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bob. 10-06-2010 04:14 PM

so far each recent war i've only seen one of the movies :(

NumberNineDream 10-06-2010 04:17 PM

^Which one of those two haven't you seen. Both are great btw.

dankrsta 10-06-2010 04:31 PM

I love both, but it has to be The Machinist for me. It was just more emotionally resonant. It's not the most original film in terms of concept, but it doesn't have to be when it's so meticulously and intelligently executed. I love Brad Anderson's style ever since I saw Session 9 (he's my to watch director). And Christian Bale was just so heartbreaking in this especially in the scene:
Spoiler for The Machinist:
towards the end, when he's looking himself in the mirror and repeating "I know who you are" followed by extremely sad and beautiful music. Oh, man...

I also liked those subtle references to Dostoevsky. He's reading 'The Idiot', but he's thinking of
Spoiler for The Machinist:
'Crime and Punishment'

Jacob's Ladder: 1
The Machinist: 1

NumberNineDream 10-06-2010 04:52 PM

^I do feel it's underrated, even though I didn't vote for it.
And great scenes you pointed out there.

bob. 10-06-2010 05:30 PM


Originally Posted by NumberNineDream (Post 939885)
^Which one of those two haven't you seen. Both are great btw.

i've only seen Jacob's Ladder...great film

Janszoon 10-06-2010 05:43 PM

Oh man, this is a really tough call for me, I love both of these movies. I guess I'll go with The Machinist, just barely, because Christian Bale's performance in it is so amazing.

Jacob's Ladder: 1
The Machinist: 2

DoctorSoft 10-06-2010 06:08 PM

The Machinist: 3
Jacob's Ladder: 1

The Machinist was the first "weird" movie I saw, and when I did, it blew my mind. So for that reason it will always have a special place in my heart. I love Jacob's Ladder though.

dankrsta 10-08-2010 04:55 PM

To be honest I'm a little surprised that The Machinist won although I voted for it. Both are great movies though.

People send me suggestions. I'm trying to come up with movies that are popular enough so that a majority here has seen. This is after all a music forum.

Next: battle of the junkies

Requiem for a Dream


The Basketball Diaries

TheCunningStunt 10-08-2010 04:56 PM

Requiem For A Dream by a country 'kin mile.

Basketball Diaries 0

jackhammer 10-08-2010 05:22 PM

I bought Requiem on DVD around 8 years ago and have still never rewatched it. Not because there is anything wrong with it but because I found it so damn good, I didn't want to spoil my enjoyment of it by repeated viewings if that makes sense.

The Basketball Diaries is a decent film but nothing more.

The Basketball Diaries 0

As for The Machinist. Superb central performance aside, I found it to be rather average personally and a film with a twist in the tale that actually detracts from it's plus points rather than enhance it.

If you take out the performance of Bale you do get a rather average but well directed film with a twist.

Janszoon 10-08-2010 07:42 PM


Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 940626)
I bought Requiem on DVD around 8 years ago and have still never rewatched it. Not because there is anything wrong with it but because I found it so damn good, I didn't want to spoil my enjoyment of it by repeated viewings if that makes sense.

The Basketball Diaries is a decent film but nothing more.

That is an exact description of how I feel about both movies as well.

The Basketball Diaries 0

bob. 10-09-2010 11:46 AM

Requiem For A Dream - 4
Basketball Diaries - 0

i like the mean realism of Requiem....and the fact that all of the character are horrible people who for the most part deserve what happens to them...except for maybe the mother....although i still find her character to be very flawed....i also like the fact that he casted Hubert Shelby Jr for a small "speaking" role

dankrsta 10-09-2010 12:03 PM

I have a feeling I should have picked some other movie to compete with Requiem For a Dream. But I couldn't think of a universally known and seen drug movie which is also so good like Requiem. Oh well...

Requiem For A Dream - 5
Basketball Diaries - 0

debaserr 10-09-2010 12:04 PM


Originally Posted by bob. (Post 940888)
Requiem For A Dream - 4
Basketball Diaries - 0

i like the mean realism of Requiem....and the fact that all of the character are horrible people who for the most part deserve what happens to them...except for maybe the mother....although i still find her character to be very flawed....i also like the fact that he casted Hubert Shelby Jr for a small "speaking" role

what? i think the story here is how addiction can make you so desperate as to do these terrible things. not how they were jackasses to start with.

bob. 10-09-2010 01:49 PM

hmm...i see it as the drugs are more of a fuel on the fire of narcissistic people

dankrsta 10-09-2010 02:39 PM

And the winner is Requiem For A Dream, obviously.

Next: battle of the 80s sci-fi horror

The Fly


The Thing

James 10-09-2010 02:41 PM

The thing is probs the best film of it's type.
The Fly 0
The Thing 1

jackhammer 10-09-2010 03:21 PM

Well they are two damn quality films and the human angle on The Fly is superbly done amongst the grossness but there is no way on earth I will choose another horror over The Thing (apart from maybe the original Halloween), it's the absolute shit.*

The Fly 0
The Thing 2

*There is a prequel being filmed ATM. At least it isn't a remake and has the potential to be decent, however Carpenter is not involved at all :(
The Thing prequel gets a fiery first selection of images - Den of Geek

bob. 10-10-2010 01:52 PM

i think i'm gonna have to go with The Thing...i love Cronenberg's take of The Fly...but The Thing is still as fresh as it was in the 80's....just an all around great movie

The Fly - 0
The Thing - 3

Janszoon 10-10-2010 01:58 PM

Wow, two really good movies, but like everyone else so far I'm going to have to go with The Thing.

