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14232949 10-16-2012 07:37 AM


Originally Posted by Trollheart (Post 1240872)
Don't tell me the end don't tell me the end!!! (covering ears)
Yeah, I watched the first two episodes then noticed that the last one had not been recorded! Thought I'd missed it but now I see it was just delayed, probably due to what you said above. Now I have the last two to watch.

To be honest, I thought it was ok but in terms of being something different I kind of didn't really see it. It got a little predictable near the end of the second ep and I kind of thought so what? Maybe it gets better in the second half, I'll be watching it soon and will let you know.

I did think the casting was a little off: I thought Rob Jarvis was playing both the parts of the CID guy and the scumbag criminal: don't you think they look a bit similar? So I couldn't believe it when he turned up as the CID officer and thought "that's a twist". But it wasn't, just coincidence.

Meh. So far. If you want to see a really good cop drama I'd recommend the first two Rebus stories, "Messiah" and "Messiah II" (there were two more but it got a bit silly after those) and also "Red Riding", seriously one of the most disturbing dramas I've ever watched.

Perhaps I had a lower expectations of crime dramas going in, after having seen some truly terrible series's.

I did enjoy Good Cop though, the lead role was played well and the story was layered and consistent in turning Rocksavage from another 'good cop' into a desperate and erratic criminal, like the ones he sees every day on the job.

Robert Jarvis does look a little like Stephen Graham maybe 10 years ago or so.
I wish they'd kept Graham's character alive longer, he's one of the most believable scummy bad guy actors out there. He's sometimes miscast, but in that role he's one of the best.

I've heard of Rebus, will get round to watching them. I'm quite into crime fiction also if you have any novels you would recommend.

Goofle 10-16-2012 08:28 AM

Work in progress.

Trollheart 10-16-2012 08:31 AM

I think Stephen Graham's best role was as Al Capone in "Boardwalk empire", and yes, he is one hell of a bad guy. I was disappointed he was killed off so quickly, though the surprise he must have felt: "You dont have the balls, boy --- ARRRGHH! Guess you do!" :)

I know what you mean about Rocksavage's character, but I kind of expected more. Sure, good intentions lead to bad actions, but we all know that. I thought maybe (and of course I haven't seen the end yet) he might be forced into some decision, maybe to do with his girlfriend, I don't know, choose good over evil, if you can imagine such an outdated concept?

The killing of his mate was shocking and a good twist, the catalyst to set Rocksavage on his way to "the dark side", but in fairness, originally he had no choice: it's not like Graham offered to surrender and he just cut him down. It was kill or be killed. I liked the way the other "funny tough guy" became such a wimp as he realised he was going to be killed, but unless I'm very wrong it's easy to guess where this is all going to end.

Sorry but I don't read crime fiction, so can't help you out there. As for drama, well, I always found "Taggart" (the originals) gritty and realistic, and the first season of "Dark blue" was really, er, dark, though it got a bit more fluffy when Tricia Helfer joined. I do like her, but the "grey area" they were working in became more defined in season 2 and the whole thing took on a lighter tone, which sort of ruined it for me. Another good one is "Underbelly", an Australian crime drama based on true events which took place in Melbourne in the 80s.

Trollheart 10-16-2012 05:09 PM

Why? It finished, didn't it? What's left to clear up? Didn't watch it but heard enough about it to conclude the story was wrapped up as best it could be, no?

Goofle 10-16-2012 05:12 PM

Terrible ending on mine.

FRED HALE SR. 10-16-2012 05:13 PM


Originally Posted by Goofle11 (Post 1241067)
Terrible ending on mine.

Terrible last two seasons.

Rjinn 10-16-2012 05:20 PM

I watched several episodes of Lost and found them so boring. Didn't get the appeal at all...

