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Mojo 03-28-2014 03:53 PM

April 23rd on Channel 4 and in May in the US on Netflix. Can't wait.

The Batlord 03-29-2014 11:56 AM

Been watching the first season of Heroes. I remember snubbing this show back in the day (I think I was in a "hating on Lost" kick and I vaguely associated the two for reasons that escape me), and now I'm pissed I did. Bitchin' show. I love how, though the show is serious and mature, the superhero connection looms over it, sort of like how in a fantasy there's always some former civilization that was bigger, better, and more magical that was destroyed by something or other, and now the present is living in a post-former civilization era that somehow makes it feel sad and yet grander at the same time by comparison.

Engine 03-30-2014 02:14 PM

Heroes was similar to Lost in a few ways: large cast, each episode focusing on one character and telling their stories with flashbacks, and it was set in the real world but with magic and superpowers and the like. Lots of episodes ending with a new mystery or cliffhanger. Anyway, I'm in the vast majority of Heroes fans who liked it a lot at first but felt that it became unwatchable as early as, I think, the second season. I've heard the revamped version is better but I don't care anymore.

I never followed The Guild on youtube but it's on Netflix now. Was hard to get into at first but I became hooked.

simplephysics 03-30-2014 02:36 PM

The concept behind Lost was a good one, and for the first few seasons I was really intrigued, but as the show went on, and the story lines became much more convoluted and far fetched, I completely lost interest. It's a prime example of a show that went on way longer than it should have.

On another note, I am VERY excited for Game of Thrones a week from now. I wonder who will die this season?

Wpnfire 03-30-2014 08:55 PM

I just started watching House of Cards after my sister recommended it to me. It is definitely entertaining for a political junkie such as myself.

Goofle 03-31-2014 04:04 PM

I've watched 12 episodes of Game of Thrones in the last 20 hours. Does that go beyond a "binge"?

djchameleon 03-31-2014 04:25 PM


Originally Posted by Goofle11 (Post 1433607)
I've watched 12 episodes of Game of Thrones in the last 20 hours. Does that go beyond a "binge"?

Sounds about the same thing I did.

No,this is on par with binging. I split up my 12 over two days though 6 on Saturday and 6 on Sunday.


Originally Posted by dreadnaught (Post 1433098)
The concept behind Lost was a good one, and for the first few seasons I was really intrigued, but as the show went on, and the story lines became much more convoluted and far fetched, I completely lost interest. It's a prime example of a show that went on way longer than it should have.

On another note, I am VERY excited for Game of Thrones a week from now. I wonder who will die this season?

I disagree with Lost going on longer than it should have. I feel like it went on for the perfect amount of time. Do I believe they really planned everything out the way it ended up playing out. I'm not so sure around season 4 and 5 but I still loved it and I liked the way it ended up tying up at the end in Season 6.

I don't really care about who is going to die this season. I'm so disconnected from all the characters. I do have a few that I like but I don't want too get attached because I know RR Martin is an ******* that likes to kill off characters left and right so there is that.


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1432762)
Been watching the first season of Heroes. I remember snubbing this show back in the day (I think I was in a "hating on Lost" kick and I vaguely associated the two for reasons that escape me), and now I'm pissed I did. Bitchin' show. I love how, though the show is serious and mature, the superhero connection looms over it, sort of like how in a fantasy there's always some former civilization that was bigger, better, and more magical that was destroyed by something or other, and now the present is living in a post-former civilization era that somehow makes it feel sad and yet grander at the same time by comparison.

I think you connected the two because of Tim Kringe I believe. He was a producer on Lost and then went on to be the creator or exec. producer of Heroes.

Moss 03-31-2014 10:01 PM

Just watched the season finale of Psych. Completely brainless comedy but I liked it. Kind of bummed it's over.

djchameleon 04-01-2014 05:58 AM


Originally Posted by Moss (Post 1433781)
Just watched the season finale of Psych. Completely brainless comedy but I liked it. Kind of bummed it's over.

I need to see that. It was the series finale right?

I haven't seen any of this last season.

The Batlord 04-02-2014 12:06 PM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1433639)
I think you connected the two because of Tim Kringe I believe. He was a producer on Lost and then went on to be the creator or exec. producer of Heroes.

