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boo boo 03-03-2009 08:24 PM

MB Favorite Movie Directors Archive
Simple. List your top 10 favorite movie directors and I'll list them here as an archive.

It has to be 10 or less, and preferably in the fashion that follows.

Anticipation: wes anderson & miike takashi

Boo Boo: Stanley Kubrick, Coens, Hayao Miyazaki, Quentin Tarantino, Tim Burton, Robert Altman, Fritz Lang, Martin Scorsese, Charlie Chaplin, Terry Gilliam.

Bulldog: Stanley Kubrick, Akira Kurosawa, Mike Leigh, Lynne Ramsey, Coen Bros, Alfred Hitchcock, Woody Allen, Terry Gilliam, Chris Nolan, Francis Ford Coppola

Bungalowbill357: Andrei Tarkovsky, John Cassavetes, Charles Chaplin, Wong Kar Wai, Mike Leigh, Michelangelo Antonioni, Hou Hsiao-Hsien, Jerzy Skolimowski, Lars von Trier, Charles Burnett

Cadrian: Ridley Scott, Kevin Smith, Steven Spielberg, John Woo, Paul Thomas Anderson, Martin Scorsese, Coen Brothers, Stanley Kubrick, Quentin Tarantino and Akira Kurosawa

CanwllCorfe: Coen Brothers, Martin Scorcese, Mark Romanek, Tim Burton, Quentin Tarantino

Crash: Quentin Tarrantino, Coen Brothers, Cameron Crowe, Michael Mann, Spike Jonze, Robert Rodriguez, Darren Aronofsky

Conan: Ed Wood, Harold P. Warren, The Coen Brothers, Robert Wiene, Robert Florey, Steven Spielberg, Fritz Lang, J.J. Abrams, Quintin Tarantino, The Shaw Brothers

Dollarsandcents: Alejandro González Iñárritu, Woody Allen, Sergio Leone, Alfonso Cuaron, Joel & Ethan Coen, Hayao Miyazaki, Quentin Tarantino, Martin Scorsese, Walter Salles and Paul Thomas Anderson.

Frownland: David Lynch, Ingmar Bergman, Werner Herzog, Jean Luc Godard, Lars Von Trier, E. Elias Merhige, Andrey Tarkovsky, Federico Fellini, Darron Aronofsky, Stanley Kubrick

Gone Sugaring: Charles Chaplin, Ingmar Bergman, Akira Kurosawa, Jean-Luc Godard, Stanley Kubrick, Coen Brothers, Josef von Sternberg, Orson Welles, Jean Renoir, and Woody Allen.

Jackhammer: Ken Loach, Alan Clarke, Werner Herzog, Michael Haneke, John Carpenter, John Cassavetes, Dario Argento, Miike Takashi, David Lynch, Ingmar Bergman.

Janszoon: Terry Gilliam, Darren Aronofsky, Wes Anderson, The Coens, Alex Proyas, David Fincher, John Carpenter, Christopher Nolan, Tim Burton, Brad Bird

Lateralus: Tim Burton, Baz Luhrmann, Peter Jackson, Coen Brothers.

Molecules: Mike Leigh, Akira Kurosawa, Stanley Kubrick, Alfred Hitchc*ck, Nagisa Oshima, Joel and Ethan Coen, Satyajit Ray, John Huston, Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger, Ingmar Bergman

NumberNineDream: David Lynch, Stanley Kubrick, Fritz Lang, Jean-Pierre Jeunet, Emir Kusturica, Oliver Stone, Terry Gilliam, Michel Gondry, Alejandro Gonzalez Innaritu, Quentin Tarentino

Rez: Quentin Tarantino, Art Linson, Martin Scorsese, Francis Ford Coppola, Peter Jackson, James Cameron, Andy Wachowski, Larry Wachowski, Terry Gilliam, Larry Bishop

RoemerMW: Werner Herzog, Andrei Tarkovsky, David Lynch, Kinji Fukasaku, Alfred Hitchc*ck, Krzysztof Kieslowski, Coen Brothers, Sergio Leone, Mario Bava, Jim Jarmusch

Savannah: Terry Gilliam, Tarantino, Coen brothers, Joss Whedon, Kubrick, Woody Allen, Pollack, Oliver Stone, Troy Duffy, Cameron Crowe

Sleepyjack: Wes Anderson, David Lynch, Quentin Tarantino, Gus Van Sant, Darren Aronofsky, Edgar Wright, Tim Burton.

