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Frownland 03-08-2015 06:19 PM


Originally Posted by RoxyRollah (Post 1562586)
You know I yelled at the tv serveral times in the beginning.Mostly **** like " mmmmnnn hell no get off my porch pig." I got into that episode.I usually dont get vocal like that during. ...lemme stop lyin.;)

Spoiler for saul:
The humor and the whole irony of the situation was one of my favourite parts.

RoxyRollah 03-08-2015 06:30 PM

Totally,the whole show has been like that so far.I am starting to veiw Saul as decent guy.
When he was talking to that one lady's boss .You know who I mean right? That was just so comical the situation and the dialogue was on point.

Chula Vista 03-11-2015 09:33 AM

Spoiler for Dexter Season 4:
I think I read somewhere within this thread that someone rated season 4 as the best of the bunch. I'm 6 episodes in and think it's the worst so far. What's with all of the personal melodrama? Debra's breakdown scene with Dexter in the parking lot where she and Lundy got shot was laughably bad. The Maria and Angel romance? Enough already. And Rita's become Queen bitch all of a sudden. And I've seen enough of John Lithgow's naked ass to last me 4 lifetimes. I hope it starts picking up soon.

Frownland 03-11-2015 10:03 AM


Originally Posted by Chula Vista (Post 1564103)
Spoiler for Dexter Season 4:
I think I read somewhere within this thread that someone rated season 4 as the best of the bunch. I'm 6 episodes in and think it's the worst so far. What's with all of the personal melodrama? Debra's breakdown scene with Dexter in the parking lot where she and Lundy got shot was laughably bad. The Maria and Angel romance? Enough already. And Rita's become Queen bitch all of a sudden. And I've seen enough of John Lithgow's naked ass to last me 4 lifetimes. I hope it starts picking up soon.

Just wait for Thanksgiving and you'll be singing the same tune as I am.

Chula Vista 03-12-2015 09:55 AM

Spoiler for Dexter Thanksgiving:
So I binge watched episodes 7, 8, 9, and 10 last night and you were right. Things went from cruise control to flat out batsh*t nuts. Damn, when Christine opened the door and Arthur is there and she calmly says, "Hi Daddy". I actually jumped out of my chair with a WHOA! Got minor goosebumps too. Can't wait to see how this all plays out.

RPM 03-16-2015 02:22 PM

I'm hooked on The Blacklist.

Goofle 03-17-2015 10:52 AM

The first two episodes of Community are pretty great. Troy isn't a big miss (as the last season would attest to) but they still haven't managed to fill the Pierce void :(

Ninetales 03-17-2015 10:58 AM

does anyone watch man seeking woman? cuz I zoomed through the first 9 episodes the last week and good lord its great. I really like jay baruchel so that could be why but ya good shit. anything with sex aliens, reincarnated hitler and penis monsters has my attention. very well written imo

Black Francis 03-17-2015 11:05 AM


Originally Posted by Ninetales (Post 1566211)
does anyone watch man seeking woman? cuz I zoomed through the first 9 episodes the last week and good lord its great. I really like jay baruchel so that could be why but ya good shit. anything with sex aliens, reincarnated hitler and penis monsters has my attention. very well written imo

wait, that's what the show is about?

Man seeking woman sounds like a bachelorette kinda show.

Ninetales 03-17-2015 11:21 AM

well its kind of a romantic comedy type thing but with all the hyperboles that come with finding someone come to life. hard to explain but its good definitely recommend

Frownland 03-17-2015 11:23 AM


Originally Posted by Ninetales (Post 1566211)
does anyone watch man seeking woman? cuz I zoomed through the first 9 episodes the last week and good lord its great. I really like jay baruchel so that could be why but ya good shit. anything with sex aliens, reincarnated hitler and penis monsters has my attention. very well written imo

I watched the pilot because it had Eric Andre and thought it was awful. I know it's bad to base shows off of their premieres, so I'll check some of the other episodes out.

Black Francis 03-17-2015 11:31 AM


Originally Posted by Ninetales (Post 1566220)
well its kind of a romantic comedy type thing but with all the hyperboles that come with finding someone come to life. hard to explain but its good definitely recommend

Oh ok, makes sense now.

you kinda threw me for a loop when you mentioned Hitler and the penis monster.

