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Frownland 10-25-2012 10:30 AM

Ja, it's not. Been a while since I watched and I think I confused it with another movie. More like a misleading scene before the ending I guess, since
Spoiler for ending:
it looks like he died when he got stabbed, but the final scene shows that he was actually survived and killed his assailant.

Alfred 10-28-2012 09:35 AM

Spoiler for Drive:
A friend of mine thinks that he does die at the end and him driving off is like his ascent to heaven.

debaserr 10-28-2012 11:32 AM

Spoiler for Drive:
The original novella has a sequel, Driven. I hope Refn/Gosling do something with that.

Alfred 10-28-2012 06:34 PM


Originally Posted by eric generic (Post 1245072)
Spoiler for Drive:
The original novella has a sequel, Driven. I hope Refn/Gosling do something with that.

Spoiler for Drive:
Refn has said that he won't be making a sequel.

Nicolas Winding Refn says no to Drive sequel | Den of Geek

Frownland 12-06-2012 08:14 AM

So should we call it for Drive?

LoathsomePete 12-06-2012 04:18 PM

I think we should call it. Alfred do you need some pairings?

Alfred 12-06-2012 04:34 PM

I'd love some pairings. Hit me up with like 5 of those sonsabitches.

midnight rain 12-06-2012 04:52 PM

Should we post them here or PM you? I had one in mind

Alfred 12-06-2012 04:56 PM

From LoathsomePete

Best Quirky Independent Romantic Road Trip Dramedy (yes there really is more than one)

Paul King's BUNNY AND THE BULL (2009)



Alfred 12-06-2012 04:56 PM


Originally Posted by Tuna (Post 1258888)
Should we post them here or PM you? I had one in mind

PM me

midnight rain 12-09-2012 11:51 PM

I hate to say it but I have seen neither of these films in the matchup. I'll check Netflix for them.

Exo 12-10-2012 09:44 AM

When i doubt you pick the movie that has the most Tom Waits in it. That would be Wristcutters. I did enjoy both though.

LoathsomePete 12-10-2012 10:12 AM

I'm going with Wristcutters as well, Benny and the Bull was funny and had some great hand-made stuff, but it was a little long and I had figured out the surprise twist about halfway through the movie. Also, Eugene was a great supporting character, Tom Waits was hilarious, and I have a massive crush on Shannyn Sossamon (went to the same high school as me) so it has a lot going for it.

Wristcutters: A Love Story - 2
Benny and the Bull - 0

Alfred 12-19-2012 11:36 AM

Well, I suppose Wristcutters wins that one.

This next battle is between two sci-fi horror classics, courtesy of Tuna.

FRED HALE SR. 12-19-2012 11:40 AM


Originally Posted by Alfred (Post 1265505)
Well, I suppose Wristcutters wins that one.

This next battle is between two sci-fi horror classics, courtesy of Tuna.

WOW great matchup. I love both films to death and they were equally ground breaking for the time period. I'll have to send my vote the Thing's way. I remember how creepy and mood setting that movie was. John Carpenter always has a way of conveying such depression through the music of his movies and the sense of desperation really put me on the edge of my seat.

Alien is also unbelievable, great matchup Tuna.

The Thing- 1

Alien- 0

midnight rain 12-19-2012 11:58 AM


Originally Posted by FRED HALE SR. (Post 1265508)
WOW great matchup. I love both films to death and they were equally ground breaking for the time period. I'll have to send my vote the Thing's way. I remember how creepy and mood setting that movie was. John Carpenter always has a way of conveying such depression through the music of his movies and the sense of desperation really put me on the edge of my seat.

Alien is also unbelievable, great matchup Tuna.

The Thing- 1

Alien- 0

Thanks man. :)

These two have a lot of things in common that I thought would make for a good comparison. As you said, they're both sci-fi classics, they both have a feeling of being confined to an area that's cutoff from any outside human interference and with no place to escape. And of course they have the rapidly increasing distrust among the members of each party as to who is what, and who.... isn't

I'm gonna have think about this one for a bit before voting cause I love them both for different reasons. The Thing is definitely scarier and more of a classic horror, but Alien has an unparalleled sense of atmosphere and the whole first 45-minute setup with them discovering the alien ship and all is just brilliantly paced. Hard to choose, I might rewatch both of them and get back to this.

Thanks for posting my matchup so quick btw Alfred

LoathsomePete 12-19-2012 12:04 PM

Great matchup, this is one where I'm actually going to have to watch the movies and have a think on it.

wiggums 12-19-2012 01:32 PM

While alien is a classic, it stands much farther away from my heart than The Thing. Not only is the Thing scarier, it is also has more memorable moments. While alien has the eating scene, where the fetus comes out of his chest, The Thing has the blood test scene. That has to be one of the best scenes in movie history. I still look it up on YouTube from time to time to give me the shivers.

