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The Batlord 12-08-2015 04:33 PM

Not to brag... but I was an OG Sonic comic fan back in the day. Probably started reading before issue #5 even came out.

You may touch me, but not too much. My magic is finite.

Oriphiel 12-08-2015 05:30 PM

Black Francis 12-09-2015 10:26 AM

Regarding the movies, i gotta say, im on board with what DC seems to be doing. I saw that new Batman Vs Superman trailer and i liked the fact that Superman and Wonderwoman are played by relatively unknown actors.

It's refreshing not to see the same old hollywood stars you see in every goddamn movie, that's ok for other movies but with superhero movies the character themselves are already great so you don't always need a trendy hollywood star to play them.

Some are great like Downey playing Iron man but for other characters it's not really necessary because just cause you have an A-List actor that doesn't mean you'll have a good movie, the Green lantern painfully proved that.

The Batlord 12-09-2015 12:34 PM

Oh, and while I'm only halfway through the Ant-Man movie, I'm pretty sure Wasp is both an old lady and dead in the MCU. So... I imagine that's a no on Janet.

Oriphiel 12-09-2015 02:39 PM

Death hasn't stopped her before, why start now? She's been blown up, eaten by the Blob, jettisoned into a microverse, put into a coma, and more, but she always comes back. :laughing:

The Batlord 12-09-2015 04:41 PM

Did she ever come back from back from being roughly the same age as Michael Douglass?

Oriphiel 12-09-2015 06:06 PM

That shit was just for the movie. Which I haven't seen yet. :laughing:

But you know Marvel. If the fans want a dead/old character to come back, they can just rejuvenate them and explain it away later. So here's hoping the Wasp eventually gets her due. :yeah:

The Batlord 12-09-2015 06:30 PM

I don't think Wasp is popular enough for her for Marvel to care. I'm totally down for an Ultimates movie, though, so we get to see Ant-Man vs. Wasp (an actual name of one of the ****ing issues).

Oriphiel 12-09-2015 06:33 PM

Remember back in the Secret Invasion when Pym thought he was such a badass bossing Wasp around, but then Wasp exploded and he got all mopey and tried to become a man-Wasp? :laughing:

The Batlord 12-09-2015 06:43 PM

Haven't read Secret Invasion. I find it incredibly difficult to maintain the attention span to keep up with those big-as-**** mega-events.

Oriphiel 12-09-2015 06:55 PM

On the one hand, it's tough to keep up with big events. On the other, you get to see Warbird Ms. Marvel wrecking super skrulls. :laughing:

Anyway, I've got a question. How do you feel about the All New All Different Avengers? I keep seeing it around, but I haven't given it a shot yet, and I don't know if I want to try to keep up as it goes on.

The Batlord 12-09-2015 07:19 PM

I haven't heard very good things about a lot of current Avengers titles, so I haven't read any of them except for the first few story arcs of Uncanny Avengers, which is/was fantastic. The first team was Captain America, Scarlet Witch, Thor, Rogue, Wolverine, Havok, soon joined by Wasp, Wonder Man, and Sunfire.

They fought Red Skull with part of Charles Xavier's brain implanted in his own, and then the Apocalypse twins. It was totally ****ing epic. Not to mention getting to see Scarlet Witch and Rogue bitch at each other because SW nearly destroyed mutantkind, and Rogue ****ed Wanda's father.

Oriphiel 12-10-2015 05:40 AM

Shucks. Well, I guess I'll hold off on most of the new Avengers stuff for now.


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1658794)
They fought Red Skull with part of Charles Xavier's brain implanted in his own, and then the Apocalypse twins. It was totally ****ing epic. Not to mention getting to see Scarlet Witch and Rogue bitch at each other because SW nearly destroyed mutantkind, and Rogue ****ed Wanda's father.

Oh Xavier, constantly getting mind-jacked. :laughing:

The Batlord 12-10-2015 09:43 AM

Actually he's dead ATM. Red Skull just dug up his body and scooped out his brain.

Black Francis 12-10-2015 02:37 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1658942)
Actually he's dead ATM. Red Skull just dug up his body and scooped out his brain.

To implant it on himself?

The Batlord 12-10-2015 02:53 PM


Originally Posted by Black Francis (Post 1659079)
To implant it on himself?

In himself. So that he could gain Prof X's psychic powers. Don't you just love comic books?

Black Francis 12-10-2015 03:44 PM

Did it work?

I do, btw ive been reading the Batman comics and enjoying howbatsh*t crazy Harvey Dent is.

The Batlord 12-10-2015 04:09 PM


Originally Posted by Black Francis (Post 1659117)
Did it work?