Trollheart 10-16-2012 07:05 PM

Yeah I know, as I say I never watched it. Got the idea it was a bad ending, but even at that, not like it was left open for a sequel, so why bring it back? Unless he/she means "reimagine" it, which I doubt is called for? It's like saying "Bring back Life on Mars", isn't it? Not the greatest of endings but it definitely ended: there ain't no more.

ThePhanastasio 10-16-2012 10:55 PM


Originally Posted by Rjinn (Post 1241073)
I watched several episodes of Lost and found them so boring. Didn't get the appeal at all...

I watched quite a lot of the first season, missed a lot, then tried to come back in the third or so - I was so "Lost" that I couldn't even figure out what was going on, pardon the pun. I'm going to go back and watch it, but I can think of lots of shows that grabbed me more than this one did from the get-go.

If you want something for a bizarre and secluded setting that's character driven with some weirdness, definitely check out "Twin Peaks."

IMO, way more cerebral, bizarre, and interesting.

Frownland 10-16-2012 10:57 PM


Originally Posted by ThePhanastasio (Post 1241137)
I watched quite a lot of the first season, missed a lot, then tried to come back in the third or so - I was so "Lost" that I couldn't even figure out what was going on, pardon the pun. I'm going to go back and watch it, but I can think of lots of shows that grabbed me more than this one did from the get-go.

If you want something for a bizarre and secluded setting that's character driven with some weirdness, definitely check out "Twin Peaks."

IMO, way more cerebral, bizarre, and interesting.

It's also the one of the greatest television shows ever made, so it has that going for it.

ThePhanastasio 10-16-2012 11:29 PM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1241139)
It's also the one of the greatest television shows ever made, so it has that going for it.

As far as "dramas" Twin Peaks is tops for me. But I also have Arrested Development, Dead Like Me, Reaper, and Doctor Who on my list for top shows of any genre.

And for dramas, Boardwalk Empire and Breaking Bad are kind of the man.

DLM is kinda a dramedy, and Doctor Who is sci-fi, but yeah.

The Batlord 10-17-2012 09:35 AM


Originally Posted by Goofle11 (Post 1241067)
Terrible ending on mine.

Lost was okay for a few episodes, but the horrible acting just made it unwatchable for me. And after it just went on and on, I lost interest in even finding out what happened. There is no way on god's green earth that any mystery is worth waiting ten seasons for.

LoathsomePete 10-17-2012 10:05 AM


Originally Posted by Rjinn (Post 1241073)
I watched several episodes of Lost and found them so boring. Didn't get the appeal at all...

I started watching the show around the mid-point of season 2 and had to be brought up to speed. It was enjoyable even if the season finale totally confused the shit out of me, but I was still hopeful that season 3 would explain some more things. That didn't happen, and after raising more questions than answering, then disappearing for 8 weeks or so I decided that it wasn't worth it and haven't looked back on it ever since.

Network tv can eat my dick.

Trollheart 10-18-2012 07:25 PM

Have started working my way through my episodes of "The Newsroom". Only up to second ep but I have to admit so far I'm a little underwhelmed. I was expecting "Studio 60" if not quite "The West Wing", but this hasn't really grabbed me so far. Anyone watched it feel that way, and if you've watched it all the way to the end is it worth persevering with, or will this be the first Sorkin drama I end up not liking?

LoathsomePete 10-18-2012 08:23 PM

From what I've heard the reviews have been pretty mixed, I'm not even sure if it's been picked up for a second season. I was definitely intrigued when I was watching the trailer every time I watched Game of Thrones, but I never actually sat down and watched it. Maybe if the DVD release is cheap or it shows up on Netflix I'll give it a go, but for right now I'm just not going to bother.

As far as my viewing habits, I think I'm going to plow through the first and second season of Homicide: Life on the Streets. I picked it up yesterday for $18 so I'm pretty stocked considering I've only read about it. I'm not the biggest fan of network tv procedurals, but apparently the writers really went out of their way to demystify the noble detective and portray them in a more realistic light in regards to their views on violence and their victims.

