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Frownland 05-26-2015 07:08 PM

Glad you liked Peep Show mate, honestly the funniest show to air on TV. The Office is pretty damned good too but you might want to wait between finishing Peep Show and starting The Office because of how ****ing funny PS is. It'll ruin a great show its that good.

Overcast 05-31-2015 10:10 PM


Pretty meh season so far apart from a few good moments, but man oh man am I excited now. That whole scene surpassed blackwater and the watchers on the wall by far for me.

Chula Vista 06-01-2015 09:55 AM

Back to Chuck for a sec.

Spoiler for Spoiler:
Having Linda Hamilton as Chuck's mom was a great 90s nod. Showing her on a security camera in a cell doing chin ups on her up-ended bed in last night's episode almost made me spit out my R&C.

simplephysics 06-01-2015 07:02 PM


Originally Posted by Overcast (Post 1596631)

Pretty meh season so far apart from a few good moments, but man oh man am I excited now. That whole scene surpassed blackwater and the watchers on the wall by far for me.

Just finished it. Holy. ****ing. ****. That was way better than the other two battle scenes you just mentioned, which honestly, I found kind of boring. Not this one though. It's gotta be one of the best scenes of the entire series. ****!

Overcast 06-02-2015 05:56 AM


Originally Posted by dreadnaught (Post 1597127)
Just finished it. Holy. ****ing. ****. That was way better than the other two battle scenes you just mentioned, which honestly, I found kind of boring. Not this one though. It's gotta be one of the best scenes of the entire series. ****!

The wildfire explosion was one of the best scenes IMO. I think this one however is the best scene of the entire series so far. I was more stunned than I was at the end of the mountain vs the viper just because it came out of ****ing nowhere. This seems like the official turning point for the series towards the end game, and this is only the beginning. So excited. How in the world are they gonna top this episode for episode 9 and 10... oh dear. I hope this wasn't the final boom for an otherwise ok-ish season.

simplephysics 06-02-2015 07:22 AM

Not to worry, it wouldn't be GoT if they didn't kill off a major character in the final episodes. I haven't read the books so it's all fair game at this point.

FaSho 06-04-2015 02:20 PM

Finished up the third season of House of Cards. A bit understated compared to the first and especially second. It had me hooked, but not in the same way, and the finale was pretty lame to be honest. Kind of upset they took the Breaking Bad route and turned the strong female lead against the audience, but they did and I ****ing hate Claire now.

debaserr 06-04-2015 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by dreadnaught (Post 1597338)
Not to worry, it wouldn't be GoT if they didn't kill off a major character in the final episodes. I haven't read the books so it's all fair game at this point.

Plus they are starting to kill off people that didn't die in the books.

@FaSho - This season of House of Cards was pretty lame to me. There was a drastic cutback in political maneuvering to create room for more Claire v Prez melodrama.

Goofle 06-04-2015 04:39 PM

Watched the first episode of The Americans last night. Seems like a really interesting concept and I am not surprised it's so highly rated.

Black Francis 06-05-2015 10:19 AM

Ive been watching alot Family guy and Futurama, i want to get into a non animated series but they're so f*ckin long and trendy, i feel i would be watching them just to keep up but now i got Hulu and i gotta use that sh*t so can anyone recommend me a good series to watch? im thinking of watching Constantine but idk if it's any good.

The Batlord 06-05-2015 10:48 AM


Originally Posted by Black Francis (Post 1598930)
Ive been watching alot Family guy and Futurama, i want to get into a non animated series but they're so f*ckin long and trendy, i feel i would be watching them just to keep up but now i got Hulu and i gotta use that sh*t so can anyone recommend me a good series to watch? im thinking of watching Constantine but idk if it's any good.

It's alright, but you could just rewatch X-Files instead. If you wanna get into a good comic book show, then just watch Arrow. It suffers a bit from having to kowtow to CW melodrama, but otherwise it's fantastic and well-written.

