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The Batlord 07-11-2012 09:44 AM


Originally Posted by Geekoid (Post 1207478)
From my perspective, Seinfeld is great. Probably the only sitcom I can watch every episode of, and the standard I hold all other sitcoms to.

Seinfeld is certainly great, but Married with Children was, hands down, the greatest sitcom ever. It took everything The Cosby Show did and turned it upside down. If your family is seriously dysfunctional, that show is god.


Originally Posted by Goofle11 (Post 1207587)
Wow, the acting in 30 Rock is bad? If there's one ares of that show which is done right its the acting. Even Tracy Morgan manages to be convincing, at least to me.

It's not so much that the acting is bad, it's just that the style of the acting just completely turns me off. Trying to sound ridiculous while at the same time trying to sound serious but keeping it ironic at the same time (or whatever it is they do) just makes me want to repeatedly beat everyone in the show's head against the sidewalk. Of course, I've also despised anything Tina Fey has been in since she first appeared on SNL. Ditto Jimmy Fallon.

Paedantic Basterd 07-11-2012 09:45 AM

Aww, trying to sound ridiculous while remaining serious is how I approach life. :(

The Batlord 07-11-2012 09:47 AM


Originally Posted by Pedestrian (Post 1207634)
Aww, trying to sound ridiculous while remaining serious is how I approach life. :(

But I assume that you sound like a person. Nobody on 30 Rock does.

Janszoon 07-11-2012 10:06 AM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1207637)
But I assume that you sound like a person. Nobody on 30 Rock does.

I would say they sound about as much like people as the characters on Married with Children do.

The Batlord 07-11-2012 10:24 AM


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 1207639)
I would say they sound about as much like people as the characters on Married with Children do.

But the characters on Married with Children aren't trying to sound so desperately ironic. Always trying to sound so obviously ironic just makes Tina Fey and Tracy Morgan just seem like actors dryly reading lines as if they're too self conscious to actually try to bring any actual personality to their character.

Janszoon 07-11-2012 10:30 AM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1207643)
But the characters on Married with Children aren't trying to sound so desperately ironic. Always trying to sound so obviously ironic just makes Tina Fey and Tracy Morgan just seem like actors dryly reading lines as if they're too self conscious to actually try to bring any actual personality to their character.

I guess I don't see the actors on 30 Rock as trying to sound obviously ironic. It's actually pretty hard for me to imagine how anyone could describe Tracy Morgan as "dryly reading lines". If anything his performance is kind of over the top.

The Batlord 07-11-2012 10:47 AM


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 1207644)
It's actually pretty hard for me to imagine how anyone could describe Tracy Morgan as "dryly reading lines". If anything his performance is kind of over the top.

But he tries too damn hard to be over the top that he just comes off as some guy trying to be over the top. Which is very dry and boring to me.

FRED HALE SR. 07-11-2012 11:08 AM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1207647)
But he tries too damn hard to be over the top that he just comes off as some guy trying to be over the top. Which is very dry and boring to me.

I think Tracy Morgan is the best part of 30 rock. I find his character hilarious. I also love married and seinfeld. Comedy covers a pretty broad spectrum.

Janszoon 07-11-2012 11:11 AM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1207647)
But he tries too damn hard to be over the top that he just comes off as some guy trying to be over the top. Which is very dry and boring to me.

But aren't "over the top" and "dry" kind of opposite concepts? I'm confused how he can be both.

The Batlord 07-11-2012 11:14 AM


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 1207651)
But aren't "over the top" and "dry" kind of opposite concepts? I'm confused how he can be both.

He's just so obvious and calculating about being over the top that it takes all the ridiculousness out of his performance and it becomes dry and lame. Like the circle of life. I don't know how to explain it any better. Not being condescending, if I just sound confusing, I really don't know how to put it any better than that.

Goofle 07-11-2012 12:41 PM

Let's just accept that Community is way better in all areas.

