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Urban Hat€monger ? 12-12-2009 06:04 PM

What is media studies anyway?

Reading the newspaper?

jackhammer 12-12-2009 06:10 PM


Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger (Post 783489)
What is media studies anyway?

Reading the newspaper?

Watching crap movies that your teacher tells you are brilliant it seems, either that or completing the Sun crossword.

Astronomer 12-12-2009 09:18 PM


Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 783497)
Watching crap movies that your teacher tells you are brilliant it seems, either that or completing the Sun crossword.

Watching movies, talking about them and their production, learning about filming techniques and pretentious jargon associated with analysing films, analysing language techniques used to presuade in newspaper articles, learning photography techniques in the darkroom and in digital format, learning to make your own films, magazines, how to use different equipment for different mediums...

It's a pretty diverse subject.

Captain Awesome 12-13-2009 07:34 AM


Originally Posted by Lateralus (Post 783617)
Watching movies, talking about them and their production, learning about filming techniques and pretentious jargon associated with analysing films, analysing language techniques used to presuade in newspaper articles, learning photography techniques in the darkroom and in digital format, learning to make your own films, magazines, how to use different equipment for different mediums...

It's a pretty diverse subject.


"Two years of Media studies has led you to proclaiming Godsend a great movie?"

actually no that's down to a little thing called individuality. I am able to form my own opinion on a film instead of following "the cool kids". Nevermind though, maybe one day you will be as privileged as me.

Akira 12-13-2009 07:38 AM

So why aren't people allowed to form their own opinions on actors and films?

Captain Awesome 12-13-2009 09:19 AM


Originally Posted by ToeAndno (Post 783762)
So why aren't people allowed to form their own opinions on actors and films?

I don't know, you tell me. I'm not the one bashing one of the greatest actors of all time simply because he's to mainstream celebrity.

SATCHMO 12-13-2009 09:28 AM


Originally Posted by Captain Awesome (Post 783772)
I don't know, you tell me. I'm not the one bashing one of the greatest actors of all time simply because he's to mainstream celebrity.

No the whole "bashing one of the greatest actors of all time simply because he's too mainstream celebrity" is simply your line of defense, because the only way you can spin the argument in your favor is to depict anyone who's disagreeing with you on the subject as being an elitist snob. Your grasping at straws. I already delineated exactly why Deniro is not as great of an actor as he's consistently made out to be, and it has nothing to do with the budget of his movies or because he's a mainstream celebrity.

Captain Awesome 12-13-2009 10:05 AM

and i countered it by listing a whole bunch of movies where he isn't playing an american-italian gangster which you seem to think is his only role.

SATCHMO 12-13-2009 10:16 AM


Originally Posted by Captain Awesome (Post 783780)
and i countered it by listing a whole bunch of movies where he isn't playing an american-italian gangster which you seem to think is his only role.

I don't think it's his only role. Clearly it's not, but I do think the Italian American gangster archetype is not far from his natural personae, which he simply doesn't really deviate from no matter what role he happens to be playing. To me that shows his limitations as an actor.

Flower Child 12-14-2009 01:53 PM


Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger (Post 782980)
Gary Oldman
Nobody plays psychopaths better than he does. Spends most films practically eating the scenery and can turn a boring generic part in the dullest of films (Air Force One, Lost In Space) and will usually end up stealing the show. Also Nil By Mouth maybe the most realistic film ever about life on a British council estate.

Amen to that. Gary Oldman made a delectable Dragula. I couldn't help but root for him the whole time. :D

Astronomer 12-14-2009 03:50 PM

^ Ah! Agreed! How could I miss that... Gary Oldman is one of my favourite actors. He is so diverse and I've never seen him play a bad role... including the several video games in which I was surprised to hear his voice!

jackhammer 12-14-2009 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by Lateralus (Post 784476)
^ Ah! Agreed! How could I miss that... Gary Oldman is one of my favourite actors. He is so diverse and I've never seen him play a bad role... including the several video games in which I was surprised to hear his voice!

He is also the severely disfigured guy in Hannibal in a role that deserves a lot more praise. He is of course superb too in The Firm (the football hooligan film not the Tom Cruise crapfest)

storymilo 12-14-2009 04:14 PM


Originally Posted by Flower Child (Post 782767)
A young Jack Nicholson I have been disappointed with 99% of his newer movies out, but back in his heyday, he was hard to beat. The guy just oozed on'ry. His roles were so damned hilarious and full of life. One of the most entertaining guys out there.

What movies have you hated of his recently? Also by younger do you mean Chinatown/ The Shining sort of younger? Because both of those along with Batman and Mars Attacks are some of my favorite movies ever.

