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djchameleon 08-21-2017 06:59 AM

Spoiler for Season 7 Episode 6 GoT:
I just want to say that the Arya/Sansa stuff that happened was such bull****. Arya was trained to tell if people are lying and she doesn't believe her sis. They are just forcing tension between them for no reason. Well maybe the reason is to out Littlefinger so that he can get killed off but Littlefinger was always my fave.

Chiomara 08-21-2017 09:08 AM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1866258)
Spoiler for Season 7 Episode 6 GoT:
I just want to say that the Arya/Sansa stuff that happened was such bull****. Arya was trained to tell if people are lying and she doesn't believe her sis. They are just forcing tension between them for no reason. Well maybe the reason is to out Littlefinger so that he can get killed off but Littlefinger was always my fave.

That annoyed me so much. So contrived.
Spoiler for .:
Arya sounded like some anime villain. I'm hoping that they're just pretending in order to fool Littlefinger buuut I don't know. (Also why would Arya leave her faces just lying there in a bag?) They never seem to know what to do with my daughter Sansa's character, and Arya is suddenly extremely one-dimensional. I'm really only watching for my beloved Davos (and Jaime) at this point. Oh, and could the writers be any more obvious about the fact that Jon will probably get Dany pregnant? It's unfortunate that Jon and Dany are played by such mediocre actors; I'm not going to enjoy the inevitable romance that'll happen. It was strange seeing her emote more when lusting after shirtless Jon than when her DRAGON DIED. I've never been overly fond of Dany, though. Maybe it's the actress.

Not sure why they had Sansa send Brienne away (unless she did so to protect Arya in case she actually tried to murder her, but that seems unlikely). I suppose they wanted to force a Brienne/Jaime interaction. I do love both of them though. I also inexplicably love Littlefinger (despite his intense pervy aura) ; I just want him to stay away from Sansa.

Chula Vista 08-21-2017 09:50 AM

The Defenders

Spoiler for Spoiler:
It definitely got so much cooler once they teamed up but it sucked that they made Iron Fist the main focal point of the last few episodes.
And they spent way to much of the story centered around all of the mumbo jumbo spiritual crap that gave him his powers.

LoathsomePete 08-21-2017 12:49 PM

Spoiler for The Defenders:
I binged all 8 episodes on Friday and thinking it over, I've come to the conclusion that the show is more wasted opportunity than bad. It's got some bad moments to it, but it never falls to Iron Fist
levels of bad, but it never really rises to how good these Netflix shows have been. I've broken down my thoughts on the series into what I thought was good, what was bad, and what were some missed opportunities.

The Good:
-The chemistry between Matt and Jessica, and Luke and Danny
-The first 3 episodes where we see where Matt, Jessica, and Luke are at in their lives after their respective series'
-Luke giving Danny a much needed talking to about wealth and privilege
-Matt, Luke, and Jessica giving Danny a much needed beatdown when he acts like a pompous spoiled brat
-The fight choreography for Luke and Jessica, both of whom don't have any martial arts training, so they just toss the bad guys around like ragdolls
-Episode 4 where they all come together

The Bad:
-The 8 episode length. The main thing most critics of the Marvel Netflix shows can agree on is that 13 episodes is too much, but after this,
I think 8 is too few.
-Signourney Weaver's character of Alexandra being told how scary she is (Madame Gao practically cowers in fear around her) yet she never seems to do anything to warrant that kind of reaction
-The Hand foot soldiers. Nowhere near as formidable as they were in DD season 2. Their costuming is beyond weak, it's like the extras just showed up on set with their regular clothing.
-The special effects towards the end of the show. The set with all the dragon bones seriously looked like it belonged on an episode of The Power Rangers
-The martial arts choreography for Daredevil and Iron Fist. It's about on par with Iron Fist season 1, which means no memorable fights like the 2 hallway scenes from DD season 1 and 2
-The cliches, specifically the liar revealed cliche from Matt not letting anyone know that The Black Sky was his ex girlfriend, and when Alexandra told Danny "we're not so different you and I"

