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Carpe Mortem 11-10-2014 09:49 AM

Deadpool movie confirmed for February 2016... Maybe my obsessive collecting of Deadpool comics will finally be fruitful. I don't have the first one but I have a lot of weird ones, been collecting since high school before there was any notion of him being in a movie. And especially considering Ryan Reynolds is perfect for the character, I think I could make some decent cash in the next few years.

LoathsomePete 11-10-2014 09:50 AM

So did a lot of people in the '90's, it didn't work out for them.

The Batlord 11-10-2014 09:52 AM

Yeah, pretty much any non-Golden or Silver Age comic book (40s to 70s) is probably worth about as much as the paper it was printed on (if you're lucky). And those are mainly valuable because there just aren't that many comic books left from the first few decades of the industry: they were printed on cheap paper that didn't last, and also many comic books just got thrown out since collecting wasn't really a thing until later. Action Comics #1 isn't valuable because it's the first appearance of Superman, it's valuable mostly because there are almost none in existence.

Carpe Mortem 11-10-2014 04:08 PM

I don't mean millionaire acres cash, I mean more than what I paid.

The Batlord 11-10-2014 04:41 PM


Originally Posted by Carpe Mortem (Post 1506647)
I don't mean millionaire acres cash, I mean more than what I paid.

Deadpool is a nineties character, and any character that young isn't going to have books worth anything. You can probably find them being sold on eBay for pocket change.

Carpe Mortem 11-10-2014 05:07 PM

Idk man. I was doing some quick research earlier and some deadpool stuff goes for near a hundred.

The Batlord 11-10-2014 05:15 PM


Originally Posted by Carpe Mortem (Post 1506665)
Idk man. I was doing some quick research earlier and some deadpool stuff goes for near a hundred.

Maybe I'm wrong, but pricing guides for comics should be taken with a grain of salt. They said much the same things back in the nineties, and there was god knows how many people buying up comics to sell when the price went up. But since so many people were buying them, the companies flooded the market, and all the comics that the price guides said were worth money became basically worthless, because there were so many of them out there. From what I hear, the same kind of thing is starting to happen again.

Chula Vista 11-10-2014 05:18 PM


Originally Posted by Carpe Mortem (Post 1506522)
Deadpool movie confirmed for February 2016...

Wait, wasn't Deadpool killed at the end of X-Men: Origins Wolverine?

Thelonious Monkey 11-10-2014 05:20 PM


Originally Posted by Chula Vista (Post 1506670)
Wait, wasn't Deadpool killed at the end of X-Men: Origins Wolverine?

Oh, that movie. That wasn't Deadpool. That was a disgrace.

The Batlord 11-10-2014 06:21 PM


Originally Posted by Chula Vista (Post 1506670)
Wait, wasn't Deadpool killed at the end of X-Men: Origins Wolverine?

The last X-Men movie, Days of Future Past, basically got rid of all the continuity of the previous movies with the whole time travel thing, so they can do what they want. They're also gonna relaunch X-Men.

The Batlord 12-18-2014 06:50 AM

Afterlife With Archie

Probably gonna do an in-depth write-up about this series on my journal, but until then, I'd just like to say that this is one of my new favorite current comics, and I shall be waiting with bated breath for issue #8. I'm familiar with the concept of Archie, but so far as I can remember I've never read an Archie comic, nor had the desire to. This however, piqued my interest just for its sheer randomness. Archie and zombies. It's not a joke. It's not a parody. It's straight up rated-R zombies attacking Archie's town. It's cracked, it's dark, and it's awesome. Something about the teen archetypes in Archie just work perfectly in a horror movie setting. This is also coming from a guy who never could get into The Walking Dead comic series.

bulbasaur 12-18-2014 09:44 PM

i've only read 2 issues of afterlife with archie so far, but i've enjoyed them. thanks for reminding me to check out more. i think the only other archie-related comic i've read is teenage mutant ninja turtles meet archie, which was a fun little crossover.

The Batlord 12-18-2014 09:48 PM


Originally Posted by bulbasaur (Post 1525452)
i've only read 2 issues of afterlife with archie so far, but i've enjoyed them. thanks for reminding me to check out more. i think the only other archie-related comic i've read is teenage mutant ninja turtles meet archie, which was a fun little crossover.

