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Old 11-03-2009, 10:43 AM   #31 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by music_phantom13 View Post
Wow. I can't believe I forgot to put this in my list. I think I've spent more time playing Morrowind than any other single player game. Oblivion had a huge graphics overhaul, but sadly the game was very different in a bad way. There were only really what... 8 towns in Oblivion I think? And I honestly didn't mind things like arrows not always hitting, I thought it added a bit more of an element of challenge to the game.
Yeah...Oblivion was a disappointment to me. Not to say I didn't like the game, but even though the world was supposed to be bigger it didn't seem as massive. And no matter how I played it Oblivion never seemed as fun. I do think Fallout 3 is a great game though so I'm hoping Bethseda gets it right next time.

I also would have loved to put Uncharted 2 on my list but I haven't beaten the game yet so my final decision on it is still pending.
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Old 11-03-2009, 10:46 AM   #32 (permalink)
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@boo boo

Mind me asking what the last 4 or 5 next gen FPS you've played have been? Because over the years there really have been some great ones.
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Old 11-03-2009, 10:50 AM   #33 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by abdullah424 View Post
Yeah...Oblivion was a disappointment to me. Not to say I didn't like the game, but even though the world was supposed to be bigger it didn't seem as massive. And no matter how I played it Oblivion never seemed as fun. I do think Fallout 3 is a great game though so I'm hoping Bethseda gets it right next time.

I also would have loved to put Uncharted 2 on my list but I haven't beaten the game yet so my final decision on it is still pending.
I think you just have to give Oblivion an honest try. I didn't like it at first either - I found it hard to find any motivation to play it, but on the second or third try, I figured out what I'd been missing before. Suddenly, the game I'd more or less dismissed earlier had me hooked for days. I've also played Morrowind and honestly, while the world is bigger, I actually had more fun playing Oblivion. Rather they do less better than too much mediocre-ish!

Give it another shot one of these days and you'll find there's plenty of interesting addons that will give you more neat things to do.

To Boo, you haven't played HL2? You definetly have to get that fixed!
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Old 11-03-2009, 10:57 AM   #34 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by toretorden View Post
I think you just have to give Oblivion an honest try. I didn't like it at first either - I found it hard to find any motivation to play it, but on the second or third try, I figured out what I'd been missing before. Suddenly, the game I'd more or less dismissed earlier had me hooked for days. I've also played Morrowind and honestly, while the world is bigger, I actually had more fun playing Oblivion. Rather they do less better than too much mediocre-ish!

Give it another shot one of these days and you'll find there's plenty of interesting addons that will give you more neat things to do.

To Boo, you haven't played HL2? You definetly have to get that fixed!
Don't take my dissappointment the wrong way. While I never played the expansion pack (which I'll rectify once the game of the year edition is really cheap) I actually played through the normal game twice and earned the full 1000 gamerscore pts back when I had a 360 (ps3 now). I enjoyed the game but I guess I expected a more open world to explore. Oblivion just seemed really linear to me compared to Morrowind. I felt like the game was spoon feeding the quests to me instead of forcing me to just randomly stumble across them which I'll admit was more tedius but for me that just made it more satisfying.

On a side note do any of you guys have ps3s? And if so do you plan on getting Modern Warfare 2?
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Old 11-03-2009, 11:18 AM   #35 (permalink)
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I prefer Morrowind to Oblivion, but honestly I've probably spent more time playing Oblivion than any other game I have. It's just that addicting. Also, the expansion packs/mods are great, but unfortunately you need a pc to get the mods.
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Old 11-03-2009, 02:28 PM   #36 (permalink)
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1. Diablo 2 + Lord of Destruction Expansion Pack
To be honest, I hated the original Diablo. I thought it was ridiculously boring and worthless, and I still kind of do. However, when Diablo 2 came out I was blown away. The depth and versatility of the game astounded me, and Blizzard’s Battle.net made it easy for young kids like me to play online for FREE. That’s insane, especially considering the complexity of the game and the near endless customization that was possible. One of the most addicting and varied games of all time, bar none.

2. Pokémon Red + Blue
From the moment I first picked up Pokémon I was a fan. I’ve got loads of cards upstairs right now, I watched the show almost every weekend, and I can still remember the names of pretty much every original Pokémon. The game was so great in its simplicity; here’s your dude, make it strong, and fight another dude. All the cheats, all the little secret codes and hidden gems made it both a classic game and a cultural icon. These guys have the longevity market cornered, as they’re still making great games today,

3. Blades of Steel
Infamous hockey game for the NES, it’s still the standard all hockey games are compared to today. Despite being born 5 years after it came out, I was lucky enough to have a deadbeat father who kept his copy and let me play it on the weekends when I went to see him. Some of my best memories are just me destroying people at Blades of Steel as a seven year old in my pajamas.

4. The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening
Aside from Pokémon, I didn’t really like very many games on the Game Boy. The one I did fall in love with was Link’s Awakening DX, which was a color remake of the original. The premise of a windfish that needs divine instruments to be woken up from a nap is crazy, but it seemed viable when I was 10. I eagerly played this game all the time and it was a genuine challenge to me, a first in my video game experiences.

5. NHL 09
I love NHL 09, and I’ve logged some serious hours on Xbox Live playing against jerks from Germany to China, and everywhere in between. The ability to get five of your friends together and play on the same line is brilliant, the scope of the draft/scouting system in dynasty mode is unprecedented, and the graphics are some of the best to date. I play this game every day after school, and before the real games start. Nothing better than getting high and making Markus Naslund put up 6 goals against the Detroilet Red Wings.

