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Yac 10-09-2015 05:30 AM


Originally Posted by Goofle (Post 1641378)
I think the only acceptable spoiler to be displayed in forums is "Bruce Willis was a ghost all along". Everything else is a genuine disgrace.

That actually explains why he was practically immortal in Die Hard! :P

Anyway, here's something I finally got around to watching
If Scrubs and The Office had a retarded but charming baby, it would be it. Well, to an extent.
I'm 7 episodes into the 1st season and so far I love it. There are few sitcoms that actually make me laugh out loud, and this is one of them.

DwnWthVwls 10-12-2015 04:49 AM


Originally Posted by monkeytennis (Post 1641396)

New series :cool:

I love this little bullshit show :cool::cool:

Me too. I never know when its on though.

Cuthbert 10-12-2015 05:15 AM


Originally Posted by DwnWthVwls (Post 1642127)
Me too. I never know when its on though.

We can't get it in the UK so I just torrent each episode. Do you watch any similar stuff?

Cuthbert 10-15-2015 03:41 AM

Vowels I just remembered, if you haven't seen Into The Wild get it watched asap. Don't look up the guy who is in it or the back story cos it will ruin the story (it's a true story btw). Some guy who graduates from college, burns all his money and hitchhikes around the US on his own, making friends then moving on. Then goes to Alaska to live off the land for two years.

It's a film but posting this in here cos I'm monkeytennis, I'll do what I want.

I actually think it might be the best film I have ever seen.

Mr. Charlie 10-15-2015 02:06 PM

I concur, Into The Wild is a cracker of a movie.

Chula Vista 10-15-2015 03:25 PM

Spoiler for Spoilers:
I remember being angry at the kid in the end for being so naive. Not bringing a map was nut. Less than a mile away from where he died was a way to get out and he never even knew about it.

Cuthbert 10-15-2015 03:39 PM


Originally Posted by Chula Vista (Post 1643215)
Spoiler for Spoilers:
I remember being angry at the kid in the end for being so naive. Not bringing a map was nut. Less than a mile away from where he died was a way to get out and he never even knew about it.

Spoiler for spoiler m8:
It was naive to the extreme, schoolboy error not doing a search of the area or going into that sort of environment with no experience or knowledge, he struck me as a bit of a dreamer, he was obviously academically smart but it was a suicidal way to go about things. The plan was to live there for two years and he didn't even have any sort of idea of how many calories he would need per day and where that would come from. It's a sad story, I admire his courage though.

It's actually surprising he lasted as long as he did being so unprepared imo.

Mr. Charlie 10-15-2015 03:59 PM

Spoiler for spoiler:
Yeah, he was very unprepared. He wouldn't have lasted very long at all had he not found the abandoned bus. Woulda died from the cold otherwise I reckon.

RebelliousTaco 10-15-2015 04:02 PM

One of my favorite shows of all time was Eastbound and Down. I don't think Danny McBride is any kind of "comedic genius" at all, but that show had me rolling.

Trollheart 10-17-2015 07:22 PM

Haven't been in this thread for a while, so a little to say:

Originally Posted by innerspaceboy (Post 1630492)
Successfully initiated my fiance into series 1 of Spaced last night. I queued up the pilot and she wouldn't stop until the finale.

Tonight she's keen to finish series 2.

Love this show, wish it was longer than two seasons though.

Originally Posted by Neapolitan (Post 1630601)
I totally missed it when it aired, but I think I would like to watch 12 Monkeys through, start from the first episode on... It looks promising imo.

I've watched part of it and it keeps getting better.

Originally Posted by LoathsomePete (Post 1631873)

The Young Ones

Fun fact, this show classified itself as a variety show to get a larger budget and as such had to feature musical acts such as The Damned, Motorhead, and Madness. I just completed watching Bottom so I went looking for other shows Rik Mayall has been and my dad recommended this one. I think I might actually like this more than Bottom as it seems to have a more anarchic sense of humor and a whole bunch of other British comedians like Hugh Laurie, Stephen Fry, Chris Barrie, Norman Lovett, Terry Jones, and Robbie Coltrane.

