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Sparky 01-18-2013 11:33 AM

black hawk down, sick of hearing how realistic hurt locker is, please. The scene where the soldiers go "rogue" and decide to tackle the city on their own frustrates me

hurt locker-3
black hawk down-2

jackhammer 01-18-2013 06:55 PM

I thought both were mediocre but then I really don't like War films. Not a lot of help I know.

If I had to rewatch one it would be Black Hawk Down which has been sat on my DVD shelf for about 8 years since I last watched it!

Saying that I dislike War films, if Tigerland or Platoon were up for a vote I would have much more to add to the discussion.

Alfred 01-22-2013 08:07 PM

We'll call that one a tie.

The next battle puts two 1970's period films against each other, slow-paced films that are renowned more for their beautiful cinematography than their stories.

Stanley Kubrick's BARRY LYNDON (1975)


Terrence Malick's DAYS OF HEAVEN (1978)

Alfred 01-23-2013 12:15 PM

I suppose I'll get the ball rolling on this one. I'm going to go with Barry Lyndon. Days Of Heaven is probably the more beautiful of the two films, but there is much to be said about the grandiosity and elegence of Barry Lyndon. Every still in the movie could be a framed piece of art because of their painterly composition. The first half of the film is magnificent too, even if the second half is a bit of a slow-paced downer. Tough choice though, they're two of the most beautiful and evocative films ever made.

Barry Lyndon - 1
Days Of Heaven - 0

Days Of Heaven:

Barry Lyndon:

FRED HALE SR. 01-23-2013 12:22 PM


Originally Posted by Alfred (Post 1278118)
I suppose I'll get the ball rolling on this one. I'm going to go with Barry Lyndon. Days Of Heaven is probably the more beautiful of the two films, but there is much to be said about the grandiosity and elegence of Barry Lyndon. Every still in the movie could be a framed piece of art because of their painterly composition. The first half of the film is magnificent too, even if the second half is a bit of a slow-paced downer. Tough choice though, they're two of the most beautiful and evocative films ever made.

Barry Lyndon - 1
Days Of Heaven - 0

Days Of Heaven:

Barry Lyndon:

Alot of these wars have been very close lately with lots of great feedback. I enjoyed both, I loved Kubricks film but I think Malick really nailed with with Sam Shepard and Richard Gere casting them both.

Barry Lyndon-1
Days of Heaven-1

debaserr 01-23-2013 11:18 PM

I need to watch Barry Lyndon so badly, and the rest of Kubrick as well.

Alfred 01-24-2013 03:37 PM


Originally Posted by eric generic (Post 1278333)
I need to watch Barry Lyndon so badly, and the rest of Kubrick as well.

You definitely do, I think it's probably Kubrick's most underrated film.

Alfred 02-03-2013 09:55 PM

Guessing most of you guys haven't seen these films. Time for a new one, so hit up my PM box. It's someone else's turn to pick.

Alfred 02-06-2013 03:24 PM

This one's from eric generic.


Here's some mindfucks that were well done. Both deal with the search or loss of love. One focuses on the past while the other is set in the future. These are two of my favorite flicks, and figured they deserved a mention.


Terry Gilliam's BRAZIL (1985)

FRED HALE SR. 02-06-2013 03:30 PM


Originally Posted by Alfred (Post 1283269)
This one's from eric generic.



Terry Gilliam's BRAZIL (1985)

I wasn't a huge fan of Eternal Sunshine and I love love love Brazil so this is a very rare occassion where I have an easy choice. Both are critically acclaimed and are well loved by the masses so i'm assuming this will come down to a close vote. My vote is absolutely for Brazil, I think this was Gilliams best by a longshot and one of my favorite movies overall in my movie collection.

Eternal Sunshine-0

But I think Kate Winslet is sexy as all get up, so i'm willing to concede 1/2 a point for Eternal. HEH

Frownland 02-06-2013 03:47 PM

I'm going to go with Brazil on this one. Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind is a great film that definitely goes down a strange route, but it pales in comparison to Brazil. The concept of Eternal Sunshine is a unique one and as is the acting and the way that it's presented. Brazil is both one of my favourite dystopian films and one of my favourite comedies (second to The Holy Grail). It's chock full of one liners, great set production, and keeps me entertained the whole way through each time I watch it. I've only seen Eternal Sunshine twice, and I'm sure that it has that repeatability, but it didn't make me want to buy a copy for future viewing like Brazil did.

