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The Batlord 04-13-2018 03:14 PM

Read the review. They combine into a single person who is Dr. Fate to fight the supernatural forces of darkness while being a single entity that is neither person. Easy to understand. I was just looking at it myself and being confronted with weirdness I'd forgotten so I'm gonna be rereading the series myself. It's definitely a fascinating series worth reading though. The 80s was a pretty great time for comics.

The Batlord 04-25-2018 01:22 PM

I don't trust Sony, the special effects for the suit are potentially questionable, and I don't know how I feel about the symbiote actually talking to Brock in his head but I am forever forcibly optimistic about comic book movies. And Tom Hardy is an infinitely better choice as Eddie Brock than Eric ****ing Foreman.

grindy 04-25-2018 01:30 PM

More stoked than I'd care to admit.

The Batlord 04-25-2018 01:36 PM


Originally Posted by grindy (Post 1943948)
More stoked than I'd care to admit.

Finally hearing "We are Venom" in a movie (trailer) helps.

Black Francis 04-25-2018 01:56 PM

He is a better a choice. I saw some stuff about the symbiote recently and their origin and their spawns and it was all very interesting and it looks like the movie is gonna explore that but i still have no idea what kinda tone the movie is gonna have. Im hoping it does well so in the future we get an R Carnage movie.

The Batlord 04-25-2018 02:03 PM


Originally Posted by Black Francis (Post 1943974)
He is a better a choice. I saw some stuff about the symbiote recently and their origin and their spawns and it was all very interesting and it looks like the movie is gonna explore that but i still have no idea what kinda tone the movie is gonna have. Im hoping it does well so in the future we get an R Carnage movie.

Sony’s Venom: Woody Harrelson Rumored to Play Carnage

I am both amused and intrigued. Although "Woody Harrelson" immediately made me think of Matthew McConaughey due to the True Detective association and that made me almost **** myself for a second.

grindy 04-25-2018 02:03 PM


Originally Posted by Black Francis (Post 1943974)
Im hoping it does well so in the future we get an R Carnage movie.

That would be soooooo awesome.

Black Francis 04-25-2018 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1943982)
Sony’s Venom: Woody Harrelson Rumored to Play Carnage

I am both amused and intrigued. Although "Woody Harrelson" immediately made me think of Matthew McConaughey due to the True Detective association and that made me almost **** myself for a second.

Sht if Michael Keaton can play The Vulture why the **** not. Ppl still remember Natural Born Killers, right?

The Batlord 04-25-2018 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by Black Francis (Post 1944031)
Sht if Michael Keaton can play The Vulture why the **** not. Ppl still remember Natural Born Killers, right?

Oh ****, yeah. It's just gonna be funny to think of the Cheers guy as Carnage.

The Batlord 04-26-2018 11:52 AM

I absolutely gotta watch the newest DC animated show. It doesn't look as good as the classic DCAU from the 90s/early-00s but it still looks quality and DC almost never lets down with their animated shows. And Kevin Conroy (Batman voice actor from Batman: The Animated Series) still playing Batman after I thought he'd retired from the job? OMG yes.

The Batlord 04-26-2018 12:23 PM

Upon further reflection I think that Marvel's deal with Sony to put Spider-Man in Marvel movies was Marvel bitching Sony. Sony's revived Spider-Man with James Garfield didn't go the way they wanted, after which they deep-sixed their plans for that series, and the new Fantastic Four movie absolutely bombed, so they are effectively bringing no clout to the deal.

Marvel on the other hand have had success after success, and the new Spider-Man, for whom Sony should have had the rights, appeared in not a Sony movie but a Marvel movie. After which the next Spider-Man movie was a Marvel movie, including Robert Downey Jr. and absolutely no characters from any of Sony's movies. So deal or not Spider-Man is now in effect a Marvel Cinematic Universe character (which is everything that Marvel could ever wish for) that Sony will hopefully be able to milk (which is a complete power disparity).

And with the new Venom movie being a relaunch of Sony's superhero line they have no opportunity to use any of their previous characters in any Marvel movies, so the only thing they can hope to gain from the deal is using Marvel's Spider-Man to boost hype for their movies and pray that any characters they produce from any new projects will gain enough popularity that Marvel will want to put them in their own films.

Sony got sonned, yo. Good.

Black Francis 04-26-2018 12:58 PM


Marvel's like:

"You fckin up your own sht, give it here"

Did sony also make the first 2 fantastic 4 movies? Cause i kinda like those but that last F4 movie was pure garbage.

I liked the Amazing Spider-Man cause of his relationship with Gwen. In terms of a love interest she's been the best so far but the New Spider-Man is more entertaining.

The Batlord 04-26-2018 01:10 PM


Originally Posted by Black Francis (Post 1944349)

Marvel's like:

"You fckin up your own sht, give it here"

Did sony also make the first 2 fantastic 4 movies? Cause i kinda like those but that last F4 movie was pure garbage.

I liked the Amazing Spider-Man cause of his relationship with Gwen. In terms of a love interest she's been the best so far but the New Spider-Man is more entertaining.