Chula Vista 06-05-2015 10:52 AM

Only three episodes left of Chuck. I kinda feel like I'm down to my last two lines of a gram bag of coke.

Black Francis 06-05-2015 11:40 AM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1598943)
It's alright, but you could just rewatch X-Files instead. If you wanna get into a good comic book show, then just watch Arrow. It suffers a bit from having to kowtow to CW melodrama, but otherwise it's fantastic and well-written.

idk, i would prefer Constantine just cause i like his character more.

Im not really looking for a comic book related series, i just want a series that will actually captivate me with it's dialogue, the last series that did that for me was Orange is the new black which i eventually dropped cause it started to bore me.

I'll give Arrow and Constantine both a shot, i don't particularly like the green arrow but if the series is well writen i can get into it.

Frownland 06-05-2015 11:57 AM


Originally Posted by Black Francis (Post 1598930)
Ive been watching alot Family guy and Futurama, i want to get into a non animated series but they're so f*ckin long and trendy, i feel i would be watching them just to keep up but now i got Hulu and i gotta use that sh*t so can anyone recommend me a good series to watch? im thinking of watching Constantine but idk if it's any good.

Well if you want to keep on with the comedy, Louie, Peep Show, and It's Always Sunny in Philidelphia are all great ones to check out.

Black Francis 06-05-2015 12:14 PM

Im sick of Louie but Sunny in philadelphia i can start watching again. idk peep show.

Frownland 06-05-2015 12:18 PM

You need Peep Show in your life.

The Batlord 06-05-2015 12:34 PM


Originally Posted by Black Francis (Post 1598969)
I'll give Arrow and Constantine both a shot, i don't particularly like the green arrow but if the series is well writen i can get into it.

Don't worry, he isn't much like Green Arrow. The CW just wanted a Batman series, but they settled for Green Arrow... and then made him almost exactly like Batman.

Frownland 06-11-2015 11:45 PM

Season three of Orange is the New Black. Can't wait to get my fix of lesbian rape scenes.

Overcast 06-12-2015 09:48 AM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1601200)
Season three of Orange is the New Black. Can't wait to get my fix of lesbian rape scenes.

I completely forgot about this show. Now I have something to watch.

Frownland 06-12-2015 10:17 AM

I forgot how soapy that show is. I started watching the first episode of the new season, and there's a lot of backstory that I had forgotten that's necessary to get a lot of the context. I think it's just in the massive amount of characters. I'm going to be going back and watching the earlier episodes to refresh my memory before moving forward on the new season.

Overcast 06-12-2015 10:22 AM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1601294)
I forgot how soapy that show is. I started watching the first episode of the new season, and there's a lot of backstory that I had forgotten that's necessary to get a lot of the context. I think it's just in the massive amount of characters. I'm going to be going back and watching the earlier episodes to refresh my memory before moving forward on the new season.

I had to do that for season 2. Now for season 3 as well, gah. I also have to do that for House of Cards. The long wait between the full season releases for Netflix shows is both a blessing and a curse.

Chula Vista 06-12-2015 11:31 AM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1601294)
I forgot how soapy that show is. I started watching the first episode of the new season, and there's a lot of backstory that I had forgotten that's necessary to get a lot of the context. I think it's just in the massive amount of characters. I'm going to be going back and watching the earlier episodes to refresh my memory before moving forward on the new season.

You can just go here for a refresher:

I watched the first 3 episodes of season III last night. Took a little while to get back into the rhythm of show but man, it hasn't lost a beat.

Spoiler for Spoiler:
You're gonna love the angry library sex between Piper and Alex. Maybe the hottest scene in the show to date.

FaSho 06-12-2015 03:39 PM

I forgot how much I love OITNB. I started the new season just to kill time and was like: "Oh yeah, this isn't just good, it's incredible." To me, it edges out peaky blinders as the 2nd best netflix original after house of cards, which as I stated earlier had a lackluster third season and might just lose that title.

Frownland 06-12-2015 03:46 PM

The dialogue is incredibly well written. It's my favourite part of the show. On the second episode now, and it looks like they're kind of moving away from Pepper and going more heavily on other characters, which is great since I didn't really like her as a protagonist.