Ninetales 03-17-2015 11:37 AM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1566222)
I watched the pilot because it had Eric Andre and thought it was awful. I know it's bad to base shows off of their premieres, so I'll check some of the other episodes out.

the pilot is a pretty decent indicator on the general idea of the show but I definitely didn't love it. I watched it over a month ago and then sort of forgot about it. just recently continued from there and defs think it got way better. I got sold on the 2nd or 3rd ep tho

Cuthbert 03-19-2015 08:48 PM

Things We Won't Say About Race That Are True - Things We Won't Say About Race That Are True - Channel 4

Chula Vista 03-20-2015 09:10 AM

Spoiler for Dexter: Too Freaking Funny:
Dexter shows Lumen the picture he took of Jordan Chase to see if she recognizes him as one of her rapists. She stares at it as says something along the lines of "Well, he looks like a total freak and all, but......" Dexter glances at the picture, sees Vince and says, "No, not him. The other guy."

One of the best LOL moments of the series so far.

The Batlord 03-20-2015 09:18 AM


Originally Posted by Chula Vista (Post 1567265)
Spoiler for Dexter: Too Freaking Funny:
Dexter shows Lumen the picture he took of Jordan Chase to see if she recognizes him as one of her rapists. She stares at it as says something along the lines of "Well, he looks like a total freak and all, but......" Dexter glances at the picture, sees Vince and says, "No, not him. The other guy."

One of the best LOL moments of the series so far.

A lot of people didn't much like Lumen, but I thought that season was pretty good. I had to suspend my disbelief at the whole thing a bit more, but that's kind of the point of Dexter in the first place.

Chula Vista 03-20-2015 10:13 AM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1567269)
A lot of people didn't much like Lumen, but I thought that season was pretty good. I had to suspend my disbelief at the whole thing a bit more, but that's kind of the point of Dexter in the first place.

Spoiler for Lumen:
I can suspend disbelief in the whole premise of the show, but the writers definitely got lazy so far this (5th) season. The worst being the ending of the episode with the saran wrap dude and the dentist tie wrapped to the pipe. Vince sums it all up as kink and all of the other detectives buy it.

Key 03-20-2015 10:24 AM

I just started watching Shipping Wars. I think I have a new addiction.

Chula Vista 03-20-2015 10:26 AM


Originally Posted by ki (Post 1567306)
i just started watching shipping wars. I think i have a new character flaw.


EPOCH6 03-20-2015 12:44 PM

Just finished Fargo Season 1. Got super stoked to watch season 2, went to find it, it's not even out.

Chula Vista 03-21-2015 08:35 AM

Spoiler for Dexter Again:
Lumen makes her first "official" kill while Dexter looks on. They clean up and dump the body parts after Dexter cuts him up. Back at his place Lumen finally makes the move on Dexter and I'm sitting there with tears rolling down my face because I'm happy for them. This show does weird sh*t to you!

LoathsomePete 03-21-2015 10:14 AM

Wow. That last episode... This show really needs a better release schedule. We got a good 9 episodes from August to December, then a small break, then two, the last of which dropped a HUGE bomb on the main mystery, and now it's off till the summer when the little bastards are out of school. I know a couple of people on here watch this, but to everyone else, don't let the fact that it's a Disney cartoon cloud your judgement, I mean so was Gargoyles and this is easily on par with that in terms of quality writing, animation, direction, and voice acting.

The Batlord 03-21-2015 11:36 AM


Originally Posted by Chula Vista (Post 1567683)
Spoiler for Dexter Again:
Lumen makes her first "official" kill while Dexter looks on. They clean up and dump the body parts after Dexter cuts him up. Back at his place Lumen finally makes the move on Dexter and I'm sitting there with tears rolling down my face because I'm happy for them. This show does weird sh*t to you!

Just make it through the next season. It won't be the easiest thing to do -- although season 6 has its moments, and bad Dexter is still pretty good by most shows' standards -- but once you do that, you will be rewarded with many feels.

Cuthbert 03-21-2015 01:15 PM

This was excellent by the way, my don Trevor telling it like it is. If you can access 4od you should get on this.

