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Comic Book Quote of the Day: Bullseye (assassin, enemy of Daredevil, and the asshat who murdered Elektra) on becoming an Avenger...
Comic Book Quote of the Day:
Just started reading the first volume of New Avengers from the mid-'00s, and been enjoying it more than most team books so far, but at issue #18 I've unwittingly run right smack dab into Civil War. I have nothing against reading Civil War -- and I've certainly intended to read it eventually, along with Final Crisis, Secret Invasion, House of M, Annihilation, etc, etc, et-****ing-c -- but these massive company crossover events are just so exhausting to get into, and every time I try I just end up quitting. Doesn't matter how good they are; when I see a list of issues and tie-in issues that literally almost reaches 100 issues, it's kind of hard getting my head around actually reading all of it, or even just the "essentials".
But New Avengers is a pretty sweet book so far, with engaging character arcs balancing out delightfully overblown, uber-comic book shenanigans, and I just straight-up want to ****ing read about the Avengers team that brought Spider-Man and Wolverine into the fold, and looks to eventually bring in Daredevil as well (who I wouldn't have cared about until watching his TV-series, along with reading parts of Frank Miller's and Ann Nocenti's comic runs, made me into a fledgling fan). And along with his appearance in Dark Avengers, the Sentry is fast turning into one of the more interesting characters in comic books that nobody's ever heard of. Not to mention that Spider-Woman, a character who I'm only vaguely familiar with, is likewise becoming interesting, and to abandon the book at this relatively early stage would mean leaving what I'm assuming is going to become one of her character-defining moments. Damn it, Brian Michael Bendis, why did you have to be so on fire in the '00s? As the original writer for Ultimate Spider-Man (easily the best Spidey series I've yet read), he also means that we're getting Spidey at the top of his game, even if he's often mostly just the team quip machine -- Bendis seems to have a knack for brilliant quips in general, so I guess it's no surprise that he knocks Spider-Man's banter out of the park. And it's not like I can just skip Civil War in general and just stick to New Avengers. The Avengers were completely integral to the event, with the two team leaders (Captain America and Iron Man) being the central protagonists/antagonists as far as I've heard. It would be like reading about the political careers of FDR and Adolf Hitler while ignoring WWII. To make matters worse, the central Civil War series was written by Mark Millar, who has recently become one of my fav writers after reading The Ultimates, Kick-Ass, and Superman: Red Sun. The man just has superhero deconstructionism in his blood, and I'm kind of stoked to see how he can obliterate the entire Marvel Universe. God damn it. So many comics to read, so little brain space. P.S. Speaking of Daredevil's TV series, I'm already planning to read Alias before Jessica Jones premieres on Netflix, and Matt Fraction and David Aja's Immortal Iron Fist before that show (which I'd be thrilled to read if only because it's got the exact same writer/artist team as the last Hawkeye series), but where to go for an introduction to Luke Cage? |
I'm reading a comic, Magneto - Testament, about Magneto's childhood during the Third Reich, and this is providing extra depth to the story by exposing the mentality of those who can't take the threat of someone else being better than them...
http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/...BL._SX400_.jpg ...This is the X-Men in a five-issue series and I fully intend to provide a more in-depth review at some point in the near future. Straight up nothing else will give you what the X-Men are trying to accomplish, even in the face of such extreme hate. |
Currently reading Alias (no relation to the TV series) to prepare for watching Jessica Jones (very, very, very long overdue) and, aside from everything that is already awesome about it, I just read a panel where Carol Danvers, Ms./Captain mother****ing Marvel, just used :) in an email. For some reason this is the best thing ever to me.
Just for context to anyone who doesn't know who Ms. Marvel is... http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb2..._Marvel_XP.png Tell me that **** is not hilarious. |
That's pretty good. :laughing:
I heard that Jessica Jones has Hellcat as a side character, so I'll probably check it out sometime. I just can't resist the obscure heroes that nobody gives a fuck about. :laughing: Edit: Just found out that there's a Hellcat comic starting next month. Life is good. |
Just got the first issue of The Mighty Thor on a whim. I'm so lost. When did Thor become a lady? Anyway, I still thought it was great. :laughing:
P.S. Have you ever read the Joe Kelly run of Deadpool? D-Piddy's first monthly series from 1997? Any fan of The Sensational She-Hulk would love it and then some. Think of it not like any other Deadpool series, as it's Deadpool when someone thought he was still more than a walking punchline. I'm currently rereading it and would love someone to talk about it with. |
Yeah, it just came out not long ago. Apparently it's a continuation of an ongoing story, where Thor basically takes off after getting in a fight with Odin, and his powers are passed on to a woman that is able to pick up Mjolnir.