Hmm, that makes me wonder what they'll do after Pepper's sentence is up? Do you guys think that they'll have her do some crazy **** that extends her sentence or do you think they'll shift the focus of the show from her to the other inmates? I could go either way if they do it right, and so far I have faith in them. I can see a cool Breaking Bad thing that's already been kicked off with Pepper, but it has the potential of being unrealistic. Not to mention that I find the other characters more interesting and sympathetic.

Chula Vista 06-15-2015 08:32 PM


Spoiler for Episode 4:
Holy crap. The scene with Taystee and Crazy Eyes coming to terms about Vee had me pretty much bawling. The entire episode was crazy good.

Overcast 06-15-2015 08:47 PM

Up to episode 9 of OITNB season 3. Reasonably enjoyable so far. Nice to see interesting backstories for some characters. Also liking how it's not so focused on Piper. Joel, O'Neill, Big Boo, Pennsatucky, Crazy Eyes, Caputo, Flaca, Chang and Norma are my favorite characters ATM.

Moss 06-15-2015 10:04 PM

Finishing up the final 2 episodes of True Detective tonight. I know I'm late but I'll be ready for the new season.

Frownland 06-15-2015 10:12 PM


Originally Posted by Overcast (Post 1602445)
Up to episode 9 of OITNB season 3. Reasonably enjoyable so far. Nice to see interesting backstories for some characters. Also liking how it's not so focused on Piper. Joel, O'Neill, Big Boo, Pennsatucky, Crazy Eyes, Caputo, Flaca, Chang and Norma are my favorite characters ATM.

OITNB doesn't have commercials for bathroom/beer refill breaks, but there're scenes with Alex and Piper, so I guess that's the writers' way of adapting to a non-cable format.

RoxyRollah 06-17-2015 10:39 PM

Mr. Robot. I'm in love.

I just want to say I saw episode one already, and it doesn't come out until 6.24.15 it's fucking good from start to finish. I mean I hate pilots because they are usually not that great.
Standing O dude. DO IT.

LoathsomePete 06-22-2015 08:36 AM

True Detective

So I watched the season 2 premiere last night and while it was a solid effort with a lot going for it, they seemed to have put the mystery on hold for this episode to instead focus on our 3 miserable protagonists. There was some real nice cinematography going on and I loved the dirty and industrialized view of California that you so rarely see. The acting was top notch and the writing was HBO caliber and I suspect this will help reestablish the careers of Vince Vaughn and Colin Farrell and maybe even finally launch Taylor Kitsch into something worth a damn. Story wise, it was a little predictable and by saving the crime scene that brings the 3 protagonists together till the very end did help build intrigue for later episodes, but for an opener it didn't leave much to chew on besides guessing why all 3 main characters are so fucked up and who will be redeemed by the end of the series. I'm really hoping for a continuation of the Lovecraftian horror elements and themes from season 1 though, and we really didn't get that in last nights episode.

All that being said, there's a moment where Colin Farrell's character is beating the shit out of a 12 year old kid's dad right in front of him and says that he'll "butt fuck his dad with his moms headless corpse". To me that's worth the price of admission alone.

The Batlord 06-22-2015 08:55 AM


Originally Posted by LoathsomePete (Post 1604663)
True Detective

So I watched the season 2 premiere last night and while it was a solid effort with a lot going for it, they seemed to have put the mystery on hold for this episode to instead focus on our 3 miserable protagonists. There was some real nice cinematography going on and I loved the dirty and industrialized view of California that you so rarely see. The acting was top notch and the writing was HBO caliber and I suspect this will help reestablish the careers of Vince Vaughn and Colin Farrell and maybe even finally launch Taylor Kitsch into something worth a damn. Story wise, it was a little predictable and by saving the crime scene that brings the 3 protagonists together till the very end did help build intrigue for later episodes, but for an opener it didn't leave much to chew on besides guessing why all 3 main characters are so fucked up and who will be redeemed by the end of the series. I'm really hoping for a continuation of the Lovecraftian horror elements and themes from season 1 though, and we really didn't get that in last nights episode.

