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Frownland 10-20-2015 03:27 PM

Does Supernatural get better after the pilot? I gave up very quickly on that one and I know judging off of the pilot really isn't the best way to go.

The Batlord 10-20-2015 03:32 PM


Originally Posted by Trollheart (Post 1644925)
Ah man! You're slipping! You can't compare the two. If you're going to talk about a show, and then compare it to another show, you can't do that by watching one or two episodes. Just doesn't work. Do you even know the arc in Supernatural, what it's all about?

You know who you sound like now, don't you? ;)

It doesn't take long to recognize a Buffy knockoff. Joss Whedon's style is so distinctive that it can't be replicated without it being obvious.

Trollheart 10-20-2015 03:38 PM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1644929)
Does Supernatural get better after the pilot? I gave up very quickly on that one and I know judging off of the pilot really isn't the best way to go.

It does. Season one is pretty monster-of-the-week but the plot builds and by season two you should be thinking "Holy good ****!" Great cliffhanger too. Despite what Batty says, if you like intelligent, well-written horror drama that makes it hard to see what's coming next, decent humour, two great leads and some pretty bitchin' rock music into the bargain, to say nothing of PCR after PCR, it could be right up your alley.

Trollheart 10-20-2015 03:40 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1644934)
It doesn't take long to recognize a Buffy knockoff. Joss Whedon's style is so distinctive that it can't be replicated without it being obvious.

I'll certainly concede that Whedon began all that style, but I won't agree that Supernatural is a rip-off of Buffy, cos that's just crazy talk.

Oriphiel 10-20-2015 04:10 PM

Love both Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Supernatural. Buffy is probably my favorite show of all time, and I also remember eagerly staying up late to watch Supernatural when it first aired on the CW, back in the day. :laughing:

Anyway, yeah, Supernatural definitely took it's cues from Buffy, but I think thematically and tonally it was more influenced by Angel, the bleak spin-off of Buffy, which ended a year before Supernatural began. The monsters, the themes, the humor, the overall tone, the stoic main characters that constantly feel like they have to redeem themselves, the self-aware writing that lovingly pokes fun at the series, etc. Supernatural went on to become it's own show with it's own distinct flavor, but it never would have existed if Buffy/Angel hadn't paved the way for mainstream horror/comedy/monster hunting shows, reawakening the public's hunger for off-beat sci-fi/horror after shows like The Twilight Zone and The Outer Limits fell out of fashion. Whedon and the crew took a big risk back in the day trying to start a show that was so out of the norm. Networks were hesitant about investing in something that wasn't a safe bet, and both shows were constantly on the verge of being cancelled. After the shows started to build up loyal fanbases, networks realized that the public actually did want horror/sci-fi shows, and they became more comfortable investing in them, leading to a boom in supernatural television. Now, you can't take five steps without tripping on some show about ghosts (*cough*Ghost Whisperer*cough*). :laughing:

Also, don't forget Tales From the Crypt, Charmed, Sabrina the Teenage Witch, Are You Afraid of the Dark?, and all of the other shows that helped keep supernatural television alive. :yeah:

The Batlord 10-20-2015 04:38 PM


Originally Posted by Oriphiel (Post 1644955)
Love both Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Supernatural. Buffy is probably my favorite show of all time, and I also remember eagerly staying up late to watch Supernatural when it first aired on the CW, back in the day. :laughing:

Anyway, yeah, Supernatural definitely took it's cues from Buffy, but I think thematically and tonally it was more influenced by Angel, the bleak spin-off of Buffy, which ended a year before Supernatural began. The monsters, the themes, the humor, the overall tone, the stoic main characters that constantly feel like they have to redeem themselves, the self-aware writing that lovingly pokes fun at the series, etc. Supernatural went on to become it's own show with it's own distinct flavor, but it never would have existed if Buffy/Angel hadn't paved the way for mainstream horror/comedy/monster hunting shows, reawakening the public's hunger for off-beat sci-fi/horror after shows like The Twilight Zone and The Outer Limits fell out of fashion. Whedon and the crew took a big risk back in the day trying to start a show that was so out of the norm. Networks were hesitant about investing in something that wasn't a safe bet, and both shows were constantly on the verge of being cancelled. After the shows started to build up loyal fanbases, networks realized that the public actually did want horror/sci-fi shows, and they became more comfortable investing in them, leading to a boom in supernatural television. Now, you can't take five steps without tripping on some show about ghosts (*cough*Ghost Whisperer*cough*). :laughing:

Also, don't forget Tales From the Crypt, Charmed, Sabrina the Teenage Witch, Are You Afraid of the Dark?, and all of the other shows that helped keep supernatural television alive. :yeah:

And don't forget Firefl-... ****.

Oriphiel 10-20-2015 04:45 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1644972)
And don't forget Firefl-... ****.