If you like Bottom then try get Filthy, Rich and Catflap, the sort of prequel to it. It also stars Nigel Planer, reuniting three of the original Young Ones.

Originally Posted by Yac (Post 1631944)
The young ones! I remember that show, and now I know why there were scenes like they boys going out to a pub to listen to Madness :D Makes sense now.
if you want Rik Mayall, look no further than "The New Statesman".
Alan B'stard who he plays is I think the worst human being on tv, it makes the show hilarious. And even though he plays a conservative MP in 80's Britain, it's universal enough for everybody I think.
I also wish he had a bigger part in Blackadder.... speaking of which, I heard they're planning a reboot of some kind. Now that would be big.

Absolutely brilliant show, and what a terrible loss to comedy.

Originally Posted by Yac (Post 1633605)
The Last Ship
The Last Ship (TV Series 2014

"The crew of a naval destroyer is forced to confront the reality of a new existence when a pandemic kills off most of the earth's population."
I've no idea how I missed this... Anyway, I'm after 4 episodes and so far
So far it seems it could be fun, even though it is produced by Michael Bay (yeah...) and even though it is oh so patriotic and god fearing....

Anyway, what I wanted to ask: am I in for a disappointment ? I heard it gets significantly dumber as it goes along and that would be a problem because at this point it's already pretty dumb.
Still, it's my kind of cheezy guilty pleasure, at least so far.

Thing about this is I'm sure I watched a show called "The last ship" but it was about a submarine that was ordered to fire nuclear missiles that woudl have started WW3, didn't and ****ed off to some island somewhere. The Navy were then after them as traitors. When I saw season 2 advertised I thought it was this coming back, but it's a totally different show. I know I didn't dream it...

Originally Posted by DwnWthVwls (Post 1634508)
I'm finally starting Game of Thrones.. s1,e1 complete.

Warning: watch NO videos, avoid ALL spoilers. You CANNOT predict some of the things that will happen in this show and they will completely blow you away. I envy you.

Originally Posted by eric generic (Post 1634534)
Dude, not cool.

Yeah well how many times is he gonna say the same thing?

Originally Posted by Chula Vista (Post 1634800)
Fear the Walking Dead.

Wanting to like this but the damn story is moving at a snails pace.

So,more like The Ambling Dead, then?

Originally Posted by Mr. Charlie (Post 1635006)
No place where tigers live can possibly be a sh*t hole. Just look at this royal bengal in Bangladesh. He or she is loving it:

Spoiler for Big ass pic of a tiger!:[/IMG]

Looks like he watches that show too and is sick of it.

Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1635026)

Who are you calling chicken?

Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1641328)
Jesus ****ing Christ you people are worse than Facebook. Seriously, **** the **** off and put that **** in spoiler tags, you stupid, thoughtless ****s. If I were a mod I'd delete your posts.

Agree totally. Not everyone has seen everything. I for instance began watching episode one of Entourage yesterday. Hated it, but that's beside the point.

Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1641333)
From this day forward, I suggest you all tread lightly when announcing a movie, book, show, etc that you want to watch/read/are intending to watch/read. Because I will watch/read it first, and then ruin that **** for you out of pure spite.

Please test me.

You know he'll do it.

Originally Posted by Chula Vista (Post 1641357)
Well, Breaking Bad and The Walking Dead are hardly typical TV shows in that they've been two of the most talked about and popular drama shows of those last 5 years.

But Frowny is right, you'll see everything I mentioned about TWD coming from a mile away. That's if you ever get around to watching it.

Doesn't matter. Let him make his own mind up.

Originally Posted by Yac (Post 1641410)
That actually explains why he was practically immortal in Die Hard! :P

Anyway, here's something I finally got around to watching
If Scrubs and The Office had a retarded but charming baby, it would be it. Well, to an extent.
I'm 7 episodes into the 1st season and so far I love it. There are few sitcoms that actually make me laugh out loud, and this is one of them.