I think it was just that that was around the time that they were coming out with shows that were more season and story based rather than episodic like Lost and 24 and Prison Break. It worked out for Cable, but for network TV it could get pretty lame. I got fed up with Lost pretty early on just cause the acting was so godawful. Everything was just so ****ing overdramatic and the dialogue was just so ****ing melodramatic that I couldn't take the show seriously.

LoathsomePete 04-04-2014 10:55 AM

This is one of the best children's TV shows I've seen in a very long time. Think of it as Courage the Cowardly Dog meets Twin Peaks.

Astronomer 04-06-2014 05:48 AM

Loving it even though it's a low-budget Australian mini-series because anyone who knows me knows I love anything 60s-related, the soundtrack is ace, and it's based on heartbreakingly true events.

RockIndustry 04-06-2014 06:27 AM

Watched The Sopranos for the first time last year, I went out and bought the box set and I am watching it all over again. Loved the Pine Barrens episode.

Frownland 04-08-2014 12:12 AM

Started this to see what all the hype is about. Decent enough, Carpe tells me that it gets better. Some of Dexter's internal dialogue is cringeworthy though but that's my only complaint so far aside from some bad acting.
Bob's Burgers

Not Simpsons, South Park, or even Family Guy level of funny, but it gets me chuckling enough. A step down from Home Movies imo but they can't all be zingers.

The Batlord 04-08-2014 11:29 AM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1436890)
Bob's Burgers

Not Simpsons, South Park, or even Family Guy level of funny, but it gets me chuckling enough. A step down from Home Movies imo but they can't all be zingers.

I'm internet buds with a guy who swears by this show. Apparently the dialogue is actually partially improvised and recorded live between the cast members or something like that. I think.

Frownland 04-08-2014 11:32 AM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1437048)
I'm internet buds with a guy who swears by this show. Apparently the dialogue is actually partially improvised and recorded live between the cast members or something like that. I think.

That certainly does make it better in my eyes because that's one of my favourite parts of the show, especially Gene.

djchameleon 04-08-2014 11:34 AM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1437049)
That certainly does make it better in my eyes because that's one of my favourite parts of the show, especially Gene.

Gene is your favorite?

I love Tina and the little one. Especially the little one because I love who voices her.

Frownland 04-08-2014 11:38 AM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1437050)
Gene is your favorite?

I love Tina and the little one. Especially the little one because I love who voices her.

The other kids are pretty funny too, but Gene has some real gems from time to time. I thought that Sara Silverman voiced Louise, but it's Kristen Schaal from Flight of the Conchords who I love as well.

djchameleon 04-08-2014 11:41 AM

Yep. Couldn't remember her name but I saw Kristen perform stand up live and I always loved when she would pop on The Daily Show and of course from Flight of the Conchords. They also performed the same night that I saw Kristen.

LoathsomePete 04-08-2014 04:36 PM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1437055)
The other kids are pretty funny too, but Gene has some real gems from time to time. I thought that Sara Silverman voiced Louise, but it's Kristen Schaal from Flight of the Conchords who I love as well.

Sara Silverman and her sister Laura voice Jimmy Pesto's twins, Andy and Ollie. The first season of Bob's Burgers is a little slow, but there are two episodes, "Sheeh, cab Bob?" and "Art Crawl" that really showcased the talent that just pours out in the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th seasons.

Sansa Stark 04-10-2014 04:02 PM,214,317_.jpg

I've rewatched this like a million times but it's still so good
Going back through the last season

I guess I like werewolves???


I meaaaan

Mojo 04-12-2014 04:12 AM


Originally Posted by Astronomer (Post 1436130)

Loving it even though it's a low-budget Australian mini-series because anyone who knows me knows I love anything 60s-related, the soundtrack is ace, and it's based on heartbreakingly true events.

Are you sure? I remember what happened the last time an Aussie told me there was something good on Aussie TV...I watched Kath and Kim. :p:

Astronomer 04-12-2014 04:26 AM


Originally Posted by Mojo (Post 1438899)
Are you sure? I remember what happened the last time an Aussie told me there was something good on Aussie TV...I watched Kath and Kim. :p:

Oh dear god. I wouldn't wish Kath and Kim upon anyone unless they were my mortal enemy.

