mr dave |
02-25-2009 07:04 PM |
Originally Posted by khfreek
(Post 603177)
Mr. Dave: The whole movie brings up intriguing points on society and civilization as a whole that you never see in major blockbusters, all of the roles were performed perfectly, and it's just downright gritty. I don't understand why you describe the main character as some pussy who can't get over himself, he's obviously got underlying psychological problems.
And funny story about your interpretation of money as a natural resource in that movie; are you dumb? They were blowing up the buildings at the end to start the abolishment of the idea of money...
So in conclusion, seeing as how it's going to be forgotten by the time my generation grows up, I would say no, it is not overrated at all.
the main character has underlying psychological problems because he lacked the mental fortitude to step up to the unpleasant reality of adulthood. you don't have to like working you just have to work. best saying i've heard about that whole situation - "if you don't have ideals about a utopian society in your 20s you don't have much of a heart, if you still hold to those ideals in your 30s you don't have much of a brain".
they blew up buildings to abolish debt not money. the idea of money has and will ALWAYS exist so long as people are unable to fully and completely survive independently of themselves. the need for paper money grew from the inability of the barter system to fully provide for its society. most of that was due to want (as controlled by the ego) over needs (as controlled by the body). the dumb people are the ones who think our society would survive as is without money and NOT devolve into an anarchistic wasteland.
again the ideals lead to failure and refuse to see their hypocrisy, how does that cult survive without corporations and a capitalist society to leech from? (everything they had they got from stealing).
i'll give kudos to norton and pitt for their roles, especially norton, he was fantastic in his role. doesn't change my view on the plot and the overall movie though.
'falling down' starring michael douglas came out almost a decade earlier hits a lot of the same ideas and does it without relying on a cult of anarchy punks pushing hippie commune ideals.