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No, I see genuine compassion and passion there in Dr.Phil. He has never implied he is a doctor and as for the fix in forty claim... he gives them continued help after the show.
I think a lawyer would disagree. :laughing:
DOCTOR Phil has never implied that he is a doctor?
I am missing something here, arent I? |
Oh, haha TOOK AWHILE... mannn.... :laughing: I haven't been sleeping very well!
He actually is a doctor tho
I thought he allowed his license to expire or something though, making him technically Notadoctor Phil.
Doctor of Philosophy in clinical psychology in 1979 at the University of North Texas
Been watching season 8 of Dexter, and so far its been pretty good but very slow going. You can tell it's definitely building up to something huge I'm just waiting for everything to blow up.
Spoiler for spoilers derp:
I did not watch any TV shows from Youtube yesterday. |
My mum and I are working our way through Being Human (the original) I've seen it before but it's always worth it for this:
http://25.media.tumblr.com/fdfcb2a4b...1o2_r1_250.gif unfffff! |
Dr. Who (the re-boot, that started in 05) i'm almost done with season 3
Daria. Hated the show as a kid, now it's probably in my top-5.
Venture Bros is amazing thank you for the rec.
I'm rewatching Breaking Bad, I forgot how much I love Gus. |
I started watching Star Trek: The Next Generation because I feel I've had my fill of Red Dwarf for a while, but still want a sci-fi show about space exploration.
I actually never watched or got into Star Trek as a franchise. My mum use to watch Star Trek: Voyager and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine when I was a kid but I never liked them the same way I liked the other shows I watched with her (The X-Files, Red Dwarf, The Outer Limits, etc.) The shows were just a little too mature for most children to get behind, I mean there was some action, but it wasn't the same as Star Wars, and while I can admit to not "getting" the ideas behind the other shows we watched, they at least had some appeal to me. Anyways TNG is on Netflix so I figured I'd try to get through the first season and see if it's a show that's worth investing more time into and honestly I think I can finish the series by the end of 2013. |
I've recently gotten into The Wire. I'm on episode 9 of season 1, its interesting to see Michael B. Jordan in an early role. He was great in Chronicle which came out recently.
Been watching Simon Schama - A History of Britain on YouTube. Don't know how long they will be there or if they'll get pulled but the full episodes are there for the moment at least.
Can see where Game of Thrones got their inspiration. |
For anyone who has never seen The Wire I've been watching the first season and its pretty thrilling stuff.
Been getting up to speed with the last two seasons of The Office. Season eight is weaker without Carell but I still think theres enough here. I love the US Office and what they did with it. It isn't true to the original in most ways, and it stands on its own as a great show. |
I'm not a fan of that artwork.
Starburns is back.
Is that the show that's going to be on Fox's new Saturday night cartoon line-up thing that I hear them promoting?
I think I just about agree with that.
I think theres an argument to be made that they took everything that was good about the UK Office and just...Americanised it. Exaggerated it, made it bigger, much, much bigger. David Brent was the centre of the original show. I just don't think the show would have worked without him. He was vital and the heart of everything else that was going on around him. He was also hilarious. Michael Scott was very funny too but where Brents behaviour allowed Tim and Gareth to behave the way they behaved, which was a huge and funny part of the show, Michael Scotts behaviour allowed Jim and Dwight to do the same - and they became a bigger part of the show as a result. The show can stand on its own with those two, and a supporting cast. I think I can compare the original cast with their equivalent and counterpart in the US and check the UK boxes all the way, in regards to which character I prefer. As I say, I do prefer the original. However Dwight is my exception. I thought Gareth was hilarious but Dwight is a sitcom of all his own. And despite the focus I have just put on comparing the two here, I do love the fact that I dont have to do that with this show. I dont have to compare them. They are two completely different shows and are both very good. |
Finally getting into Doctor Who. I decided to start with the 10th doctor :)
http://i208.photobucket.com/albums/b...WhoSeries2.png |
BOOBIES! Well there's more to it than that, but for the most part... BOOBIES! I've never really been all that interested in middle ages history so it can be a little hard to feel attached to it the same way I did with other historical dramas like Rome or Deadwood, but there's some good acting and compelling narrative. Sam Neil in particular as Cardinal Wosley; he's a devious bastard. A friend of mine really likes this show so it gives us some talking points. |
Never, ever gets old. One of those rare timeless comedies. If anything, it gets better. The sarcasm of Basil Fawlty is simply outstanding. Mrs. Richards: And another thing. I asked for a room with a view. Basil Fawlty: [to Manuel then back to Mrs. Richard] Deaf, mad AND blind. Uh, this is the view as far as I can remember, madam. Yes. Yes, this is it. Mrs. Richards: When I pay for a view, I expect something more interesting than that. Basil Fawlty: [going to window, indicating] Well, that is Torquay, ma'am. Mrs. Richards: Well, it's not good enough. Basil Fawlty: Well, may I ask what you were expecting to see out of a Torquay hotel bedroom window? Sydney Opera House, perhaps? The Hanging Gardens of Babylon? Herds of wildebeasts swinging majestically... Mrs. Richards: Don't be silly. I expect to be able to see the sea. Basil Fawlty: You CAN see the sea. It's over there, between the land and the sky. Mrs. Richards: I'd need a telescope to see that! Basil Fawlty: Well, may I suggest that you move to a hotel closer to the sea... Basil Fawlty: [sotto] ... or preferably in it? |
I started breaking bad again after I had only watched S1. I've now just finished season 4 and my god, I'm like one of the meth customers. I actually had to limit myself to 5 episodes a day because I was staying up late and watching 8 or 9 haha! Going to power through the first half of season 5 right in time for the second half being broadcast! :) yeyyy.
You've still got about two weeks, so plenty of time!
I watched the first four seasons in a very short space of time as well. It wasn't quite an addiction like 24 was an addiction, where I was putting an episode on around 10pm before "going to bed" and then the next thing I knew it was 7am, but it was still heavy. |
Hahaha tell me about it, it was actually taking over my life. I was watching too quickly as well because the episodes all started to merge into one and couldn't differentiate which was which.
http://31.media.tumblr.com/f2c56b1c8...r9c4o1_500.gif |
It's soo goood
I'm rewatching it rn |
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