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LoathsomePete 04-12-2015 12:31 AM

Not to sound hyperbolic or anything, but this may actually be the best Marvel property right now. It is right up there with HBO level quality with some excellent writing, acting, cinematography, and fight choreography. It manages to go dark, but not in the teenage angsty sort of way. All of the main player characters feel fleshed out and developed, even the scumbag Russian mobsters have some hint of empathy, and they're straight up shitheads. Wilson Fisk is the best kind of bad guy because you can kind of see where he is coming from, which makes him all the enticing. So far I think I've seen backdoor mentions to both Iron Fist and Luke Cage and I'm only 7 episodes in.

Basically, while I am super excited for Avengers: Age of Ultron, I'm more interested in how that is going to affect the MCU as a whole rather than the story of these characters banding together to face off against an insane robot. When it comes to to the other 3 Netflix series' and The Defenders mini series, that's where I'm actually interested in the stories and fates of those involved.

The Batlord 04-12-2015 12:49 AM

I read the first sentence, rejoiced, and then stopped. All I need to know is that it is awesome.

Goofle 04-12-2015 07:03 AM

So the first four episodes of Game of Thrones have leaked...

debaserr 04-12-2015 10:39 AM


Originally Posted by Goofle (Post 1575878)
So the first four episodes of Game of Thrones have leaked...

I'm a bit torn. I don't want to wait forever to see ep5, but I probably won't be able to stop myself.

Frownland 04-12-2015 10:41 AM

I haven't even started it so it'll probably already be on Amazon when I get to it.

simplephysics 04-13-2015 12:39 AM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1575902)
I haven't even started it so it'll probably already be on Amazon when I get to it.

The series or the new season? I feel bad for those who haven't seen anything from the GoT series, because I'm certain the internet has already ruined a lot of major plot points, even if you're only an episode behind... unless you read the books of course. In that case you're obviously much better than the the rest of us heathens.

The Batlord 04-13-2015 03:07 AM


Originally Posted by dreadnaught (Post 1576166)
The series or the new season? I feel bad for those who haven't seen anything from the GoT series, because I'm certain the internet has already ruined a lot of major plot points, even if you're only an episode behind... unless you read the books of course. In that case you're obviously much better than the the rest of us heathens.

Thanks. I always thought I was, but it's nice to have it confirmed.

simplephysics 04-13-2015 03:28 AM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1576175)
Thanks. I always thought I was, but it's nice to have it confirmed.

Who needs books when TV?

The Batlord 04-13-2015 03:42 AM


Originally Posted by dreadnaught (Post 1576181)
Who needs books when TV?

Well if you had only seen up till Order of the Pheonix, and I told you Snape killed Dumbledore, then wouldn't you be wishing you'd read the books?

simplephysics 04-13-2015 03:47 AM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1576182)
Well if you had only seen up till Order of the Pheonix, and I told you Snape killed Dumbledore, then wouldn't you be wishing you'd read the books?

Fair enough. Also, curse you for somehow knowing that I've read and re-read all the HP novels. I guess I'm clearly a product of my time.

The Batlord 04-13-2015 04:46 AM


Originally Posted by dreadnaught (Post 1576183)
Fair enough. Also, curse you for somehow knowing that I've read and re-read all the HP novels. I guess I'm clearly a product of my time.

What peckawood hasn't read the HP novels?

RoxyRollah 04-13-2015 06:20 AM


Mr. Sir 04-13-2015 06:21 AM


Originally Posted by RoxyRollah (Post 1576214)


The Batlord 04-13-2015 06:39 AM


Originally Posted by RoxyRollah (Post 1576214)

You're not a peckawood.


Originally Posted by Mr. Sir (Post 1576216)

I don't know whether or not you are.

simplephysics 04-13-2015 06:41 AM

They ain't about that life.

Chula Vista 04-15-2015 10:14 AM

Binged through the first 3 episodes of Daredevil last night.

Spoiler for Spoilers:
A few random comments.

1. Really, really dig the dark vibe and the Matrix like green hue to everything.
2. Dude playing the lead is perfect for the part.
3. While the choreography and fight scenes are awesome, I'd like to see a guy as trained and tough as Matt occasionally putting a bad guy to sleep with a single flush punch to the jaw.
4. Love the buildup to Fisk's first scene at the very end of episode 3.
5. Biggest suspension of disbelief so far? One minute Matt is lying on a couch with broken ribs and a large loss of blood, the next he's going off in that incredible hallway fight scene. I've had broken ribs before. They hurt like a motherf*cker, make any extraneous movements nearly impossible, and they take a long time to heal.
6. Great to see Bob Gunton playing another character that he was born to play and first perfected in Shawshank Redemption.