Trollheart 10-20-2015 04:54 PM

@ Ori: Yeah, I said I concede that Buffy set the standard, but as you say SN followed its own course. To call it a Buffy knockoff is like trying to say every sci-fi show set in space ripped off Star Trek. Which is true to an extent, but series like Dark Matter, BSG, Stargate etc could not accused of being copies of Trek. Someone has to start it, take the risks, break the new ground, and nobody is denying that Whedon was that somebody. Doesn't mean his fanboys can claim every show that ever came after his are just knockoffs, just as Roddenberry can't claim to have invented TV sci-fi...

Oriphiel 10-20-2015 04:59 PM

Are you sure Batlord wasn't just trying to get under your skin when he called it a Buffy knock-off? :laughing:

Trollheart 10-20-2015 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by Oriphiel (Post 1644989)
Are you sure Batlord wasn't just trying to get under your skin when he called it a Buffy knock-off? :laughing:

Oh I'm sure he was. He's like one of those ticks, you know? Just can't get them and they burrow just enough under the skin to annoy but not cause serious damage. Still, I enjoy our little back-and-forths and it keeps him off the streets, so I'm performing a service to society really.

The Batlord 10-20-2015 06:07 PM

Maybe one of these days I'll even watch an entire episode of Supernatural.

Chula Vista 10-20-2015 10:25 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1645045)
Maybe one of these days I'll even watch an entire episode of Supernatural.

It's on Netflix. Just finished EP1. I'm all in.

Oriphiel 10-21-2015 05:15 AM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1645045)
Maybe one of these days I'll even watch an entire episode of Supernatural.

Yac 10-21-2015 05:47 AM

Supernatural was super fun - initially. But after several seasons.. well... I was a big fan once, now I can't stand it.
Up until and including that season when they
Spoiler for spoiler:
met Lucifer and stopped the apocalypse
, it's great. The
Spoiler for again, spoiler:
way different gods from different pantheons are presented, it all reminds me of American Gods by Neil Gaiman and that's one hell of a recommendation
. After that.. it only got worse and the last 2 seasons are just, well, crap.
It has great music though! Well, most of the music there is great and I simply love the back in black version AC/DC recorded especially for them.
Oh, it also has one of the funniest things I've seen on tv ever - the rabbits foot episode, clearly a comic relief after all the monster stabbing or whatnot, I literally cried tears of joy first watching it. And it has Maggie from Walking Dead as a sexy magic item thief ;) So there's that.

Oriphiel 10-21-2015 06:05 AM


Originally Posted by Yac (Post 1645230)
Oh, it also has one of the funniest things I've seen on tv ever - the rabbits foot episode, clearly a comic relief after all the monster stabbing or whatnot, I literally cried tears of joy first watching it.

I love that episode. Remember when Sam lost his shoe? :laughing:

Chula Vista 10-21-2015 10:09 AM

Binged through 4 episodes last night. They're definitely trying to find the right rhythm but I'm digging it. The chemistry between the brothers is great. Love the car and the music. And all of the guest actors are bringing their A games.

Loved this little exchange. Pretty much sums up the two leads.

Spoiler for Minor spoiler:

Sam Winchester: Hey Dean... what I said earlier, about mom and dad, I'm sorry...

Dean Winchester: [raises hand to stop Sam] No chick flick moments.

Sam Winchester: Alright... jerk.

Dean Winchester: Bitch.

Trollheart 10-21-2015 01:24 PM

This is what I love about it. The "Two-tough-guys-who-can-occasionally-have-that-soft-moment thing. Buffy had not this. The male leads in that were sort of fawning (Xander), dark and mysterious (Angel) or just plain bat**** crazy (Spike, my favourite character). And then there was Giles. But the way Sam and Dean keep up the tough exterior but occasionally allow their love for each other to show is really great writing, and Chula, I can't say after season three because that's as far as I went (I lterally thought to myself: this is too good, I don't want to get to the end so I'll stop now and let some build up ---- was about two years or more now!) but up to then there are some major surprises and twists coming, so beware of spoilers.

I like too that the writers are not trying to pair them off with a girl every other episode, so that when it does happen, it's far more special and it means more. Really reinforces the loneliness of life on the road as "hunters". And not that kind, Batty!

The Batlord 10-21-2015 03:39 PM


But the way Sam and Dean keep up the tough exterior but occasionally allow their love for each other to show is really great writing
God damn, you are so Irish. I mean, I'm of Irish descent myself, so I understand, but holy **** are you ****ing Irish.

Trollheart 10-21-2015 03:46 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1645342)
God damn, you are so Irish. I mean, I'm of Irish descent myself, so I understand, but holy **** are you ****ing Irish.