Absolutely love that show!

As for me, I've been watching and loving "Gangland Undercover", based on the true story of Charlie Falco, a busted drug dealer who cut a deal to infiltrate a big American biker gang. It's almost like watching "Sons of Anarchy" again. I have a terrible feeling it's one of those short deals though, as it appears his mission is almost over, and we're only like six episodes in? Hoping there's a twist that will extend it.

Also chanced Sky's new comedy "You, me and the Apocalypse", and it's surprisingly good. Has Rob Lowe in it. Well worth a watch.

The Batlord 10-18-2015 02:15 AM


Originally Posted by Trollheart (Post 1643772)
Who are you calling chicken?

Mr. Charlie was talking about how majestic tigers are, so I posted a picture of a tiger chasing a chicken. There is literally nothing more to that post.

Chula Vista 10-18-2015 10:56 AM


Originally Posted by Trollheart (Post 1643772)
Doesn't matter. Let him make his own mind up.

Isn't it a bit contradictory that we can review albums and songs, revealing all sort of details, praise, and/or critiques around here (without spoiler alerts) but yet drop a nutshell about a TV show and folks get up in arms?

I'm going to join a TV show forum just to see if people get pissed when members drop spoilers about music.


Frownland 10-18-2015 01:10 PM


Originally Posted by Chula Vista (Post 1643962)
Isn't it a bit contradictory that we can review albums and songs, revealing all sort of details, praise, and/or critiques around here (without spoiler alerts) but yet drop a nutshell about a TV show and folks get up in arms?

I'm going to join a TV show forum just to see if people get pissed when members drop spoilers about music.


Well you can describe music in a very in depth manner and the reader would still have to listen to it to fully understand how it sounds because it's near impossible to place a melody in someone's head via description. With TV shows and stuff, you can simply say "Carl shoots his mother when blah blah blah" and it gets the message across very effectively.

Trollheart 10-18-2015 03:23 PM

Pretty much true. I can describe every solo and vocal and lyric in the new Iron Maiden album, but you're still going to have to listen to it to properly appreciate it. TV shows you just say what happens and you've ruined it for someone. It's like getting the football results before you watch "Match of the Day" (our American friends won't get that). You can't really spoiler an album: I mean, how can you?

Key 10-18-2015 09:59 PM

I honestly just watch this show when I'm looking to lay down and relax. I actually find it quite funny, but I know a lot of people don't think this show is funny at all.

Trollheart 10-19-2015 10:28 AM


Originally Posted by Ki (Post 1644202)

I honestly just watch this show when I'm looking to lay down and relax. I actually find it quite funny, but I know a lot of people don't think this show is funny at all.

I loved that show with a passion. And I never really watched Cheers. But that was one of the cleverest comedies, certainly American comedies, of all time, imo.

Key 10-19-2015 10:30 AM


Originally Posted by Trollheart (Post 1644339)
I loved that show with a passion. And I never really watched Cheers. But that was one of the cleverest comedies, certainly American comedies, of all time, imo.

LiL has watched almost the entire series of Cheers so she loves Frazier almost as much as I do. It certainly is clever as well.

Goofle 10-19-2015 11:39 AM

Fargo is a pretty interesting show so far. I don't have any idea what the story is supposed to be (based on real life events) so I am just going to enjoy the ride.

Martin Freeman is great, and it's weird seeing him putting on that accent.

grindy 10-19-2015 01:11 PM


Originally Posted by Goofle (Post 1644373)
Fargo is a pretty interesting show so far. I don't have any idea what the story is supposed to be (based on real life events) so I am just going to enjoy the ride.

Martin Freeman is great, and it's weird seeing him putting on that accent.

It's just a fake disclaimer.
The movie had it as well. While it was somewhat funny for the movie, it got a little annoying and gimmicky seeing it before every damn episode.
The series is alright though.