The Batlord 04-15-2015 10:19 AM


Originally Posted by Chula Vista (Post 1577206)
Binged through the first 3 episodes of Daredevil last night.

Spoiler for Spoilers:
A few random comments.

1. Really, really dig the dark vibe and the Matrix like green hue to everything.
2. Dude playing the lead is perfect for the part.
3. While the choreography and fight scenes are awesome, I'd like to see a guy as trained and tough as Matt occasionally putting a bad guy to sleep with a single flush punch to the jaw.
4. Love the buildup to Fisk's first scene at the very end of episode 3.
5. Biggest suspension of disbelief so far? One minute Matt is lying on a couch with broken ribs and a large loss of blood, the next he's going off in that incredible hallway fight scene. I've had broken ribs before. They hurt like a motherf*cker, make any extraneous movements nearly impossible, and they take a long time to heal.
6. Great to see Bob Gunton playing another character that he was born to play and first perfected in Shawshank Redemption.

It's explained later.

EPOCH6 04-15-2015 11:22 AM


Originally Posted by eric generic (Post 1575900)
I'm a bit torn. I don't want to wait forever to see ep5, but I probably won't be able to stop myself.

For the last few years my homies and I have been watching them as they come out, every Sunday, including last Sunday, but the episode was so good that I caved and jumped head first into the leak, binged all 4 in one night. Now I'm in the position where I must withhold that information and continue watching them each Sunday for a month like it never happened, so I don't spoil anything for them. But honestly I bet they caved and watched them too, and are thinking the same thing.

****in' leaks.

bulbasaur 04-18-2015 02:59 AM


Originally Posted by Goofle (Post 1573437)
Watch The Wire.



Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1573067)
Try Weeds.


currently watching drag race weekly and binging gossip girl. holding off on got because i told someone i'd wait for them to catch up :+)


RoxyRollah 04-19-2015 05:21 PM

Been watching Ancients behaving badly,started with Caligula and am ending with Genghis Khan.

Goofle 04-19-2015 05:35 PM

Orphan Black


Justthefacts 04-19-2015 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by LoathsomePete (Post 1575837)

Not to sound hyperbolic or anything, but this may actually be the best Marvel property right now. It is right up there with HBO level quality with some excellent writing, acting, cinematography, and fight choreography. It manages to go dark, but not in the teenage angsty sort of way. All of the main player characters feel fleshed out and developed, even the scumbag Russian mobsters have some hint of empathy, and they're straight up shitheads. Wilson Fisk is the best kind of bad guy because you can kind of see where he is coming from, which makes him all the enticing. So far I think I've seen backdoor mentions to both Iron Fist and Luke Cage and I'm only 7 episodes in.

Basically, while I am super excited for Avengers: Age of Ultron, I'm more interested in how that is going to affect the MCU as a whole rather than the story of these characters banding together to face off against an insane robot. When it comes to to the other 3 Netflix series' and The Defenders mini series, that's where I'm actually interested in the stories and fates of those involved.

I really think this might be leading up to Captain America: Civil War. Why else would all these characters be introduced into the MCU. And Spider-Man going from Sony to Disney makes me think this especially. I hear theirs also talks of a Punisher show. And The Punisher was in the Civil War comics. It just sounds too good to be true honestly.

Chula Vista 04-27-2015 02:16 PM


Originally Posted by smediacompany (Post 1582184)
I hope no one will post any spoilers here. I have watched 2 episodes of this fantastic show. I havent seen the movie with Ben Affleck as a leading role but this netflix show is really satisfying. I hope that the plot will develop really great. Marvel as usual do not dissapoint me:)

Oh, it's going to get really nuts within the next couple of episodes.

Overcast 04-27-2015 02:22 PM

Currently rewatching Game of Thrones in preparation for the rest of S5. Man, there's so much that I missed the first time around.

The Batlord 04-27-2015 02:25 PM

Considering watching Dexter again. Plenty of books with anti-villain protagonists, but TV has a depressing lack of them. Maybe it's time to bite the bullet and finally watch Breaking Bad.

