Originally Posted by LoathsomePete
(Post 1520268)
Eh, the drama-y love triangle crap that seems to infect every CW show really drags it down. That and the fact that everyone is insanely attractive, I mean Roy couldn't make it as anything but a petty criminal? Also, and this is probably because I'm from where it's filmed, but they do a piss poor job at dressing up the scenes that are set in the Barrens. I remember one of them from Season 2 was done up under the Grandville Street bridge which is a pretty nice area around town. It's kind of infuriating because you go about 8 blocks east and you enter the poorest postal code in Canada. It's like if The Wire tried to dress up the Inner Harbor and say it was West Baltimore, it just doesn't work and feels incredibly disingenuous.
I see that as a necessary evil. Most networks seems to avoid putting spandex on screen like the plague. I guess they figure people will spend a few hours once or twice a year watching a superhero movie, but don't really want to commit to an hour a week for most of a year.
Smallville was about Superman in high school,
Gotham is about Batman in... what, middle school?
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. is only superhero adjacent. There was that Flash show back in the early nineties, but that got killed after less than a season since it was on at the same time as
The Simpsons and
The Cosby Show.
The Adventures of Lois and Clark is the only real show in living memory with an actual costumed superhero, but that was more about relationship stuff than actual superhero stuff, and that was still almost two decades ago.
Arrow is one of the only handful of series in history to actually have
superhero superhero stuff.
I imagine a trashy network like the CW was the only one willing to give that kind of show the time of day, and since it's the CW, you have to make a sacrifice. And just like
X-Men made it okay to have superhero movies, I think Arrow might be making it okay to have genuine superhero TV shows. Now you have
The Flash, CBS is making a Supergirl show, and TNT is making a Teen Titans show. So, you got to give it some credit for that if nothing else.
Still, even with the soap opera element,
Arrow still manages to rise above the demands of its network.