Janszoon 07-11-2012 12:50 PM


Originally Posted by Goofle11 (Post 1207671)
Let's just accept that Community is way better in all areas.

I'd accept that, but for the fact that it isn't true.

debaserr 07-11-2012 01:44 PM

Workaholics is a guilty pleasure.

anticipation 07-11-2012 02:26 PM


Originally Posted by eric generic (Post 1207684)
Workaholics is a guilty pleasure.


debaserr 07-11-2012 02:48 PM

This weeks one was awesome.

Goofle 07-11-2012 03:33 PM

Half way through season 2 personally.

Limetless 07-17-2012 07:58 PM

Catching up on Sons of Anarchy.

And now I'm going to go form a biker club and look for my hot doctor girlfriend.

LoathsomePete 07-19-2012 11:50 AM

Just out of curiosity has anyone else seen this show? It had a very brief run on MTV back in like... 2001 during the summer. I've never seen it on any channel since down in the U.S. but the show was incredibly popular in Canada on Teletoon's late-night "Detour" program, showing the same 13 episodes again and again, year after year. Seriously I have probably seen this entire series at least a dozen times just by watching the Detour when I was a teenager. Recently found a DVD copy at a used record store the other day and watched it over the last few nights, and given my current age as somewhat close to the characters of the show (I'm a little older), I'm absolutely amazed at how spot-on the depiciton of college life is in this show.

Here's just a list of some of the parallels I've been able to draw between my life and the episodes of the show.

Getting together with friends to play the board game RISK despite the fact that it takes all goddamn night, one person gets frustrated and flips the board, but we all agree to play again at some other designated time.

Trying to balance one's life with the new friends you meet at college with the old friends you still have from high school.

Underage drinking in bars

Getting a credit card which your friends then milk you mercilessly for as well as having to get a job to pay off the credit card while your friends lounge around and somehow still have more money than you.

Feeling embarrassed by your Freshman 15 and try to desperately get into shape for some stupid tradition involving nudity.

I mean these are pretty broad archetypes that most college students can relate to, but it's always nice when the writing actually truthfully reflects its subject rather than what the adults think they know about the subject. If you're of the college age, or still have fond memories of it, you'll defintely want to check out this show.

Key 07-19-2012 01:09 PM

I'm halfway through Season 4 since it was put on Netflix a few days ago.

Trollheart 07-19-2012 07:12 PM

Buried into "Homeland" now, since I finally decided to start watching the eps I had recorded. Love Damian Lewis (he was great in "Life") and Morena Baccarin, well, good to see her not as a baddy. Good storyline, twists and turns, dead ends and wrongfooting: just like "24", though less violent. And better.

Trollheart 07-19-2012 07:16 PM


Originally Posted by anticipation (Post 1207278)
I mean that's not really an opinion. It's corny, two-bit comedy that relies on the "quirky, alternative attractiveness" and huge breasts of the title character. It's trash. American comedies that are actually funny = Eastbound & Down, Louie, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Arrested Development, and It's Always Sunny.

Every one of which I hate. You can't say it's not opinion: it is. Just cos you don't like, say, "Frasier" or "Scrubs" or god knows what all, doesn't make it unfunny. Just to you. Therefore, it IS an opinion, as no-one has a god-given right to say what is funny and what isn't.

Except "Friends". That's trash.

Trollheart 07-19-2012 07:21 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1207633)
Seinfeld is certainly great, but Married with Children was, hands down, the greatest sitcom ever. It took everything The Cosby Show did and turned it upside down. If your family is seriously dysfunctional, that show is god.

The Simpsons before the Simpsons were ever known.
Favourite quote:
Peggy: Al, you never say you love me.
Al (bored): All right, Peg. (insincere face) I love you.
Peg (pouting): AL! You didn't say that like you mean it!
Al (shrugging): That's cos I don't!


