djchameleon |
09-21-2016 04:48 PM |
Originally Posted by Qwertyy
(Post 1747204)
Season 1 is one of the best seasons of a horror show I've ever seen. Season 2 was a little bit of a step down from there. Season 3 was trash and lacked the atmosphere that the first two seasons had, not to mention the fact that they sacrificed making a genuinely good show in order to do some weird female empowerment thing, while still type casting the fat black girl.
I couldn't get through season 4, and so I've stopped watching the show entirely now.
Season 3 was trash? what really? it was so awesome. I think it's maybe because I love Wicca and witches so it was pretty great to me. What's wrong with having a female empowerment story anyways? You should watch Hotel at the very least and My Roanke Nightmare except for the first episode was super boring but what's going to be happening this season looks pretty decent.
Originally Posted by duga
(Post 1747293)
You didn't like Coven? It was the only story outside of the first one that had enough meat to justify an entire season. Every AHS season starts great, but most of them end up degenerating into some stupid bull**** just because they need to fill out the episodes.
For me, its House > Coven > Freak Show > Hotel > Asylum. I've only finished House and Coven...I gave up halfway through the other seasons.
With AHS being an anthology series, fans are so split on what they consider their favorites.
I loved House, Coven and thought Asylum as a step back but loved the last episode of it. Freak Show I finally made it all the way through and I'm not sure how I feel about the conclusion of it. It was alright I guess. The first time around I just stopped watching it midway through.
Hotel I stopped in the middle somewhere as well. I need to watch it just to see how it gets wrapped up and resolved. It was certainly better than Freakshow imo though.
House > Coven > Hotel > Asylum > Freakshow