Brazil - 2
Eternal Sunshine - 0

FRED HALE SR. 02-06-2013 04:28 PM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1283275)
I'm going to go with Brazil on this one. Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind is a great film that definitely goes down a strange route, but it pales in comparison to Brazil. The concept of Eternal Sunshine is a unique one and as is the acting and the way that it's presented. Brazil is both one of my favourite dystopian films and one of my favourite comedies (second to The Holy Grail). It's chock full of one liners, great set production, and keeps me entertained the whole way through each time I watch it. I've only seen Eternal Sunshine twice, and I'm sure that it has that repeatability, but it didn't make me want to buy a copy for future viewing like Brazil did.

Brazil - 2
Eternal Sunshine - 0

Good man Frownland, Good man. :drummer:

TboneFrank 02-09-2013 12:54 PM

Brazil for me. I don't know why but even though it makes me feel claustrophobic when watching it I keep coming back to it. :)

Brazil - 3
ET - 0

debaserr 02-09-2013 01:03 PM

I agree with you there. Brazil may be the closest thing to Shrooms anxiety I have experienced sober.

TboneFrank 02-09-2013 02:01 PM


Originally Posted by eric generic (Post 1284302)
I agree with you there. Brazil may be the closest thing to Shrooms anxiety I have experienced sober.

I haven't had shrooms since my last Jerry Garcia show in the early '90's. But the thought of watching Brazil on shrooms gives me anxiety just thinking about it. :)

debaserr 02-09-2013 04:20 PM

I don't think I would go there. I find Brazil quite terrifying at points.

I have to go with Brazil too. It's constantly engaging and so raw emotionally. I definitely prefer the Theatrical Cut, the additional scenes on the others are jarring (for someone who was familiar solely with Theatrical) and don't really add anything.

Eternal Sunshine just feels so authentic (other than the tech elements). It helps that it was beautifully casted.

I like to see both of them every year or two.

Violent & Funky 02-10-2013 08:04 AM

Maybe I'd appreciate it now that I'm a little older, but when I watched Brazil a few years ago I couldn't finish it. Eternal Sunshine, on the other hand, is one of my personal favorites.

Eternal Sunshine 1
Brazil 4

Scarlett O'Hara 02-10-2013 09:10 AM

I am biased because I've only seen ESSM and not Brazil but I'll definitely check it out.

Eternal Sunshine 2
Brazil 4

debaserr 02-10-2013 09:16 AM

I'd go so far as to say you should probably abstain until you see it, I mean, like, yea.

Scarlett O'Hara 02-10-2013 09:23 AM

Ok sure, I'll download it asap!

James 02-10-2013 11:25 AM

These are two of my favourite films actually. So this is a tough one. I think Eternal Sunshine nabs it because it is one of the few films that leaves me absolutely emotionally devastated. I don't like Kate Winslet or Jim Carrey much yet I love their performances in this film. I enjoyed Brazil, it's really unique but I didn't connect with it on the same level as Eternal Sunshine.
Brazil 4
Eternal Sunshine 3

Alfred 02-22-2013 09:36 PM

Hit me up with a new battle whenever you guys are ready.

Alfred 05-14-2013 09:40 PM

It's been a long while. I figure most of you have probably had the chance to check out Quentin Tarantino's latest now that it has hit home media. So, this time the theme is: "Quentin Tarantino Historical Revenge Epics (that feature Christoph Waltz in a supporting role)"

Quentin Tarantino's INGLOURIOUS BASTERDS (2009)


Quentin Tarantino's DJANGO UNCHAINED (2012)

debaserr 05-14-2013 09:54 PM

Don't think the subtitle is required, but ok. I like this comparison. Haven't seen Basterds for a while...

Exo 05-14-2013 11:14 PM

Basterds is vastly superior in my opinion. The script, acting, action, and just flat out amazing-ness of that film sh*ts on Django. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed Django up until the last half hour which I thought was pure masturbation but Basterds has one of the best opening sequences in film and is filled with dialogue that rivals Pulp Fiction in my honest opinion. You also have a great albeit tragic love story thrown in there and I am a sucker for movies that have scenes of a projection booth given my work history. Waltz was at his best as Landa and I thought that he won his second Oscar for playing a nice version of a role he already won and Oscar for. Leo wins for best supporting actor not named Waltz as Pitt and Foxx were honestly just forgettable. Also, Basterds introduced me to my man crush that is Michael Fassbender.

Not even close. Basterds wins.

Engine 05-15-2013 12:14 AM

I also vote Inglourious Basterds. I don't find it vastly superior but I like the violence more. And the nitrate film-on-fire scene is classic and educational.