All that being said, there's a moment where Colin Farrell's character is beating the shit out of a 12 year old kid's dad right in front of him and says that he'll "butt fuck his dad with his moms headless corpse". To me that's worth the price of admission alone.

Wait, what?! Apparently I've been asleep.

Thom Yorke 06-22-2015 09:33 AM


Originally Posted by LoathsomePete (Post 1604663)
True Detective

So I watched the season 2 premiere last night and while it was a solid effort with a lot going for it, they seemed to have put the mystery on hold for this episode to instead focus on our 3 miserable protagonists. There was some real nice cinematography going on and I loved the dirty and industrialized view of California that you so rarely see. The acting was top notch and the writing was HBO caliber and I suspect this will help reestablish the careers of Vince Vaughn and Colin Farrell and maybe even finally launch Taylor Kitsch into something worth a damn. Story wise, it was a little predictable and by saving the crime scene that brings the 3 protagonists together till the very end did help build intrigue for later episodes, but for an opener it didn't leave much to chew on besides guessing why all 3 main characters are so fucked up and who will be redeemed by the end of the series. I'm really hoping for a continuation of the Lovecraftian horror elements and themes from season 1 though, and we really didn't get that in last nights episode.

All that being said, there's a moment where Colin Farrell's character is beating the shit out of a 12 year old kid's dad right in front of him and says that he'll "butt fuck his dad with his moms headless corpse". To me that's worth the price of admission alone.

It's going to be tough for it to escape the shadow season 1 cast over it. EVERYONE is going to compare the two to death no matter how much they try to distance themselves from it by giving it its own unique story/feel. If this was a new series, there is no way in hell it would be sitting at 61 on Metacritic right now.

I thought the early scene with Farrell and the lawyer was a nice touch. Made the viewer think it was going to be another flashback-style theme. Felt like it was a nod to the first season saying that they're aware of the comparisons but want to make this season its own thing.

Tough to judge this episode though. It was essentially all backstory and character development. Now that they've all been brought together at the end, the real fun will probably start in regards to actually advancing the plot.

LoathsomePete 06-22-2015 11:04 AM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1604671)
Wait, what?! Apparently I've been asleep.

It's a very minute reference to The King in Yellow by Robert W. Chambers, who was an inspiration for Lovecraft. He even incorporated ideas into the Cthulhu mythos, mostly about grand ideas/ revelations causing insanity. The show more focuses on Chambers' writing though, but the ritualistic pagan sacrifice was similar to "The Dunwich Horror" by Lovecraft. While he didn't necessarily invent the genre of Weird Fiction, Lovecraft is kind of the face of it, so when people talk about it he's more likely to be name dropped than anyone else.

Here's an interesting read that showcases the references.

The One Literary Reference You Must Know to Appreciate


Originally Posted by Thom Yorke (Post 1604676)
It's going to be tough for it to escape the shadow season 1 cast over it. EVERYONE is going to compare the two to death no matter how much they try to distance themselves from it by giving it its own unique story/feel. If this was a new series, there is no way in hell it would be sitting at 61 on Metacritic right now.

I thought the early scene with Farrell and the lawyer was a nice touch. Made the viewer think it was going to be another flashback-style theme. Felt like it was a nod to the first season saying that they're aware of the comparisons but want to make this season its own thing.

Tough to judge this episode though. It was essentially all backstory and character development. Now that they've all been brought together at the end, the real fun will probably start in regards to actually advancing the plot.

It's true, this season wasn't going to have an easy ride, but honestly the way people are just jumping all over this one episode really just screams "Everyone look at me, I have a contentious opinion about something that is almost universally loved, aren't I deep and edgy?". That said, it would have been nice to get more of the crime scene in this episode and how these messed up individuals are going to go about solving it, and how it relates back to each of their neuroses.