Oh yeah, definitely read more. Wait till issue #6. That'll totally **** with you.

only_dancing 12-20-2014 09:41 PM

Definitely! Trying to catch up with Mind MGMT and Saga at the moment.

The Batlord 02-10-2015 06:02 AM

Sony deal official: Marvel Studios gets rights to future Spider-Man movies - Spider-Man News

Not all rights. Just like... co-rights.

LoathsomePete 02-10-2015 10:18 AM

I'm a little perplexed by this, I don't see what Marvel gets out of the deal except to say "hey guys, Spider-Man is in our movies now". I suspect that they are going to be sharing merchandising profits with Sony, otherwise I just can't see what they get out of the deal.

The Batlord 02-10-2015 10:30 AM


Originally Posted by LoathsomePete (Post 1549700)
I'm a little perplexed by this, I don't see what Marvel gets out of the deal except to say "hey guys, Spider-Man is in our movies now". I suspect that they are going to be sharing merchandising profits with Sony, otherwise I just can't see what they get out of the deal.

Well, I've heard rumors that they're going to do Civil War, and from what I hear Spider-Man was a big part of that storyline, so that would be a big win for them if they could actually include him. Otherwise, I imagine they'll just try to give him a cameo in an Avengers movie or something just to build buzz.

Regardless, I'm sure they also want access to him on principle, as not having any with one of their biggest characters isn't a good thing.

LoathsomePete 02-10-2015 10:37 AM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1549706)
Well, I've heard rumors that they're going to do Civil War, and from what I hear Spider-Man was a big part of that storyline, so that would be a big win for them if they could actually include him. Otherwise, I imagine they'll just try to give him a cameo in an Avengers movie or something just to build buzz.

Regardless, I'm sure they also want access to him on principle, as not having any with one of their biggest characters isn't a good thing.

Civil War will be the next Captain America movie, however they're not recreating the comic version (and thank christ for that), they're just using some ideas, one of which would be Black Panther taking Spider-Man's place as the character both sides try to win over. I really hope they don't mess that up to introduce Spider-Man because it's a good way of introducing Black Panther to the general public, showing him kick ass, and getting people hyped for his 2017 solo movie.

As for Spider-Man, yeah I do think it is mostly on principle and well... because they can. I'm curious if they get more than just Spider-Man though, like if they (Marvel) have access to characters like Spider-Woman, Madame Webb, etc. I'm also curious if they're going to go with Peter Parker or Miles Morales. I kind of suspect they'll go with the former just because that's what the general public wants, but Miles Morales would be my preferred pick. He's a new and interesting character (pretty much the only good thing to come out of the Ultimate universe) and it's the easiest way to disassociate the new movie from the ASM-universe.

The Batlord 02-10-2015 10:45 AM


Originally Posted by LoathsomePete (Post 1549723)
Civil War will be the next Captain America movie, however they're not recreating the comic version (and thank christ for that), they're just using some ideas, one of which would be Black Panther taking Spider-Man's place as the character both sides try to win over. I really hope they don't mess that up to introduce Spider-Man because it's a good way of introducing Black Panther to the general public, showing him kick ass, and getting people hyped for his 2017 solo movie.

I imagine they'll gladly replace a no-name character (as far as the public is concerned) with Spider-Man. Also another good way to keep from using black characters in starring roles in a movie. No movie studio wants that.


As for Spider-Man, yeah I do think it is mostly on principle and well... because they can. I'm curious if they get more than just Spider-Man though, like if they (Marvel) have access to characters like Spider-Woman, Madame Webb, etc. I'm also curious if they're going to go with Peter Parker or Miles Morales. I kind of suspect they'll go with the former just because that's what the general public wants, but Miles Morales would be my preferred pick. He's a new and interesting character (pretty much the only good thing to come out of the Ultimate universe) and it's the easiest way to disassociate the new movie from the ASM-universe.
I'd be more excited for a Superior Spider-Man movie. Really cool take on Dr. Octopus, an interesting look at what makes Spider-Man Spider-Man, and a rare opportunity for a self-contained narrative that doesn't rely on crossover events of inconsistent quality. The buzz created from telling the public that a well-known villain was replacing an A-list hero in such a bizarre way would also be pretty high.

