Originally Posted by The Batlord
(Post 1573439)
It's one of those shows that I know I'm gonna end up watching at some point, but I can only watch so many cop shows at one time. I know The Wire is supposed to be as much a cop show as Watchmen is a superhero comic, but I'm in need of something preferably not crime-related. After I make my way through the last few seasons of Weeds I'm probably gonna be dramedy-ied out, so perhaps something head****y and dark. Might finally watch Twin Peaks, but I'm gonna need something else afterwards, since that's only two seasons long.
Maybe I'll rewatch X-Files or something. Haven't seen an episode since it went off the air. I guess I could always give Fringe another shot. I stopped watching after a few episodes once I got tired of watching what I saw an X-Files clone with boring explanations for all the weird **** that was going on. I hear it was supposed to get a lot better and weirder later on. Dude, maybe old episodes of The Outer Limits. That show was a pretty sweet modernization of The Twilight Zone that didn't get nearly enough credit.
Just wish I wasn't mostly caught up with Game of Thrones. I know there are new episodes, but I'd rather binge on a whole season. Maybe rewatch the first season of Rome and then finish the series.
Go and watch The Wire. Seriously. Do it. It's an order.
I only saw it recently and .. well, it's one of those things you cannot unsee - it wil f*ck up all other cop shows for you. It's that god damned good. And it has really great music too! Also if it's a cop show, it's also a drug dealer show, corrupt politician show, journalism show and teacher/school show. Oh, and an workers union show. Multiple points of view are shown and there are very few good guys - but you can find them on all sides.
Don't watch the X files. I tried that - and the only thing I got was my nostalgia fueled memories burning to the ground. There are some shows that can withstand the "test of time", things like the A team that was pure cheese from the start and you don't mind how goofy it is ... well, not that much anyway. But the X files ... re watching several episodes from season 1 just made me sad :(