Oh **** no FF4 was Fox. So Sony have even less to bring to the table. I liked the new Amazing Spider-Man movies too to an extent. Emma Stone was a great Gwen Stacy and Andrew Garfield got a **** version of Peter Parker to play but still did admirably, and he was the best quipper of all of them. He did a great actual Spider-Man. Too bad the movies themselves didn't live up to their performances.

Black Francis 04-26-2018 01:56 PM

I blame Jamie Foxx goofy ass performance for their downfall. Him and Dennis Leary that joke stealing hack. I think this new iteration of Spider-Man brings a better dynamic to the marvel movies, that young pup comedic relief thing overall works better with the whole scheme of things. Over complicating this new spidey with boring adult drama would just lead to the old Tobey spidey movies so keeping him in that teenage time frame with a light hearted less dramatic tone is a good move imo.

The Batlord 04-26-2018 02:14 PM


Originally Posted by Black Francis (Post 1944374)
I blame Jamie Foxx goofy ass performance for their downfall. Him and Dennis Leary that joke stealing hack. I think this new iteration of Spider-Man brings a better dynamic to the marvel movies, that young pup comedic relief thing overall works better with the whole scheme of things. Over complicating this new spidey with boring adult drama would just lead to the old Tobey spidey movies so keeping him in that teenage time frame with a light hearted less dramatic tone is a good move imo.

The problem with Spider-Man movies is that they don't get how dark Spider-Man really was back in the day. Spider-Man was always all about the soap opera melodrama, but Peter Parker was a dark character who quipped to escape the miserable nature of his existence. It's a very subtle characterization to get right. He wasn't a boring emo loser, he was a high functioning autist with possible bipolar disorder. Many of his stories were dark and depressing, but never goofy and campy.

A lot of that characterization has been lost in modern times, but I'd love to see a truly representative version of the character from the 60s to the 80s.

Read early Spider-Man. The dude could go from friendly to hateful towards his friends and loved ones at the drop of a dime, and I imagine that was all due to his early characterization by Jack Kirby, who definitely comes across as autistic and possibly bipolar. Early Spider-Man was not exactly feel good. It was nerd literature for actual nerds by an actual nerd, with all the bitterness that that entails.

The Batlord 05-03-2018 10:58 AM

I guess I might as well just put this here.

Oriphiel 05-03-2018 05:18 PM


DwnWthVwls 05-03-2018 05:21 PM

Even I liked it...

DwnWthVwls 05-14-2018 05:16 PM

I'm interested in finding out more about this series:

Lady Mechanika

loving the artwork:


Above The Timberline

Oriphiel 05-14-2018 08:05 PM

Reading through Dazzler's solo series. All she wants is to get down with the Disco and New Wave and shit (she's already jammed to DEVO and E.L.O. while skating around and frying eyeballs), and yet every mother fucker from Doctor Doom to The Enchantress to fucking Galactus the god damn eater of worlds has gotta bust in to wreck her concerts.

First issue is awesome. Dazzler wins an audition for a spot as a singer at a Disco, beating Enchantress who wanted to stay close to the club 'cause it was connected to some magical dimensional rift or some shit. Enchantress gets pissed, teleports to Dazzler's first show and tries to kill her on stage, not knowing that literally every Marvel superhero is in the audience. Peter Parker is like "Oh shit!", ditches MJ, runs to the bathroom to slip into his Spidey suit, and finds it filled with alter egos changing into their costumes as they all get ready to wreck some Asgardian ass. :laughing:

Every issue after is still fun, and there are a lot of high points, but there's also annoying soap opera love interest drama crap, 'cause that's really what people who read superhero comics like, right? But whatever, Dazzler is stylish enough that even the will-they-won't-they stuff is eclipsed.

Btw, I've gotta give kudos to the series for making Enchantress actually kind of fucking scary. Like, damn, she can really fuck people up.

Oriphiel 05-17-2018 07:18 PM

Dazzler, who absorbs sound waves and uses them as her power source: Hey look, a bad guy.

Klaw, a bad guy who is literally made up of soundwaves: I'm gonna kick your ass, Dazzler!

Dazzler: Lol. Get inside me, retard.

And then she absorbs him.

And then she gets put on trial for murder.


[MERIT] 05-17-2018 09:07 PM

Rapper Chino XL is penning a graphic novel. Not sure of the details.

MicShazam 05-18-2018 02:03 AM


Originally Posted by Oriphiel (Post 1951990)
Dazzler, who absorbs sound waves and uses them as her power source: Hey look, a bad guy.

Klaw, a bad guy who is literally made up of soundwaves: I'm gonna kick your ass, Dazzler!

Dazzler: Lol. Get inside me, retard.

And then she absorbs him.

And then she gets put on trial for murder.


This is a thing, and yet Marvel/Disney is wasting time making all those other movies?

The Batlord 05-18-2018 02:48 AM


Originally Posted by MicShazam (Post 1952053)
This is a thing, and yet Marvel/Disney is wasting time making all those other movies?