I do, btw ive been reading the Batman comics and enjoying howbatsh*t crazy Harvey Dent is.

Of course it worked, it's comic books. He used his powers to make New York City go crazy and start murdering anyone they thought was a mutant.

And I have the entirety of Grant Morrison's Batman comics now uploaded to Mediafire, including Arkham Asylum, whenever you're ready.

Black Francis 12-10-2015 04:27 PM

Great! i was gonna ask you for Arkham asylum. that red skull arc sounds pretty interesting.

The Batlord 12-10-2015 04:51 PM


Originally Posted by Black Francis (Post 1659137)

Great! i was gonna ask you for Arkham asylum. that red skull arc sounds pretty interesting.

Bam! That's everything. And if you want Uncanny Avengers then either you're gonna have to wait for me to upload that ****. Even the site I normally go to only has dead links for the first sixteen issues, and the other one seems to be dead or something. Now I'm in panic mode to find more reliable sites with large libraries as my web of contacts is taking ever more hits, and these sites are not advertised.

Black Francis 12-10-2015 04:56 PM

Thnx man. :)

How bout the the Avengers Vs the Xmen one? that's the story that leads into that one, no? is that one easier to find?

The Batlord 12-10-2015 05:21 PM


Originally Posted by Black Francis (Post 1659177)
Thnx man. :)

How bout the the Avengers Vs the Xmen one? that's the story that leads into that one, no? is that one easier to find?

I know **** all about that series, and my findings on my go-to site are confusing, so make of this what you will and figure it out for yourself.

Search Results avenger vs x-men

Pretty sure this is the Avengers vs. X-Men limited series, but not the assuredly countless tie-in books.

Wait, I think this might be the whole thing.

Oriphiel 12-10-2015 05:24 PM

Is Avengers v.s. the X-Men the thing when both the X-Men and the Avengers were trying to track down Magneto? 'Cause if so, that's back when She Hulk was an Avenger. Good times.

Also, if I remember correctly, the Russian version of the Avengers pop up, and are like "Fuck you guys! Take us seriously!" :laughing:

Edit: Whoops, nah, I was thinking of this:

The Batlord 12-10-2015 05:29 PM


Originally Posted by Suzy Creamcheese (Post 1659192)
Is Avengers v.s. the X-Men the thing when both the X-Men and the Avengers were trying to track down Magneto? 'Cause if so, that's back when She Hulk was an Avenger. Good times.

Also, if I remember correctly, the Russian version of the Avengers pop up, and are like "Fuck you guys! Take us seriously!" :laughing:

Nah, that was apparently in the 80s. This was back in 2012 I think.

Black Francis 12-10-2015 05:29 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1659187)
I know **** all about that series, and my findings on my go-to site are confusing, so make of this what you will and figure it out for yourself.

Search Results avenger vs x-men

Pretty sure this is the Avengers vs. X-Men limited series, but not the assuredly countless tie-in books.

Avengers vs X-Men 00-12 Complete

Wait, I think this might be the whole thing.

Avengers vs. X-Men (2014 COMPLETE)

I think that's it. im getting way ahead of myself though, im still downloading the Batman ones. just thought i ask in case you knew it.

The Batlord 12-10-2015 05:38 PM


Originally Posted by Black Francis (Post 1659194)
I think that's it. im getting way ahead of myself though, im still downloading the Batman ones. just thought i ask in case you knew it.

Now you see my dilemma. I have comics that I downloaded a year-and-a-half ago, when I first started downloading, that I still haven't read. I have no idea how many issues I have, but it's definitely in the thousands, and quite possibly the tens of thousands.

Don't tell Marvel.

The Batlord 12-10-2015 05:40 PM


Originally Posted by Suzy Creamcheese (Post 1659192)

That's some sweet, sweet art. I mean Rogue is just stylin' up in here.

Oriphiel 12-10-2015 06:14 PM

You gotta love 1980s era costumes. :laughing:

The Batlord 12-10-2015 06:18 PM

And those movement lines. Meow. And the way Captain America's glove is twice the size of his head is just inspiring.

The Batlord 12-12-2015 02:34 PM

Just started reading Avengers vs. X-Men and I just finished the prologue, Avengers: X-Sanction, and it was pretty sweet watching Cable take down each member of the Avengers one-by-one, Batman-style. Dude's a tactical beast.

Oriphiel 12-13-2015 09:26 AM

So, what's the Avengers line-up in it? Is it just the usual suspects (Cap, Thor, Tony, Pym, Janet, Banner, Mr. Wakanda, Scarlet Witch, etc.)?