Be the hokay, what is it ye're tryin' to say, young fella me lad? Jaysus! Course I'm Irish! What about it? Ye wanna fight? Where's me shilelagh?

DwnWthVwls 10-21-2015 04:54 PM

Okay, so I got Supernatural confused with The Librarians.. I don't like Supernat, the main characters suck..

Yac 10-22-2015 07:22 AM


Originally Posted by Oriphiel (Post 1645237)
I love that episode. Remember when Sam lost his shoe? :laughing:

YES! I used this episode 2 times to show some of my .. let's say, opinionated friends that this show is not the "silly ghost drama for teenage girls" they though it was and i laughed my a** off both times. If I laugh at something 3 times, it has to be good.

My biggest pet peeve with the show is that the Winchesters .. well, they don't learn. I understand that when you start your career as a monster hunter, you might get into stupid trouble or end up fist fighting that monster because you have no weapon, but after years and years .. they are still doing that. Oh no, it's a demon/vampire/djinn/changeling/werewolf/angel/leviathan/whatever, let's charge, get our as* handed to us, and now one of us is tied to a chair, the bad guy is giving his cliche speech and the other one just manages to save everybody. Just.
But .. this is minor. Show me another show that mocks itself by creating vision driven fanfiction (including homosexual fanfiction) with a huge following, about the brothers that they discover by accident.
Anyway, the show is great (at least the first 6 or so seasons are) and any fan of urban fantasy, rpg games and things like the gateway to hell being guarded by a many miles wide train tracks pentagram created by one Samuel Colt will enjoy it.

Oriphiel 10-22-2015 10:12 AM


Originally Posted by Yac (Post 1645524)
YES! I used this episode 2 times to show some of my .. let's say, opinionated friends that this show is not the "silly ghost drama for teenage girls" they though it was and i laughed my a** off both times. If I laugh at something 3 times, it has to be good.

My biggest pet peeve with the show is that the Winchesters .. well, they don't learn. I understand that when you start your career as a monster hunter, you might get into stupid trouble or end up fist fighting that monster because you have no weapon, but after years and years .. they are still doing that. Oh no, it's a demon/vampire/djinn/changeling/werewolf/angel/leviathan/whatever, let's charge, get our as* handed to us, and now one of us is tied to a chair, the bad guy is giving his cliche speech and the other one just manages to save everybody. Just.
But .. this is minor. Show me another show that mocks itself by creating vision driven fanfiction (including homosexual fanfiction) with a huge following, about the brothers that they discover by accident.
Anyway, the show is great (at least the first 6 or so seasons are) and any fan of urban fantasy, rpg games and things like the gateway to hell being guarded by a many miles wide train tracks pentagram created by one Samuel Colt will enjoy it.

I'll put my response in spoilers, just in case someone who hasn't caught up scrolls by...

Spoiler for spoilers ahead!:
I basically agree with everything you said. Sam and Dean have been through so much, it's kind of unbelievable when a human or monster manages to get the drop on them. Also, since Sam and Dean have both died and come back so many times, it kinda takes a lot of tension out of the show. You're never worried about either of them dying, because you know the show'll just bring them right back. :laughing:

I've always thought that they should wrap up Sam and Dean's story in some epic way, and then focus on a completely new group of hunters. That way, you get fresh faces and situations, and there would be tension since you're not sure who will live and who will die, you know?

Key 10-22-2015 10:19 AM
Pokemon: Indigo League

I've got LiL to watch this and she loves it. I remember watching this when it first came out, and watching it again is so much fun. Genuinely a great show. First two seasons are on Netflix.

Mr. Charlie 10-22-2015 11:23 AM

Metamorphosis: The Science of Change

Film-maker David Malone explores the science behind metamorphosis - the amazing transformation of one creature into a totally different being. How does it happen and why?

Very good watch. Starts out looking at animal metamorphosis - caterpillars changing into butterflies, tadpoles into frogs, grasshoppers into locusts, but ends up looking at how humans metamorphosise using their minds. Enjoyed it a lot.

BBC iPlayer - Metamorphosis: The Science of Change

LoathsomePete 10-22-2015 11:31 AM


Originally Posted by Yac (Post 1645524)
YES! I used this episode 2 times to show some of my .. let's say, opinionated friends that this show is not the "silly ghost drama for teenage girls" they though it was and i laughed my a** off both times. If I laugh at something 3 times, it has to be good.

My biggest pet peeve with the show is that the Winchesters .. well, they don't learn. I understand that when you start your career as a monster hunter, you might get into stupid trouble or end up fist fighting that monster because you have no weapon, but after years and years .. they are still doing that. Oh no, it's a demon/vampire/djinn/changeling/werewolf/angel/leviathan/whatever, let's charge, get our as* handed to us, and now one of us is tied to a chair, the bad guy is giving his cliche speech and the other one just manages to save everybody. Just.
But .. this is minor. Show me another show that mocks itself by creating vision driven fanfiction (including homosexual fanfiction) with a huge following, about the brothers that they discover by accident.
Anyway, the show is great (at least the first 6 or so seasons are) and any fan of urban fantasy, rpg games and things like the gateway to hell being guarded by a many miles wide train tracks pentagram created by one Samuel Colt will enjoy it.