I've haven't read much Deadpool, but I've been meaning to. I've been on a comic kick lately, so I'll probably delve into the strange world of Deadpool before long. I'll check that 1997 series out. |
Blah lah lah lah lah! Don't world of modern Thor me! I was all up until the modern Thor until he lost his hammer and became not Thor. But now I'm out of practice and don't need you ruining ****.
But '97 Deadpool is one of the best series you'll ever read, both for a laugh and for a "Holy **** that series was actually good as a mother****!" Seriously, one of the best series I've ever read. And it's only 33 issues long (or at least that's how long the writer stuck around because... comic books suck). You of all people need the Joe Kelly run of Deadpool in your life. |
So I've been getting into Spider Woman lately, and yesterday I stumbled upon her cheesy and hilariously fucking random show from 1979. So far, she's fought space mummies, an evil flaming head that hypnotizes people with fart gas, and amazons with flying saucers that like to steal gold. Time to make some ridiculous gifs. :yeah:
http://i.imgur.com/bdxfjKt.gif Edit: I can't stop... :laughing: http://i.imgur.com/29Hmfun.gif |
Hey Bat, unless you have a better way of reading the '97 issues, I'm probably gonna nab this:
http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/...20090602023448 |
Nice gif ori. Quote:
Thanks. :laughing:
I like the Marvel universe a bit more but im a fan of both of them. hbu? |
Personally, I prefer Marvel. :thumb:
Still, DC is cool, especially the classics, like Batman, Wonder Woman, Superman (depending on the series), Green Lantern, etc. I have to admit that I'm kinda a comic newbie myself, but I'm sure Batlord could give you some fun recs for both DC and Marvel. |
If you must buy a physical copy of something then the Joe Kelly omnibus would be the perfect starting point... assuming you're willing to shell out almost $70 for a used copy, and almost $120 for a new one (which I totally would be). But it's got Joe Kelly's whole run, which had no real dips in quality and was a self-contained story arc that does not require you to read any of the other issues in that first series (not that you would want to, as Deadpool's first solo title went straight down the toilet after Kelly left). Make no mistake, it's totally worth the money. Amazon.com: Deadpool by Joe Kelly Omnibus (9780785185598): Joe Kelly, James Felder, Stan Lee, Ed McGuinness, Aaron Lopresti, Bernard Chang, Shannon Denton, Pete Woods, Rob Liefield: Books BUT FEAR NOT!!! Piracy is your friend. You can stop downloading once you've got issue #33, and the password for any archive from this site is "allcomicbooks.us". The uploaded.net links for this particular download are dead, but the rapidgator ones still work. Also, make sure that you have #0 and the Daredevil-Deadpool Annual. They're important. Deadpool 000-063 (1997-2002) (Digital) (Empire-G85/AnHeroGold – Empire) If that annual isn't there, then... Daredevil – Deadpool ’97 #01 (1997) Whomsoever Fights Monsters Other series of note... Deadpool: MAX If you want to see Pool at his most disturbing, most certifiably insane, most violent, most hilarious, most PCP'ed up (literally), and even his most quasi-oedipal, then this is for you. This is most certainly not a series for children. Deadpool MAX 1 1-12 + 2 1-6 + X-Mas Special (Complete) Deadpool volume 4 (or 5, depending on whether or not you consider volume 1 to be his second mini-series, from 1994) Written by Gerry Duggan and Brian Posehn, this is possibly the first canon Deadpool series since Kelly's run to do justice to him as a character rather than just as a walking joke factory (Deadpool: Max was in an alternate universe). It's ****ing hilarious, bat**** crazy, but it's got some serious heart. The first six issues aren't all that great, but after that the quality shoots straight into the stratosphere, so stick with it. You won't regret it. Deadpool v4 001-045, Annuals (2012-2015) (digital) |