Some of the things he said:

- Jews are rich and powerful
- The Irish run the building industry
- White people are specialists in alcohol fuelled crime
- Pick pockets are predominantly Romanian
- Black people are more likely to be involved in violent crime
- Grooming gangs are predominantly Pakistani
- White peoples' fear of being called racist has failed victims of abuse who should have been protected

A bunch of other stuff I can't remember right now. Nigel Farage was on it as well. Great documentary.

RoxyRollah 03-21-2015 03:13 PM

What? !!!!

I find white people plan **** draw diagrams and scope out clock towers n ****...That statement is completely wrong. I know a jew in debt too,and an irishman that had no clue what a hammer was.(RIP whiskey ninja.)

bulbasaur 03-23-2015 02:02 AM


Originally Posted by Goofle (Post 1566209)
The first two episodes of Community are pretty great. Troy isn't a big miss (as the last season would attest to) but they still haven't managed to fill the Pierce void :(

did you mean abed, or did i miss something? not one of my top 5 shows, but i'll definitely finish the season.

also, fargo and gravity falls rule

Goofle 03-23-2015 06:35 AM

Unless I've got a serious issue that I'm unaware of, I am sure Abed was on the show and Troy and Pierce weren't.

bulbasaur 03-23-2015 07:54 AM

oops, my bad. i read "miss" as "mess" :o:

Chula Vista 03-24-2015 10:02 AM

Spoiler for Dexter Season Six:
First off, really dug how season 5 played out. Suspension of disbelief definitely required but I thought the chemistry between Stiles and Hall was great. (I guess so great they ended up having a fling which broke up Hall's marriage to Deb and caused the producers to scrap bringing Stiles back for season 6.

Season 6: Considering Hall and Carpenter's marriage fell apart it's nice to see it hasn't affected the chemistry between Dexter and Deb.

Everywhere I've checked season rankings of the show no.s 6 and 8 are always at the bottom. I'm two episodes in and liking everything so far. I don't mind all of the side stories going on at all. Either it's not as bad as some are saying or it's about to go downhill badly pretty soon.

The Batlord 03-24-2015 11:31 AM


Originally Posted by Chula Vista (Post 1568989)
Spoiler for Dexter Season Six:
First off, really dug how season 5 played out. Suspension of disbelief definitely required but I thought the chemistry between Stiles and Hall was great. (I guess so great they ended up having a fling which broke up Hall's marriage to Deb and caused the producers to scrap bringing Stiles back for season 6.

Season 6: Considering Hall and Carpenter's marriage fell apart it's nice to see it hasn't affected the chemistry between Dexter and Deb.

Everywhere I've checked season rankings of the show no.s 6 and 8 are always at the bottom. I'm two episodes in and liking everything so far. I don't mind all of the side stories going on at all. Either it's not as bad as some are saying or it's about to go downhill badly pretty soon.

We'll talk later, but yeah, to me it's the worst. Season 8 had plenty of crap, but anything after *season number and episode retracted* is going to have some redeeming value. Still, this season has one of the most epic scenes in the entire show.

EPOCH6 03-24-2015 03:27 PM

Starting to re-watch Game of Thrones Season 4 in anticipation of next month.

Yac 03-25-2015 09:00 AM
So.. yeah, I was waiting for the 2nd season of one of the best tv series of all time, but now ? Now I can't wait!

Chula Vista 03-26-2015 02:18 PM

Spoiler for Dexter Update:
Ok, so I'm finally starting to see why season 6 gets so much flack. So far it's more about stupid scenes getting inserted in and totally ruining an episode's vibe. Example: Dexter and his brother speeding down the road while Dexter shoots at stuff. Totally stupid and 100% unlike Dex. And then drunk Quint telling Batista to his face that he wants to tap his sister's ass. Come on man. Plus they are really telegraphing ****. I already know that Travis talking to Gellar is the same thing as Dexter talking to his dad/brother.

Speaking of which, I loved that they inserted his brother in to temporarily take the place of the dad cause the dad was getting soft about killing the kid.

Travis killing his sister as the whore was a pretty WTF moment for sure!