The Missed Opportunities:
-Not giving the support characters anything to do. Seriously, they're put together in a room for like 3 episodes, and there's no real bonding between them.
-Jessica not knowing that Luke had gone back to prison. She stalked him for months, so when he popped up in Harlem during his show, there was really no reason for her to not at least be aware of him.
-Not seeing Elektra decimate The Chaste (I'm assuming it was her).
Like with Alexandra, we are told how dangerous The Black Sky is,
yet she doesn't really seem to be any more powerful than any of the boss hand characters.
-No consequences at the end for their actions. I did like how Episode 7 paid lip service to the fact that they are vigilantes and that there are legal consequences for their heroics, so when Luke breaks out of the police station with Jessica and Matt, I figured they'd get in trouble which would be outweighed by the consequences of not taking action. But no, instead we get some bullshit throwaway line about the police not filing any paperwork, so there's no legal tension, making their worries about it pointless.
-No smaller moments that just showed them together getting to know each other. I think Luke and Danny only had the one scene where Luke was watching guard, and then Matt and Jessica after they find the plans to Midland Circle in the piano.

There's probably more, but those were the most egregious examples that I could think of as I was watching the show. Even though I'm a little disappointed by the crossover, I'm still going to continue to watch their solo adventures, unless they are as bad as Iron Fist season 1 or the latter half of Luke Cage. I guess that's the power of the Marvel juggernaut machine, even if something is disappointing, there's always 2-3 other things on horizon to look forward to.

Chula Vista 08-21-2017 11:30 PM


Originally Posted by Goofle (Post 1866171)
Really enjoying Ozark. Well rounded show. Funny, serious, smart and I don't know what's going to happen next. Jason Bateman is great in a role I would never have expected him in.

Just watched the first episode. Went in completely blind not knowing anything about it. Whoa! Some pretty heavy ****. Nothing funny so far though. Bateman is great. Always liked Laura Linney too.

Show's got a bit of a Breaking Bad vibe to it.

What's the name of the song that closes the first episode? Sounds like Radiohead.

FaSho 08-22-2017 07:09 AM

It's 'decks dark' by radiohead

I'm about halfway through the season and enjoying it so far - could definitely see it being the next big thing in the mad men/breaking bad/house of cards vein

Goofle 08-22-2017 07:18 AM

I mean it's not a hilarious show, but I think they cut the seriousness with enough humor.

Chula Vista 08-22-2017 09:12 AM


Originally Posted by Goofle (Post 1866510)
I mean it's not a hilarious show, but I think they cut the seriousness with enough humor.

Some dry humor starting creeping in in episode 2.

Had to look up whether the whole "more coastline than California" thing is true. California coastline = 840 miles. Lake of the Ozark coastline = 1150 miles.


debaserr 08-22-2017 11:51 AM


Originally Posted by FaSho (Post 1866507)
could definitely see it being the next big thing in the mad men/breaking bad/house of cards vein

one of these shows is not like the others

Trollheart 08-23-2017 08:34 PM


Originally Posted by Trollheart (Post 1863375)

Anyone watching this? Wondering if it's any good: certainly has a good premise but I wonder if it's worth trying?

As nobody answered: started this tonight. It's Israeli (I think) made, so subtitles which is fine, but unf nobody seems to have given any thought as to how those subtitles should appear. It's just white letters superimposed over the screen, with the result that when the action moves say towards a white wall, or, as in the opening sequences, most of the lower part of the screen is covered by a "breaking news" channel ident, half the text can't be read, which is very annoying. I wish whoever does these things would consider how people are supposed to read the damn subtitles!

That said, so far it's okay, but I've only seen one episode. Think it could be quite good. Interesting to see a foreign programme on Fox. I think it's the first subtitled one I've seen there.

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