Flower Child 12-15-2009 10:16 AM


Originally Posted by storymilo (Post 784511)
What movies have you hated of his recently? Also by younger do you mean Chinatown/ The Shining sort of younger? Because both of those along with Batman and Mars Attacks are some of my favorite movies ever.

They can keep that That Anger Management, The Departed, Somethings Gotta Give, Bucket List bullshit. And yes I will repeat that, I thought the Bucket List sucked. Predictable beyond belief. And The Departed- been done to death. The others are no brainers.

I would say (give or take a few movies) anything before the 90s.

Captain Awesome 12-15-2009 01:39 PM

I loved the departed. But i love those kind of films, dirty cops, gangsters, lots of violence (Scorsese is a genius). Plus it had the rolling stones and dropkick murphys in the soundtrack. For me it was instant win :p

storymilo 12-15-2009 07:09 PM


Originally Posted by Flower Child (Post 784944)
They can keep that That Anger Management, The Departed, Somethings Gotta Give, Bucket List bullshit. And yes I will repeat that, I thought the Bucket List sucked. Predictable beyond belief. And The Departed- been done to death. The others are no brainers.

I would say (give or take a few movies) anything before the 90s.

Hmm... I haven't seen any of those movies:laughing:

I guess I'll keep my Jack Nicholson watching more early focused I guess. Don't want to spoil my impression if him.

NumberNineDream 12-15-2009 07:47 PM


Originally Posted by Lateralus (Post 783617)
Watching movies, talking about them and their production, learning about filming techniques and pretentious jargon associated with analysing films, analysing language techniques used to presuade in newspaper articles, learning photography techniques in the darkroom and in digital format, learning to make your own films, magazines, how to use different equipment for different mediums...

It's a pretty diverse subject.

Well it is all of the above and then ...


Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 783497)
Watching crap movies that your teacher tells you are brilliant it seems, either that or completing the Sun crossword.

... comes the time they tell you "All of the things you have studied are shit! This is real art" >> Crappy movie phase.

You are either searching for new movies and for your own opinion in them, or you're just another copy of Roger Ebert.

tehriverdragun7129 12-18-2009 10:46 AM

Mark Hammil - Not known as a great actor, but when the Star Wars prequel trilogy was released, it made me appreciate his acting abilities that much more.

Arnold Schwarzenegger - Seriously, how can you not watch a movie with him in it and think "this dude is the boss". Once again, maybe not a great "actor" per se, but his personality and precense is undeniable.

DoctorSoft 12-20-2009 01:33 AM

This guy's one of favorites as well:

Edward Norton[/QUOTE]

Edward Norton is amazing in Fight Club, any other of his performances you'd reccomend?

TheCunningStunt 12-21-2009 12:20 PM


Originally Posted by theuglyorgan (Post 787399)
This guy's one of favorites as well:

Edward Norton

Edward Norton is amazing in Fight Club, any other of his performances you'd reccomend?[/QUOTE]

Primal Fear, American History X, The Illusionist.

Sansa Stark 12-21-2009 12:35 PM

Ewan McGregor, I got such a girl boner for him.

I agree with Dustin Hoffman though, I loved him especially in I Heart Huckabees, I wanted to reach out and hug him.

Also Anthony Stewart Head, aka Giles from buffy for those who don't know. He's very sexy, not because of his looks but he really knows how to work it?

Tim Curry of course, the man is epic.

Jimmy Stewart too

storymilo 12-21-2009 02:07 PM


Originally Posted by Paloma (Post 788033)
Ewan McGregor, I got such a girl boner for him.

ugh... so does my mom.

Sansa Stark 12-21-2009 02:11 PM

He's adorable!

ElephantSack 12-21-2009 05:07 PM

Jackhammer - well done with the Toby Kebbell reference. I've only seen two of his movies (Dead Man's Shoes and Rocknrolla) and the dynamics of both roles are very demonstrative of his capabilities. The same could be said for Paddy Considine, if at least for his lead in Dead Man's Shoes, and then he plays a British bumpkin cop in Hot Fuzz.

The obvious choices (Depp, Pitt, Hopkins, Nicholson) already being mentioned several times, I'll go with a couple who haven't.


I'm the first to mention Samuel L. Jackson? For shame, brethren! I know of no other actor who demonstrates such a work ethic and devotion to his craft. Again, diversity and dynamics are obvious in his countless roles.

Robert Carlyle has been great in anything I've seen him in. My favorite role definitely being that of the wandering cannibal in Ravenous.

fatema 12-21-2009 05:12 PM

I like Matt Damon. Some of my favourite movie is The Bourne Identity, The Bourne Supremacy, The Bourne Ultimatum.
he have Won Oscar. Another 19 wins & 51 nominations.

