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Frownland 05-06-2014 12:04 AM

New season of Boondocks is starting to look up.

Carpe Mortem 05-06-2014 01:32 AM


Originally Posted by Ninetales (Post 1447253)
I started watching Lost. Because its 2006 and I have a week off to rest and be completely useless.

Oh that Sawyer am I right everyone??!!

Rjinn 05-06-2014 04:42 AM

In the middle of Lost Girl season 1 at the moment. It's pretty uninteresting for a supernatural show.

djchameleon 05-06-2014 05:27 AM


Originally Posted by Rjinn (Post 1447301)
In the middle of Lost Girl season 1 at the moment. It's pretty uninteresting for a supernatural show.

It is all about the sexy time with that show. I loved it but only followed it for two seasons then lost track of it.

The Batlord 05-06-2014 09:22 AM


Originally Posted by Pedestrian (Post 1447248)
I've been watching Hannibal for the last month or so, but...

Spoiler for boop:
I'm ready to bail after the most recent episode. I don't take very kindly to out-of-character behaviour or asking viewers to suspend more reality than you've asked them to previously. The second they tried to sell that you could fit a fully grown woman sewn into a horse uterus, I knew my love affair with the show was coming to an abrupt close.

That's the unrealism that broke the camel's back? That whole show is absurd. And the dialogue comes across as an hour's worth of those pretentious, pseudo-intellectual discussions on the nature of man from Neon Genesis Evangelion. Still, it creates a unique atmosphere that's engaging and unsettling, if at times goofy (much like Evangelion).
Spoiler for dude:
And turning the main character into a serial killer is a fun twist.

The Batlord 05-06-2014 10:36 AM

Obviously not watching it yet, but I'm totally stoked for this. And it looks like they're not gonna turn it into some goofy, Smallville teen drama too.

LoathsomePete 05-06-2014 11:59 AM

I'm trying to remain hopeful, but the fact that they're including Bruce Wayne, Selina Kyle, and pretty much Batman's entire Rogue's Gallery just has me thinking they have no faith selling people an engaging experience and instead want to cash in on name recognition. The worst part is there was a really good comic series called Gotham Central that could have easily been made into a cop drama that was tangentially related to Batman. Shit, if Warner Bros./ DC had their shit together like Marvel they could have this show slowly drop clues for the upcoming Batman vs. Superman movie.

At the end of the day it's a new drama series on Fox, so unless it gets amazing ratings and reviews prepare for them to show the first half of the season out of order, then cancel it, then it gets revived by Netflix or something.

The Batlord 05-06-2014 12:06 PM


Originally Posted by LoathsomePete (Post 1447420)
I'm trying to remain hopeful, but the fact that they're including Bruce Wayne, Selina Kyle, and pretty much Batman's entire Rogue's Gallery just has me thinking they have no faith selling people an engaging experience and instead want to cash in on name recognition. The worst part is there was a really good comic series called Gotham Central that could have easily been made into a cop drama that was tangentially related to Batman. Shit, if Warner Bros./ DC had their shit together like Marvel they could have this show slowly drop clues for the upcoming Batman vs. Superman movie.

Of course it's a cash-in. So were the new Batman games for that matter. Anything Batman that comes out in the wake of the Christopher Nolan movies (which were cash-ins on the superhero movie craze) is going to be a cash-in. So long as the cash-in is quality then I don't really care.

And I really don't need to see another police procedural.

Edit: And is the Marvel comment about Agents of SHIELD? Cause I've been ignoring that since the second or third episode. Did it get any better?


At the end of the day it's a new drama series on Fox, so unless it gets amazing ratings and reviews prepare for them to show the first half of the season out of order, then cancel it, then it gets revived by Netflix or something.
Possibly. But I think Batman is too much of a potential cash cow for them to treat it like they did Firefly or Terra Nova or the Sarah Conner Chronicles. They're probably going to try to milk it for all it's worth, which at least means that if nothing else, they'll give it the time of day.

djchameleon 05-06-2014 12:18 PM

Shield got so much better and even tied into the latest Captain America movie.

bob. 05-06-2014 01:46 PM

I need tocatch up on Shield....esp if they tie into wibter soldier!

Not happy days for Shied in that movie :)

Goofle 05-06-2014 02:36 PM

Suits just gets better and better. Enjoying it even more than the first time I watched it. Started having to download episodes that aren't on netflix :(

Ninetales 05-06-2014 03:15 PM


Originally Posted by Goofle11 (Post 1447501)
Suits just gets better and better. Enjoying it even more than the first time I watched it. Started having to download episodes that aren't on netflix :(

Does that mean season 3?