The Batlord 12-13-2015 10:07 AM

Well that's the thing. At this point there are three Avengers teams: the Avengers, the New Avengers, and the Secret Avengers. But they all tend to mix and match throughout the series since it's an "all hands on deck" kinda thing.

Avengers: Captain America, Iron Man, Hawkeye, Storm, Red Hulk, Spider-Woman, and the Protector.

New Avengers: Wolverine, Luke Cage, Dr. Strange, Ms. Marvel, Mockingbird, the Thing, Jessica Jones (actually just quit the team), Iron Fist, Daredevil, and Spider-Man.

Secret Avengers: Thor, Valkyrie, Vision, Ms. Marvel (double dipping), War Machine, Beast, Captain Britain, and the Protector (also double dipping).

So in answer to your question, everybody's an Avenger. Even Superman is probably an Avenger. As for the Scarlet Witch, she's kinda still persona non grata after House of M, but she's around. Quicksilver's there too, but I guess he's not on any team since he's hiding out with his sister.

Oh, and there's even a tie-in mini-series, Avengers vs. X-Men: Versus, that proudly proclaims that it has no plot, and only concentrates on individual match-ups. Magneto vs. Iron Man was ****ing epic.

Oriphiel 12-13-2015 11:21 AM

Groovy. :laughing:

So, how did Cable beat 'em all?

The Batlord 12-13-2015 11:34 AM


Originally Posted by Suzy Creamcheese (Post 1660075)
Groovy. :laughing:

So, how did Cable beat 'em all?

Spoiler for Spoilers for Avengers: X-Sanction:
First, he sniped Falcon and stuck him in a containment device which looks like a Bacta tank, led Captain America to the cargo ship where he was keeping Falcon, which was supposed to distract him so that Cable could beat him in one-on-one combat, similarly led Iron Man into the same trap and used a future-version of an Iron Man suit to beat him, infected Red Hulk with the nano virus infecting Cable's own body, but then it all went to **** when Cyclops and Cable's adopted daughter, Hope, showed up.

The Batlord 12-13-2015 10:56 PM

Possibly second only to Alan Moore in the realm of superhero deconstruction is god damn Mark Millar (I say possibly merely because Mark has done so many more decon stories than Moore). The Ultimates, Kick-Ass, Civil War, Superman: Red Son, and even other **** I haven't read yet, such as The Authority, are some of the best comics, superhero deconstruction or not, that I have ever read (alright, I've only read a bit of Civil War, but still). I am now reading Wanted, and it is awesome.

Mark Millar is the ****ing **** and superhero deconstruction is his bitch.

The Batlord 12-14-2015 07:33 PM

Just about to watch Captain America: The Winter Soldier, and am I the only one who gets giddy whenever they see this intro...

No matter what movie it is, it instantly gets me stoked.

Oriphiel 12-15-2015 04:26 AM

I love the intro, too. It's very simple, especially the older version, but it always makes me want to go out and be a badass.

Oriphiel 12-19-2015 05:36 AM

All hail Thorpool!

prisoner437x3y0 12-21-2015 10:23 AM

alan moore's "miracle man" is one of the most awesome f'd up re imaginings of a children material of any medium.

anyone here ever read batman year 100? dystopian future, old batman, can't use electronics because gov has power to disable them. Has to use rope and ****. Its awesome

Oriphiel 12-27-2015 03:55 AM

Fuck yeeeeeaaaaaah!

Loved it. But there are plenty of lighthearted comedy mags in the same vein out right now, so it might have trouble standing out. The story carries off right where the latest She Hulk series ended, in which Patsy was Jen's investigator, and I think they might have been better off keeping the personality and tone that she had in that series. You know, funny and optimistic, but also somewhat depressed and worn down by all the shit she's been through. The current Patsy is a ridiculous ball of energy that occasionally goes into chibi-mode. Reminds me of her "Cheese and crackers!" glory days of constant quips ("This'll be a cat-astrophe for me!").

Also, the art is perfect for the tone. It's like Marvel mashed with Archie Comics, with some anime thrown in the mix. It just kinda works. Anyway, even though lighthearted comedy is kinda Hellcat's signature thing, after her last few cameos and short series' (especially that super goofy one where she goes to Alaska) I think she's overdo for some comics with a serious tone, and just a splash of comedy. You know, a badass series with a unique story, one that explores and defines everything that the character is and has been through, something that'd help drag her out of her relative obscurity. Because right now, even though I think this latest series is cream so far, I can understand where people are coming from when they say that the creator's are going for that sweet, sweet Squirrel Girl money.

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