Chula Vista 10-19-2015 01:18 PM


Originally Posted by Trollheart (Post 1644339)
I loved that show with a passion. And I never really watched Cheers. But that was one of the cleverest comedies, certainly American comedies, of all time, imo.

For sure. Definitely worthy of all of the awards it won.

Mr. Charlie 10-19-2015 03:37 PM

The Joy Of The Single

Film packed with startling memories, vivid images and penetrating insights into the power of pop and rock's first and most abiding artefact - the seven-inch, vinyl 45 rpm record.

Enjoyed this. It was good.

BBC iPlayer - The Joy of the Single

Music for Misfits: The Story of Indie

Three part series looking at the development of British indie music, born in the 1970s when the music industry was controlled by the major record labels and releasing a record independently seemed an impossible dream.

Excellent watch. Highly recommended.

BBC iPlayer - Music for Misfits: The Story of Indie - 1. The DIY Movement

Frownland 10-19-2015 05:28 PM


Originally Posted by Ki (Post 1644202)

I honestly just watch this show when I'm looking to lay down and relax. I actually find it quite funny, but I know a lot of people don't think this show is funny at all.

That's the way I am with Peep Show, it's my go to. Frasier's a pretty good show, it's a nice break from the rest of the **** on daytime television when they show reruns.

Apollonia 10-19-2015 08:08 PM

I don't know why I'm still watching Supernatural. This **** should have ended ages ago. Also like, they only kept Dean a demon for a few ****ing episodes? What a waste.

I was into demon Dean. Now I guess I'm just sticking around cause I want to **** Crowley.

Goofle 10-19-2015 08:15 PM

Reaper > Supernatural

Apollonia 10-19-2015 08:17 PM

Goofle 10-19-2015 08:24 PM


Apollonia 10-19-2015 08:27 PM

Nah, sorry dude

The Mystic 10-19-2015 09:19 PM

Star Trek Deep Space Nine this month! Much better then I remember it being...

The Batlord 10-19-2015 11:26 PM

Supernatural = Buffy knockoff

DwnWthVwls 10-20-2015 04:33 AM

Supernat is cool. I don't follow it but the few episodes I've randomly watched were okay. Idk about you but I watched Buffy for the hot girls when I was a kid not because it was a good show.

Trollheart 10-20-2015 10:28 AM


Originally Posted by Apollonia (Post 1644632)
I don't know why I'm still watching Supernatural. This **** should have ended ages ago. Also like, they only kept Dean a demon for a few ****ing episodes? What a waste.

I was into demon Dean. Now I guess I'm just sticking around cause I want to **** Crowley.

Batlord mode: THANKS FOR THE ****ING SPOILER!!!!!!!! :mad:

Originally Posted by Goofle (Post 1644636)
Reaper > Supernatural

This statement is incorrect. Reaper was awful.

Originally Posted by The Mystic (Post 1644658)
Star Trek Deep Space Nine this month! Much better then I remember it being...

Probably one of the best in the franchise. Season?

Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1644677)
Supernatural = Buffy knockoff

You're an idiot. :) There are so many differences, I ... I just don't know where to begin...

Apollonia 10-20-2015 10:31 AM

This was an entire ****ing season before?
but yeah Buffy >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SPN, no ****ing contest
Buffy Summers shaped me into the woman I am today.

Trollheart 10-20-2015 10:33 AM


Originally Posted by Apollonia (Post 1644796)
This was an entire ****ing season before?
but yeah Buffy >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SPN, no ****ing contest
Buffy Summers shaped me into the woman I am today.

I have five seasons yet to watch! You think I get to write all my journals, including Metal Month every year, keep "Love or Hate?" and "The Torture Chamber" going while ALSO getting to watch all my favourite shows?? I have seasons of shows to watch!

Seriously: spoiler anything like that. Just because you haven't seen it does not mean everyone else has!
(Grump over, but you made the list).

ANd wtf has Buffy to do with Supernatural? Answer: nothing. Stop comparing the two shows.