LoathsomePete 02-10-2015 11:12 AM

Not going to happen, if Spider-Man hasn't been established in the MCU then they're not going to make him the focal character of a movie set to be released in just over a year. I suspect he'll show up at some point as a photographer, maybe at the end of the movie but he's of no importance to the story of the MCU at this point.

I also suspect his backstory will be pieced out from 2015 to 2017 in the various movies and tv shows. As Marvel has said they're done with origin stories we'll probably just get bits of dialogue about muggers stuck to walls and a pan shot of an issue of the Daily Bugle with the headline "SPIDER-MAN MENACE". Boom, character is established, he has his powers, he has his costume, and he's presumably web-slinging around the city. No need to show Uncle Ben dying, no need to show him making his costume, and no need to bore anyone and waste an hour of your film.

The Batlord 02-10-2015 11:26 AM


Originally Posted by LoathsomePete (Post 1549766)
Not going to happen, if Spider-Man hasn't been established in the MCU then they're not going to make him the focal character of a movie set to be released in just over a year. I suspect he'll show up at some point as a photographer, maybe at the end of the movie but he's of no importance to the story of the MCU at this point.

I also suspect his backstory will be pieced out from 2015 to 2017 in the various movies and tv shows. As Marvel has said they're done with origin stories we'll probably just get bits of dialogue about muggers stuck to walls and a pan shot of an issue of the Daily Bugle with the headline "SPIDER-MAN MENACE". Boom, character is established, he has his powers, he has his costume, and he's presumably web-slinging around the city. No need to show Uncle Ben dying, no need to show him making his costume, and no need to bore anyone and waste an hour of your film.

If you're talking about Superior Spider-Man, then I was just speaking in general that I'd dig a movie about that storyline at some point. I don't know what you mean about an origin story, as that series had nothing to do with origins.

LoathsomePete 02-10-2015 11:30 AM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1549779)
If you're talking about Superior Spider-Man, then I was just speaking in general that I'd dig a movie about that storyline at some point. I don't know what you mean about an origin story, as that series had nothing to do with origins.

Sorry, I meant that in relation to Spider-Man replacing Black Panther's role in the upcoming Captain America: Civil War.

The Batlord 06-10-2015 03:18 PM

First, a question, then the slightly long-winded reason.

Question: Has anyone here actually read the original Suicide Squad series?

Slightly Long-Winded Reason: Alright, so I'm doing a big feature on Poison Ivy for my journal. One of her problems is that she has a surprisingly few number of appearances (relative to her popularity at least), and many of those are crap or just don't go out of their way to explore her character in any meaningful way. So, I'm having to jump at anything remotely interesting.

The reason I'm asking about Suicide Squad is because she had a twenty issue run right in the middle of that series, and I'm trying to figure out if it's worth going through all the trouble of reading all of those issues. I'm not so much concerned with how big a role she had BTW, as I am with her characterization.

bulbasaur 07-12-2015 03:28 AM

i think the assault on arkham movie is my only run-in with the suicide squad, to be honest.

what do you think of that upcoming batman / tmnt crossover, bats? also, any thoughts on the upcoming preacher and lucifer tv series or the sandman movie that's been in development for a bit?


The Batlord 07-12-2015 03:33 AM


Originally Posted by bulbasaur (Post 1613730)
i think the assault on arkham movie is my only run-in with the suicide squad, to be honest.

Probably a pretty good intro to what the movie will likely be. Also an awesome movie.


what do you think of that upcoming batman / tmnt crossover, bats? also, any thoughts on the upcoming preacher and lucifer tv series or the sandman movie that's been in development for a bit?