House of M Comics (Complete) House of M is both that and where Scarlet Witch goes crazy. You're going to have to be more specific with multiverse ****, though. It's comic books. It's all the multiverse. I guess here's Crisis on Infinite Earths. It's the very first massive crossover event in comic history, and it's entire point was to clean up the multiverse cluster**** that DC's continuity had become by the 80s (a whole story in and of itself). It's the most influential DC event of all time, one of, if not the most influential event in superhero comics ever, and I haven't read it, so you'll have one over on me (though I haven't read House of M, either, since massive crossover events are a pain in the ass). Crisis on Infinite Earths – The Absolute Edition (2005) HC (DobisP.R.+Pudgy-AbsolutNovus-HD) Again, the archive password for all of these is "allcomicbooks.us". And if you think this is my only comic piracy site, then think again. I have so many more. This is just the best one. I am afraid, though, as a month ago there was a fundraising drive to keep it going, as there isn't much money in internet piracy, but there is quite a bit of overhead for a site dedicated to this much bandwidth, and if you aren't aware of just how much **** is on this site, then just start searching for anything you can think of. You will probably find it. This site is God. If I had the money I would totally support it, because it is irreplaceable. |
I peeked at the plot summary of Crisis and it looks pretty good. House of M im familiar with but idk every detail in the story. i can't download the files though, not from my ps3 anyway, do you know if i can download it on my tablet or cellphone?
I would assume you could download it on a tablet, but I don't have one or a real smartphone, so I can't help you there. I'm not a miracle worker, you damn poor Puerto Rican.
I'm just gonna assume that story arc is dumb as ****.
Yea but it's Bane as Batman! from what ive seen it doesn't look half bad.
But that's retarded. He's Bane. What on Earth could possibly qualify him to be Batman? I know he's a strategic genius, but he's also Bane.
He gets mixed up with the penguin who is now the mayor and he basically manipulates him to turn into Batman. If im not mistaken, Bane doesn't really become a hero, he impersonates Batman to wipe out other gangs for personal gain.. something like that. i haven't really read the comic i just a saw vid from that Comicstorian guy.
Dude, assuming you can actually download comics, just go read some of Grant Morrison's Batman run. I'm still pretty new to his run, but he's one of the most respected Batman writers of all time, and writes some bizarre **** to boot.
Batman by Grant Morrison Not to mention Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth, which is an acid trip with word bubbles. Grant Morrison is a ****ing loon. Arkham Asylum – 15th Anniversary Edition (2005) (digital) (Minutemen-PhD) http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-JpQRWnJxz5...m+asylum+2.png It wasn't that pic, but I used a Joker pic from that graphic novel as an avatar once. It was one of my best. |
Even though i don't collect graphic novels i would luv to own a physical copy of Arkham asylum. ive seen the artwork of that novel and it looks psychotic and amazing. Now im more intrigued in watching these ones over Crisis.
I've read Arkham Asylum, and it is amazing and bat**** insane. Buy it.
Speaking of villains taking over a hero's mantle, remember that time that Doctor Octopus became Spider Man? :laughing:
Just started reading Sable and Fortune after buying the first issue on a whim in a tiny comic shop. And holy fuck, it's awesome. Definitely made me give a shit about two characters that I previously knew almost nothing about.