Alfred 05-15-2013 10:24 AM


Originally Posted by Exoskeletal (Post 1319152)
Basterds is vastly superior in my opinion. The script, acting, action, and just flat out amazing-ness of that film sh*ts on Django. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed Django up until the last half hour which I thought was pure masturbation but Basterds has one of the best opening sequences in film and is filled with dialogue that rivals Pulp Fiction in my honest opinion. You also have a great albeit tragic love story thrown in there and I am a sucker for movies that have scenes of a projection booth given my work history. Waltz was at his best as Landa and I thought that he won his second Oscar for playing a nice version of a role he already won and Oscar for. Leo wins for best supporting actor not named Waltz as Pitt and Foxx were honestly just forgettable. Also, Basterds introduced me to my man crush that is Michael Fassbender.

Not even close. Basterds wins.

Agreed for the most part. I don't mind Django's ending and I think there's a lot of difference between the two Waltz characters.

Basterds - 3
Django - 0

FRED HALE SR. 05-15-2013 10:56 AM


Originally Posted by Alfred (Post 1319277)
Agreed for the most part. I don't mind Django's ending and I think there's a lot of difference between the two Waltz characters.

Basterds - 3
Django - 0

Basterds -4
Django- zip

I think Exo nailed my description as well. I would go as far as to say the last 45 minutes of Django is Tarantino wasting time. I wasn't a big fan of Django honestly but Inglorious certainly had some engrossing characters and a well developed plot line. I think Tarantino has lost a bit of his touch personally, but his movies continue to sell very well and seem to draw people in from all ages. That is a gift in itself to be able to crossover from teenagers to grandfathers and connect with an audience.

Good to see the thread back also. I always enjoy hearing other points of view and occassionally there are some fantastic battles.

LoathsomePete 05-15-2013 11:08 AM

Basterds - 5
Django - 0

Exo really put it down right, and honestly I probably would have liked Django Unchained if it had ended with the firefight in the mansion instead of that 30 minutes addendum that really seemed to exist for no other reason than because it could.

DeadChannel 12-08-2014 12:56 AM

Django was fun.
Basterds is wonderful, though. A love letter to cinema, as Tarantino put it somewhere.

Basterds wins

simplephysics 12-17-2014 12:32 PM

Basterds - 7
Django - 0

Although Christoph waltz is equally amazing in both.

Oriphiel 03-27-2015 02:41 PM

Not trying to be the counter-culture guy, but I actually preferred Django. I grew up watching spaghetti westerns, and it was chock full of all the hallmarks and little details of the genre (I especially liked the way the camera zoomed in on people's faces, old-school style). Django himself could have used a little more personality, Waltz was doing his thing (which was great, but was definitely a reprise of his acting in Basterds), and the plot had some wonkiness to it (especially with their whole plot to save Broomhilda), but I actually got a big kick out of it. I don't know, westerns just have a way of humanizing every single character, and then killing them all horribly, that just has a special kind of style and impact to it.

Inglorious Basterds - 7

Django: Unchained - 1

EPOCH6 03-27-2015 04:30 PM

Inglorious Basterds - 8
Django: Unchained - 1

simplephysics 11-20-2015 07:34 PM

Bumping the **** out of this thread, just because. Basterds (rightfully) won that last round.


The Master vs. The Life Aquatic


Frownland 11-20-2015 07:47 PM

The Life Aquatic is a great film, but there really is no contest when you go up against PTA.

The Master - 1
The Life Aquatic - 0

DeadChannel 11-20-2015 08:40 PM

The Master is the film of the decade, and one of the greatest character studies ever. And that 65mms panavision photography? Breathless. As much as I like the other Anderson, The Master is in the top ten all time for me. A masterpiece among masterpieces.

Oriphiel 01-23-2017 01:52 PM

This shit ain't dying on my watch.

You guys ready for another round? How about Suspiria V.S Rosemary's Baby?

Frownland 01-23-2017 01:54 PM

Rosemary's Baby by a long shot. I'll give both a watch and write a longer answer though.

Rosemary's Baby - 1
Suspiria - 0

debaserr 01-23-2017 01:55 PM

This dude is committed ^

Oriphiel 01-23-2017 02:00 PM

Personally, I've gotta go with Suspiria. It's just so much fun. The awesomely weird music, the random neon lights everywhere, the over the top kills, it's strangely entertaining.

Rosemary's Baby - 1
Suspiria - 1

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