(Kelly (woooo!) steps on Bud on her way out the door --- they're all sleeping on the floor, don't ask why)

Bud: Dad! Kelly stepped on me!
Al: Get used to it son: they do that all your life!


Goofle 07-20-2012 01:12 AM


Originally Posted by Trollheart (Post 1210393)
Every one of which I hate. You can't say it's not opinion: it is. Just cos you don't like, say, "Frasier" or "Scrubs" or god knows what all, doesn't make it unfunny. Just to you. Therefore, it IS an opinion, as no-one has a god-given right to say what is funny and what isn't.

Except "Friends". That's trash.

You hate "Curb" and "Arrested Development"...? Ahh man, how can you love "Seinfeld" and not love those two?

Janszoon 07-20-2012 04:20 AM

I think the problem with Married with Children was that it was a great concept poorly executed. There's definitely a reason I only enjoyed that show when I was between the ages of ten and thirteen.

Trollheart 07-20-2012 04:48 AM


Originally Posted by Goofle11 (Post 1210432)
You hate "Curb" and "Arrested Development"...? Ahh man, how can you love "Seinfeld" and not love those two?

Uh, I hate Seinfeld too. With a passion.

Trollheart 07-20-2012 04:48 AM


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 1210448)
I think the problem with Married with Children was that it was a great concept poorly executed. There's definitely a reason I only enjoyed that show when I was between the ages of ten and thirteen.

Jansz, LOVE the new avatar!! :thumb:

Goofle 07-20-2012 05:06 AM


Originally Posted by Trollheart (Post 1210449)
Uh, I hate Seinfeld too. With a passion.

Ahh fair enough, although it is gob-smacking to me. :)

Trollheart 07-20-2012 06:38 AM

Yeah, no offence to you Americans but I find most US comedy very poor. There are a few --- Frasier/Cheers, Sledge Hammer, Better off Ted, Police Squad, and going back further, Family Ties, Married with children, Soap etc, plus if you stretch it to cartoon/animation, then there's South Park, Simpsons, Futurama, Family Guy (at least up to the last few seasons, where they not only stopped bothering, but made jokes about how they had stopped bothering) --- but mostly my favourites are British comedy shows, like The Young Ones/Filthy Rich and Catflap/Bottom, Red Dwarf, One foot in the grave, Only fools and horses, Black Adder, The New Statesman, Mongrels, Rise and Fall of Reginald Perrin, and of course the classics like Monty Python and Fawlty Towers. We've even had one or two of our own, like Father Ted. But most American comedy just leaves me cold.

Janszoon 07-20-2012 06:53 AM


Originally Posted by Trollheart (Post 1210450)
Jansz, LOVE the new avatar!! :thumb:



Originally Posted by Trollheart (Post 1210466)
Yeah, no offence to you Americans but I find most US comedy very poor. There are a few --- Frasier/Cheers, Sledge Hammer, Better off Ted, Police Squad, and going back further, Family Ties, Married with children, Soap etc, plus if you stretch it to cartoon/animation, then there's South Park, Simpsons, Futurama, Family Guy (at least up to the last few seasons, where they not only stopped bothering, but made jokes about how they had stopped bothering) --- but mostly my favourites are British comedy shows, like The Young Ones/Filthy Rich and Catflap/Bottom, Red Dwarf, One foot in the grave, Only fools and horses, Black Adder, The New Statesman, Mongrels, Rise and Fall of Reginald Perrin, and of course the classics like Monty Python and Fawlty Towers. We've even had one or two of our own, like Father Ted. But most American comedy just leaves me cold.

Humor tends to be very culturally dependent for a lot of people. It's not surprising that you'd be more in tune with humor from a country that's just a hop, skip and a jump away than one that's on the other side of the ocean.

The Batlord 07-20-2012 09:28 AM


Originally Posted by Trollheart (Post 1210394)
The Simpsons before the Simpsons were ever known.

Oh my god, we actually agree on something! I guess it had to happen sometime.