Astronomer 12-21-2009 05:33 PM

Sansa Stark 12-22-2009 05:56 AM


Originally Posted by ElephantSack (Post 788195)

Robert Carlyle has been great in anything I've seen him in. My favorite role definitely being that of the wandering cannibal in Ravenous.

"NOOOOOOOBODY MOOOOVE! That lassie got glassed and no c-nt leaves here till we find out who what c-nt did it!"

Sorry, I will always remember him as Begbie

Urban Hat€monger ? 12-22-2009 11:28 AM

I nearly listed Robert Carlyle myself.
I just finished watching him in The State Within where he was easily the best actor in it by a mile.

This guy deserves a mention too..
John Simm
Been following his career since Human Traffic (I can't believe that was a decade ago already) It's ironic really that i'm a huge Doctor Who fan and I think it's probably the worst role i've seen him play because he's been brilliant in everything else i've ever seen him in, buy I'll reserve judgement for the time being though and see if he's any better in the upcoming specials being shown over the Xmas & New Year period.

ElephantSack 12-22-2009 02:11 PM


Originally Posted by Paloma (Post 788408)
"NOOOOOOOBODY MOOOOVE! That lassie got glassed and no c-nt leaves here till we find out who what c-nt did it!"

Sorry, I will always remember him as Begbie

Yeah, that's probably the first character I remember seeing him as.

OceanAndSilence 12-23-2009 02:32 AM

brad pitt;

cate blanchett.

ElephantSack 12-23-2009 05:33 AM

I just gotta say, he's a bit over-used these days, but Christian Bale is pretty ****in' badass in everything I've seen him in. I'm surprised nobody's mentioned him yet.

TheCunningStunt 12-23-2009 10:04 AM


Originally Posted by ElephantSack (Post 788858)
I just gotta say, he's a bit over-used these days, but Christian Bale is pretty ****in' badass in everything I've seen him in. I'm surprised nobody's mentioned him yet.

He's not a good Batman though. What the fluff is with the growling when he talks as Batman? Michael did the disguising of his voice so subtle but so well, Christian just growls.

Sansa Stark 12-23-2009 02:47 PM


Originally Posted by ElephantSack (Post 788484)
Yeah, that's probably the first character I remember seeing him as.

I can't even try to watch the movie with him as Hitler

ElephantSack 12-23-2009 03:46 PM


Originally Posted by TheCunningStunt (Post 788929)
He's not a good Batman though. What the fluff is with the growling when he talks as Batman? Michael did the disguising of his voice so subtle but so well, Christian just growls.

I thought he was pretty good as Batman. The growling was pretty hilarious, though. Have you seen Equilibrium?

ElephantSack 12-23-2009 07:21 PM

I don't remember if anyone has mentioned him yet. Baddest. Nigga. Ever.

TheCunningStunt 12-26-2009 08:51 AM


Originally Posted by ElephantSack (Post 789025)
I thought he was pretty good as Batman. The growling was pretty hilarious, though. Have you seen Equilibrium?

I haven't, I don't think so anyway. What's it about? Is it good?

ElephantSack 12-26-2009 08:58 AM


Originally Posted by TheCunningStunt (Post 790181)
I haven't, I don't think so anyway. What's it about? Is it good?

Yeah, I thought it was really good. All the ***gy, techno-soundtrack stuff aside. I guess a brief rundown of the plot without giving too much away is a futuristic society where emotions are suppressed and the display of emotion is punishable by death. Add in some matrix-style sword and gun fights and a totalitarian regime a la Brave New World, and you've got yourself a classic "destruction of the system" tale.

captaincaptain 12-26-2009 10:03 AM


Originally Posted by TheCunningStunt (Post 788929)
He's not a good Batman though. What the fluff is with the growling when he talks as Batman? Michael did the disguising of his voice so subtle but so well, Christian just growls.

He's just pissed off about the crime in Gotham.

TheCunningStunt 12-26-2009 03:43 PM


Originally Posted by captaincaptain (Post 790199)
He's just pissed off about the crime in Gotham.

So was Michael Keaton, he was a very pissed off Batman about the crime in Gotham just as much as Bale, but he didn't growl like a sex offender.

TheCunningStunt 12-26-2009 03:44 PM


Originally Posted by ElephantSack (Post 790186)
Yeah, I thought it was really good. All the ***gy, techno-soundtrack stuff aside. I guess a brief rundown of the plot without giving too much away is a futuristic society where emotions are suppressed and the display of emotion is punishable by death. Add in some matrix-style sword and gun fights and a totalitarian regime a la Brave New World, and you've got yourself a classic "destruction of the system" tale.

That sounds quite bad, but then again, someone described a good film called Charlie Bartlett really badly, saw it and I really enjoyed it. Sometimes films are just hard to describe without ruining it, I'll try and give it a watch sometime.

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