Goofle 05-06-2014 03:20 PM


hate paper doll 05-06-2014 03:21 PM

Bates Motel is over, which I'm not heartbroken about. I like the show when they actually talk about the Norma/Norman dynamic but the subplots irritate me. I don't care about turf wars between the two big drug rings in town. The creators should have taken a page from the Twin Peaks playbook and made the extraneous characters more interesting.

Carpe Mortem 05-07-2014 08:58 PM

Man I tried to watch Bates Motel but it was hard to get into. I really wish I coulda got on board with that but by the third episode I was definitely more bored.

On another note, new AHS announced to be carnival themed. Also rumored to be Jessica Lange's last season :( So hopefully it'll be awesome and it's finale will do her justice, unlike season 3. Terrible ****in ending on that one.

hate paper doll 05-07-2014 09:04 PM

I've never seen AHS, I need to check it out.

Jon Chorba 05-08-2014 08:03 AM

Really digging 24: Live another Day. I think the shorter season is gonna make for better writing and less filler.

djchameleon 05-08-2014 08:51 AM


Originally Posted by Jon Chorba (Post 1448279)
Really digging 24: Live another Day. I think the shorter season is gonna make for better writing and less filler.

I have never gotten into 24 but I recorded that and when he was in another interrogation scene. I was just like f this. I don't care enough and stopped it. 24 just isn't for me.

Basit316 05-11-2014 03:53 PM

Silicon Valley

GuD 05-13-2014 09:01 PM

A customer at work recommended Community so I've been binge watching that for the past 3 days. I didn't think I would like it at first but it's pretty entertaining. Abed is ****ing great.

Oh, and the new season of Louie. Still great.

djchameleon 05-13-2014 09:22 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1447378)
Obviously not watching it yet, but I'm totally stoked for this. And it looks like they're not gonna turn it into some goofy, Smallville teen drama too.

I don't trust Fox. I will wait til it gets renewed for a second season before I even watch it.

Firefly Never Forget!

The Batlord 05-15-2014 09:31 AM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1449872)
I don't trust Fox. I will wait til it gets renewed for a second season before I even watch it.

Firefly Never Forget!

Again, Batman is a cash cow these days. I imagine even Fox will think twice about just flushing it down the toilet. And that's such a silly mentality. It basically says "If I knew they were going to cancel Firefly then I would have never watched it in the first place and would still to this day be completely ignorant of it." I've loved plenty of shows that got cancelled after the first season and I don't regret getting into them. Better to have loved and lost and all that.

Paedantic Basterd 05-15-2014 11:43 AM


Originally Posted by WhateverDude (Post 1449865)
A customer at work recommended Community so I've been binge watching that for the past 3 days. I didn't think I would like it at first but it's pretty entertaining. Abed is ****ing great.

Oh, and the new season of Louie. Still great.

Don't get too attached though, NBC just cancelled it.

Goofle 05-15-2014 11:50 AM

Yep yep yep :(

House of Cards is really good.

Paedantic Basterd 05-15-2014 11:56 AM

The fanbase, which has campaigned for it so hard every season, also seems to have given up on Community. Shocking, since it wasn't exactly like the past season was a lost cause; it was a real return to form and very creatively fulfilling (albeit alienating from time to time).

Goofle 05-15-2014 11:58 AM

I haven't watched the last season and a half as I was waiting for a DVD release in the UK (probably not gonna happen) so I will binge soon.

Paedantic Basterd 05-15-2014 12:08 PM


Originally Posted by Goofle11 (Post 1450267)
I haven't watched the last season and a half as I was waiting for a DVD release in the UK (probably not gonna happen) so I will binge soon.

It is intensely Dan Harmon. You will enjoy it, I am certain.

Goofle 05-15-2014 12:15 PM

I enjoyed the few I saw where he wasn't involved. Half way through whatever season that was. Only stopped because I started watching something else and never got back into the habit.

Paedantic Basterd 05-15-2014 12:17 PM


Originally Posted by Goofle11 (Post 1450275)
I enjoyed the few I saw where he wasn't involved. Half way through whatever season that was. Only stopped because I started watching something else and never got back into the habit.