Key 10-20-2015 10:38 AM

I'm just putting this here.

The Batlord 10-20-2015 10:52 AM


Originally Posted by Trollheart (Post 1644795)
You're an idiot. :) There are so many differences, I ... I just don't know where to begin...

The basic premise and style of humor are identical. If they've managed to make something of it, then good for them, but it's still a Buffy knockoff at heart.


Originally Posted by Apollonia (Post 1644796)
Buffy Summers shaped me into the woman I am today.

Same here, girlfriend.

Trollheart 10-20-2015 12:38 PM

There are similarities, but you could say that about any "hip" show. What about Grimm? Tremors? Dresden Files? Being Human? It's more important how many differences there are:

Sam and Dean are travelling, not static in one location ie Sunnydale
There are basically only two main characters
There is an overall story arc, and while there was one in Buffy, later, it wasn't apparent as it is in Supernatural from the get-go
The boys face generally different monsters most weeks, unlike with Buffy where it's more or less vampires, vampires and, um, vampires. Oh, and vampires.
Main "bad guy" pretty much all through the series (what I've seen of it anyway)

I found it to be highly original, and apart from some superficial similarities, would definitely not compare it to Buffy, which was a totally different animal altogether.

The Batlord 10-20-2015 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by Trollheart (Post 1644852)
There are similarities, but you could say that about any "hip" show. What about Grimm? Tremors? Dresden Files? Being Human? It's more important how many differences there are:

Grimm is most definitely a Buffy knockoff. It's even made by many of the same people.


Sam and Dean are travelling, not static in one location ie Sunnydale
Not a significant difference.


There are basically only two main characters
Not a significant difference.


There is an overall story arc, and while there was one in Buffy, later, it wasn't apparent as it is in Supernatural from the get-go
Different story lines ≠ original series concept


The boys face generally different monsters most weeks, unlike with Buffy where it's more or less vampires, vampires and, um, vampires. Oh, and vampires.
Have you seen Buffy? Robots, giant praying mantises, mummies, zombies, more types of demons than you could shake a stick at, etc.

And it's not an accomplishment that Supernatural doesn't stick to vampires. If it did, then it would be not just a Buffy knockoff, but a complete Buffy clone. It's just common sense for them to try to come up with a premise that they can pass off as original. Like Grimm.


Main "bad guy" pretty much all through the series (what I've seen of it anyway)
Different story lines ≠ original series concept


I found it to be highly original, and apart from some superficial similarities, would definitely not compare it to Buffy, which was a totally different animal altogether.
Prog dweebs.

Trollheart 10-20-2015 01:44 PM

Again, the premise is not even vaguely similar, unless you take monster-hunting as the premise, and if you do that you have to include a whole lot more shows.

Go back to your comics, Bat-boy.
Also, just exactly how much of Supernatural have you actually seen? I seem to remember you telling me you watched "the odd episode". Hardly gives you the experience in it that allows you to start comparing it to other shows?

The Batlord 10-20-2015 01:53 PM


Originally Posted by Trollheart (Post 1644875)
Again, the premise is not even vaguely similar, unless you take monster-hunting as the premise, and if you do that you have to include a whole lot more shows.

Go back to your comics, Bat-boy.

Yes, there are a lot of Buffy knockoffs.


Also, just exactly how much of Supernatural have you actually seen? I seem to remember you telling me you watched "the odd episode". Hardly gives you the experience in it that allows you to start comparing it to other shows?
"How can you say you don't like the Beatles when you haven't heard every single song they've ever written?!"

Trollheart 10-20-2015 03:22 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1644886)
Yes, there are a lot of Buffy knockoffs.

"How can you say you don't like the Beatles when you haven't heard every single song they've ever written?!"

Ah man! You're slipping! You can't compare the two. If you're going to talk about a show, and then compare it to another show, you can't do that by watching one or two episodes. Just doesn't work. Do you even know the arc in Supernatural, what it's all about?

You know who you sound like now, don't you? ;)

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