Thing - 2
Alien - 0

Exo 12-19-2012 02:01 PM

Both films deal a lot or mainly with isolation in a remote part with no real chance of escaping what they're being chased by. In that aspect I think I'm going to have to choose The Thing slightly over Alien due to it being a bit more grotesque and shocking. Alien I feel has a more streamlined story which I like but besides Weaver and John Hurt the acting could have been a bit better. I'm also privy to Kurt Russel's wonderful beard and it ****ing has Wilfred Brimley in a memorable role. As briefly as I can put it The Thing just left a better impression on me and I love going back to it when I need a good sci fi/horror film.

The Thing - 3
Alien - 0

Engine 12-21-2012 08:24 PM

I'm going to stand up for Alien here.
Both are great/classic films and all but Alien just makes me feel more. It feels creepier, more thrilling, and more fun. I'm probably biased by the fact that I grew up on Alien but never watched The Thing until I was an adult and so it has always seemed dated to me. I also don't think that Russel's good beard makes up for his paint-by-numbers acting style.
Sigourney Weaver would make short work of all of those guys in The Thing.

The Thing: 3
Alien: 1

midnight rain 12-21-2012 08:32 PM


Originally Posted by Engine (Post 1266672)
I'm going to stand up for Alien here.
Both are great/classic films and all but Alien just makes me feel more. It feels creepier, more thrilling, and more fun. I'm probably biased by the fact that I grew up on Alien but never watched The Thing until I was an adult and so it has always seemed dated to me. I also don't think that Russel's good beard makes up for his paint-by-numbers acting style.
Sigourney Weaver would make short work of all of those guys in The Thing.

The Thing: 3
Alien: 1

The Thing is a more terrifying force, and the story makes naturally for a more suspenseful and scary telling.

But Alien's approach to direction and cinematography is imo masterful and definitely surpasses The Thing. The quick cuts as each member of the crew are picked off are masterful and keep the suspense on 11. And, I said this earlier but I'm going to reiterate, the whole setup of the story is brilliant. Receiving a distress signal (that turns out to be a warning) from an unknown planet, then going into investigate, uncovering some grisly remains, and the face hugger. bah gawd, it's masterfully paced

I'm leaning towards Alien, but i dunno. I enjoy them both for different reasons

Scarlett O'Hara 12-21-2012 10:02 PM


Originally Posted by Engine (Post 1266672)
I'm going to stand up for Alien here.
Both are great/classic films and all but Alien just makes me feel more. It feels creepier, more thrilling, and more fun. I'm probably biased by the fact that I grew up on Alien but never watched The Thing until I was an adult and so it has always seemed dated to me. I also don't think that Russel's good beard makes up for his paint-by-numbers acting style.
Sigourney Weaver would make short work of all of those guys in The Thing.

The Thing: 3
Alien: 2

I'm all for Alien, I only got into it this year but it's great! I watched the second and only half of the 3rd which blew.

Blarobbarg 12-22-2012 12:31 AM

Although both films are incredible, I've gotta go with The Thing. It's not just one of my favorite horror movies, it's one of my favorite movies. The concepts are similar, but the terrifying shapeshifting of the eponymous Thing really puts it over the top as far as scariness goes. And the special effects, though dated, are gross-out masterpieces.

That all said, Alien is still an amazing movie, and only just loses.

The Thing: 4
Alien: 2

FinnsMusic 12-22-2012 04:55 PM

The Thing is great but I've always though Alien was a much better film, for many reasons. The film is just intense, incredibly well-written, is crafted superbly and it gave us Sigourney Weaver! I think Aliens is greater as well. So a point to Alien here.

The Thing: 4
Alien: 3

Neck and neck!

LoathsomePete 12-24-2012 09:01 AM

Alright I'm going to have to go with Alien because it was one of the earliest movies I saw as a kid and for its impact on the world of science-fiction and horror.

The Thing - 4
Alien - 4

Engine 12-24-2012 06:45 PM


Originally Posted by Vanilla (Post 1266696)
I'm all for Alien, I only got into it this year but it's great! I watched the second and only half of the 3rd which blew.

If this counts as a vote then Alien is leading.

Alien: 5
The Thing: 4

duga 12-24-2012 08:14 PM

Whoa...I come in here to see Alien beating the Thing? As much as I love the Alien franchise, the Thing definitely eats the first one (if it was Aliens, that would be a different story).