Rjinn 10-20-2012 05:06 AM


Originally Posted by ThePhanastasio (Post 1241137)
I watched quite a lot of the first season, missed a lot, then tried to come back in the third or so - I was so "Lost" that I couldn't even figure out what was going on, pardon the pun. I'm going to go back and watch it, but I can think of lots of shows that grabbed me more than this one did from the get-go.

If you want something for a bizarre and secluded setting that's character driven with some weirdness, definitely check out "Twin Peaks."

IMO, way more cerebral, bizarre, and interesting.

I've heard the name "Twin Peaks" being thrown around here and there. Didn't realise it was a tv show. Sounds like some interesting mystery and seems to be more appealing than Lost. Thanks I'll check it out.

I'll try watch the whole 1st season of Lost and give it another chance....

Rock N' Roll Clown 10-22-2012 12:19 PM

I started following this new series "REVOLUTION" from the creators of Supernatural. It's a good mystery-sci-fi production with a lot of good actors. It's like the continue of Fight Club when after the explosion everybody is back to 0. Has anybody watched it and what do you think of it.

Sparky 10-22-2012 01:52 PM
super sick anime. Very vague and the story barely holds together but there's lots of laughs and cool action.,214,317_.jpg
man this show is just so real. Sometimes they try to squeeze in dismantling of every racial stereotype it almost feels contrived but the its a super sick show

Mojo 10-22-2012 03:43 PM

I cannot wait for Derren Browns new show, which is a two part show that starts on Friday.

For those who don't know Derren Brown is an illusionist/mentalist who started off with a mind control and magic type show set on the streets with unsuspecting audiences. In recent years his shows have become much bigger and more controversial. He has manipulated people into doing things they believe they are doing for real, such as shoot and kill Stephen Fry, commit armed robbery, land a packed passenger plane and confess to a murder they never commited. He also done a series of live shows where he has predicted the National Lottery, held an obviously fake seance and played Russian Roulette where, infront of live cameras, has pulled the trigger of a gun aimed at his own temple.

His new show sounds like a simply staggering, ambitious attempt where he takes a man who has previously volunteered to be used in a future show of his, whom he describes as having a "lazy sense of entitlement" and aims to give him what he calls a "second chance" making him believe the world has ended.

There has been apparently months of preparation, including casting over a hundred actors, for a weekends worth of filming where, due to things like convincing legitimate news reporters to film stories and reports exclusively for the subjects benefit, and a genuine meteor shower that happened in August to firstly plant the seed that the end of the world could really be a possibility and then when he goes to sleep he wakes up two weeks later in the middle of an "actual" apocalypse.

His repertoire of psychological experiments and stunts includes everything from performing Russian roulette live on TV to successfully predicting the National Lottery. But as his projects get bigger and bolder, so does the role played by those taking part.

His next venture is a case in point. He begins a new series of specials with a two-part show, which is a journey into a living nightmare, where the planet has been devastated by a catastrophic meteorite strike, zombies roam the wasteland and he is one of a handful of survivors.

He said: “The show is about taking somebody who basically takes his life for granted, and suffers from that lazy sense of entitlement that many of us do, and giving him a second chance at discovering the value of what he has. So what we do is end the world for him.

“It’s over two episodes, which I’ve never done before. The first part is getting him to believe that this is going to happen, that the world is going to end, or at least has a chance of ending.

“It was based on a seed of truth, because there was a meteor shower around August, so we just used the idea that this shower was masking a much bigger potential collision.

“The end of the world happens. And he wakes seemingly two weeks later in an abandoned military hospital, in a post-apocalyptic world, and goes through a meticulously-crafted horror movie plot. The point of the plot, aside from being exciting to watch, is that it takes him through various lessons that are going to be useful for him, in terms of teaching him things that he needs to know. Are his family still alive? Is he going to get back to them?”