ETA: Another good Australian drama going around at the moment is Puberty Blues (and those who don't like it still watch it for the graphically uncomfortable sex scenes). Unfortunately YouTube has deleted them all for the sex, nudity, drugs etc. All the good stuff.

Astronomer 04-13-2014 08:07 AM


Sansa Stark 04-13-2014 08:11 AM

Broken link? Excellent show.

debaserr 04-13-2014 08:12 AM

Mad Men tonight!

Mojo 04-13-2014 07:56 PM


Originally Posted by Astronomer (Post 1439333)

Haha yeah the image doesn't show. But it's Archer. I haven't seen it but there's been a few people in here talking about it.

Astronomer 04-13-2014 09:06 PM

Oh damn! The link works for me. But yeah I was talking about Archer :) A friend just introduced it to me, very funny and witty. You should definitely check it out if you get the chance!

Two Spirit 04-13-2014 11:28 PM

I've been watching "House of Cards" with my mother. Pretty addicting show so far.

Carpe Mortem 04-14-2014 04:54 AM

Newest Game of Thrones last night.... GOOD STUFF HAPPENED.

djchameleon 04-14-2014 06:04 AM


Originally Posted by Carpe Mortem (Post 1439637)
Newest Game of Thrones last night.... GOOD STUFF HAPPENED.

Predictable stuff happened.

Or maybe it's just me. I am kind of spoiled without knowing the details so much that I'm not shocked when people are shocked about certain outcomes.

caspere 04-14-2014 07:42 AM

Mostly Family Guy and some swedish TV shows hehe!

Mojo 04-14-2014 08:44 AM


Originally Posted by Carpe Mortem (Post 1439637)
Newest Game of Thrones last night.... GOOD STUFF HAPPENED.

I just can't get excited for the new season for some reason. I've seen enough comments about the new episode though to know I won't be able to avoid spoilers though, so I'm gonna have to get on it pretty quickly.

Thea 04-14-2014 11:55 PM

Game of Thrones (new season!)
How I met your mother (has just finished)
Big Bang Theory
Grey's Anathomy :D

Basit316 04-15-2014 03:47 AM

Cosmos, Black Mirror, Suits and White Collar

Carpe Mortem 04-15-2014 09:18 AM


Originally Posted by Basit316 (Post 1440024)
Cosmos, Black Mirror, Suits and White Collar

I haven't been keeping up on Cosmos, we're never 100% sure when its on! Started off every Sunday on Natgeo but this last Sunday for instance we didn't see it.

FRED HALE SR. 04-15-2014 09:27 AM


Originally Posted by Carpe Mortem (Post 1440088)
I haven't been keeping up on Cosmos, we're never 100% sure when its on! Started off every Sunday on Natgeo but this last Sunday for instance we didn't see it.,d.b2I

Basit316 04-15-2014 09:30 AM


Originally Posted by Carpe Mortem (Post 1440088)
I haven't been keeping up on Cosmos, we're never 100% sure when its on! Started off every Sunday on Natgeo but this last Sunday for instance we didn't see it.

Same here, I torrent it most of the time.

The Batlord 04-15-2014 09:46 AM


Originally Posted by Carpe Mortem (Post 1440088)
I haven't been keeping up on Cosmos, we're never 100% sure when its on! Started off every Sunday on Natgeo but this last Sunday for instance we didn't see it.

It's on Fox at nine pm on Sundays. I've heard people say lukewarm things about Neil DeGrasse Tyson (god I hope I spelled that right), but I dig him. He's serious enough that you're comfortable with him teaching you things, but at the same time he's got this childlike wonder about him that really draws you in.

Carpe Mortem 04-15-2014 09:59 AM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1440108)
It's on Fox at nine pm on Sundays. I've heard people say lukewarm things about Neil DeGrasse Tyson (god I hope I spelled that right), but I dig him. He's serious enough that you're comfortable with him teaching you things, but at the same time he's got this childlike wonder about him that really draws you in.

Yeah I really like him. People just have to accept that he's NOT Carl Sagan, and this is NOT old Cosmos. It's a different kind of charm, more streamlined and professional.

Although I gotta say that sometimes he has an almost mocking voice when he's talking about elementary, basic things. Not only in the show but conferences he's hosted as well. And honestly I can't blame him.

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