Originally Posted by Trollheart (Post 1210392)
Morena Baccarin, well, good to see her not as a baddy.

If you weren't a devil worshiper and didn't hate Firefly then there wouldn't be a problem. :p:

NEWGUY562 07-20-2012 10:13 AM

Do any of you remember "Freddy's Nightmares"?

LoathsomePete 07-20-2012 10:30 AM

I was doing a really good job of forgetting about it until you brought it up. Now I have to destroy some brain cells.

The Batlord 07-20-2012 10:36 AM


Originally Posted by LoathsomePete (Post 1210505)
Now I have to destroy some brain cells.

Careful. You don't have very many left.

NEWGUY562 07-20-2012 11:09 AM


Originally Posted by LoathsomePete (Post 1210505)
I was doing a really good job of forgetting about it until you brought it up. Now I have to destroy some brain cells.

:) that's a great but cheesy show I'm watching it right now lol

LoathsomePete 07-20-2012 11:30 AM


Originally Posted by NEWGUY562 (Post 1210514)
:) that's a great but cheesy show I'm watching it right now lol

So long as Freddie's Revenge and that god awful Platinum Dunes remake still exist it's not the worst thing to exist that carry's the name, but it's up there.


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1210508)
Careful. You don't have very many left.

NEWGUY562 07-20-2012 12:23 PM


Originally Posted by LoathsomePete (Post 1210519)
So long as Freddie's Revenge and that god awful Platinum Dunes remake still exist it's not the worst thing to exist that carry's the name, but it's up there.

that's the worst ever :banghead: lol
my favorite out of the series is part 2 and 3 :D

Trollheart 07-20-2012 12:51 PM


Originally Posted by NEWGUY562 (Post 1210514)
:) that's a great but cheesy show I'm watching it right now lol

Terrible, terrible show! I suffered through two episodes: neither had any point to make at all, and the acting was ... well, let's just say they were probably lucky the two short planks who also read for the parts were busy at that time.

Definitely one of the worst shows ever, in the history of television.

I mean that most sincerely.
(See? No smileys or anything)

NEWGUY562 07-20-2012 01:13 PM


Originally Posted by Trollheart (Post 1210536)
Terrible, terrible show! I suffered through two episodes: neither had any point to make at all, and the acting was ... well, let's just say they were probably lucky the two short planks who also read for the parts were busy at that time.

Definitely one of the worst shows ever, in the history of television.

I mean that most sincerely.
(See? No smileys or anything)

That was the show that brad pitt debuted his acting on..
it has horrible acting(yet funny)..looks very cheap (thus creating an eerie glare that's very frightening) and i love the's one of the best spin offs ever probably just seen the wrong episode that's all..

LoathsomePete 07-31-2012 10:54 AM

The Inbetweeners

For whatever reason I thought this show was going to be more geared towards the 18-22 age demographic, hence the title, but it's actually more about the final years of school. Regardless it's a pretty hilarious show, made all the better without language restrictions, so a contemporary show can actually feel contemporary, at least in some of the more superficial aspects.

Considering I didn't come-of-age in the U.K. there are just some things I can't relate to, but suburban teenagers being dipshits is pretty universal so there was enough that makes me cringe with uncomfortable familiarity, especially the sex-obssesed kid, who is a spot-on clone of one guy who hung out in my social group in high school, right down to the poncy hairdo.

Basically it's a sharp little comedy that only ran for 18 episodes plus one movie and it's on Instant Netflix so if any of you are fans of British comedy, this one is worth a look.

Frownland 07-31-2012 11:07 AM
Fishing With John

Finally on Netflix Instant! This show is a pretty great satire show and it's hosted by none other than saxophonist John Lurie or The Lounge Lizards. It's got a lot of great guests including Tom Waits, Jim Jarmusch, Matt Dillon, and a few others. Sadly, there are only six episodes of cheekiness because the show wasn't approved for another season. Either way, at least we got six.

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