) Scott pilgrim Vs the world

1) A mighty wind

Psychedub Dude 03-01-2013 09:13 AM

Ah man how did I forget the Scott Pilgrim movie. It was so awesome.

"Gelato isn't Vegan?"

" It's milk and eggs, bitch!"

duga 03-01-2013 11:28 AM

Best comedies of all time:

1) Ghostbusters
2) Wayne's World
3) 40 Year Old Virgin
4) Groundhog Day
5) School of Rock

I appreciate a good intellectual comedy, but when I think of great comedies they are movies that do one thing...make me laugh. And I've seen all of the above movies countless times and they all make me laugh every single time. Some of them might be a little surprising but some of them have a lot of sentimental value attached to them. For example, the night I saw School of Rock was one of the funnest nights of my life. I remember it every time I watch it, so it made the list. Plus it's just a damn good movie.

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