It’s a jaw-dropping concept that involved months of planning, hacking into his phone, controlling his Twitter and news feeds, having TV and radio presenters record special versions of their programmes just for him, and more than 100 actors.

The Batlord 10-23-2012 10:01 AM


Originally Posted by Rock N' Roll Clown (Post 1242951)
I started following this new series "REVOLUTION" from the creators of Supernatural. It's a good mystery-sci-fi production with a lot of good actors. It's like the continue of Fight Club when after the explosion everybody is back to 0. Has anybody watched it and what do you think of it.

I watched two episodes of it, then went back to watching Castle (Nathan Fillion is like my crack). The idea of the show was cool, one of the villains (the guy who kidnapped the brother) was pretty epic, the settings were excellently done (I particularly loved it when they came upon a playground in the middle of a forest), but I just didn't give any kind of a **** about the characters. I can't watch a show with characters that I don't feel anything towards.

Trollheart 10-23-2012 05:16 PM

OK, I just got through season 1 of "The Newsroom" and while it wasn't as immediately addictive as TWW or S60, I did end up liking it. However, some of the characters are REALLY annoying: like why does he have to have an irritatingly English Exec who seems off her head most of the time, talking to herself? Yeah, Aaron, the English are known for being eccentric, BUT NOT ALL OF THEM! Talk about stereotyping! And does the other main female character have to be both ditzy as in unable to hold a relationship together while still pin-sharp at her job? I mean, are these real people??

Did like his idea of making the main character a Republican though, and I think for the most part it worked.

Hoping it gets renewed now (seal of doom once I say that!)...

debaserr 10-23-2012 06:12 PM

It was renewed for a second season a long time ago.

NSW 10-23-2012 06:48 PM

Been watching The League on Netflix, which has the first three seasons. Basically, it's a show about these guys whose lives revolve around fantasy football. Seasons 1 and 2 were definitely the best, and hopefully season 4 (which I hear is showing right now on FX) is alot better than season 3. But for the most part, I find this show pretty flipping hilarious. The sex jokes get a little old sometimes, but those moments when they have that awkward, what-did-you-just-say humor, I can help but laugh and cringe. Taco and Ruxin are my faves. I just feel bad for poor, hopeless Andre.

Trollheart 10-23-2012 07:17 PM


Originally Posted by eric generic (Post 1243514)
It was renewed for a second season a long time ago.

I wasn't sure, as it's shown on as "on hiatus": usually when it's been renewed they call it a "returning series". But great news if that's the case. Thanks!

LoathsomePete 10-23-2012 10:33 PM


Originally Posted by nonsubmissivewife (Post 1243518)

Been watching The League on Netflix, which has the first three seasons. Basically, it's a show about these guys whose lives revolve around fantasy football. Seasons 1 and 2 were definitely the best, and hopefully season 4 (which I hear is showing right now on FX) is alot better than season 3. But for the most part, I find this show pretty flipping hilarious. The sex jokes get a little old sometimes, but those moments when they have that awkward, what-did-you-just-say humor, I can help but laugh and cringe. Taco and Ruxin are my faves. I just feel bad for poor, hopeless Andre.

I've been wanting to get into this show for awhile, Jon LaJoie (the actor who plays Taco) is really funny. I saw him 4 years ago in Vancouver at a nightclub and it was one of the best shows I ever went to, mostly because a lot of the people who were there weren't there to see him, they just didn't feel like waiting till his show was over, so they had no idea what to expect.

Rock N' Roll Clown 10-24-2012 07:03 AM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1243375)
I watched two episodes of it, then went back to watching Castle (Nathan Fillion is like my crack). The idea of the show was cool, one of the villains (the guy who kidnapped the brother) was pretty epic, the settings were excellently done (I particularly loved it when they came upon a playground in the middle of a forest), but I just didn't give any kind of a **** about the characters. I can't watch a show with characters that I don't feel anything towards.