Spoiler for spoilers for Supernatural:
That was always something that bugged me too, as well as their complete disregard for the lives of the humans possessed by demons as well as the general power creep of the show. In the first season there was an episode where they captured the 2nd in command to the big bad, and were all set to exorcise the demon when another hunter mentioned that if they do that, the girl being possessed will die (she had fallen out a window). It created this big moral conundrum for them, and even went into the season finale when one of the brothers had to shoot a possessed human beating on the other brother to save him. Fast forward to season 3 when they get the demon killing knife and then it just becomes a stab-a-thon with absolutely no regard for the people they are actually killing. I haven't watched since season 8 so maybe they've addressed this issue, but even then, it's still kind of a major plothole the writers decided was too inconvenient to address.

The second problem, as I mentioned, was the power creep. Power creep, if you're unfamiliar with the term, is used in gaming when there becomes an unbalance with the release of new content. Basically, as more content (be it DLC, expansions, weapon packs, etc.) gets released, the game needs to be rebalanced so it does not become too easy for those who have that new content. In relation to the show, the Winchesters, since about season 4, have steadily received "upgrades" for lack of a better term, to their arsenal. They had Ruby's demon killing knife from season 3, they got the Colt working again, and then they got an angel BFF which almost literally gives them God Mode. Yet despite all that, apart from the Leviathans from season 7, there never really seemed to be a great external threat after season 5 (although that may have something to do with Season 5's baddie being the literal fucking Devil).

The Batlord 10-22-2015 01:23 PM


Originally Posted by Ki (Post 1645547)
Pokemon: Indigo League

I've got LiL to watch this and she loves it. I remember watching this when it first came out, and watching it again is so much fun. Genuinely a great show. First two seasons are on Netflix.

Now that's one big slice of my childhood. They used to have that show on almost constant reruns around the time schools got out during the weekdays, so I've probably seen every single episode of the first three or four or five or however many seasons at least twelve times.

Season 2 is fantastic as well, but after that the show started going downhill. Or maybe I was just pissed they started ****ing with the cast. I don't remember who the guy who replaced Brock was, but he was an annoying tool and I hated him, and if the girl who replaced Misty the next season was any better it was because she was a Misty clone.

Damn. Still bitter. That wound clearly runs deep.

GrapeApe 10-22-2015 02:45 PM


Goofle 10-22-2015 02:46 PM

Just started Pokemon again because of you Ki. Thanks Ki.

Also, Prof. Oak is one handsome bugger.

The Batlord 10-22-2015 02:58 PM

Would pound Jesse.

debaserr 10-22-2015 03:03 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1645619)
Would pound Jesse.

Translation: I love hentai

The Batlord 10-22-2015 03:05 PM

Are you actually surprised?

Key 10-22-2015 03:19 PM


Originally Posted by Goofle (Post 1645615)
Just started Pokemon again because of you Ki. Thanks Ki.

Also, Prof. Oak is one handsome bugger.


Mr. Charlie 10-22-2015 05:28 PM

The Magic of Mushrooms

Richard Fortey explores the strange and surprising science of fungi, unlocking the story of their evolution, their mysterious life cycle and their value to both the planet and us.

BBC iPlayer - The Magic of Mushrooms

Very little info on magic mushrooms, but a good watch all the same. Fascinating things, mushrooms.

Apollonia 10-23-2015 12:16 AM

I feel tainted that my favourite Buffy character and Trollheart are the same.

The Batlord 10-23-2015 04:20 AM


Originally Posted by Apollonia (Post 1645721)
I feel tainted that my favourite Buffy character and Trollheart are the same.


Oriphiel 10-23-2015 06:03 AM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1645764)

The Batlord 10-23-2015 10:41 AM

But he's everyone's favorite Buffy character.

Chula Vista 10-24-2015 10:25 AM

Binged through the first 4 episodes of Flash last night. Love it. Surprisingly, pretty emotional at times. Can't wait to figure out what the deal is with Dr. Wells.

bob. 10-24-2015 11:57 AM

is anybody watching the new season of Fargo?

The Batlord 10-24-2015 12:42 PM


Originally Posted by Chula Vista (Post 1646031)
Binged through the first 4 episodes of Flash last night. Love it. Surprisingly, pretty emotional at times. Can't wait to figure out what the deal is with Dr. Wells.

I'm assuming you watched Arrow first, right?

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