Sweet Nothing: Wes Anderson, Danny Boyle, Park Chan-wook, Coen Brothers, Stanley Kubrick, Quentin Tarantino, and Peter Jackson

Surell: Francis Ford Coppola, Martin Scorcese, Paul Thomas Anderson, Brian De Palma, Quentin Tarintino, The Cohen Brothers, Wes Anderson.

Terrible Lizard:Werner Herzog, Howard Hawks, Alejandro Jodorowsky, Miyazaki, Sam Peckinpaw, Harmony Korine, Ingmar Bergman, Akira Kurosawa, Jean-Pierre Melville, etc, etc.

333: Akira Kurosawa, Alfred Hitchcock, Spike Jonze, David Lynch, and Kaneto Shindo.

Yon Troper: The Coen Brothers, Terry Gilliam, Paul Thomas Anderson, Stanley Kubrick, David Lynch, Martin Scorcese, David Cronenberg, David Fincher.

boo boo 03-03-2009 08:25 PM


boo boo 03-03-2009 08:25 PM


Terrible Lizard 03-03-2009 09:49 PM

Lizard:Werner Herzog, Howard Hawks, Alejandro Jodorowsky, Miyazaki, Sam Peckinpaw, Harmony Korine, Ingmar Bergman, Akira Kurosawa, Jean-Pierre Melville, etc, etc.

Surell 03-03-2009 10:06 PM

Surell: Francis Ford Coppola, Martin Scorcese, Paul Thomas Anderson, Brian De Palma, Quentin Tarintino, The Cohen Brothers.

That's what I can think of.

RoemerMW 03-03-2009 10:55 PM


Originally Posted by Terrible Lizard (Post 607101)
Lizard:Werner Herzog, Howard Hawks, Alejandro Jodorowsky, Miyazaki, Sam Peckinpaw, Harmony Korine, Ingmar Bergman, Akira Kurosawa, Jean-Pierre Melville, etc, etc.

Very nice list, it's not often that you see people say Herzog, Jodorowsky, Peckinpah, etc. on a list.

RoemerMW: Werner Herzog, Andrei Tarkovsky, David Lynch, Kinji Fukasaku, Alfred Hitchcock, Krzysztof Kieslowski, Coen Brothers, Sergio Leone, Mario Bava, Jim Jarmusch

jackhammer 03-04-2009 03:21 PM

Jackhammer: Ken Loach, Alan Clarke, Werner Herzog, Michael Haneke, John Carpenter, John Cassavetes, Dario Argento, Miike Takashi, David Lynch, Ingmar Bergman.

boo boo 03-04-2009 03:26 PM

Should I sticky this?

jackhammer 03-04-2009 03:32 PM

You are the mod mate! It could maybe have more content. Maybe a couple of film reviews in the future or something?

anticipation 03-04-2009 03:33 PM

anticipation: wes anderson & miike takashi

boo boo 03-04-2009 03:34 PM

That's it?


Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 607514)
You are the mod mate! It could maybe have more content. Maybe a couple of film reviews in the future or something?

Well this should be the thread for any movie director related discussion.

anticipation 03-04-2009 03:41 PM

yeah, i'm not really into movies.

Janszoon 03-04-2009 04:07 PM

Janszoon: Terry Gilliam, Darren Aronofsky, Wes Anderson, The Coens, Alex Proyas, David Fincher, John Carpenter, Christopher Nolan, Tim Burton, Brad Bird

jackhammer 03-04-2009 04:11 PM


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 607538)
Janszoon: Terry Gilliam, Darren Aronofsky, Wes Anderson, The Coens, Alex Proyas, David Fincher, John Carpenter, Christopher Nolan, Tim Burton, Brad Bird

I love Aronofsky and Proyas but I would like them to see more movies by them before I put them on a pedestal.

boo boo 03-04-2009 04:18 PM

Aronofsky is one of our most gifted modern directors that's for sure.