6. Mario Tennis 64
One of the first sports games I ever played, Mario Tennis 64 was just so addicting. Each character brought a different style and different abilities, but my favorite was always the Koopa Paratroopa. I quickly mastered this simple game and loved the pace of competitive play with my friends.

7. Metroid Prime
In my opinion, Metroid Prime was the best game ever made for the GameCube. It had everything you could possibly want in a FPS; an intriguing story, gorgeous graphics, responsive gameplay, and both easy and infuriating degrees of difficulty. I know some might think it strange that I didn’t include the original Metroid, or Super Metroid in my list, but rest assured I love those games too. It’s just that I grew up with Metroid Prime and therefore it will always top my list of Metroid games.

8. Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance
This is a game that I picked up on clearance for like $5 bucks from one of those secondhand electronics stores. For a game that I bought on a whim, Baldur’s Gate had incredible value and is probably the hidden gem of my collection. Not a pure RPG in the contemporary sense, it lacks the customization of some of its peers. However, the story was solid and the gameplay was insanely fun hack-and-slash fare.

9. Age of Mythology + Titans
My first, and admittedly last, RTS, AoM was aesthetically beautiful. The gameplay was simple and required strategic thought, as opposed to just mass production and large-scale assault. The expansion was where it’s at though, I loved The Titans add-ons and thought that the Atlantean campaign was awesome.

10. Ratchet and Clank: Going Commando
A cartoony and fun-filled game that I played as a tween. The best part of Ratchet and Clank was the oddball humor and wickedly ingenious arsenal developed for Ratchet. Some of the guns were outlandish, others were devastating, but they were all unique. Gameplay was basic platforming, but the locales were lush and colorful, as well as destructible. One of the first games I played that incorporated an interactive environment.
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Old 11-03-2009, 04:29 PM   #37 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by abdullah424 View Post
On a side note do any of you guys have ps3s? And if so do you plan on getting Modern Warfare 2?
Me. Yes, definitly.

I prestiged 10 times in the original.
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Old 11-03-2009, 05:28 PM   #38 (permalink)
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time to weigh in with my own top 10. going straight across the board this is going to be rough...

1 - System Shock - the be all end all of first person action, adventure, stealth, and sci-fi horror rolled up into an amazing package. yes there's a whole lot of nostalgia factor on this one but quite frankly not a single one of the games that directly or indirectly followed in this title's path ever surpassed it.

2 - Neverwinter Nights - the perfect presentation of Dungeons and Dragons to a generation of gamers who thought Diablo was a fulfilling role playing experience.

3 - Diablo 2 - if i need to explain this you need to try it out. to call it a real RPG is foolish, to deny its incredibly addictive fun is even more foolish.

4 - Anachronox - back in 2000 after already a full year and a half of hearing how John Romero was 'going to make you his bitch' with Daikatana, another part of Ion Storm was busy working on one of the best pc rpgs ever released. no goblins, no dungeons filled with undead, no evil knights or fair maidens to be seen. the world of Anachornox was fresh and unique, sci-fi but not overly technical, magical but not fantastical, with a twist i'm STILL reeling from almost 10 years later. it's such a bummer that so much of Ion Storm's money went into PR for a steaming piece of crap considering how good this and its other major title (Deus Ex) turned out to be. i wonder if John Romero has learned humility yet?

5 - Civilization 4 - it's hard to just choose one Civ game this is really a toss up between part 2 and 4. i just can't deny all the advancements and extra polish applied to the newest take on the game.

6 - Dawn of War 2 - this is the game Blizzard needs to make people forget with Starcraft 2. problem is, Relic has managed to release 2 full titles, and is working on the 4th expansion in the series in the time Blizzard has released absolutely nothing on the RTS front.

7 - Super Metroid - the pinnacle of old school side scrolling action adventure gaming.

8 - Rockband 2 - the greatest co-op multiplayer game i've ever had the pleasure of entertaining myself with.

9 - Fallout - the original. yes it's old, yes the combat mechanics are pretty aggravating if you don't max our your agility, and it's still buggy as hell... but i'll be damned if it's still not one of the best RPG experiences i've ever had on the pc. i found the 2nd one to be a little 'too' open ended, sandbox games can be great but i'd rather play the game as opposed to playing with the game. the newest one is awesome too but feels a little too much like Oblivion with guns at times and the forced Christ / Lucifer ending sucked ass.

10 - Final Fantasy 2 - this title marked the end of an era with the FF series and a very high water mark for old school RPGs. the biggest distinction with this title compared to the others is the story based character classes. you had no choice in determining who did what, there were no abilities, or options to allow all the characters to be built up to use everyone else's stuff and that kept each character unique in a way that seems to have gone the way of the do-do. and contrary to popular belief, Aeris was not the first FF party member to die in a scripted event either.
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Originally Posted by bandteacher1 View Post
I type whicked fast,
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Old 11-03-2009, 05:31 PM   #39 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by matious View Post
Me. Yes, definitly.

I prestiged 10 times in the original.
Nice...I never prestiged...got all the golden guns instead...give me an add my gamer tag is

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Old 11-04-2009, 07:01 AM   #40 (permalink)
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Man, I should have thought of a better scoring system for this.

The original idea is that the highest ranking game on a list is worth 10 points, and the lowest is worth 1.

But keeping score of everything will be hard, you have any suggestions that might make this easier?
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I only listen to Santana when I feel like being annoyed.
I only listen to you talk when I want to hear Emo performed acapella.
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