http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/...20110227194234 Oh yeah, and the writing and artwork are fantastic. Even though the plot follows a pretty standard action storyline, the art and dialogue have a great energy to them. Apparently, some english chap named John Burns (no connection to John Byrne :laughing:) drew and painted it up. I've got no clue who he is, but I really like his work. Here's a preview page with no text, which sucks, because the dialogue was hilarious, but hey. Basically, Silver Sable fires one of her men for eating falafel on the job, and then punches him when he tries to tell her that firing someone without some kind of warning or prior notice is illegal: http://assets2.ignimgs.com/2005/12/1...33-1338722.jpg |
*spoiler* If you haven't seen Age of Ultron then you might want to skip this, but this isn't spoiler intensive, so you'll probably be good regardless*
So, who do you think is going to be the next Avengers line-up for Avengers 3? Captain America IS the Avengers, so he's gonna be there, and they're never going to let Robert Downey Jr. go if they can help it, so Iron Man will be there, and Thor is the third cash cow of the MCU, so in all likelihood he will be there as well. So, Captain America, Iron Man, and Thor are almost a lock, depending on contract ****. But they've already kind of jettisoned the Hulk, who was already an also-ran character in the movies, so I suspect that if he's even in the next movie, he will have only a bit part. As much as I love Hawkeye for his recent comic book series, as far as the MCU goes, he's even more of an irrelevance, so he's probably out. Black Widow may very well be out as well, even if she's being played by Scarlett Johansson. After the insinuation at the end of Age of Ultron that the Avengers are going to have a lineup change, these three seem to be the easiest to ditch, so I'm predicting that they are gone. As for who will be taking their place, they made too much of a fuss over Vision to simply pretend that he wasn't a thing, so he's in as far as I'm concerned, and they're not going to include Vision without Scarlet Witch (god I hope they get a different actress to play her). So those two are probably a lock. And if Scarlet Witch is going to be in the movie, then it would be odd if Quicksilver dropped off the face of the Earth, so he's probably going to be there too (again, I seriously hope they get a better actor for him). I kind of suspect that even though Falcon showed up at the end of Age of Ultron that Marvel isn't going to be too concerned with including him, so he's by no means a foregone conclusion. I hear Ant-Man was good (just downloaded it, so I'll know soon enough) but it didn't seem to have made enough of a splash to warrant his inclusion, as he would basically be a new character who just so happened to have his own movie. (And would he really be that interesting without the first Ant-Man's relationship with Wasp, which Marvel would never dream of including in a PG-13 movie). But I would still love, love, love to see Paul Rudd in a Joss Whedon movie, so even without having seen Ant-Man, I am hopeful. As far as "new" characters go, I'm officially predicting Spider-Man. With Marvel and Sony's new deal, there's no way that Marvel would waste his inclusion in a Marvel movie on anything less than an Avengers movie. Related to Spider-Man, my ultimate dream would be for a version of the New Avengers, which might be slightly possible with the success of Daredevil (though I haven't gotten far enough in New Avengers to know if he actually joined the team), and if the Luke Cage show succeeds then he might be viable, but I'm not really expecting much. The very fact that "Spider-Woman" sounds like "Spider-Man" probably means that she will never be in a Marvel movie (though her appearances in New Avengers, Spider-Woman: Agent of Sword, and her most recent solo series makes me hopeful, as Jessica Drew/Spider-Woman is awesome). And it would mean the moving of hell and earth to get Fox to agree to put Wolverine into a Marvel movie, so that's probably not happening. But seriously, how awesome would an Avengers movie with Captain America, Iron Man, Spider-Man, and Wolverine be, regardless of who else was in it? If it were possible then Marvel would do it no matter what characters they had to give the shaft to. Hugh Jackman in an Avengers movie would pretty much double the ticket sales all by himself. |
Wasp should be in there, considering that she was the leader of the Avengers longer than anyone else (except maybe Captain America), and even gave the team their name. Plus, she's a badass. And I suppose if they do include her, they'll probably try to stick that butthead Pym in there too. Also, with the Ms. Marvel movie in the works, if her popularity picks up they might give Carol Danvers some role in the next movie, even if only a cameo, since she was also an Avenger.
I wouldn't worry too much about The Hulk. Even if he's excluded from the new movie, they could always add an Avenger like She Hulk to the roster if they still have a hankering for a green-hued berserker. :thumb: |
i couldn't tell you who will likely be on the next avengers but i hope they keep the Hulk and ditch Black widow and Hawk eye and bring on Scarlet witch and Spidey or Ant man. I think they should ditch Black widow and bring an unknown actress to play the Scarlet witch. as long as her acting is semi decent and looks the part, she'll do. Bring her or Ms marvel, either one is more badass than the Black widow. |
**** you, Hawkeye's awesome. They just need to give him Kate Bishop as a sidekick and his own movie, and people will fall in love with him.
http://static1.squarespace.com/stati...2/?format=750w |
I occasionally read the Archie Sonic the Hedgehog comics, but they have sadly gone downhill in recent years.
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