Overcast 04-27-2015 02:37 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1582198)
Considering watching Dexter again. Plenty of books with anti-villain protagonists, but TV has a depressing lack of them. Maybe it's time to bite the bullet and finally watch Breaking Bad.

You should definitely watch Breaking Bad. I think it's better than Dexter overall, and rather than dropping off in quality towards the end it gets insanely good.

Just my opinion.

Chula Vista 04-27-2015 02:42 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1582198)
Maybe it's time to bite the bullet and finally watch Breaking Bad.


Greatest show ever. Dexter was a lot of fun but it's not in the same league as BB.

The Batlord 04-27-2015 03:50 PM


Originally Posted by Overcast (Post 1582210)
You should definitely watch Breaking Bad. I think it's better than Dexter overall, and rather than dropping off in quality towards the end it gets insanely good.

Just my opinion.


Originally Posted by Chula Vista (Post 1582217)

Greatest show ever. Dexter was a lot of fun but it's not in the same league as BB.

I don't doubt it. I love Dexter, but it's got hella flaws. If it wasn't for the great main characters, unique premise, and occasionally fantastic villains, that show would be pretty mediocre half the time.

Chula Vista 04-27-2015 04:01 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1582253)
I don't doubt it. I love Dexter, but it's got hella flaws. If it wasn't for the great main characters, unique premise, and occasionally fantastic villains, that show would be pretty mediocre half the time.

Wait till you see the villians on BB - Tuco, Hector, Tyrus, Jack, Gus, and many more, and of course...

These two dudes would wipe the floor with any of the villians from Dex except maybe Little Chino.

ladyislingering 04-27-2015 04:43 PM

I'm on Season 3 of Cheers.

Sam and Diane otp forever.

Key 04-28-2015 02:40 AM

I also think you should watch Breaking Bad, Batty. The story never gets dull, and you'll get hooked after the first episode. Its one of the best TV series' I've ever seen.

Janszoon 04-28-2015 06:50 AM

I'm really enjoying it. The style of it reminds me of Asian crime cinema, which I love about it. The acting is solid across the board, the characters are well developed, there's plenty of tension and mood, the fight scenes feel raw and intense, and the whole thing is gorgeously filmed. I hope they can maintain this level of awesome.

Goofle 04-28-2015 07:03 AM

^ Agree. Started watching it recently with my Dad and we are completely hooked.

The Batlord 04-28-2015 07:10 AM

Cuthbert 04-28-2015 10:43 AM

Getting Impractical Jokers first series atm, heard this is meant to be funny as fuck.

Cuthbert 04-29-2015 04:40 PM

Can anyone recommend a documentary on the OJ trial? I like to watch a documentary before bed, and the Beeb did one but I imagine an American one would be better.

Fascinating stuff.

Cuthbert 05-04-2015 06:19 PM

Who was that poster on here into his Bear Grylls type shit?

I'm on program #6 of The Island second series and enjoying this.

ladyislingering 05-04-2015 06:24 PM


Originally Posted by Ki (Post 1582422)
I also think you should watch Breaking Bad, Batty. The story never gets dull, and you'll get hooked after the first episode. Its one of the best TV series' I've ever seen.

I think too many people are opting out of watching this series because of how much attention it gets (if that makes sense to anyone) - most people assume that if something is blown out of proportion, it's probably shit, but in this case, that couldn't be any further from the truth.

Breaking Bad's cinematography is astounding, the storylines are solid, the concept of the series is fully unique and almost every episode leaves you with an aching to watch the next. It's a highly emotional, riveting series that will stay with me forever.

Overcast 05-04-2015 07:44 PM


Originally Posted by monkeytennis (Post 1585915)
Who was that poster on here into his Bear Grylls type shit?

I'm on program #6 of The Island second series and enjoying this.

That'd be me. Sounds interesting, I'm almost done rewatching Game of Thrones so I'll check that out next.


Originally Posted by monkeytennis (Post 1582535)
Getting Impractical Jokers first series atm, heard this is meant to be funny as fuck.

It's pretty funny at times. Contagious laughter.

Oriphiel 05-04-2015 08:26 PM


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 1582449)
I'm really enjoying it. The style of it reminds me of Asian crime cinema, which I love about it.

What kind of Asian crime cinema? 'Cause if it's the crazy John Woo kind, I need to watch Daredevil...

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