The Batlord 03-26-2015 02:24 PM


Originally Posted by Chula Vista (Post 1569837)
Spoiler for Dexter Update:
Ok, so I'm finally starting to see why season 6 gets so much flack. So far it's more about stupid scenes getting inserted in and totally ruining an episode's vibe. Example: Dexter and his brother speeding down the road while Dexter shoots at stuff. Totally stupid and 100% unlike Dex. And then drunk Quint telling Batista to his face that he wants to tap his sister's ass. Come on man. Plus they are really telegraphing ****. I already know that Travis talking to Gellar is the same thing as Dexter talking to his dad/brother.

Speaking of which, I loved that they inserted his brother in to temporarily take the place of the dad cause the dad was getting soft about killing the kid.

Travis killing his sister as the whore was a pretty WTF moment for sure!

Spoiler for Spoiler:
My problem with that storyline is that for five seasons, Dexter has been realizing that he is more than just some empty shell whose only moral center is the Code, and all it takes to undo that is some guy he knew for like a month dying?

Like, really? He's that weak-willed?

Chula Vista 03-26-2015 02:29 PM

Spoiler for Brother Sam:
Them killing off Brother Sam was such a waste too. Mos Def was doing a great job with that role and they could have taken it so much further and down some interesting paths - like him finding out about Dexter.

The Batlord 03-26-2015 02:35 PM


Originally Posted by Chula Vista (Post 1569852)
Spoiler for Brother Sam:
Them killing off Brother Sam was such a waste too. Mos Def was doing a great job with that role and they could have taken it so much further and down some interesting paths - like him finding out about Dexter.

Spoiler for Spoiler:
Totally. Best new character in that season, and he had really great chemistry with Dexter. The season never really got back on track after that. Don't worry though. There will be a payoff to make the season worth it in the end. Just.

The Batlord 03-27-2015 10:58 AM

@ Chula

Spoiler for Dexter:
So yeah, sixth season wasn't so great. But that last scene in the last episode completely made all that slogging worth it, right? Prepare yourself for the seventh season, as it's the best since season four, and contender for my fav along with the second. It's going to live up to every expectation you're hoping it will.

And how did you feel about the Dexter/Deb romance subplot? Don't want to say anything to ruin the rest of the show (unless you really felt negatively about it), just curious.

Chula Vista 03-27-2015 11:00 AM

Spoiler for Done with season 6:
WHAT THE ****!!!!!! More totally unbelievable scenes. The worst bad guy the show has ever had - Hanks, learn a few more facial expressions, Mkay? Dexter tripping and stumbling over himself every chance he gets. Never mind suspension of disbelief, this was unscrew your entire brain and drool for 52 minutes crap. And I actually knew the big season ending reveal before it happened because of the whole Deb realizing she is in love with Dex BULL****!!!!!!! I never though I'd use the FF button with this show but I wore off the freaking icon during the last two episodes. ARRRGGHHHH.

The Batlord 03-27-2015 11:40 AM


Originally Posted by Chula Vista (Post 1570206)
Spoiler for Done with season 6:
WHAT THE ****!!!!!! More totally unbelievable scenes. The worst bad guy the show has ever had - Hanks, learn a few more facial expressions, Mkay? Dexter tripping and stumbling over himself every chance he gets. Never mind suspension of disbelief, this was unscrew your entire brain and drool for 52 minutes crap. And I actually knew the big season ending reveal before it happened because of the whole Deb realizing she is in love with Dex BULL****!!!!!!! I never though I'd use the FF button with this show but I wore off the freaking icon during the last two episodes. ARRRGGHHHH.

Spoiler for Spoiler:
Yeah, but still. Last five minutes sets up some of the best drama of the series. And, if you're concerned with the Dex/Deb romance thing, then this is a spoiler, but it's one that would have legitimately comforted me had I known it at the time, so I'll give it to you anyway. It doesn't give anything else away, so don't worry about anything actually being ruined. I promise you, you will think me for this spoiler...

Spoiler for Extra spoiler:
That romantic subplot is almost entirely dropped for the rest of the series. It's mentioned in passing a few times -- I'm pretty sure just to preserve continuity -- but for all intents and purposes, the writers pretended it never happened from second one of season 7.

Chula Vista 03-27-2015 11:51 AM

Spoiler for Well.....:
She did just discover the dude she thinks she might be in love with, and want to get naked with and ****, is another serial killer. Deja Vu all over again. How could Dexter have anticipated that Travis would ask him to inject himself with his needle on top of the skyscraper????

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