Oh, fair enough. Season 4 was not at all for me, so I have been very excited throughout 5. But you'll have a good ride.

djchameleon 05-15-2014 12:19 PM


Originally Posted by Pedestrian (Post 1450252)
Don't get too attached though, NBC just cancelled it.

There is five seasons worth of content to go through. He can get attached. It also isn't the type of series that needed a proper conclusion.


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1450202)
Again, Batman is a cash cow these days. I imagine even Fox will think twice about just flushing it down the toilet. And that's such a silly mentality. It basically says "If I knew they were going to cancel Firefly then I would have never watched it in the first place and would still to this day be completely ignorant of it." I've loved plenty of shows that got cancelled after the first season and I don't regret getting into them. Better to have loved and lost and all that.

I am not giving Fox the benefit of the doubt regardless of the content. So what that it is Batman related. If they aren't getting the ratings they want they will pull it. Money trumps fan base majority of the time.
I would be perfectly fine with not having invested that time waiting each week for a new episode if I knew that it would be cancelled. I am on the side of never having loved at all.

Shows that only last one season then get canceled is so heart breaking.

LoathsomePete 05-15-2014 12:22 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1450202)
Again, Batman is a cash cow these days. I imagine even Fox will think twice about just flushing it down the toilet. And that's such a silly mentality. It basically says "If I knew they were going to cancel Firefly then I would have never watched it in the first place and would still to this day be completely ignorant of it." I've loved plenty of shows that got cancelled after the first season and I don't regret getting into them. Better to have loved and lost and all that.

It's not really a show about Batman though, and once the Bat-bros understand that, I doubt they'll come back week after week. After that you're left with a police procedural that's set in a comic universe. Now, if they were adapting Gotham Central then I'd be okay with that, because the part of the point of that comic series was to showcase the feelings of frustration among the Gotham City Police Department now that we live in an age of Superheroes and costumed vigilantes who operate outside of the law, while subsequently making the cops look bad or incompetent. It would also show how police agencies have had to adapt now that there are super powered villains with freezeray guns and whatnot. All of that sounds pretty interesting, and while they've included characters like Detectives Renee Montoya and Crispus Allen, I'm still worried that it's just going to be a dull, by-the-numbers police procedural that happens to take place in a city where interesting comic book stuff will eventually happen.

Compare that last sentence to the other comic/TV adaptations coming this fall:

1) Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D's 2nd season as it leads into The Avengers 2: Age of Ultron

2) Arrow's 3rd season which has A LOT of places it can go, especially after the season 2 finale.

3) The Flash, while this will be riding the coattails of Arrow, it still holds distinction by being the only show on TV at the moment where the protagonist is an honest-to-god superpowered superhero, so it'll be interesting to see how they work around a network TV budget.

4) Constantine, which if nothing else looks to be adamant about staying closer to the source material and given what NBC has allowed Hannibal to get away with, I'm not as concerned about this show being ham-stringed by network restrictions.

5) Agent Carter, not really sure if this is going to be in the Fall 2014 lineup or not, but still, a period piece spy drama about the early days of superheroes, could be pretty interesting.

That's not even counting the 4 Netflix original series' coming in 2015 about Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, and Iron Fist that culminates in a Defenders miniseries.

So what again does Gotham have to offer? It's a police procedural set in a comic book universe? Well guess what, even goddam superhero show is going to follow a police procedural formula, the only difference is in the other ones, we actually get goddamn superheroes.


Originally Posted by Pedestrian (Post 1450264)
The fanbase, which has campaigned for it so hard every season, also seems to have given up on Community. Shocking, since it wasn't exactly like the past season was a lost cause; it was a real return to form and very creatively fulfilling (albeit alienating from time to time).

I dunno if it's resignation or just silent optimism that Netflix or HuluPlus or someone picks it up. Might not happen right away, but if Arrested Development can come back some 7 years after cancellation then I think people are pretty sure Community could, even if it would just be for it's a 6th season and movie.

Paedantic Basterd 05-15-2014 12:29 PM


Originally Posted by LoathsomePete (Post 1450282)
I dunno if it's resignation or just silent optimism that Netflix or HuluPlus or someone picks it up. Might not happen right away, but if Arrested Development can come back some 7 years after cancellation then I think people are pretty sure Community could, even if it would just be for it's a 6th season and movie.

I think part of the resignation is coming from the cast's silence (and news that members are signing new deals), and Harmon's ambivalence about doing another season...

