Originally Posted by The Batlord
(Post 1738883)
I just assume that people who like Aliens over Alien are of substandard intelligence. The alien ship, the cast's chemistry, the chestburster, all the ambient noises that are going on the entire movie to build tension. The second movie is great and all, but it's got nothing on the first.
Substandard intelligence <3 love you too
I enjoyed the first movie a lot, but.. well, it was a different kind of experience really (and for the record, I enjoyed all 4 aliens movies to some extent at least :D). 1st was full of mystery, tension and desperation. I also liked how there was no focus on Ripley from the beginning, the crew as a whole was the main character. Someone completely ignorant of the series might be surprised as to who the final survivor is.
2nd was this s-f military porn done right, an adolescent fantasy filmed with the attention it needed. There was tension, but it's a different kind of tension if you're carrying a smartgun and have a marine backup, not a homemade flame thrower and a bunch of hippies :P . Plus I have to say, I liked the crew of the Sulaco more than the crew of the Nostromo ;) Even Bill "I'll keep yelling" Paxton.