Here's my theories on each character.

Spoiler for Potential Spoilers?:
So it's pretty obvious that Farrell's character has some massive anger issues, both evidenced by his display to his son at the school, and how he mentally scarred his son's bully. What's the bet that his wife was having an affair and the "rapist" was actually just her lover, for whom he mercilessly beats and or kills?

McAdam's character is a little harder to figure out. She has intimacy issues which could suggest some kind of molestation from her past, but I dunno, that seems like a long shot. Her mother's suicide is definitely a catalyst point for her, and I think her father hit the nail on the head when he said her decision to go into law enforcement was more due out of rebellion to his hippie philosophies. The only reason I go to molestation is her disdain when she discovers that her sister is a cam girl. Her character is definitely the one I feel I know the least about, but I am interested in learning more about her.

Finally we have Kitsch's character who I think is going to be the moral center of the show. His Lieutenant mentioned his work as a mercenary for a group I'm going to assume is the show's parallel to Blackwater. Given Blackwater's repugnant reputation and Kitsch's suicidal tendencies, I think it's safe to say that he was involved in the death or deaths of an Iraqi citizen, probably a child, and escaped punishment.

The Batlord 06-22-2015 11:26 AM


Originally Posted by LoathsomePete (Post 1604711)
It's a very minute reference to The King in Yellow by Robert W. Chambers, who was an inspiration for Lovecraft. He even incorporated ideas into the Cthulhu mythos, mostly about grand ideas/ revelations causing insanity. The show more focuses on Chambers' writing though, but the ritualistic pagan sacrifice was similar to "The Dunwich Horror" by Lovecraft. While he didn't necessarily invent the genre of Weird Fiction, Lovecraft is kind of the face of it, so when people talk about it he's more likely to be name dropped than anyone else.

Here's an interesting read that showcases the references.

The One Literary Reference You Must Know to Appreciate

Alright, I didn't want to read that whole thing, and possibly ruin a bunch of ****, but just tell me this: is it a possibility that the true villains of the series might turn out to be the Old Ones? Cause if so, I gotta get me some of this ****.

LoathsomePete 06-22-2015 11:30 AM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1604717)
Alright, I didn't want to read that whole thing, and possibly ruin a bunch of ****, but just tell me this: is it a possibility that the true villains of the series might turn out to be the Old Ones? Cause if so, I gotta get me some of this ****.

No, like I said, they are just tangential references that might explain the killer's motivation but beyond that there's no supernatural elements to the show for either season (thus far at least).

The Batlord 06-22-2015 11:58 AM


Originally Posted by LoathsomePete (Post 1604718)
No, like I said, they are just tangential references that might explain the killer's motivation but beyond that there's no supernatural elements to the show for either season (thus far at least).


LoathsomePete 06-22-2015 11:59 AM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1604731)

Still a great series regardless and most definitely worth your time.

Moss 06-22-2015 01:45 PM

Wow, thanks for the King in Yellow article. Very interesting. So much great dialogue in True Detective I found myself rewinding quite a bit to re-listen although it kind of ruins the flow of the show. But stuff like " Look, as sentient meat, however illusory our identities are, we craft those identities by making value judgments: everybody judges, all the time. Now, you got a problem with that... You're livin' wrong."

I so want to start a metal band and call it "Sentient Meat".

Can't wait to start the new season tonight.

Chula Vista 06-22-2015 02:53 PM

Late to the party here. Just started watch TD because of the this thread. I'm two episodes in and am absolutely floored with it so far. Took a little while to get use to the slow rhythm of it but damn - super high quality acting, dialogue, cinematography, storyline so far, and a very creepy disturbing undercurrent to it all. McConaughey and Harrelson are each playing characters that they've done many times before but they've got them so freaking perfected that it's not distracting at all.

Great stuff.

NSW 06-22-2015 09:07 PM

Because shut up it's good. And Netflix marathons are my life now.

Actually, starting this one over. Because I never finished it the first time, but it's hilarious and needs to be seen.

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