The Fly - 0
The Thing - 4

dankrsta 10-10-2010 02:09 PM

I think a better companion for The Fly would have been Altered States, but I'm not sure how many people here have seen it. So yeah, The Fly and The Thing, everybody saw these two. Although I'm surprised that everybody voted The Thing so far. I thought it would be more even. Hmmm...I'm gonna go with The Fly then, but I can't really choose. I love them both for different reasons.

The Fly - 1
The Thing - 4

dankrsta 10-13-2010 02:57 PM

And the winner is The Thing


The Last Temptation of Christ - Martin Scorsese


The Passion of the Christ - Mel Gibson

bob. 10-13-2010 03:55 PM


i actually really enjoyed least for artistic reasons

i think i'll lead towards Last i've watched it more than once and would watch it again....whereas with Passion....i'm glad i saw it....but have no interest in ever seeing it Harvey Keitel as Judas is just cool

The Last Temptation Of Christ - 1
The Passion Of The Christ - 0

storymilo 10-13-2010 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by dankrsta (Post 940897)
But I couldn't think of a universally known and seen drug movie which is also so good like Requiem.

Well there's always this standby:

though i think it's already been done in this thread.

Scarlett O'Hara 10-13-2010 04:08 PM

Machinist was gripping and one of my favourite roles Christian Bale has played.

Jacob's Ladder: 1
The Machinist: 1

Crap, it's moved on already,


Temptation of Christ: 2
Passion of Christ: 0

Nothing beats old school biblical films, I grew up with them.

dankrsta 10-13-2010 04:11 PM

@storymilo Yeah I thought of that one, but it's been done.

I've seen Passion only once and won't see it again also, but it's a strong movie. I've seen Temptation as a teenager in the theater and it left such a big impression on me, but upon seeing it again a few years ago I was a bit disappointed. For that reason Passion gets my vote.

The Last Temptation Of Christ - 2
The Passion Of The Christ - 1

Janszoon 10-13-2010 04:32 PM

As few questionable casting choices aside, The Last Temptation was a religious movie with some actual depth that even I, as a non-believer, found intriguing. The Passion was a steaming pile of slow-motion crap. I guess I know how I'm voting.

The Last Temptation Of Christ - 3
The Passion Of The Christ - 1

NumberNineDream 10-13-2010 04:34 PM

Haven't watched Last Temptation yet, but I know that Passion was just ridiculous. I consider it a Comedy.

Janszoon 10-13-2010 04:37 PM


Originally Posted by NumberNineDream (Post 942603)
Haven't watched Last Temptation yet, but I know that Passion was just ridiculous. I consider it a Comedy.

Pretty much. I mean the movie was like 75% James Caviezel falling in slow-motion.

jackhammer 10-14-2010 05:10 PM

I admired the balls of Passion and the fact that it was shot in original language (or as close as could be).

I am a Scorsese fan and found Temptation a very subtle and personal work but it is flawed and a little messy and didn't grab the essence of the book and David Bowie is terrible in it. However Willem Dafoe has always been an actor I have admired and his performance is seriously underrated.

I will go against the grain and judge the films as 'historical fact' (as it WAS supposed to have happened) so Passion wins by being that little more realistic. That too was flawed though.

The Last Temptation Of Christ - 3
The Passion Of The Christ - 2

dankrsta 10-17-2010 02:19 PM

Next: battle of the historical epics (oh yeah Mel Gibson again )




James 10-17-2010 02:26 PM

Bravehart=Complete ****.
Braveheart 0
Gladiator 1

NumberNineDream 10-17-2010 02:29 PM

I'm going with Braveheart here. At least it sticks with you, unlike Gladiator.

Braveheart 1
Gladiator 1

ThePhanastasio 10-17-2010 02:55 PM

I'm going with Braveheart as well. Gladiator didn't really excite me as much, but I guess I did see Braveheart when I was much younger and more impressionable. I thought it was the best thing ever when I was a kid.

Braveheart 2
Gladiator 1

TheCunningStunt 10-17-2010 02:57 PM


Originally Posted by James (Post 944237)
Bravehart=Complete ****.
Braveheart 0
Gladiator 1

What he said.

Gladiator isn't all that, but Braveheart is an abomination.
People said Mel Gibson wouldn't be able to play a Scottish man very convincingly.... Now look at him, an alcoholic racist.

Braveheart 2
Gladiator 2

debaserr 10-17-2010 03:51 PM


Originally Posted by James (Post 944237)
Bravehart=Complete ****.
Braveheart 0
Gladiator 1

i agree completely.

gladiator 3
braveheart 2

Scarlett O'Hara 10-17-2010 05:02 PM


Originally Posted by TheCunningStunt (Post 944250)
What he said.

Gladiator isn't all that, but Braveheart is an abomination.
People said Mel Gibson wouldn't be able to play a Scottish man very convincingly.... Now look at him, an alcoholic racist.

Braveheart 2
Gladiator 2



Janszoon 10-17-2010 05:26 PM

I enjoyed Gladiator well enough, but Braveheart struck much more of an emotional cord with me.

Gladiator 3
Braveheart 3

jackhammer 10-17-2010 05:54 PM

Braveheart is historically inaccurate, cliched and full of many continuity mistakes but it's told with such verve and romanticism that I personally find hard to ignore even though after numerous repeated viewings I can find so much to dislike. Besides I fell in love with Catherine McCormack in the film :D

Gladiator is a solid film full of some genuinely great moments- the ending is sublime and the battle scenes are directed with gusto but there is just something about Russell Crowe I don't like. Besides the much derided Kingdom Of Heaven from Ridley Scott was far better for me.

Gladiator 3
Braveheart 4

Janszoon 10-17-2010 05:56 PM


Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 944339)
Braveheart is historically inaccurate, cliched...

Heh. Well so is Gladiator. :p:

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