And I disagree with you DJ, I would have liked a proper finale; I don't necessarily think that the characters required it, but the one that we did have to go out on was very lackluster as far as season-finales have gone.

Spoiler for Community season 5:
I had really been hoping that the finale would've gone like so:
- Study group learns Greendale is being sold off to Subway.
- Group learns of buried treasure.
- Group decides to find treasure and buy Greendale first.
- Group decimates Greendale in search for treasure...
- ...Thus destroying the value that Greendale had, making it unsaleable anyways.
- Group finds the treasure, Greendale goes unsold anyways, and the group uses the treasure to rebuild Greendale, with the possible rebuilding being the center of season 6.

djchameleon 05-15-2014 05:33 PM

This Extended Flash trailer feels like I watched the entire pilot episode.

I would have liked another season of Community also but I'm okay with the way it ended especially for a comedy series.

The Batlord 05-16-2014 10:30 AM


Originally Posted by LoathsomePete (Post 1450282)
2) Arrow's 3rd season which has A LOT of places it can go, especially after the season 2 finale.

I'm still surprised that the CW is actually managing not to ruin that show. Everything they do is mediocre at best and yet Arrow manages to seize victory from the jaws of defeat.

Spoiler for kehrg:
I'm mildly cynical about Oliver getting off the island though. The whole point of him being on the island is that he's isolated from society. They can definitely do a lot with the idea, but might not the whole vibe of that whole half of the show get flushed down the toilet and be replaced with exactly the same vibe as the rest of the show?

I'm curious what they're going to do with Ra's Al-Ghul though. Making him just an assassin and taking away the whole six-hundred year old thing took away a lot of his coolness factor. His whole appeal to me was that he had a sort of not-quite-human aura to him that made him kind of creepy.

LoathsomePete 05-16-2014 10:47 AM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1450487)
I'm still surprised that the CW is actually managing not to ruin that show. Everything they do is mediocre at best and yet Arrow manages to seize victory from the jaws of defeat.

Spoiler for kehrg:
I'm mildly cynical about Oliver getting off the island though. The whole point of him being on the island is that he's isolated from society. They can definitely do a lot with the idea, but might not the whole vibe of that whole half of the show get flushed down the toilet and be replaced with exactly the same vibe as the rest of the show?

I'm curious what they're going to do with Ra's Al-Ghul though. Making him just an assassin and taking away the whole six-hundred year old thing took away a lot of his coolness factor. His whole appeal to me was that he had a sort of not-quite-human aura to him that made him kind of creepy.

Give it a year or two, no decent show can withstand the pull into mediocrity from that network. If it gets to 5 decent seasons then I'll consider it a miracle.

As to the other thing, I don't know if the writers/producers are confident enough for the more comic-booky parts of the larger universe and will probably introduce them later and retcon the changes into canon.

The Batlord 05-16-2014 10:54 AM


Originally Posted by LoathsomePete (Post 1450492)
Give it a year or two, no decent show can withstand the pull into mediocrity from that network. If it gets to 5 decent seasons then I'll consider it a miracle.

As to the other thing, I don't know if the writers/producers are confident enough for the more comic-booky parts of the larger universe and will probably introduce them later and retcon the changes into canon.

Well they're already gonna do it with the Flash. Can't do the Flash without making it hella comic booky. Not to mention they've already got two vampire shows, one Buffy lite-show, and now a ****ty sci fi version of Lord of the Flies. So the CW is kind of shameless. No reason they can't do the Lazarus pit. Not like it would even need to be particularly expensive either. Have some green water, add a spooky looking background, I'm assuming there might be some kind of Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom style pully-thing, and bango tango you've got a Lazarus pit.

Frownland 05-17-2014 09:40 AM

Two episodes into Fargo and I think I'm in love.

Sansa Stark 05-17-2014 10:01 AM

I've been wondering about that show, I think movie shows are a lil weird but I love Hannibal and Bates Motel

Frownland 05-17-2014 10:21 AM


Originally Posted by Sansa Stark (Post 1450683)
I've been wondering about that show, I think movie shows are a lil weird but I love Hannibal and Bates Motel

If you like the movie it's worth a shot, the show lives up to it, albeit in a rather different way.

djchameleon 05-23-2014 06:20 AM

This past Saturday, I stumbled upon this show SAF3.

I just love all the has beens and never wases that they tapped for this show.

Dolph Lundgren
J.R. Martinez
Texas Battle
Lydia Hull

I had to tune in and check out this train wreck of a show.

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