The Thing: 5
Alien: 5

bob. 12-24-2012 08:31 PM

man this one hurts me :(


i'm gonna have to go with Alien.....very much the same with Pete....Alien is the first movie that really scared the shit out of me

i could seriously come back and change my vote at any both these movies

Alien 6
The Thing 5

Unknown Soldier 12-28-2012 03:17 PM


Originally Posted by bob. (Post 1267686)
man this one hurts me :(


i'm gonna have to go with Alien.....very much the same with Pete....Alien is the first movie that really scared the shit out of me

i could seriously come back and change my vote at any both these movies

Alien 6
The Thing 5

Both great films but The Thing wins this one, it must be one of the best and most fun films when dealing with the subject of paranoia amongst the members of the base and I really love Kurt Russell in that film too.

Alien 6
The Thing 6

midnight rain 12-28-2012 03:28 PM

Going to break the tie with a vote for Alien, it's a more well-made film overall imo. Wins by a nose.

Alien 7
The Thing 6

Rjinn 12-28-2012 09:36 PM

The Thing is terrific. The horrific obscenity is quite cringing to watch, which makes for a great film. But I have to go with Alien. The story is involved, adventurous and horrifying all balanced quite well. I was a lot more captivated by Alien then The Thing. Still both great movies.

The Thing: 6
Alien: 8

jackhammer 01-02-2013 06:16 PM

Alien is a haunted house movie in space. Brilliantly done and has stood the test of time so well but The Thing is something else entirely.

We STILL don't know the ending of The Thing and throughout the film you haven't got a clue who is next, what the frig they will turn into or what the hell The Thing is in the first place. In Alien we eventually see what it is that's stalking and who is next.

I think that the production values and assured direction by Scott gives the film much more kudos than it deserves.

Alien 7
The Thing 7

unless I have got my figures wrong.

Blarobbarg 01-02-2013 07:36 PM

You do, Jackhammer. The voting is now...

Alien - 8
The Thing - 7

EDIT- BTW, are we starting up another war soon?

midnight rain 01-02-2013 07:40 PM


Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 1270389)
Alien is a haunted house movie in space. Brilliantly done and has stood the test of time so well but The Thing is something else entirely.

We STILL don't know the ending of The Thing and throughout the film you haven't got a clue who is next, what the frig they will turn into or what the hell The Thing is in the first place. In Alien we eventually see what it is that's stalking and who is next.

I think that the production values and assured direction by Scott gives the film much more kudos than it deserves.

Alien 7
The Thing 7

unless I have got my figures wrong.

Ambiguity doesn't necessarily make for a better movie. A more suspenseful and scary movie perhaps, but not intrinsically better.

Production values and assured direction can (and do in Alien's case) make a film great.

Alfred 01-02-2013 07:48 PM

Keep sending me suggestions!

In the mean time I'll throw in one of my own... modern war films.

Ridley Scott's BLACK HAWK DOWN (2001)


Kathryn Bigelow's THE HURT LOCKER (2009)

midnight rain 01-02-2013 08:02 PM

I haven't seen Black Hawk Down in 10 years so I'll have to revisit it before I vote. The Hurt Locker was damn good, but something held it back from being great for me. I'll also probably revisit it just to be comprehensive.

LoathsomePete 01-02-2013 08:07 PM

I'm going to have to go with The Hurt Locker, although I do think Black Hawk Down is a brilliant movie, even if it is responsible for the whole "shaky cam" trope with action movies these days. I've got a massive boner for Kathryn Bigelow so that probably counts for a lot too.

The Hurt Locker - 1
Black Hawk Down - 0

Violent & Funky 01-06-2013 04:38 PM

The Hurt Locker because the story is much more personal.

The Hurt Locker - 2
Black Hawk Down - 0

Alfred 01-06-2013 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by Violent & Funky (Post 1271749)
The Hurt Locker because the story is much more personal.

The Hurt Locker - 2
Black Hawk Down - 0

Gonna agree for the same reason. Black Hawk Down is better visually, and is more action-packed, but it's nowhere near as personal or powerful as The Hurt Locker.

The Hurt Locker - 3
Black Hawk Down - 0

FRED HALE SR. 01-17-2013 04:21 PM


Originally Posted by Alfred (Post 1271771)
Gonna agree for the same reason. Black Hawk Down is better visually, and is more action-packed, but it's nowhere near as personal or powerful as The Hurt Locker.

The Hurt Locker - 3
Black Hawk Down - 0

Another tough one to pick. I gotta get Black Hawk Down rolling with a pick though. I consider these two movies equal in just about every aspect. I felt BHD was a little more riveting in the edge of your seat aspect. I never felt any sense of urgency with The Hurt Locker, Renner was exceptional in the roll though and some of the explosions were epic and I really loved the sniper scene, very realistic.

Hurt Locker-3
Black Hawk Down-1

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