I have no idea about any of those things because I've been slacking on comic books recently. Batman and TMNT? And how would you even do a Sandman movie?

bulbasaur 07-12-2015 03:53 AM

the crossover was announced at comic-con. it's a six issue miniseries or so. more info about it here. i'm not that hyped about it, but it might be cool. all the recent idw turtle stuff's been good.

joseph gordon-levitt's working on the sandman movie. i can't remember if he's directing it or just writing the script, or what he's actually doing with it. there was an article maybe a few weeks back about how he's having trouble with it (or something like that). i haven't started to read any dc sandman stuff yet, so i don't have any idea about what the sophistication would be.

seth rogen's working on preacher. he seems to one to want to stay faithful to the source as much as possible. there's a bunch of articles out there about it, even some pictures released. it's supposed to air on amc. i think it seems promising.

i don't know anything about the lucifer tv series other than it's supposed to air on fox

Chula Vista 07-12-2015 08:19 AM

Anyone want V for Vendetta? If you pay the postage I'll shoot it your way.

LoathsomePete 07-12-2015 09:52 AM


Originally Posted by bulbasaur (Post 1613734)

seth rogen's working on preacher. he seems to one to want to stay faithful to the source as much as possible. there's a bunch of articles out there about it, even some pictures released. it's supposed to air on amc. i think it seems promising.

I'm pretty dubious of how faithful they are going to be able to be by airing on AMC. I mean in the comics there's a scene where a man shoots a retard in the head after wiping his ass as well as a scene where a man was fucking a giant shrine of a woman made out of various meats. I have a hard time believing either of those will make it into the show, and that's before we get into the whole "hey gang, lets go on a trip to kill God!" that is the main plot of the show.

bulbasaur 07-12-2015 06:21 PM

yeah, the tv show will p̶r̶o̶b̶a̶b̶l̶y̶ be wildly different from the comic. i'm hopeful the changes will be fitting rather than needless. there's already articles out there noting there's at least a handful of changes, but they don't sound too bad

Spoiler for for instance:


Originally Posted by xoxo
In the Preacher comics, he’s possessed by the demon/angel offspring Genesis, and his church is flattened, killing the entire congregation. According to Johnston, Genesis not only doesn’t find Jesse right off the bat, and instead moves from holy man to holy man, in a search for a suitable host but, crucially, his congregation survives.

AMC's Preacher Changes A Few Things For TV Series

The Batlord 07-17-2015 03:17 PM

Suicide Squad trailer like a mother****er. I could swear Harley Quinn doesn't have a Brooklyn accent, or at least a very pronounced one, but other than that, looked straight up legit.

The Batlord 07-18-2015 03:43 PM

More awesomeness.

bob. 07-21-2015 02:50 PM

^I lost at least 467890 babies when I heard about this :)

bob. 07-29-2015 06:40 AM

Mark Hamill Will Voice the Joker One More Time for The Killing Joke*Film

RoxyRollah 07-29-2015 06:40 AM

So in!!!

The Batlord 07-29-2015 08:41 AM


Originally Posted by bob. (Post 1620311)

On the one hand, I want to squeal like a little girl, but my inner pessimist reminds me that Mark stepped down because doing the Joker laugh was harming his vocal cords, so I can't help but worry that we're going to be getting a Joker past his prime.

**** it.

bulbasaur 08-11-2015 09:12 PM

Tom Hardy to Star in '100 Bullets' Adaptation for New Line - Hollywood Reporter

anyone opinions on this? i haven't read the series yet, but i remember it being talked about here a bit

RoxyRollah 08-12-2015 07:44 AM

I said itd make a great show years ago. I should have acted on it ^

The Batlord 10-21-2015 07:51 PM

OMFGOMFGOMFGOMFGOMFGOMFGOMFGOMFGOMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just found out the two best things since sliced bread. And they're the same thing. Spider-Man and Deadpool are going to have their own shared title in March of 2016: Spider-Man/Deadpool.

Would be awesome already, but it's being written by mother****ing Joe Kelly! You know, the dude who made Deadpool into everything that he is, wrote his first and best series, but hasn't returned to the character since the 1999 after only 33 issues?!

I'm not even downloading this series. I'm buying every issue. ****, man, I think I just busted a nut.

SDCC 2015: Spider-Man/Deadpool | News |

bulbasaur 11-01-2015 08:57 PM

^ sweet

preacher trailer's out

[VIDEO] Preacher Trailer: Dominic Cooper Stars in AMC Comic Adaptation | Variety

The Batlord 11-01-2015 09:09 PM

Looks nice. I need to pick that series back up too. I think I only got a couple issues in before getting distracted.

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