Janszoon 03-04-2009 04:26 PM


Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 607542)
I love Aronofsky and Proyas but I would like them to see more movies by them before I put them on a pedestal.

Well, honestly I'd probably have a completely different list if you asked me tomorrow. But basically with Aronofsky I've seen three of his movies (haven't checked out The Wrestler yet) and all three were absolutely stellar, and with Proyas I think anyone who can make The Crow and Dark City and then turn around and make Garage Days warrants being on my list. I realize I'm probably the only person on the planet who actually liked Garage Days but I don't know, there's just something about it for me. And Dark City is easily one of my favorite movies of all time.

Some other directors who might make my list if you asked me on another day:

Ridley Scott
PT Anderson
Jean-Pierre Jeunet
Quentin Tarantino
Fritz Lang

jackhammer 03-04-2009 04:34 PM

For every great Ridley Scott film, 2 crap ones follow. JPJ loses points over Alien:Ressurection (although a lot of blame should be laid at the producers door). Boogie Nights and There Will Be blood are both stellar for PT Anderson but Magnolia was a little cluttered for my tastes (Robert Altman's Short Cuts is a much better similarly themed film) and Punch Drunk Love was an admirable failure. I would have loved to put Lucio fulci into my list but his mid 80's output was terrible!

Janszoon 03-04-2009 04:45 PM


Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 607557)
For every great Ridley Scott film, 2 crap ones follow. JPJ loses points over Alien:Ressurection (although a lot of blame should be laid at the producers door). Boogie Nights and There Will Be blood are both stellar for PT Anderson but Magnolia was a little cluttered for my tastes (Robert Altman's Short Cuts is a much better similarly themed film) and Punch Drunk Love was an admirable failure. I would have loved to put Lucio fulci into my list but his mid 80's output was terrible!

Punch Drunk Love is actually my favorite PT Anderson movie. And Alien: Ressurection, is obviously a very flawed movie but I thought it was still enjoyable and his art direction as always was fantastic. I think the guy deserves to be cut a certain amount of slack too because he was trying to direct a mostly english-speaking cast and crew at a time when he hadn't yet learned english. As far as your Ridley Scott comment goes, you're definitely right, but if I focused a lot on people's quality to crap ratio I wouldn't have put John Carpenter on my list either. :D

boo boo 03-04-2009 04:52 PM

I agree about the inconsistancy of Ridley Scott.

But I really loved all of Andersons films. Punch Drunk Love included.

And in no way is Altman's Short Cuts better than Magnolia. I love Altman, but Short Cuts, while a good and highly original film, was a bit of an excessive exercise for Altman. Magnolia had a similar structure, but it was less self indulgent, it's theme was much more clear and it was much more entertaining, making it's length less noticable. Magnolia is a really good drama that just happens to be 3 hours long. While Short Cuts is basically a collage of Altman-isms with no real point, and with it's length it's a film you can only appreciate if you truly understand Altman's style, otherwise you're gonna find it completely unbearable.

I'd say Short Cuts is a 6 and Magnolia is a 9.

jackhammer 03-04-2009 04:59 PM

I don't think I will ever agree with you on films Booboo! That's what i liked about Short Cuts. It's not neat and all wrapped up in a bundle but different strokes and all that.

jackhammer 03-04-2009 05:01 PM


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 607561)
Punch Drunk Love is actually my favorite PT Anderson movie. And Alien: Ressurection, is obviously a very flawed movie but I thought it was still enjoyable and his art direction as always was fantastic. I think the guy deserves to be cut a certain amount of slack too because he was trying to direct a mostly english-speaking cast and crew at a time when he hadn't yet learned english. As far as your Ridley Scott comment goes, you're definitely right, but if I focused a lot on people's quality to crap ratio I wouldn't have put John Carpenter on my list either. :D

Carpenters Classic 4 excuses a lot of his crap- just!

boo boo 03-04-2009 05:34 PM


So what are your favorite Carpenter films? I haven't seen Dark Star and Assault on Precinct 13 yet but I certainly want to.

For me.

Good: Halloween, The Thing, They Live, Escape From New York, Starman, Big Trouble in Little China.