I like the show just because of the characters (especially capt. Neville, I love Giancarlo Esposito). I think you can't feel anything about a character from first or second episode. Thats why they are showing us more action scenes.
Later in the show there are flashbacks which show character's minds and important events from their lifes and it's vety interesting how everyone has become who he is (especially Miles).

The Batlord 10-24-2012 10:17 AM


Originally Posted by Rock N' Roll Clown (Post 1243649)
I like the show just because of the characters (especially capt. Neville, I love Giancarlo Esposito). I think you can't feel anything about a character from first or second episode. Thats why they are showing us more action scenes.
Later in the show there are flashbacks which show character's minds and important events from their lifes and it's vety interesting how everyone has become who he is (especially Miles).

I'm not saying I didn't like it, it just wasn't as good as I'd hoped. And it certainly isn't good enough to make me stop watching Castle. I've said it before and I'll say it again, Nathan Fillion is one of the most delightful actors of all time. He may not be a particularly good actor, but I just love him.

Rjinn 10-24-2012 01:52 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1243697)
I'm not saying I didn't like it, it just wasn't as good as I'd hoped. And it certainly isn't good enough to make me stop watching Castle. I've said it before and I'll say it again, Nathan Fillion is one of the most delightful actors of all time. He may not be a particularly good actor, but I just love him.

Nathan Fillion is awesome. I prefer him in Firefly though, however short-lived. Such an eccentric character.

Rock N' Roll Clown 10-25-2012 08:00 AM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1243697)
I'm not saying I didn't like it, it just wasn't as good as I'd hoped. And it certainly isn't good enough to make me stop watching Castle. I've said it before and I'll say it again, Nathan Fillion is one of the most delightful actors of all time. He may not be a particularly good actor, but I just love him.

Yes, it's actually a little overrated I think, but I'll continue follow it, because it's getting more and more interesting. I haven't watched Castle, though

The Batlord 10-25-2012 09:40 AM


Originally Posted by Rjinn (Post 1243756)
Nathan Fillion is awesome. I prefer him in Firefly though, however short-lived. Such an eccentric character.

Well, obviously, but Castle is still a perfectly good show. I generally despise police procedurals, but this show doesn't take itself seriously, and focuses on tongue-in-cheek humor and likable characters rather than the cliched police cases.

Janszoon 10-25-2012 03:15 PM


Originally Posted by RitchieMusic (Post 1244149)
Im watching Arrow its a bad rip off of Batman and really not that great but im enjoying it!!

Isn't it based on Green Arrow?

Rjinn 10-25-2012 07:55 PM

Watching Six Feet Under s1. The story is starting to grow on me. I like the character developments, just can't tell what to think of them. The concept of the funeral home is quite interesting and unusual, especially how they introduce each case in each episode. Hope it continues to become a little more interesting.

debaserr 10-25-2012 08:43 PM

That show is awesome but a huge downer.

Rjinn 10-25-2012 09:20 PM

How does that work? You mean the theme?

Mojo 10-25-2012 10:27 PM

Probably means it's very dark and morbid, but it is fantastic. It's one of my favourite shows.

anticipation 10-25-2012 11:59 PM

y'all mother****ers ain't ready.

Sansa Stark 10-26-2012 12:06 AM

you watch Downton.....?


debaserr 10-26-2012 12:16 AM

Gonna watch S3 of Community with the commentary tracks, hopefully it's good.

Goofle 10-26-2012 02:41 AM


Originally Posted by eric generic (Post 1244303)
Gonna watch S3 of Community with the commentary tracks, hopefully it's good.

The commentaries are great on S1 and S2. Gotta get that S3 swag myself.

Trollheart 10-26-2012 04:17 AM

Anyone watch "Picker Sisters"? It's smart, funny, informative and fun --- all right all right! I only watch it for the hot girls! Do ya blame me though?

Edit: Damn! Just saw it's cancelled! Oh well, the network execs strike again! :(

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