And don't forget she was a disco superhero.

MicShazam 05-18-2018 02:59 AM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1952060)
And don't forget she was a disco superhero.

It would be entertaining as hell. If a Bollywood company had owned the Marvel rights, they'd have made it long ago.

Oriphiel 05-18-2018 03:40 AM

A Dazzler movie would be the greatest thing ever if they didn't try to modernize it. Just set that shit in 1981 where it belongs and embrace the power of Disco.

But yeah, I'm in love with this series. Even though it has too much family drama, cheesy anti-drug and anti-show business tangents, and random bouts of self-doubt (Dazzler just beat Enchantress in a sing-off and told off Galactus when he was being a bitch, so WHY IS SHE AFRAID OF SOME RANDOM GUY THAT SNATCHED HER PURSE?) but when she lets loose, her powers and character design are so fucking awesome.

Plus, the self-doubt isn't so bad, 'cause it leads to a part where she and She Hulk steal a truck, and She Hulk gives her a pep talk.

Oriphiel 05-18-2018 04:24 AM

Btw, Batty, I finally got around to buying the first trade of the latest Hawkeye series that you rec'd a long time ago. Haven't read it yet, though.

The Batlord 05-18-2018 11:00 AM

You mean this?

Oriphiel 05-18-2018 11:19 AM

This one:

The Batlord 05-18-2018 11:22 AM

Ah, that is not at all what I was talking about and I haven't read it yet, but Kate Bishop is fantastic so I'm gonna have to at some point. Damn though, they lost Matt Fraction as writer.

DwnWthVwls 05-18-2018 02:51 PM

Anyone read this?


The Batlord 05-18-2018 02:58 PM

The only part I read was a tie-in mini-series because it got dropped right in the middle of a series I was reading. Was good. And yes that's Angela from Spawn. She's a Marvel character now and Thor's long lost sister.

DwnWthVwls 05-18-2018 03:03 PM

I've been exploring graphic novels a lot lately and have a huge amazon list going.. Not really big on the super hero genre but 1602 caught my attention. Maybe I'll pick it up. Still need to finish Fables and Sandman

Have you drooled over this guys collection yet?

The Batlord 05-18-2018 03:11 PM


Originally Posted by DwnWthVwls (Post 1952295)
I've been exploring graphic novels a lot lately and have a huge amazon list going.. Not really big on the super hero genre but 1602 caught my attention. Maybe I'll pick it up. Still need to finish Fables and Sandman

I will continue to shill for this comic until someone ****ing reads it. You don't like superheroes? Well here's a bat**** crazy superhero comic that makes Watchmen (which this author also wrote) look almost traditional. You are not ready.


Have you drooled over this guys collection yet?

Had to keep pausing the video to judge his collection. Nice stuff.

DwnWthVwls 05-18-2018 03:20 PM

I don't have a problem with the super hero genre (except for Batman, fuck him).. They are far too expansive to justify starting (I want to be able to finish something I start).. I might eventually pick up the main xmen series or something (and pretend like the story arcs dont exist), but for now im focused on smaller series.

Cool suggestion.. I'm interested in anything Gaiman atm, I've read 3-4 things by him at this point and I've enjoyed them all.

The Batlord 05-18-2018 03:24 PM


Originally Posted by DwnWthVwls (Post 1952307)
I don't have a problem with the super hero genre (except for Batman, fuck him).. They are far too expansive to justify starting (I want to be able to finish something I start).. I might eventually pick up the main xmen series or something (and pretend like story arcs dont exist), but for now im focused on smaller series.

Miracleman is connected to nothing and consists of 24 issues. It's not a major commitment as far as comics go. And it was written by Alan Moore, until he left and was replaced by Neil Gaiman, so it's clearly a no-brainer.

DwnWthVwls 05-18-2018 03:32 PM

Edit: I'll add it to the list :D Sounds like something I'd enjoy. Thanks.

Here's my current Amazon graphic novel shopping list, in no particular order:

Sweet Tooth
Morning Glories
The Arrival
Locke and Key
Through the Woods
Rat Queens
Lady Mechanika
The Autumnlands
Wizard's Tale
Sex Criminals
Silver Surfer: Requiem (someone forced this on me :X)
Wicked and The Divine
Y: The Last Man
My Favorite Thing Is Monsters

DwnWthVwls 05-18-2018 03:36 PM

I kinda wanna check out Swamp Thing too.. I remember liking the toys as a kid, but dont know much about it.

The Batlord 05-18-2018 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by DwnWthVwls (Post 1952312)
I kinda wanna check out Swamp Thing too.. I remember liking the toys as a kid, but dont know much about it.

Alan Moore's Swamp Thing run is orgasmically good. Highly recommended. And The Wicked + The Divine is also pretty fantastic. One of the main characters is basically and intentionally Kanye West as a literal god. You should also throw some Judge Dredd on that list BTW.

****ing Swamp Thing though.

DwnWthVwls 05-18-2018 04:14 PM

Trippy and creepy af.

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