Ok: Christine, The Fog.

Baaaaaad: Vampires, Ghosts of Mars, Village of the Damned.

Molecules 03-04-2009 05:34 PM

Molly: Mike Leigh, Akira Kurosawa, Stanley Kubrick, Alfred Hitchcock, Nagisa Oshima, Joel and Ethan Coen, Satyajit Ray, John Huston, Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger, Ingmar Bergman

I love the great John Carpenter (Escape From New York, the Fog, Big Trouble, classic carpenter is a way of life) and Ridley Scott films, everybody does, but they both fell off for the most part.

Surell 03-04-2009 09:46 PM

Can I have mine edited to include Wes Anderson? I knew I was missing someone.

Dr_Rez 03-04-2009 09:53 PM

Quentin Tarantino
Art Linson
Martin Scorsese
Francis Ford Coppola
Peter Jackson
James Cameron
Andy Wachowski
Larry Wachowski

Terry Gilliam
Larry Bishop

jackhammer 03-05-2009 03:38 AM


Originally Posted by boo boo (Post 607581)

So what are your favorite Carpenter films? I haven't seen Dark Star and Assault on Precinct 13 yet but I certainly want to.

For me.

Good: Halloween, The Thing, They Live, Escape From New York, Starman, Big Trouble in Little China.

Ok: Christine, The Fog.

Baaaaaad: Vampires, Ghosts of Mars, Village of the Damned.

I like Vampires! Hated Starman, Christine, Village Of The Damned, Escape From L.A, Ghosts Of Mars.

In The Mouth Of Madness, Body Bags and his 'Cigarette Burns' inclusion in the masters of horror series are all underated gems though.

Gone Sugaring 06-04-2009 08:12 PM

Gone Sugaring: Charles Chaplin, Ingmar Bergman, Akira Kurosawa, Jean-Luc Godard, Stanley Kubrick, Coen Brothers, Josef von Sternberg, Orson Welles, Jean Renoir, and Woody Allen.

boo boo 06-04-2009 10:40 PM

Man even stickied this thread died, thanks for reviving it.

savannah 06-07-2009 06:40 PM

savannah: terry gilliam, tarantino, the coen brothers, joss whedon, kubrick, woody allen, pollack, oliver stone, troy duffy, camron crowe

Bulldog 06-08-2009 06:18 AM

Bulldog: Stanley Kubrick, Akira Kurosawa, Mike Leigh, Lynne Ramsey, Coen Bros, Alfred Hitchcock, Woody Allen, Terry Gilliam, Chris Nolan, Francis Ford Coppola

crash_override 06-15-2009 09:35 PM

Crash: Quentin Tarrantino, Coen Brothers, Cameron Crowe, Michael Mann, Spike Jonze, Robert Rodriguez, Darren Aronofsky

ElephantSack 06-16-2009 08:28 PM

Anybody for Akira Kurosawa?

ElephantSack 06-16-2009 08:30 PM

I should have known to check before posting that. My bad. Kurosawa owns, though.

boo boo 06-16-2009 11:53 PM


Miltamec Soundsquinaez 06-20-2009 07:36 PM

Judd Apatow?
Adam McKay?
The Farrelly Brothers?

Idk, I'm not big into the whole violence thing.

bungalow 06-24-2009 04:11 PM

Hey boobs update quick! I wanna be on the front page!

bungalowbill357: Andrei Tarkovsky, John Cassavetes, Charles Chaplin, Wong Kar Wai, Mike Leigh, Michelangelo Antonioni, Hou Hsiao-Hsien, Jerzy Skolimowski, Lars von Trier, Charles Burnett

ElephantSack 06-30-2009 07:33 PM

I found myself discussing Kubrick at work the other day... ****in' madman.

DJB1975 08-15-2009 07:53 PM

Lyndsay Anderson
Nicolas Roeg

Alfred 08-15-2009 08:05 PM

I'll go with Sam Peckinpah. Yeah, that's it.

sweet_nothing 08-15-2009 10:47 PM

Wes Anderson, Danny Boyle, Park Chan-wook, Coen Brothers, Stanley Kubrick, Quentin Tarantino, and Peter Jackson

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